AWII 16A - Austin Casey

Academic Writing II
Spring 2013 Meet twice a week Monday, Tuesday
Time: Monday 8:00-9:50 (3-106) Wednesday 4:10-6:00 (1307)
Phone: 134 3922 0499
Office Hours: (ICB 319) Wednesday 6-8, Thursday 10-12
Homework Due:
Journal 6: Review
Important Dates
Journal 6: Review = June 3
Journal 7: PS = June 10
Last Day of Class: Wednesday June 19th (Week
Essay 2: Final Draft = June 26th
Final Exams Week: July 1st-July 5th
(Week 20)
Quiz 6: Answers
6.authorization <OR> authoritative
10. confirmed <OR> confirms NOT confirming
Quiz 6: Answers
11. conventional = traditional
12. residential = household
13. equipment = gear
14. obviously <OR> presumably
15. survey = a look around
16. corporate = company , potential
17. policeman asked him to confirmation his license
18 exhibition on innovatively science
19 recorded by the psychologic
20 Necessity is the mother of innovative
Vocabulary: p.98-99 Collocation
Read a-c and choose the correct collocation for d
Vocabulary: p.98-99 Collocation
1. public display
2. reliable indication
3. untapped potential
4. tentative conclusions (uncertain guesses)
5. technical expertise
6. survey suggested
7. research methods
8. obviously benefit
Vocabulary: Chap11 p.102
1. What is the correct way to sit? Do you
normally sit this way when you are studying or
2. Have you ever experienced back pain or felt
stiff from sitting?
3. Are you comfortable in the chair now?
4. What is your favorite type of chair?
5. Where / what position is your favorite for
studying or working?
6. Do you think office workers should sit in
normal chairs, yoga balls, or simply stand up?
Vocabulary: p.106 a-c
Similar to Task 1: analyzing bar graphs
Recent IELTS: T1: Bar-chart
Final Style T1
My Pizza life (eating habits)
Number of pizzas consumed
Frozen pizza, pepperoni
Future pizza (cheese flavor)
2040 (estimated)
Recent IELTS: T2:
Some people think the government should invest
in artists, while others think the money will be
better spent on other important areas. What are
your opinions on this?
Speaking: Various
Part 1: train history, describe how to make coffee
Popular transportation, sleep schedule, favorite
day, dream house/apartment
Part 2: a game you played as a youth, useful
website, old people
Part 3: old people, elders need less sleep?
Elders enjoy the internet?
Part 3:
Speaking: Various
(game) When did you play this game? Do
children still play this game nowadays? What
games are popular with adults? What is the
difference between childrens games and adults
games? What is the most nostalgic game for
(elders) Do elders and youth have different
opinions about the internet? What do youth do in
their spare time? How does the internet affect
different age groups? Can the internet be useful
to elders or is it a waste of time to learn it? What
is the most popular internet job?
Speaking: Various
Part 3:
(elders) How can we be polite to elders? What
can we learn from elders that we cant learn from
peers? On the other hand, what can elders learn
from youth? What is the role of elders in the
New Speaking Topics:
01. describe a rule in school you like or dislike
02. describe a seaside place
03. describe an occasion you have been visited (someone came to
your house as a guest)
04. describe a trip by public transport
05. describe a healthy lifestyle
06. describe an interesting radio station program
07. describe a party you would like to organize for your friends or
08. describe an interesting country (not your own) you like
09. describe an old person you respect
10. describe a funny or interesting story from your childhood
New Speaking Topics:
11. describe an interesting event in history
12. describe a time you learned something useful from others
13. describe something that makes you feel happy recently
14. describe an interesting person you met recently
15. describe a photograph
16. describe a shopping street
17. describe a science lesson you had (such as biology, chemistry,
18. describe an outdoor activity
19. describe a place you have been to for study or work / where
you would like to study or work
20. describe a music group/band/singer in your country
New Speaking Topics:
21. describe a good teacher
22. describe a place where people go to listen to music / a concert
23. describe a shopping experience you were satisfied with
24. describe a picnic
25. describe a decision you regret
26. describe your behavior when you win an award
New Speaking Topics: Example
Describe a seaside place
When it comes to seaside locations, I have visited the Dalian City
Square which is located on the sea. There are various activities to
enjoy such as flying kites, enjoying sculptures, and fishing. There
are numerous concerts and other activities held throughout the
year. In addition to enjoying a beer on the pier, we can also be
adventurous and hunt crabs or even take a swim if the weather
permits. While I was there last summer, there was a local man who
took the opportunity to catch a jellyfish, although it seemed
dangerous, a crowd gathered to cheer him on. He took off his top
clothes and jumped into the sea collecting jellyfish for around
twenty minutes. I thought he was a brave man.
