National Apartment Association Education Institute Certified Apartment Property Supervisor EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP HOUSEKEEPING Restrooms Breaks Lunch Cellular Phones Smoking 2 INTRODUCTIONS Name Company Number of Units How Many Years In the Business Two sentences about the most influential leader in your life 3 GROUND RULES Participate fully. Help us stay on track. Be on time Ask questions Offer ideas and opinions as perceptions Have fun. 4 • • • • • • Leadership versus Management Emotional Intelligence Engagement and Motivation Feedback and Coaching Teambuilding Action Plan LEARNING OUTCOMES: EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP 5 2. LEADERSHIP VERSUS MANAGEMENT 6 ARE YOU A LEADER OR A MANAGER? A good manager needs to be a good leader. A good leader also needs to be a good manager 7 BE A LEADER AND A MANAGER A Manager without leadership skills comes up with great plans but can’t get people to follow his or her vision. A Leader without management skills comes up with great ideas but can’t put together a feasible plan to get to the final results. 8 THE KOTTER MODEL Management focuses on systems, processes, planning and budgeting, organizing and staffing, and controlling and problem solving. Leadership sets direction, aligns people, drives change, encourages risk-taking and learning, and enables growth. Let’s Look at the John Kotter’s Leadership and Management Model on page 2-2 of your participant guide. 9 ACTIVITY: LEADING VS. MANAGING 10 3. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE 11 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE It's not how smart you are, but rather how you are smart. 12 IQ, or the Intelligence Quotient, is the measure of what you know and how you process information. EQ, or the Emotional Intelligence Quotient, is the way you use personal and social skills to work effectively on your own and with others. 13 THE EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT LEADER More self-aware Possesses the critical relationship skills to help them motivate others. Have a much greater chance of being promoted. 90% of the difference between star and average performers is due to higher EQ, not higher IQ. EQ is twice as important as IQ and technical skills for jobs at all levels 14 TWO FACETS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Emotional intelligence has two primary facets: personal competencies and social competencies Personal Competencies Social Competencies Self-awareness Social awareness Self-management Relationship management 15 TWO PERSONAL COMPETENCIES Self-awareness means you're conscious of: Your emotions – You know what you’re feeling and why, when your emotions are starting to take over, and how your emotions can affect you. Your strengths and weaknesses – You know what you do well and what you do not do well. 16 TWO PERSONAL COMPETENCIES Self-management skills include: Self-control – You know how emotions can affect you and you know how to avoid trouble. Transparency – What you see is what you get. You are open and honest about the good and the bad. Flexibility – You can adapt your behavior to meet the needs of the current situation. Ambition – You have the drive to succeed, and you know what you need to do to get there. Optimism – You see the world through rosecolored glasses. 17 ACTIVITY: PERSONALITY TRAITS INVENTORY Complete the inventory Score the inventory Group discussion 18 TWO SOCIAL COMPETENCIES An individual with high social awareness exhibits: Empathy – You understand how others are feeling. You have the ability to see things from their perspective. Organizational awareness – You have a keen eye for the political realities, opportunities, and liabilities of the organization. You know the movers and shakers and you know how to reach them. Service orientation – You know what your customers—both external and internal—need, and you know how to get it to them. 19 TWO SOCIAL COMPETENCIES If you have good relationship management skills you are: Influential – Colleagues and friends look to you for guidance and leadership. A catalyst for change – You’re good at seeing opportunities others might miss. You can see the pros and cons of a new path and can influence others to join you. Good at conflict management – You’re a born diplomat. Collaborative – You’re not one to take all the credit. You share your ideas and incorporate other viewpoints. 20 DON’T BE AN “S.O.B.” Most organizations have an individual who is known for getting good results at the expense of everyone else. This person is the S.O.B. The S.O.B.’s “motivational” methods go against all psychology, company policy, and common sense, but when the S.O.B. turns in big numbers, higher-ups hail the S.O.B.’s “strong leadership” and turn a blind eye to the misery of the S.O.B.’s subordinates. 21 ACTIVITY: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE QUIZ 22 4. ENGAGEMENT AND MOTIVATION 23 MOTIVATE AND ENGAGE YOUR EMPLOYEES People always perform better when they’re motivated and engaged. The trick is to find out what makes each person tick, because there’s no single solution. 24 “FOLLOW THIS PATH” – GALLUP ORGANIZATION RESEARCH Maintain sustainable revenue increases To do so you must have engaged, loyal customers (or residents) To do so you must engaged, loyal employees The only way to have engaged, loyal employees is to have great managers and leaders 25 “FOLLOW THIS PATH” – GALLUP ORGANIZATION RESEARCH The Gallup research has also revealed that business units in the top half of employee engagement show, on average: 86% higher customer success rate 70% higher success in lowering turnover 70% higher success rate in productivity 44% higher in profitability 78% higher success rate in safety figures 26 GROUP DISCUSSION ON ENGAGEMENT How would you define engagement? What are some traits of engaged employees? How would you describe an employee who is disengaged? How would you describe an actively disengaged employee? 