apollo rains down plague upon mortals…again

Ithaca Weekly
Publisher: Karsen
Editors: Chris, Bess, and Taylor
In this issue
In this issue of the
Ithaca Weekly, you will
find a section dedicated
to local stories and
news. There will also be
a space that is dedicated
to jokes, advertisements
and even a puzzle at the
end! Enjoy!
Apollo seems to be severly upset with the mortals for what
should be the last time. He is so angry with the mortals for
reasons that are unknown to anyone but the gods. It is
flabberghasting the amount of destruction one god could
cause…I believe that the reason he is hating on the mortals is
(continued on pg 118)
Spoiler alert
Odysseus leaves for
war 20 years ago
Telemachus is fed
up while Odysseus
struggles to make it
To be
to change
Odysseus has been spotted in the underworld! The
greatest man from the island of Ithaca is now
confirmed to be alive and well!
After some further investigation into the
disappearance of Odysseus, some key eyewitnesses have stepped up to share their knowledge
on the whereabouts of Odysseus. The goddess
Circe claims to have last seen Odysseus on her
homeland of Aeaea.
Another eyewitness, Odysseus’s own
mother Anticleia, who never fails to tell the
truth, can explain what she saw down in
“I did indeed encounter Odysseus on his journey
home when he stopped briefly on my Island, Aeaea. I
took actions into my own hands and drugged
Odysseus’s men. After only a few moments they were
all pigs, but Odysseus of course outwitted me and
used a special herb that thwarted my plan entirely! He
forced me to change all of his men back at once, so I
did as he commanded. I also knew I must not obey
Odysseus considering he is well-liked by the gods,
whom you are never to betray. Afterwards, I allowed
Odysseus and his men live with me for about a year,
but then Odysseus decided it was time for him to
continue his voyage home. He asked me for
directions for the quickest way
home to Ithaca, and I informed
him that he would have to take
the route through Hades to
speak to Tiresias to find the
way back. He thanked me for
my help and that was the last I
had seen of him.””
“’My love, how did you
come down to the cloudy
gloom, and you alive? It is
hard for the living to see
this place.’ This is the
truth of Hades, the
Kingdom of the Dead, that
I explained to my beloved
son Odysseus when I saw
his beautiful face. I had not
seen my son in a long time
considering the troubles he underwent on his attempted
journey back to his homeland, Ithaca. He described so
vividly both the issues of his wife Penelope and my
beloved grandson Telemachus, and I was shocked he had
lived this long through the extreme stress occurring in his
life. However, I was pleased to see him bravely taking
charge of his family and doing whatever he could to
survive through all of their family troubles. I was and still
am so proud of my Odysseus’s kind actions. This
encounter of ours, however, was the last time I had seen him.”
There you have it. Two of the
most respected people who were
at one point in time living on earth
with Odysseus have confirmed
that Odysseus is indeed alive and
certainly quite busy. We will
continue the investigation of
Odysseus’ whereabouts, but as for
now all of us at Ithaca Weekly hope
for his safe return home.
2. Odysseus' home
7. the Phaeacian king who hosts Odysseus
10. the only god who did not pity Odysseus
12. the cyclops blinded by Odysseus
15. the messenger of the gods also known as "the
giant killer"
16. the flowery fruit that can make men forget
their homes
17. father of Odysseus
19. prominent suitor who is the arch-enemy of
24. imprisoned Odysseus's men in a pig sty before
becoming his lover
25. member of Odysseus crew who is
encountered in the underworld
27. young daughter of Alcinous who is talland
beautiful as a goddess
28. sucked down salt water exposing her interior
vortex then vomited it up seething over like a
cauldron over a blazing fire
29. Odysseus had to be tied down to listen to
their song
30. the god whose cattle was consumed by
Odysseus' crew
31. giants who pelted rocks down on the the ships
of Odysseus' expedition
1. person who claimed responsibility for the cyclops' suffering
3. where Odysseus' journey home began
4. Nymph, envied by the gods for living with a mortal, who
delays Odysseus for seven years
5. the kind animal cared for by Eumaeus
6. herb with black roots and a white blossom given to
Oydesseus by Hermes
7. goddess who protects and helps Odysseus
8. creature with a dreadful bark, twelve feet, six scrawny necks
and triple rows of fangs
9. father of Zeus
11. ling of Pylos; the Gerenian Charioteer visited by
13. wife of Odysseus
14. husband of Helen and host of Telemachus
18. blind Theban prophet from whom Odysseus sought advice
in Hades
20. gave Odysseus a leather bag containing the boisterous
energies of the wind
21. beautiful wife of Menelaus
22. relationship of Telemachus to Odysseus
23. god who is cuckolded by his wife Aphrodite and Ares
26. the people who were raided during Odysseus' first stop on
his return from war
Works Cited
“Greek Underworld.” Chapter 10. n.p. n.d. Web. 30 April 2012. Image.
Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. W.H.D. Rouse. New York: Penguin Books, 1937. Print.
“Map of the Wonderings.” Chapter 12. Troy Bakeman. 2007. Web. 30 April 2012. Image.
“Odysseus.” Chapter 10. Matt Geib. n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. Image.
“Odysseus’ Ship.”.Chapter 2. n.p. n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2012. Image.