New Speaking Topics: Example
Describe an interesting science lesson that you attended.
You should say:
where you attended this lesson
what it was about
and why you found it interesting
I remember we did a really cool experiment in high school,
so it kind of stands out in my memory over the other
If I remember correctly, we were testing the reaction of
certain metals when you put them into water. And what
made it so fun was the fact that the metals turned out to be
really explosive, and they would blow up in water. And this
was something that we had never seen before, so none of
us expected such a big reaction.
And when you compare this to most of the other classes we
had, where we basically just went through the text book and
took notes, it was a thousand times more interesting, as I’m
sure you can imagine, so none of us forgot that class, and
we all wanted to do the experiment again, but unfortunately
our teacher told us once was enough!
New Speaking Topics: Example
Describe a historical event
Well, Im not sure if its true history or not, but it is a legend among
Chinese people. It is the Dragon Boat Festival. Although there are
many versions of the reason for this festival, the most common
version is to give thanks to the famous poet named Qu Yuan of the
Zhou Dynasty. The poor man was joined an opposing alliance and
when the enemy Qin state took power he chose to commit suicide
by drowning himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth
lunar month.
It is said that the local people, who admired him, dropped sticky
rice triangles wrapped in bamboo leaves into the river to feed the
fish. The rice was wrapped so that fish would not eat Qu Yuan's
body, but eat the rice instead. This is said to be the origin of zongzi.
The local people were also said to have paddled out on boats,
either to scare the fish away or to retrieve his body. This is said to
be the origin of dragon boat racing.
Essay Titles: Issues
Thesis: needs topic+opinion+reason
References: need 3 academic
Titles/introduction: must be interesting (exaggerate)
Simple sentences: avoid them at all costs
Conclusion: must be as long as the introduction
Essay Titles: Activity
Make an interesting title 1-3
1.Original title:
2. Original title: The Diner at Midnight
3.Original title:
Essay Titles: 1
For my birthday this month, my wife has offered to
treat me to dinner at the restaurant of my
choice. I think she expects me to ask for a meal
at the Chalet, the classiest, most expensive
restaurant in town. However, I'm going to eat my
birthday dinner at McDonald's. When I compare
the two restaurants, the advantages of eating at
McDonald's are clear.
Essay Titles: Activity
Good Titles for number 1:
A man who doesn’t know woman’s heart
My Wife Doesn’t Know Me
The Donald is Better than The Chalet
Fast Food Over French Cuisine
I'm a Poor Man
An Unhealthy Decision
Food Wars
Cheeseburger beats Chalet
Essay Titles: 2
I've been in lots of diners, and they've always
seemed to be warm, busy, friendly, happy
places. That's why, on a recent Monday night, I
stopped at a diner for a cup of coffee. I was
returning home after an all-day car trip and
needed something to help me make the last
forty-five miles. A diner at midnight, however,
was not the place I had expected. It was
different – and lonely.
Essay Titles: Activity
Good Titles for number 2:
Wrong time right place
Sometimes I Hate My Life
An Unexpected Diner
Monday Night Shock
Car Trips that End in Disaster
Late Night Coffee
Horrible Coffee
Lonely at Night
Essay Titles: 3
If you see rock-concert audiences only on
television or in newspaper photos, the people at
these events may all seem to be excited
teenagers. However, if you attended a few rock
shows, you will see that several kinds of people
make up the crowd. At any concert, you would
find the typical fan, the out-of-place person, and
the troublemaker.
