1991 - 1994: Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague

Ing. Lenka Kouřimská, Ph. D. (nee Konířová)
1991 - 1994: Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague
Ph. D. in the field of food chemistry and analysis
1985 - 1990: Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague
Master of Science in food chemistry and analysis, food preservation and meat
Study stays:
1989, 1990, 1991 and 1993:
University of Reading, Dept. of Food Science and Technology
(Food Biosciences)
Always 2 or 3-month study stays on IAESTE or Tempus program
1990 - 1991: Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague
Study stay at the Dept. of Food Chemistry and Analysis
Professional experience:
2004 - pres.: Czech University of Agriculture in Prague
Dept. of Quality of Agricultural Products – (2011 head of the dept.)
2003 - 2004: Institute of Public Health in Prague – Laboratory Department
Food and water analysis by instrumental methods
1994 - 2003: Analab Praha s.r.o. – Certified Laboratory of Food Analysis
Food analysis by instrumental and classical methods
Teaching subjects:
Sensory analysis of agricultural products
Research interests:
Lipid oxidation, antioxidants, oil degradation during frying
Sensory analysis - organoleptic changes of agricultural products during processing and storage
Milk and dairy - farm milk processing, milk analysis, goat milk, whey composition and utilization
Citation index (WOS): 138, h-index: 3.
Recent publications:
1. Kouřimská, L., Václavíková, K., Babička, L., Koudela, M., Prokůpková, L., Miholová, D., Kolihová, D.
(2008): The effect of fermented pig slurry fertilization on the quality of vegetables. Acta Universitatis
Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 56, 251-258.
2. Poustková, I., Kouřimská, L., Václavíková, K., Miholová, D., Babička, L. (2009): The Effect of Fertilization
Method on Selected Elements Content in Tomatoes (Lycopersicon lycopersicum). Czech Journal of
Food Sciences, 27, s394-s396.
3. Kouřimská, L., Babička, L., Václavíková, K., Miholová, D., Pacáková, Z., Koudela, M. (2009): The Effect
of Fertilization with Fermented Pig Slurry on the Quantitative and Qualitative Papameters of Tomatoes
(Solanum lycopersicum). Soil & Water Research, 4, 116-121.
4. Chrpová, D., Kouřimská, L., Gordon, M.H., Heřmanová V., Roubíčková, I., Pánek, J. (2010): Antioxidant
activity of selected phenols and herbs used in diets for medical conditions. Czech Journal of Food
Sciences, 28, 317-325.
5. Babička, L., Kožnarová, V., Poustková, I., Pulkrábek, J., Kouřimská, L., Šišková, J., Šmolík, J. (2010):
Digestát – hnojivo pro cukrovku. Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské, 126, 106-109.
6. Legarová, V., Kouřimská, L. (2010): The effect of κ-casein genotype on the quality of milk and fresh
cheese. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 41, 213-217.
7. Legarová, V., Kouřimská, L., Hájková, J. (2010): Laktosa a její změny během fermentace syrovátky a
mléka termofilními bakteriemi mléčného kvašení, Chemické Listy, 104, s653-s656.
8. Kouřimská, L., Chrpová, D., Pánek, J., Kolesárová, L., Legarová, V. (2010): Analytické metody
hodnocení účinnosti antioxidantů ve vybraných druzích koření, Chemické Listy, 104, s441-s444.
9. Legarová, V., Kouřimská, L. (2010): Sensory quality evaluation of whey-based beverages. Mljekarstvo,
60, 280-287.
The most prestigious publications (in English):
1. Owens, J. D., Konířová, L., Thomas D.S.: Causes of conductance changes in yeast cultures: Journal of
Applied Bacteriology 1992, 72, 32 - 38.
2. Kouřimská, L., Pokorný, J., Tirzitis, G.D.: The antioxidant activity of 2,6-dimethyl-3,5-diethoxycarbonyl1,4-dihydropyridine in edible oils. Chemical Reactions in Foods II., Proceedings, 1992, 211 - 214.
3. Kouřimská, L., Pokorný, J., Tirzitis, G.D.: The antioxidant activity of 2,6-dimethyl-3,5-diethoxycarbonyl1,4-dihydropyridine in edible oils. Die Nahrung 37 (1993) 1, 91 - 93.
4. Kouřimská, L., Pokorný, J.: Use of hydrogenated rapeseed oil for French frying in household fryers. Die
Nahrung 38 (1994) 4, 412-417.
5. Gordon, M.H., Kourimská, L.: Effect of antioxidants on losses of tocopherols during deep-fat frying, Food
Chemistry 52 (2) (1995) 175-177.
6. Gordon, M.H.; Kourimska, L.: The effects of antioxidants on changes in oils during heating and deep
frying. J. Sci. Food Agric., 68 (3), 347-353 (English) 1995.
Language skills:
Spanish, French:
First Certificate in English (1993), State Language Exam (2003)
State Language Exam (1989)
Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources
Department of Quality of Agricultural Products
Tel.: +420 224 383 507
E-mail: kourimska@af.czu.cz