Emergency Department Load Estimation Off line and on line load monitoring (and More) Boaz Carmeli, IBM Haifa Research Laboratory & the Technion boazc@il.ibm.com boazc@tx.technion.ac.il ® Agenda Emergency Department Crowding: Consensus Development of Potential Measures Measuring and Forecasting Emergency Department Crowding in Real Time Real Time ED Monitoring and Control System Initial thought The Rambam, Technion and IBM Open Collaborative Research Project (creative project name – anyone ??) IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 2 Emergency Department Crowding: Consensus Development of Potential Measures ® Paper Summary Authors Leif I. Solberg, MDF; HealthPartners Medical Group and Clinics Minneapolis, MN; Brent R. Asplin, MD, MPH Department of Emergency Medicine, Regions Hospital, St. Paul, MN Robin M. Weinick, PhD; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD; David J. Magid, MD, MPH; Colorado Permanente Medical Group, Denver, CO; What is already known on this topic Although emergency department (ED) crowding is a topic of increasing public and professional concern, there is no standardized definition of it and little agreement on what factors may contribute to it What question this study addressed To use a broad-based and thorough expert process to identify all measures of ED and hospital workflow that may be useful in understanding, monitoring, and managing crowding What this study adds to our knowledge A panel of 74 national experts assessed 113 measures, and chose 38 through a discussion and rating process How this might change clinical practice The 38 measures should serve as a resource for research to determine which ones are related to crowding, and eventually to develop tools to predict and modify crowding IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 4 ED Conceptual Model Input Throughput Output Patient Arrive at ED Ambulatory care system Emergency Care • Seriously ill and injured patients from the community • Referral of patients with emergency conditions from other providers Ambulance Diversion Triage and room placement Unscheduled urgent care • Desire for immediate care • Lack of capacity for unscheduled care in the ambulatory care system Safety net care Demand for ED Care Diagnostic evaluation and ED treatment ED boarding of inpatients Leaves without treatment complete Patient disposition Transfer to other facility Admit to hospital • Vulnerable populations (eg, Medicaid beneficiaries, the uninsured) care • Access barriers (eg, financial, transportation, insurance, lack of usual source of care) IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 5 ED Conceptual Model The model is based on engineering principles from queuing theory and compartmental models of flow, dividing ED function into input, throughput, and output stages The input-throughput-output model permits most factors affecting use and crowding to be grouped into 1 of these 3 stages Input or demand for ED services depends on the volume of ill and injured people in the community and the capability of the rest of the health care system to address the needs of individuals not requiring emergency care Throughput includes factors that affect the efficiency of an ED to cope with its input, ranging from ED beds and staffing to the efficiency of ancillary services and consultant access output factors include the ability of the inpatient system to admit patients requiring hospital care and of the ambulatory care system to provide timely post-discharge care IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 6 The KPI* Selecting Process Core investigators (Authors and additional 6 people) in response to a request for task order proposals from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Request to “select a group of content experts with expertise representing clinical care, data, emergency medical services, ED staff, hospital administration, information technology, and other relevant areas” A group of expert reviewers with varied expertise and experience Independent of the core investigator group The final group of reviewers includes experts from 58 organizations in 21 states The majority (72%) are emergency physicians *KPI – Key Performance Indicators IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 7 The KPI Selecting Criteria 1. Feasibility How feasible would it be for operational staff to collect the data needed for this measure routinely (or as frequently as would be needed) in the rater’s ED system or in one known to the rater? 2. Early warning potential How well would this measure provide warning about impending capacity problems within the next 2 to 24 hours? 3. Planning value How well would this measure provide information about trends and changes in ED business and crowding throughout a period of weeks to months? 4. Cost-efficiency How affordable would the data collection be for this measure? 5. Summary rating of operational usefulness According to a combination of the above criteria, how useful would this measure be for clinical and administrative operations? 