Conference Workshop Breakdowns

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Martin Armstrong
Strategic Leadership: Leading Ordinary People in Achieving Extraordinary Results
Why is it that some individuals in leadership roles do such a poor job in yielding results? A
contributing factor to poor results is the lack of a strategic leadership plan that concisely tells
communicates specific actions for accomplishing goals and objectives. This workshop will
examine strategic leadership tools that will help you lead ordinary people in achieving
extraordinary results!
Workshop Overview:
Dr. Martin Armstrong (APA Speaker’s Bureau; VP, Payroll Shared Services Time Warner Cable)–
Organizational Change: Change Up or Get Moved Out
Empirical research suggests that 70% of organizational change initiatives fail. If you depend on
the actions of others for your successes or failures, if you are accountable for visible projects
that can promote or demote you, then you’ve come to the right workshop! This discussion will
provide insightful information as to why employees resist change and 6 change readiness drivers
that affect successful organization change.
Dr. Martin Armstrong (APA Speaker’s Bureau; VP, Payroll Shared Services Time Warner Cable)–
Disciplined Decision Making
Decision Making is not derived from a hypothesis but instead it is a disciplined
science. Most decisions are made by moving back and forth between the
choice of criteria and the identification of alternatives. In this session, we will
discuss decision making techniques that will help reduce the uncertainty, doubt,
and bias around identifying alternate choices to best meet a decision point.
George Mavrantaz (Global Cash Card) –
The Benefits of a Paperless Paycard Program
How a Paycard Program Maximizes Direct Deposit Enrollment and Helps Your Company
Go 100% Paperless.
Manan Shah (KPMG) – Multistate Employment Taxes – A Multi-Faceted Approach
Employers that operate in multiple states and are challenged by the complex laws and
regulations of the various states in which they operate. Due to the economy and an
ever-growing need for a mobile workforce, payroll teams are often required to make
taxing determinations for state withholding and unemployment for employees that
perform services in multiple states. This session will focus on employment tax
requirements for multistate employers, sourcing of wages for state income tax
withholding and unemployment purposes, potential impacts of proposed legislation,
and best practices to stay in compliance.
Manan Shah (KPMG) - The ABC’s of M&A – An Employment Tax Focus
In the current economy, there has been a steady increase in mergers, acquisitions and
reorganizations among companies. As a result, most payroll teams are required to
implement significant changes to their payroll function and comply with the complex
federal, state and local employment tax requirements within a short period of time. This
session will focus on the employment tax aspects of mergers, acquisitions and
reorganizations and what employers should be reviewing and initiating from the due
diligence phase through the acquisition and post-transaction requirements. We will
also discuss the implications of the various types of transactions (stock deals, asset
purchases, mergers) on payroll taxes, filing requirements and options, as well as best
practices to stay in compliance.
William (Roy) Richardson (DOL – WHD, Community Outreach & Planning Specialist) –
FMLA part 1
FMLA part 2
FLSA Exemptions / Misclassifications
Service Contract Act for businesses contracting with the federal government
FLSA for state and local governments
Guest worker visas: The ‘H’ program
FLSA comprehensive part 1
FLSA comprehensive part 2
Patricia Hill (Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP) 
Fair Labor Standards Act from an Employment Law Perspective
Technology in the Workplace (Social Media etc)
Katie Davies & Kathryn Newport (Radius, formerly High Street Partners) –
Session 1: International Expansion 101
Overview of the various operational and technical considerations that need to be planned for
and addressed in advance of undertaking international expansion.
The presentation will include a high level overview of the key areas related to concepts of
permanent establishment, corporation tax and indirect tax considerations, hiring local and
expatriate employees, as well as other mandatory legal and compliance related obligations
Session 2: Expatriate Payroll and compensation design
Overview of various expatriate considerations
Expatriate compensation design
Specific attention to tax reimbursement methodologies arising from exposure to host country
Addressing resultant payroll considerations, design and compliance related matters associated
with expatriate employees
Session 3: HR considerations for local hires in international locations
Consideration and awareness of local employment laws – the typical “gotchas”
Review of local hire recruitment and hiring procedures
Local hire compensation and employee benefit design
Ken Madley & Jim Manfield (Kronos) - HR Preparedness: Essential Needs for 2014 and Beyond....
With complicated regulations such as the Affordable Care Act, FMLA, and minimum wage compliance, it
is now more important than ever for HR and payroll leaders to understand what is merely interesting
and what is critically important in regards to HR technology, so they can take their much-needed seat at
the table in more strategic matters. In this session, Jim Manfield and Ken Madley, from Kronos
Incorporated, will discuss the latest regulations and technology that can help you navigate your way
through 2014 and beyond ... and communicate better with your workforce along the way.
Rob Giese, Deborah Wilkes & Pam Buchanan (Lexicon Relocation)
Workshop #1: Introduction to Domestic & Global Relocation Compensation Services .
Introduction to both US Domestic and Global Issues - Overview of the different policy types: LTA,
STA, Permanent Transfer.
Expats and Inpats - Discussion on difference between expats and inpats, and their effect on payroll
Policy and Process - Understanding the Importance of global relocation policy and process design
Workshop #2: Introduction to Domestic & Global Relocation Compensation Services .
Tax Treaties - Overview on importance of income and social tax treaties
Tax Compliance - Overview of tax compliance to help provide attendees gain a better
understanding of risks involved
Economic Employer - Discussion of what it is, impact on existing "tax triggers" in international tax
treaties and compliance
Permanent Establishment - Understanding when taxation is triggered, and the importance of
tracking employees days outside of home country
US Domestic relocation taxation methodologies in addition to legal issues surrounding Global
Take Away:
Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of global mobility and international compensation
services. They will build a solid understanding of the global mobility process, and its effects on payroll
administration facilitating their application of this knowledge to their day-to-day job
function. Attendees will walk away knowing when to raise "red flags" in order to prevent potential
costly mistakes and maintain compliance. In addition, a packet will be provided to all attendees with
helpful information including an all-encompassing series titled "Mastering the Fundamentals" which
includes detailed information on global terminology, global tax challenges, global policy types, global
policy development, global policy design, and global policy contents sample.
Richard Bate (Asst Dir/Investigator US DOL VETS) – USERRA: What Matters in Protecting Our Service
Members’ Employment Rights – Reemployment for Service Members.
Michael (David) Clay & Donnie Wells (US Dept of Homeland Security & I.C.E.) – An Introduction to the
Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 and E-Verify
The following items will be covered in this workshop:
1. A brief history of the origins of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
2. The law that introduced the requirement to use the Form I-9
3. The proper completion of the Form I-9
4. Recommendations for self-auditing your I-9 completion process
5. An introduction to E-Verify and the Social Security Number Verification Service
Donna Padgug (US Small Business Admin)- Small Business and the Affordable Care Act
This workshop is designed to provide information to small business owners on the impact of the
Affordable Care Act. Learn about “SHOP” – the Small Business Health Options Program and other
aspects of the Affordable Care Act of interest to small business owners.
Sarah H. Plowman (IRS - SB/SE Employment Tax) - Overview of Employment Tax Requirements and
Worker Classification
Sarah H. Plowman (IRS - SB/SE Employment Tax) – Preparing for an IRS Audit
Dallas Wilfong (WEX) - Simplifying PayCards in Today's World
There has been a lot of attention on PayCards in the media and from consumer groups, state
and policy makers. While the increased focus by some of these groups has seemed almost
overwhelming at times, it does provide us with the opportunity to address and dispel some of the myths
surrounding PayCards today.