Heartland Community College Master Syllabus Division for Health & Human Services COURSE PREFIX AND NUMBER: NURS 241 COURSE TITLE: Nursing Care of Individuals with Acute Health Problems I DATE PREPARED: July 1, 1997 DATE REVISED: January, 2006 PCS/CIP/ID NO: 12-51.1601 IAI NO. Not Applicable EFFECTIVE DATE OF FIRST CLASS: October 14, 1998 CREDIT HOURS: 4 CONTACT HOURS: 6 LECTURE HOURS: 2 LABORATORY: 4 CATALOG DESCRIPTION (Include prerequisites): Prerequisites: Successful completion of NURS 122, NURS 240, BIOL 182, ENGL 101 and PSY 101; concurrent enrollment or successful completion of NURS 232, BIOL 191 and ENGL 102. This course in medical-surgical nursing focuses on clients with alterations in mobility, regulatory processes, sensori-neural processes and sensory deprivation. Orem's self-care model will be utilized by the student to apply critical thinking pathways to the individual with acute health problems. Scientific principles and clinical skills increase in complexity. Campus laboratory experiences enhance the development of increased dexterity and proficiency of techniques. Planned faculty-supervised experiences in acute care facilities provide students with the opportunity to implement their accrued knowledge and skill in providing nursing care. Clinical experiences are completed by observational experiences in specialty areas. TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER MATERIALS: REQUIRED: Carpenito-Moyet, L. J. (2010). Handbook of nursing diagnosis (13th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. Deglin, J. & Vallerand, A. (2009). Davis's drug guide for nurses (11th ed.) Philadelphia: Davis. Dudek, S. G. (2009). Nutrition essentials for nursing practice (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. Fishbach, F. (2009). A manual of laboratory & diagnostic tests (8th ed.). Albany NY: Delmar. Gahart, B., & Nazareno, A. (2012). Intravenous medications (28th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. Hockenberry, M., & Wilson, D. (2009). Wong's essentials of pediatric nursing (8th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. Lilley ,L., Harrington, S., & Snyder, J. (2011). Pharmacology and the nursing process (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Lewis, S., Heitkemper, M., & Dirksen, S. (2007). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (7th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. Morris, D. (2010). Calculate with Confidence (5th ed). St. Louis: Mosby Perry, P., & Potter, A. (2009). Clinical nursing skills & techniques (7th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. Mosby’s dictionary of medicine, nursing, and health professions (2009). (8th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. Recommended: Hockenberry, M., & Ward. (2009). Study guide for Wong’s essentials of pediatric nursing. (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. RELATIONSHIP TO ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND TRANSFER: NURS 241 fulfills 4 semester hours of credit in the associate degree program. This course was designed to meet the specific needs of an Associate of Applied Science degree or certificate program and not necessarily as a transfer course, particularly in relation to the Illinois Articulation Initiative. This course may transfer to various institutions in a variety of ways. Please see an academic advisor for an explanation concerning transfer options. COURSE OBJECTIVES (Learning Outcomes): Outcomes 1. Examine effective therapeutic communication in provision of care to individuals with acute health problems. 2. Examine components of the nursing process based on Orem’s self-care model with emphasis on care to individuals with acute health problems. 3. Employ evidence-based practice in performance of technical skills to individuals with acute health problems based on Orem’s self-care model. 4. Practice roles of the nurse within the parameters of legal practice while providing care to individuals with acute health problems. 5. Incorporate cultural variations in delivery of care to individuals with acute health problems. 6. Employ teaching/learning concepts to enhance selfcare ability of individuals with acute health problems. 7. Employ professional behavior in the clinical setting while caring for individuals with acute health problems. 8. Employ critical thinking skills in complex situations while caring for individuals with acute health problems. 9. Use self to maximize learning in care of individuals with acute health problems. GEO CO5 DI5 CT3 Range of Assessment Methods Clinical evaluation tool Process recording Examinations Concept Map Examinations Clinical practice Concept Map Examinations Clinical practice Poster-Paper Presentation Concept Map Examinations Clinical practice Clinical evaluation tool Class presentation Examinations Homework Assignments Concept Map Examinations Clinical practice Clinical evaluation tool Examinations Self-reflective Journal COURSE/LAB OUTLINE: Unit I Unit III Deprivations Assessment and Nursing Care of the Individual with Alterations in Mobility Unit II Assessment and Nursing Care of the Individual with Alterations in Regulatory Processes Assessment and Nursing Care of the Individual with Sensory Unit IV Assessment and Nursing Care of the Individual with Alterations in Sensori-neural Processes METHOD OF EVALUATION (Tests/Exams, Grading System): Students must achieve a “C” grade or better for satisfactory completion of a nursing course taken at Heartland Community College. The grading system will be as follows: A=90-100% B=80-89% C=75-79% D=70-74% F=Below 70% Theory consists of: Exam 1 – 20% Exam 2 – 20% Exam 3 – 20% Homework Assignments – 10% Paper & Poster Presentation – 10% Comprehensive Final Examination – 20% Clinical/lab skills will be tested and must be performed at a satisfactory level to pass the course. Clinical grades will consist of satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U). Students must pass both the theory and lab/clinical with a 75% or better, if a student's performance is unsatisfactory in the clinical area, the student will receive an “F” for the course. If the student’s performance in the clinical area is satisfactory but theory average is less than 75%, the student will receive a “D” or an “F” for the course. REQUIRED WRITING AND READING: Weekly self-reflective journal of the clinical experience. One (1) process recordings with assigned client. Concept map of nursing care plans as assigned. Individual paper and poster presentation. All papers must be legible. If writing, the student needs to write in black ink. Typing papers is the preferred method. The papers must be doubled spaced and adhere to APA format. All citations must appear in the reference list. Cite references accurately, completely. All references should be pertinent to the topic. Textbook assignments and handouts are to be read before class