6. Usefulness for research Entirely apart from the aforementioned criteria, how much would this measure help to improve our general understanding of the causes and consequences of ED crowding? IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 8 KPI Categories To clarify their purpose, the KPI have been grouped within each stage by the main concept they represent 1. Patient demand (6 items) The volume of patients presenting to the ED for medical care 2. Patient complexity (3 items) Patient factors such as the urgency and potential seriousness of the presenting complaint, the stability of the clinical condition, and the baseline medical and psychosocial burden of illness 3. ED capacity (6 items) The ability of the ED to provide timely care for the level of patient demand according to the adequacy of physical space, equipment, personnel, and the organizational system. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 9 KPI Categories (Cont.) 4. ED workload (6 items) The demand and complexity of patient care that is undertaken by the ED within a given period 5. ED efficiency (3 items) The ability of the ED to provide timely, high-quality emergency care while limiting waste of equipment, supplies, and effort 6. Hospital capacity (6 items) The ability of the hospital to provide timely inpatient care for ED patients who require hospitalization according to the adequacy of physical space, equipment, personnel, and the organizational system 7. Hospital efficiency (8 items) The ability of the hospital to provide timely, high-quality inpatient care while limiting waste of equipment, supplies, and effort IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 10 The Rating Process This revised set of measures was then rated by 56 of the 64 reviewers and the core investigators on an Internet Web site by using a magnitude estimation technique. This technique permits averaging of ratings across many raters on a ratio level scale by asking each respondent to provide a relative score from 0 to infinity for each item in comparison with a measure used as a standard. The standard score was set at 100. For example, if the feasibility of a measure was believed to be twice that of the standard in the mind of a reviewer, a score of 200 would be assigned. Likewise, if it were half as feasible, the reviewer would assign a score of 50. Theoretically and empirically, the distribution of scores from a magnitude likelihood task are log linear, and thus the geometric mean rather than the more common arithmetic mean is the appropriate measure of central tendency, which results in much less clustering of scores than often occurs with rating scales using the more traditional Likert scale. It also makes it easier to interpret the ratings because a rating of 200 for a measure means that the reviewers as a group thought that the measure was literally twice as good as one that was rated 100 in the same category. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 11 Input KPIs Input Measure Concept Operational Definition 1. ED patient volume, standardized for bed hours Patient demand Number of new patients registered within a defined period (hour, shift, day) ÷ number of ED bed hours within this period 2. ED patient volume, standardized for annual average Patient demand Number of new patients registered within a defined period ÷ annual mean number new patients registered within this period 3. ED ambulance patient volume, standardized for bed hours Patient demand Number of new ambulance patients registered within a defined period ÷ number of ED bed hours within this period 4. ED ambulance patient volume, standardized for annual average Patient demand Number of new ambulance patients within a defined period ÷ annual average of new ambulance patients registered within this period 5. Patient source Patient demand Time, arrival mode, reason, referral source, and usual care for each patient registering at an ED in a defined period (hour/shift/day) * Leave without treatment complete includes those patients who leave without being seen, leave before being finished, and leave against medical advice. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 12 Input KPIs Input Measure Concept Operational Definition 6. Percentage of open appointments Patient demand Percentage of open appointments at the beginning of a day in ambulatory care clinics that serve an ED’s patient population 7. Percentage of patients who leave without treatment complete* ED capacity Number of registered patients who leave the ED without treatment complete ÷ total number of patients who register during this period 8. Leave without treatment complete severity* ED capacity Average severity of patients who leave the ED without treatment complete within a defined period (shift/day/week) 9. Ambulance diversion episodes ED capacity Number and duration of all diversion episodes at EDs within the EMS system within a defined period (week/month/year) 10. Ambulance diversion requests denied and forced openings ED capacity Number of diversion requests denied or forced openings within a defined period (week/month/year) * Leave without treatment complete includes those patients who leave without being seen, leave before being finished, and leave against medical advice. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 13 Input KPIs Input Measure Concept Operational Definition 11. Diverted ambulance patient description ED capacity Chief complaints and final destination of diverted EMS patients within a defined period (week/month/year) 12. Average EMS waiting time ED efficiency Total time at hospital for ambulances delivering patients to ED during a defined period (shift/day/week/month) ÷ number of ambulance deliveries within that period 13. Patient complexity as assessed at triage Patient complexity Mean complexity level as assessed at triage (using local criteria) for all 14. Patient complexity as the percentage of ambulance patients Patient complexity Percentage of patients registering at an ED in a defined period (shift/day/week/month) who arrived by ambulance 15. Patient complexity as assessed by coding Patient complexity Mean complexity level as coded at the end of the visit for all patients completed in a defined period (shift/day/week/month) * Leave without treatment complete includes those patients who leave without being seen, leave before being finished, and leave against medical advice. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 14 Throughput KPIs Throughput Measure Concept Operational Definition 1. ED throughput time ED efficiency Average time between patient sign-in and departure (separately for admitted vs discharged patients) within a defined period (day/week/month) 2. ED bed placement time ED efficiency Mean interval between patient sign-in and placement in a treatment area within a defined period (shift/day/week/month) 3. ED ancillary service turnaround time ED efficiency Average time between physician order and result report (separately for each service area) within a defined period (shift/day/week/month) 4. Summary workload, standardized for ED bed hours ED workload Summary of (patients treated ׳acuity) in a defined period (shift/day/week) ÷ number of ED bed hours within this period 5. Summary workload, standardized for registered nurse staff hours ED workload Summary of (patients treated ׳acuity) in a defined period(shift/day/week) קtotal ED staff registered nurse hours within this period IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 15 Throughput KPIs Throughput Measure Concept Operational Definition 6. Summary workload, standardized for physician staff hours ED workload Summary of (patients treated x acuity) in a defined period (shift/day/week) ÷ total ED staff physician hours within this period 7. ED occupancy rate ED workload Total number of ED patients registered at a defined time ÷ number of staffed treatment areas at that time 8. ED occupancy ED workload Total number of patients present in the ED at a defined time ÷ number of staffed treatment areas at that time 9. Patient disposition to physician staffing ratio ED workload Number of patients admitted or discharged per staff physician during a defined period (shift/day/week) IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 16 Output KPIs Output Measure Concept Operational Definition 1. ED boarding time Hospital efficiency Mean time from inpatient bed request to physical departure of patients from the ED overall and by bed type within a defined period (shift/day/week)* 2. ED boarding time components Hospital efficiency Mean time from inpatient bed request to physical departure of patients from the ED by bed type by component (bed assignment, bed cleaning, transfer arrival) within a defined period* 3. Boarding burden Hospital efficiency Mean number of ED patients waiting for an inpatient bed within a defined period ÷ number of staffed ED treatment areas 4. Hospital admission source, standardized Hospital efficiency Number of requests for admission within a defined period (shift/day) overall and by admission source ÷ annual mean requests for admission during that period and adjusted for day of week and season of year† 5. ED admission transfer rate Hospital efficiency Number of patients transferred from ED to another facility who would normally have been admitted within a defined period ÷ number of ED admissions within this period *Bed type=ICU/telemetry/psychiatry/ward. †Admission source=ED/operating room/catheterization laboratory/outpatient/other. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 17 Output KPIs Output Measure Concept Operational Definition 6. Hospital discharge potential Hospital efficiency Number of inpatients ready for discharge at or within a defined period ÷ number of hospital inpatients at that time 7. Hospital discharge process interval Hospital efficiency Mean interval from discharge order to patient departure from a unit in a defined period (shift/day/week/month) 8. Inpatient cycling time Hospital efficiency Mean amount of time required to discharge an inpatient and admit a new patient to the same bed within this period 9. Hospital census Hospital capacity Mean number of inpatient beds available by bed type at a defined time ÷ number of staffed inpatient beds by bed type* 10. Hospital occupancy rate Hospital capacity Number of occupied inpatient beds overall and by bed type ÷ number of staffed inpatient beds overall and by bed type* *Bed type=ICU/telemetry/psychiatry/ward. †Admission source=ED/operating room/catheterization laboratory/outpatient/other. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 18 Output KPIs Output Measure Concept Operational Definition 11. Hospital supply/demand status forecast Hospital capacity Forecast of expected hospital admissions and discharges as reported daily at 6 AM and compared with hospital census 12. Observation unit census Hospital capacity Mean number of available ED observation beds at a defined time ÷ number of staffed ED observation beds 13. ED volume/hospital capacity ratio Hospital capacity Number of new ED patients within a defined period (shift/day) ÷ number of available hospital beds at the beginning of analysis period overall and by bed type* 14. Agency nursing expenditures Hospital capacity Registered nurse agency nursing expenditures (ED/overall) within a defined period ÷ total nursing expenditures (ED/overall) within this period *Bed type=ICU/telemetry/psychiatry/ward. †Admission source=ED/operating room/catheterization laboratory/outpatient/other. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 19 Measuring and Forecasting Emergency Department Crowding in Real Time ® Paper Context Authors – Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN Nathan R. Hoot, MS; Department of Biomedical Informatics Chuan Zhou, PhD; Department of Biostatistics Ian Jones, MD; Department of Emergency Medicine & Biomedical Informatics Dominik Aronsky, MD, PhD; Department of Biomedical Informatics & Biomedical Informatics What is already known on this topic In the absence of an accepted definition of emergency department (ED) crowding, multiple scores have been proposed to measure this phenomenon What question this study addressed How 5 metrics for measuring current and impending ED crowding fared in predicting ambulance diversion status during an 8-week period in a single adult ED What this study adds to our knowledge All measures performed reasonably well at measuring crowding in real time, but none outperformed the simplest measure, ED occupancy level. None of the measures was particularly useful as a short-term warning system for future crowding How this might change clinical practice This study will not change clinical practice but suggests that ED occupancy, the simplest metric for measuring ED crowding, performs just as well as more complex methods IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 21 Paper Summary Study objective: To quantifying the potential for monitoring current and near-future emergency department (ED) crowding by using 4 measures: the Emergency Department Work Index (EDWIN) the National Emergency Department Overcrowding Scale (NEDOCS) the Demand Value of the Real-time Emergency Analysis of Demand Indicators (READI) the Work Score Methods: Study calculated the 4 measures at 10-minute intervals during an 8-week study period (2006) Ambulance diversion status was the outcome variable for crowding Occupancy level was the performance baseline measure Evaluation of discriminatory power for current crowding was calculated by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) To assess forecasting power, activity monitoring operating characteristic curves was applied, which measure the timeliness of early warnings at various false alarm rates IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 22 Paper Summary (Cont.) Results: 7,948 observations were recorded during the study period. The ED was on ambulance diversion during 30% of the observations The AUC (Area Under Curve) was: 0.81 for the EDWIN 0.88 for the NEDOCS 0.65 for the READI Demand Value 0.90 for the Work Score 0.90 for occupancy level In the activity monitoring operating characteristic analysis, only the occupancy level provided more than an hour of advance warning (median 1 hour 7 minutes) before crowding, with 1 false alarm per week Conclusion: The EDWIN, the NEDOCS, and the Work Score monitor current ED crowding with high discriminatory power None of them exceeded the performance of occupancy level across the range of operating points None of the measures provided substantial advance warning before crowding at low rates of false alarms IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 23 Emergency Department Work Index EDWIN was calculated by Offered load ?? EDWIM = Σniti / (Na X (Bt – Pboard)) Number of physicians where ni – number of non-boarding patients in triage category i ti – reversed triage category i, where 5 denotes the sickest patients and Spare treatment cycles 1 denotes the least sick patients Na – number of attending physicians on duty Bt – number of licensed treatment beds in the ED Pboard – number of boarding patients IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 24 National Emergency Department OverCrowding Scale NEDOCS was calculated by Patient Indexnumber of patients within ED NEDOCS = (Pbed ⁄ Bt) X 85.8 + (Padmit ⁄ Bh) X 600 + (Wtime X 5.64) + (Atime X 0.93) + (Rn X 13.4) – 20 Admitted Index – number of patients within the hospital Where Pbed – number of patients in licensed beds and overflow locations, such as hallway beds or chairs Registration Time – time from registration to triage Bt – number of licensed treatment beds Padmit – number of admitted patients for the last patient Bh – number of hospital beds Wtime – waiting time for the last patient put into bed Atime – longest time since registration among boarding patients Rn – number of respirators in use, maximum of 2* Admission Time – the longest time an admitted patient is staying at the ED Number of Respirators – an indication for (non-linear) * The respirator variable (Rn) did not generalize to the study setting, because patientsadditional ill enough to require mechanical ventilation are stabilized and transferred immediately to a critical care unit. As a surrogate, loadthe number of trauma beds was used in place of the number of respirators. