ENGR 1181 | Midterm Exam 1: Study Guide and Practice Problems Disclaimer Problems seen in this study guide may resemble problems relating mainly to the pertinent homework assignments. Reading this study guide and solving the practice problems is not a sufficient level of studying for this exam. Students should also review the relevant reading material and PowerPoint slides as questions will be asked from those places as well. Please remember that the number of “show your work” practice problems exceeds the number of “show your work” exam problems. Exam Specifications 50 Points Total - 30 points multiple choice (15 questions, 2 pts. each) o Done on Carmen using a “lockdown browser” o No other internet access is allowed. Those accessing the internet otherwise will be sent to COAM. Please review OSU’s policy on academic misconduct. o Graded automatically and entered into Carmen, your score will be visible but any missed problems will not be shown immediately after the exam is over. - 20 points – 2 “show your work” problems - o Both problems will be on an excel seed file (problem 2 – tab 1, problem 3 – tab 2) Calculators are not allowed. The exam is closed book closed notes. No communication with other students is allowed. Please review OSU’s policy on academic misconduct. No use of cell phones. Name: Seat Number: __________ Content Review - Below is contained the content and learning objectives that will be tested on this exam. Not all learning objectives will be tested exactly as read, however students should use this material to keep track of what they need to be reviewing. 1. Introduction a. Teamwork Associated learning objectives State at least three reasons why teamwork is important in academia and industry List the five steps of the Problem Solving Method Identify problem categories commonly addressed by engineers b. Problem solving Associated learning objectives List the five steps of the Problem Solving Method c. Communications Associated learning objectives State at least three reasons why teamwork is important in academia and industry Discuss at least two specific uses for technical communication in engineering 2. Excel a. Data analysis and collection Associated learning objectives Define accuracy, precision, and resolution – asked in class quiz? Define the terms mean, median, mode, central tendency, and standard deviation Recognize and employ proper formatting of built-in excel functions Define accuracy, precision, and resolution b. Cell addressing Associated learning objectives Classify and differentiate among relative, absolute, and mixed cell referencing in Excel Recognize and employ proper formatting of built-in excel functions c. Algebra to excel Name: Seat Number: __________ Associated learning objectives Add, subtract, multiply, and divide in a spreadsheet 3. Labs a. Quality and productivity Associated learning objectives Describe how an engineer can help enhance productivity, speed, quality, cost and sustainability in the manufacturing process. Identify the core, fundamental principles of Lean (eliminating waste) and Sigma (reducing variation in the product). Explain the fundamental difference between PUSH and PULL systems on the assembly line. b. Circuits i. Ohm’s law ii. Series and parallel resistors iii. Voltage drop Associated learning objectives Recognize and assemble series and parallel circuits. Construct electric circuits using a breadboard. Demonstrate how voltage, current and resistance are measured. Identify and use Ohm’s Law, Power Law, Kirchhoff’s Current Law and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law. Calculate and measure the equivalent resistance of electric circuits. Employ the proper circuit configuration for a given scenario. 4. Excel a. Cell addressing Associated learning objectives Classify and differentiate among relative, absolute, and mixed cell referencing in Excel Recognize and employ proper formatting of built-in excel functions b. Algebra to excel Associated learning objectives Add, subtract, multiply, and divide in a spreadsheet c. Data analysis i. Algebra in excel ii. Cell addressing Associated learning objectives Create a new spreadsheet Add, subtract, multiply, and divide in a spreadsheet Enter and format column titles Add or delete columns, rows, and spreadsheets Name: Seat Number: __________ Keep column titles in sight as you scroll down a spreadsheet Print a spreadsheet and navigate printing options Add, subtract, multiply, and divide in a spreadsheet Effectively utilize relative, absolute, and mixed cell referencing in Excel worksheets Recognize and employ proper formatting of built-in Excel functions d. Graphing i. Type of graph ii. Proper formatting iii. Good practices Associated learning objectives Same as Data Analysis Name: Seat Number: __________ Practice Problems Problem 1: First open the seed file and click “enable editing” and “enable content”. You must allow the macro to run to use the file properly. Background The response of a single layer of continuous fiber reinforced composite material is defined in terms of fiber orientation (θ) relative to an x-y coordinate system. Two terms of interest in this problem are: 𝑅𝑥 = 𝐵 cos 4 𝜃 + 2(𝐶 + 2𝐷) sin2 𝜃 cos 2 𝜃 + 𝐴 sin4 𝜃 𝑅𝑦 = (𝐴 + 𝐵 − 4𝐷) sin2 𝜃 cos 2 𝜃 + 𝐶(cos 4 𝜃 + sin4 𝜃) Material Properties and Data Four material properties are given in the table shown. Material Constant “A” “B” “C” “D” Constant Value 28 1.6 0.5 1 Instructions Using the seed file given, calculate angles of theta in radians as