Essay Titles: Activity
Good Titles for number 3:
Weird Rock Fans / Crazy Rock Fans
Birds of Different Feathers Listening Together
Strange Crowds
Concert Brings Equality and World Peace
Dancing with Strange People
Band Attracts Various Fans From Everywhere
Music Can Bring us All Together
Works Cited + In-Text Citations
Remember, inside the essay that you need
Authors Last name and page number
Ex: Benjamin Franklin said “............” (Franklin
p.27) By this he means that …............
1. Author's Last name and page number
2. (No Author = Cannot Use it) This is not a reliable reference.
Never put the website inside the essay
p.10 (page)
if you use pages and paragraphs, page=pp.
p. 10 (paragraph)
l. 10 (line)
c. 10 (chapter)
10:00 (ten minutes, for films, tv, and video)
References are logical. The reader has to know where you got
your information. So you will provide details about how to find
it. That is why you need a page number or a paragraph, line,
chapter, or time number.
These will link the essay to your Works Cited page
Essay 2:
3 academic references
Essay 2: reference mistake -5%
Lack of reference -25%
Essay 2: Argumentative Essay
Rules for Essay 2:
1.Research Essay (3 Academic References)
2.Argument, counter argument + refute
3.Who disagrees with you
4.One quote (1-3) Academic
5.Cannot use first or second person (I, you, etc)
Meaningful Argument = Social Issue
1. Family: Growing Up, Love, Friends, Family, Child Raising,
Entertainment of Youngsters, Population Control,
Cloning/Genetics, Nursing Homes
2. Education/Jobs: Chinese vs. Western Education,
Educating poor people, Educational facilities, Part time
3. Health & Safety: Security & Police, Crime/Prisons,
Censorship, Robot Spies, Medical Care, Drugs
4. Sharing: Resources & Energy & Land (food, water, oil,
international aid, land/animals, etc)
Essay 2: Argument
Thesis = topic + opinion + reason (brief reason)
Must attach rough draft to get full score (no rough
Essay 2: Argument
Rhetorical question = a question that has no expected
Ex: don't you think? Isn’t It?
Don't overuse
It can be used as a hook or to catch the reader's
Its not academic, and may seem childish if used
“ Quotes ”
A few quotes are good (1-3 per essay)
Must have at least one academic quote
Don’t forget the in text citation, or you will have
Put the in text citation right after the quotes:
According to Kant on filial piety, he stated that
“family ties are important” (Kant p.66). I agree
that having a strong connection in your family is
important because...
In text citation + works cited page
Lucky Smith writes in The Hunting Diaries that “I
think people should have the right to own a gun
and go hunting, because it is an age old custom
which can make us feel more natural. We also get
the benefits from cleaner meat and good exercise
in the forest; hunting is a way of life” (Smith p78).
last name and page number
Works Cited Page:
Smith, Lucky. The Hunting Diaries. Berkeley,
California: Berkeley Books, 2010.
When do you cite sources in your
When you’re talking about an idea you got from
something you read. paraphrase
When you quote from something you read or
heard. Direct quote
When you want to give the reader some places to
look for more information.
Essay 2: Argumentative Essay
Essay 1: Profile
Essay 2: Argumentative / Persuasive Essay
use quotes and paraphrasing from other authors
Essay 2: Argumentative
I want this essay to be your opinion, but I also
want you to support your opinion with other
author's opinions
At least 3 references.