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 25 NEDOCS Nomogram IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 26 Real-time Emergency Analysis of Demand Indicators The Demand Value of the Real-time Emergency Analysis of Demand The demand for care – Indicators (READI) was calculated by DV = (BR + PR) X AR BR = (Ptotal + Apred – Dpred) ⁄ Bt AR = Σniti ⁄ Ptriage PR = Ahour ⁄ΣPPH Where patients, care givers and acuity Patient Index – number of (expected) patients within the hospital Provider Ratio – the number of patients a provider is treated in an hour DV – Demand Value, BR – bed ratio, PR – provider ratio, AR – acuity ratio; Ptotal – number of ED patients, Apred – number of predicted arrivals, Dpred – number of predicted departures, Bt – number of licensed treatment beds; ni – number of patients in triage category i, ti – reversed triage category i, Ptriage – number of patients in the ED with an assigned triage category, Ahour – number of arrivals in the past hour, PPH – average patients seen per hour for each attending physician and resident on duty. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 27 READI Calculation – Additional Info The predicted number of arrivals (Apred) and departures (Dpred) for each hour of the day was calculated using 9 months of ED data The original READI instrument used a 4-level triage system, so the 5-level Emergency Severity Index was condensed into 4 categories by combining the 2 least severe acuity levels. The number of patients treated per hour was calculated for residents at each level of training and for attending physicians who treated patients without a resident, using 9 months of ED data IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 28 Work Score The Work Score was calculated using the following formula: Work Score = 3.23 X Pwait ⁄ Bt + 0.097 Σniti ⁄ Nn + 10.92 X Pboard ⁄ Bt where Pwait – number of waiting patients Bt – number of licensed treatment beds ni – number of patients under evaluation in triage category I ti – triage category I Nn – number of nurses on duty Pboard – number of boarding patients IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 29 ED Occupancy Level The ED occupancy level was used as a control measure for baseline comparison The occupancy level was calculated using the following formula: Occupancy level = 100 X Pbed ⁄ Bt Where Pbed – number of patients in licensed beds and overflow locations such as hallway beds or chairs Bt - number of licensed treatment beds IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 30 Calculation Results Time series plots of the crowding measures during the study period The plots shown here are smoothed using cubic splines Episodes of ambulance diversion are marked by the shaded areas. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 31 Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 32 Activity Monitoring Operating Characteristic Curves IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 33 Further Research Future research should focus on improving the forecasting power of crowding measures The use of historical data to predict changes in the next few hours may allow for substantial improvements in the performance of an early warning system Advanced modeling techniques such as neural networks, applied specifically for the purpose of forecasting, may result in improved forecasting power The development of a good forecasting model for ED crowding will pave the way to studying intervention policies, which may allow researchers to identify ways of sustaining health care quality and access in the face of crowding Other researchers have discussed strategies including the use of reserve physicians and nurses and deferring care of low-acuity patients either of which could be initiated, given a few hours of advance warning before crowding IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 34 Paper Summary The findings demonstrate the feasibility of implementing 4 measures for real-time monitoring of ED crowding Occupancy level showed discriminatory power similar to or greater than the 4 other measures for measuring current ED crowding In terms of timely forecasting, none of the measures showed a clear advantage over occupancy level These findings suggest new directions for the measurement and management of ED crowding. IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 35 Real Time ED Monitoring and Control System Work in (its very early stages but in) progress ® Real Time ED Monitoring and Control System Improving the Forecasting Power of Crowding Measures Data Collection Adding RFID based location tracking system for Physicians, Nurses, Patients and other relevant personnel Collect real-time relevant information from hospital IT systems such as PACS, EHR, ADT, LAB etc Better utilize historical EHR and operational data from existing IT systems within the hospital Data Visualization Operational dashboard Provide sophisticated data Analysis Techniques Machine learning - neural networks Mathematical models – service engineering Other ?? IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 37 System Architecture Data Collection Analysis Data Visualization ED Simulator • Based on observation • Will be used, mainly, for design phase e.g. to mimic the RFID system RFID based Location Tracking • Low level location tracking for patients and care personnel • Technology dependent capabilities Hospital IT systems Real Time Event Processing Network Rule Based Analysis Machine Learning Algorithms Analysis of Historical And Real-time Data Mathematical Models e.g. Queuing Theory • Admit, Discharge, Transfer • Electronic Health Records • Lab request/results • Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 38 OCR project – Next Generation Hospital Rambam/Technion/IBM open