May 2013 Agenda English III Ms. Robbins – M117 Mon., 4/29 A LS Tu., 4/30 B (CST) 1. 2. 3. grammar review “check in” about Senior Exit Interview essay begin “Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain”, pgs. 308-315 and respond to questions 1-6 from Questions on Writing Strategy HW: none (This is in The Bedford Reader that we have in class.) Wed., 5/1 A (CST) Th., 5/2 B 1. 2. continue research paper presentations finish “Formaldehyde Curtain” HW: none Fri., 5/3 A Mon., 5/6 B LS 1. read “Chronicles of Ice”, pgs. 295-298 and respond to questions 1-5 from Questions on Meaning HW: none 2. (This is in The Bedford Reader that we have in class.) review grammar Tu., 5/7 A (CST) Wed., 5/8 B (CST) 1. 2. continue research paper presentations grammar review HW: Have you finished your SEI Essay? It is due 5/21 A and 5/22 B. Th., 5/9 A Fri., 5/10 B 1. 2. continue research paper presentations grammar review HW: none Mon., 5/13 A LS Tu., 5/14 B 1. 2. introduce the extra credit opportunity continue research paper presentations HW: Finish SEI Essay. Wed., 5/15 A Th., 5/16 B 1. 2. review for final exam continue research paper presentations HW: Study for the final exam. Fri., 5/17A Mon., 5/20 B LS 1. 2. “Chronicles of Ice”, pgs. 295-298 Answer Questions on Meaning, 1-5 HW: Type SEI Essay, 5/21 A and 5/22 B. Tu., 5/21 A Wed., 5/22 C 1. 2. 3. SEI Essay is due at the beginning of class “The Capricious Camera”, pgs. 358-364 Answer Questions on Language, 1-4 HW: Study for the final exam. Th., 5/23 A Fri., 5/24 B 1. 2. continue research paper presentations grammar review HW: none Tu., 5/28 A Wed., 5/29 B 1. give and observe extra credit presentations which are designed to prepare students for the final exam HW: none Th., 5/30 A Fri., 5/31B 1. give and observe extra credit presentations which are designed to prepare students for the final exam HW: Study for the final exam. (This is in The Bedford Reader that we have in class.) (This is in The Bedford Reader that we have in class.) * IMPORTANT REMINDERS for MAY 2013: 1.) School is closed on Monday, 5/27/13 in observance of Memorial Day. 2.) Senior check-out is Tu., 6/4/13. 3.) Graduation is Fri., 6/7/13 at 5 pm. 4.) The Senior Exit Interview (SEI) Essay is due on 5/21 A and 5/22 B. Students must pass this requirement in conjunction with passing their classes in order to graduate from any high school in MVUSD. The SEI will be graded by a panel at the District Office during the summer. You will find out if you passed in the fall. The schedule for 2013 CST’s is included below: CST testing will occur on: (1) ELA = Wed., 5/1 A (2) Math = Tu., 5/7 A (3) Science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Earth) = Wed., 5/8 B (4) Social Science/10th grade NCLB Life Science = Tu., 4/30 B Bell Schedule for these four days: Testing Block Break Testing Block Lunch 1/2 3/4 5 6/7 7:30-9:05 (95) 9:05-9:20 (15) 9:25-11:15 (110) 11:15-11:50 (35) 11:55-12:35 (40) 12:40-1:20 (40) 1:25-1:45 (20) 1:50-2:30 (40) (**Test times range from 55-90 mins.) (**Test times range from 55-105 mins.)