Timeline of Activities 9:00-10:30 Jonathan Schell’s Speech 11:00-12:30 International Webcast 12:30-12:35 Grand Prize Giveaway 12:30-1:00 Luncheon 1:00-1:15 Steve Arndt “Greening of UWO” 1:15-1:45 Environmental Audit Presentation 1:45-1:55 Chip Bircher from WPS 1:55-2:00 Green Power Presentation 2:00-2:30 Discussion: “The Greening of UWO” The Environmental Audit at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Presented By: Angela LeNoble Michael Greene Iryna Depenchuk The Origins of the Audit The first Earth Charter Community Summit Administration’s encouragement and assistance Education major and a minor in Environmental Studies Approximately 42 courses offered Earth Charter Environmental Organizations Recommendations University wide requirement Workshops to train professors how to add green content to their courses Teach by example Organize and attend events Energy Heating Plant WPS energy sources Green Power ECO’s Consumption Total KWH Consumption Last year: Millions 3,049,350Therms $ 1,186,490.04 35 30 25 20 1996- 1997- 1998- 1999- 2000- 2001- 20021997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 31,464,000 KWH Total Electricity Cost Energy Cost per Student $244.65 Thousands $ 1,339,655.46 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 1996- 1997- 1998- 1999- 2000- 2001- 20021997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Plant FMC Blackhawk River Elmwood Reeve Oviat Scott Grunhagen Evans Stewart Nelson Fletcher Taylor Breeze Donner Clemens Webster NE A&C Kolf Clow pollock Swart Radford Polk Harrington Halsey Dempsey Albee Consumption (cont.) Electrical Efficiency Electrical Efficiency by Building 2002-2003 Recommendations Create excitement around energy conservation on campus Take advantage of free training and benchmarking tools Require conservation training for CA’s Educational campaigns Encourage students to come up with energy saving ideas Dining Services Sodexho’s company-wide reputation Sodexho at UWO Waste created by packaging Ultimate Dining program Organic and vegetarian food options 23% of food purchases are meat Recommendations Request product information from all companies that supply Sodexho food Conduct a waste stream audit Revitalize vegetarian options on campus Purchase and make available more organic options to students Water Consumption totaled 76,738,068 gallons Scott Hall, Gruenhagen, And Blackhawk account for the highest consumption Account for 1.75% of the Wastewater Treatment plant’s total inflow cubic feet in 100's The University's Total Water Usage 40000 37000 34000 31000 28000 25000 22000 19000 16000 13000 10000 2/25/005/25/00 5/25/008/24/00 8/24/00- 11/29/00- 2/2320111/29/00 2/23/01 5/25/01 5/25/018/27/01 8/27/01- 11/26/01- 2/22/0211/26/01 2/22/02 5/23/02 5/23/028/23/02 Recommendations Develop and implement a comprehensive water conservation program and policy Reuse gray water Landscaping Teach students about the importance of water conservation Take a personal initiative to reduce consumption and improve water quality Transportation Cars: Around 3,083 parking spaces are available 7,350 students get to campus by cars 2,000 carpool permits were sold in 2002-03 Buses: Cooperation with Oshkosh Transit 20 % increase (26, 291 rides) Bicycles: 38 bike racks Problems Shortage of parking spaces: 400 resident and 500 commuter spaces 300-500 students on the waiting list Around 500 cars parked in the outside areas Bus system runs only till 6 p.m. Shortage of bike racks, problems with safety Recommendations: Encourage carpooling: Flex time Multiple licenses on one permit Motorist assistance program Faculty: workday/workplace routine Emergency Ride Home program Update rideshare board Use buses More and better bike racks Waste 960.86 tons a year mixed paper, cardboard, co-mingled materials and trash. Total amounts of solid waste generated in 2002 co-mingled mixed paper cardboard trash Current situation Recycling program was created in 1992 A downward trend is observed UW Oshkosh recycling 1000 900 800 700 600 tons 500 400 300 200 100 0 Co-mingled Mixed paper Corrugated cardboard Trash 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 year Recommendations Put recycling bins in every classroom Buy more recycled products Encourage use of 100% recycled paper SEAC-recycling campaign: “Clothing mountain” campaign Surveys Art, Music, Literature Field trip Resolutions Future of the Audit Continue to research and analyze other university operations and activities Continue to Identify cost and waste saving opportunities and formulate programs to address them Inform the campus and community about findings and recommendations Institutionalize the audit process