collaborative research ® What is OCR? An IBM funded program to support open collaborative research between IBM and universities in Computer Science (including related disciplines in Electrical Engineering and Math) and its applications Implements the Open Collaboration Principles established under IBM’s leadership in 2005 - IP openly published or available in royalty free “public commons”, software available as open source Choose a limited number of strategically defined topics where open collaborative innovation would benefit IBM and the world at large – endorsed by Research area strategists and VP strategists Subject to approval in advance by the OSSC Piloted in US in 2006 Research topics and universities: Software Quality (Rutgers, UC Berkeley), Privacy & Security Policy Management (CMU, Purdue), Clinical Decision Support (Columbia, Georgia Tech), Mathematical Optimization (CMU, UC Davis) Joint announcement and publicity with universities 12/14/2006 Expanded in 2007, including outside US Research topics and universities: Accessibility for an Aging Population (Dundee, Miami), NewGen Hospital (Technion, Rambam Hospital), Service Professionals’ Social Network (Indian School of Business), Privacy & Security Policy Management (Imperial College) What makes it work? Multi-year, so that faculty can take on new students and obligations Collaborative, allowing IBM and university participants to forge deep relationships Open, providing maximum opportunity for others to build on the results Challenging, research requiring considerable innovation Well-funded, large enough to make a difference (average $150K) IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 40 OCR Overview Joint research project between Rambam hospital, Technion, and IBM Leverage Technion’s relationship with Rambam hospital Goal: Combined multi-dimensional improvement of patient care process Clinical Operational Financial Multi-disciplinary approach: Medical (Rambam) Statistics (IBM, Technion) Operations Research (IBM, Technion) Healthcare informatics (IBM, Rambam) Process improvement (IBM, Technion) Human factors engineering (Technion) Financial (Rambam) Domain specific knowledge in above areas – IBM & Technion Participation Rambam hospital: Top management including hospital general manager, Prof. Rafi Bayar, and ER manager, Dr. Dagan Schwartz Technion: Prof. Avishai Mandelbaum, Prof. Danny Gopher, Prof. Avi Shtub, Prof. Eitan Naveh IBM: Pnina Vortman, Segev Wasserkrug, Boaz Carmeli, Ohad Greenshpan and Sergey Zeltyn IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 41 Processes at the Healthcare Domain Business & Operational processes financial, HR, assets aspects and indicators) Clinical processes (Mostly health aspects and indicators) Organization centric Interested role: Management Interested role: Care Personnel Example: Procurement, training Example: Protocols and procedures Patient centric Interested role: Patient & Management Interested role: Patient & Care Personnel Example: Obtaining reimbursement for medical procedures Example: Arrival and treatment at ER IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 42 OCR Approach and Status Approach Pick four high intensity department ER Operating room Neonatal Trauma Map patient centric processes from various dimensions Focus and implement specific research projects based on initial analysis HRL work mode Hands on (joint work) Mentoring student projects at the Technion Collaborating work carried out by Technion graduate and undergraduate students IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 43 Current status Work carried out In ER Some initial discussions with second department (OR) Metrics: Detailed Metrics document was developed collaboratively between the 3 parties Longitudinal observations: Around 200 observations were taken Horizontal observations (Work sampling) Compared to 2001 observations (later to 2004-2007/8) Data analysis and improvement ideas (Lean Manufacturing in Healthcare) Observations were used to develop the following analytical views: Process Maps (Activities, Resources, Information) Demo of the Monitoring Console – Command & Control Forecasting Model - forecast arrival flow to the ED, based on short term historical data Online Statistics – integrating Technion’s SEE-Stat tool, which takes an Operations Research viewpoint IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 44 Current status (Cont.) Layout planning Simulation-based analysis of the temporary ER, continuing into Future ER Layout of new trauma unit Flow from ER to wards Projects on Fairly moving patients from the ED to the Wards (Fairness Table) RFID: Highly accurate measurement of actual patient flow using RTLS is being discussed Pilots with three companies Additional options being considered Focused research topics: Measure, forecast, predict, and optimize intraday performance Combination of Forecasting, OR models, and Cognos ED vs. ER Cognos based measurement, forecasting and improvement pilot being planned IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 45 Intraday measurement, forecast and optimization Process: Measure multi dimensional metrics Forecast near term future Enable optimization and decision making using advanced analytics Based on: Cognos BI platform ER patient process simulator created by Technion Jointly created load forecasting models Jointly created optimization algorithms IBM Haifa Research Laboratory 46 Thank You ®