At least 1 quote
You may also use 1 paraphrase
Meaningful Argument = Social Issue
1. Family: Growing Up, Love, Friends, Family, Child Raising,
Entertainment of Youngsters, Population Control,
Cloning/Genetics, Nursing Homes
2. Education/Jobs: Chinese vs. Western Education,
Educating poor people, Educational facilities, Part time
3. Health & Safety: Security & Police, Crime/Prisons,
Censorship, Robot Spies, Medical Care, Drugs
4. Sharing: Resources & Energy & Land (food, water, oil,
international aid, land/animals, etc)
Essay 2: Example
Title: Video Games are The Devil
Thesis: I don't think students need to use video games because
they waste time, keep you from playing outside, and they will make
your eyes bad.
T1 The first thing about video games that disturbs me is that they
can take away precious time from students
T2 Secondly, I think students will not be encouraged to play
outside if they have the latest games waiting for them at home'.
T3 Last but not least, using games a lot will make your eyes bad
More Help
You can choose something that most people will
disagree with, that can be more fun and
interesting for argumentative essays
Choose your own topic, a topic not listed is better
– it will be fresh and new
Write your real opinion, it is easier to have
supporting evidence this way
You don't have to agree with me, or your friends,
or anyone – I want to see original topics.
Activity: supporting evidence
I support teenagers working. List 3 good points and 3
bad points
I support that people have the right to own guns. List 3
good points and 3 bad points.
Essay Types:
You will write 2 essays and weekly journals
1. Remembering an Event (550-650 words)
Something that happened to you. An interesting event that you remember clearly.
2. Writing a Profile (550-650 words)
You will describe something or someone.
3. Proposing a Solution (550-650 words)
You will discuss a problem and explain how to fix it
6. Journal Entries
These will be given by the instructor. They will cover various topics.
Very similar to IELTS Task 2 questions
7. Vocabulary Quiz
A weekly quiz on the target words
Course Schedule:
Lesson A
Lesson B
Week 4
Essay 1: Choose your topic
Week 5
Essay 1 Rough Draft Due (550+ words)
Week 6
Essay 1 Final Draft WEDNESDAY(550+ words)
Week 7
T1 T2
Week 8
Week 9
Journal 1
Different Shops
Write an essay comparing and contrasting the
experience of shopping at two different kinds of
stores. Use specific reasons and examples to
illustrate the stores' similarities and differences.
Use 4 vocabulary words from Chapter 6
Journal 2
Choose an IELTS Task 2 question and answer it.
Remember choose a trend or a problem. Then
use the format “what are your opinions on this”
Use 4 vocabulary words from Chapter 6
Journal 3: Bucket List
A bucket list is a list of things you want to do in
your life before you die.
Although this is a creative writing assignment,
you must still follow the correct structure as usual.
250+ words, follow normal structure: Introduction,
Body, Conclusion. Make a thesis
Journal 4: IELTS T2
Choose a science or technology based IELTS
Task 2 question and answer it. Remember
choose a trend or a problem. Then use the format
“what are your opinions on this”
Write the question clearly and paraphrase it for
the introduction.
250+ words, use 4 vocabulary words from
Chapter 7
Journal 4: Tech
TOPICS: people's reliance on machines, government spending
money for space exploration and development of new energy
tech like ITER or CERN, military tech, functional robots
Will modern people forget basic survival and necessary skills like
writing and cooking because they use machines too much?
How do you think people in the future will use robots?
Why do people long for tech?
Journal 5: Small Arguments (250+
1. Make your own argument about something that doesn’t really
matter. It is not a serious social problem.
2. Be creative
3. Choose a small topic, narrow it down
4. It can just be a simple opinion
5. Describe your point and counterpoint (like a mini Essay 2)
5. Due Week 12 (Monday)
Journal 5: Small Arguments (250+
1. Make your own argument about something that doesn’t really
matter. It is not a serious social problem.
2. Be creative
3. Choose a small topic, narrow it down
4. It can just be a simple opinion
5. Describe your point and counterpoint (like a mini Essay 2)
5. Due Week 12 (Monday)
Journal 6: Review (250 words)
Write a review:
Choose a book or film and write a review about it.
Only one thing, clear opinion, give it a grade
Journal 7: PS = June 10