well as Rx and Ry for an angle theta (in degrees) ranging from 0 to 90 degrees increments of 5 degrees using an equation with cell referencing. Be sure to start your calculations for theta in D4 and for Rx in E4. The two cells shown in the bottom left corner cannot be modified. These are used on the exam to see the equation that you use and cannot be modified during the exam either. Name: Seat Number: __________ Problem 2: On the second tab in the excel seed file, create a scatter plot of Rx vs. Angle (in degrees) using the data given on the second tab for both Rx and Ry on the same plot. Use proper graph formatting practices (including proper printer formatting regardless of B&W printing). The plot title must include your name and seat number. Problem 3: First open the seed file and click “enable editing” and “enable content”. You must allow the macro to run to use the file properly. Background A Wheatstone bridge is used in many measurement setups to calculate desired quantities from variable electrical resistors. Each leg of the whetstone bridge shown contains a resistor (strain gage) with resistances R1, R2, R3, R4. The sensitivity of this circuit (Sc) is given by: 𝑆𝐶 = 𝑉𝑆𝑔 𝑟 (1 + 𝑟)2 Material Properties and Data V = input voltage, Sg = gage factor, r = R2/R1. For this circuit, assume Sg = 2.08. Input Voltages 5V 10 V Instructions Using the seed file given, calculate the circuit sensitivity for “r” values ranging from 0 to 5 in increments of 0.20 using an equation with cell referencing. Be sure to start your calculations for Sc in D5. The two cells shown in the bottom left corner cannot be modified. These are used on the exam to see the equation that you use and cannot be modified during the exam either. Name: Seat Number: __________ Problem 4: On the second tab in the excel seed file, create a scatter plot of Sc vs. r using the data given on the second tab for both V = 5 and V = 10 on the same plot. Use proper graph formatting practices (including proper printer formatting regardless of B&W printing). The plot title must include your name and seat number. Problem 5: First open the seed file and click “enable editing” and “enable content”. You must allow the macro to run to use the file properly. Background A prosthetic foot must be designed so that the correct spring rate is achieved for the patient to walk normally. For a particular design, the spring stiffness “k” (lb/in) can be expressed as: 𝐸𝑡 3 𝑘= (𝐶1 + 6𝑡3 )2 + 3𝑡3 − 320 Material Properties and Data t = spring thickness, C1 = material constant = 740, E is elastic modulus. Material Types Aluminum Steel Elastic Modulus 10x106 psi 29x106 psi Instructions Using the seed file given, calculate the spring stiffness for thickness values ranging from 0.10 to 0.325 inches in increments of 0.0125 inches using an equation with cell referencing. Be sure to start your calculations for k in D5. The two cells shown in the bottom left corner cannot be modified. These are used on the exam to see the equation that you use and cannot be modified during the exam either. Name: Seat Number: __________ Problem 6: On the second tab in the excel seed file, create a scatter plot of k vs. t using the data given on the second tab for both Aluminum and Steel on the same plot. Use proper graph formatting practices (including proper printer formatting regardless of B&W printing). The plot title must include your name and seat number. Name: Seat Number: __________ 1. The following statements refer to graphing techniques. Fill in each blank with a choice from the following list: line graphs bar charts pie charts a) ______________ show the relationship between the various parts of a whole. b) ______________ show trends or the relationship between two variables. c) ______________ are used to compare various quantities. 2. A key characteristic of a PULL system compared with a push system for manufacturing using a sequential assembly line is: a. Quality problems are hidden. b. The entire product is built in one location. c. Work-in-process will be lower. d. Information flow is in the same direction as assembly flow. 3. The formula =$C$3*B3 is located in cell A1. If this was copied and pasted into cell C1, what would be the resulting formula? (Refer to the figure below.) a. $E$3*B3 b. $C$3*B3 c. $C$3*D3 d. $E$3*D3 A B C D 1 =$C$3*B3 2 ???? 1 2 3 3 4 6 3 5 4 3 8 4 4 3 4 9 Name: Seat Number: __________ 4. In Circuit B below, Req represents the total equivalent resistance seen in Circuit A. This means that the current flowing from the battery in Circuit B is the same as the current flowing from the battery in Circuit A. What resistance should be chosen for R in Circuit A so that a. b. c. d. Req will be 100 ohms? 20 Ω 40 Ω 60 Ω 80 Ω 5. If the battery voltage is 10 volts in Circuit A when the equivalent resistance is 100 ohms, how much power is dissipated by the total resistance in the circuit? a. 0.1 W b. 1 W c. 1000 W d. 10000 W 6. The median of 1, 6, 3, 6, 8, 7, 9, 10 is _______? a. 6, 7 b. 6.5 c. 6 d. 50/8 7. As a general rule, which of the following is not part of a team meeting agenda? a. Review of progress to date b. A review and possible revision of the project schedule c. New task assignments for team members as needed d. Revision of previous meeting agendas 8. What document type is the most common form of communication in workplaces? Name: Seat Number: __________ a. b. c. d. Proposals Reports Memos Executive Summaries 9. The mode of 1, 1, 4, 2, 65, 7, 4, e is _________? a. 1 b. 65 c. 1, 4 d. 4