27 “FOLLOW THIS PATH” – GALLUP ORGANIZATION RESEARCH According to the Gallup research there are three categories of engagement and how the American workforce breaks down: Engaged employees – 30% Disengaged employees – 54% Actively disengaged employees – 16% 28 REMEMBER People don’t Leave companies, they leave bosses. Just as important, disengaged employees are usually the lowest performers. 29 MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS SelfActualization • Personal Growth and Fulfillment Esteem Needs • Achievement, Status, Responsibility, Reputation Belongingness and Love Needs Safety Needs Biological and Physiological Needs • Family, Affection, Relationships, Work Group, etc. • Protection, Economic Security, Order, Law, Limits, etc. • Basic Life Needs: Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Sleep, etc. 30 MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS Lower needs must be met before attempting to meet the higher needs. When lower needs are met, the ability to meet higher needs is what separates the engaged employee from the disengaged employee. 31 ACTIVITY: WHAT MOTIVATES PEOPLE? 32 THE GALLUP ENGAGEMENT FACTORS Much like Maslow, The Gallup Organization has identified a hierarchy of eight needs to engage employees. As a leader, you need to meet these before you can step up to the loftier goals, like organizational vision and mission. 33 THE GALLUP ENGAGEMENT FACTORS I know what’s expected of me The work I do fits my skills I am satisfied with recognition I receive Someone encourages my development My opinions seem to count I feel my job is important I receive the feedback I need to improve I have opportunities to learn and grow 34 5. FEEDBACK AND COACHING 35 THE SUPERVISOR’S ROLE You may need to supervise or manage employees You may give them specific directions You may discipline folks. Most of the time, effective leaders spend their time giving helpful feedback to employees—and coaching them. Let’s define some of the terms above…. 36 DEFINITION OF MANAGING/SUPERVISING Managing / Supervising: “To exercise executive, administrative, and supervisory direction on; to direct the professional career of.” Basically, it is telling your employees what, when, and how to do what they do. 37 DEFINITION OF FEEDBACK Feedback: The process of describing to another person how his or her behavior affects you, others, or the accomplishment of a task. 38 DEFINITION OF COACHING Coaching: A method of conversation that creates a climate and context to give individuals and groups more confidence — and puts them in position to act on the specific goals they are committed to achieving. 39 DEFINITION OF A COACH Coach: A person who facilitates the learning that results in future-oriented activities. He or she is a trusted role model, advisor, friend, steward, or guide. A leader can be any of these. 40 DEFINITION OF DISCIPLINING Disciplining: The process used to address substandard work performance or stop unwanted behavior. The employee's performance has reached a stage where immediate corrective measures are required. 41 THE SBI MODEL FOR GIVING FEEDBACK 42 SIX TIPS FOR GIVING FEEDBACK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Give feedback as soon a possible. Keep your statements simple Be sincere. If it's a pattern of behavior you want to reinforce or correct, give feedback frequently Feedback is a two-way street. Receiving feedback is just as difficult, if not more so, than delivering it. 43 ACTIVITY: EVALUATING FEEDBACK 44 COACHING Coaching is not about providing answers. It is about helping someone find the answers for themselves. 45 HOW IS COACHING DIFFERENT FROM MANAGING? Managing: You tell the person what to do. Vs. Coaching: You help the person decide on her own what she needs to do. “Give a man a fish, you have fed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you have fed him for a lifetime.” 46 THE TWO PRIMARY REASONS FOR COACHING 1. 2. Performance: To improve, maintain, or exceed work performance. This is the leader’s responsibility. Development: To provide guidance on the employee’s general development and/or career development goals. This is the joint responsibility between a leader and an employee. 47 THE BASIC COACHING PROCESS Open the meeting. Gain agreement on the performance or development issue. Explore alternatives. Get commitment to act. Close the meeting. 48 EVALUATING A COACHING INTERACTION Did the coachee do the majority of the talking. Did the coach listen and guide the conversation through questions. If at the end of the conversation, you feel like you did most of the talking, chances are you weren’t really coaching. Next time, take a step back and listen more. 49 ACTIVITY: GROUP COACHING 50 6. TEAM BUILDING 51 WHAT IS A TEAM? … A team is comprised of a small number of people, with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable… The essence of a team is common commitment. Without it, groups perform as individuals; with it, they become a power unit of collective importance. 52 ACTIVITY: IS AN APARTMENT COMMUNITY STAFF A TEAM? 53 APARTMENT COMMUNITY TEAMS What would happen if the community staff did not have shared goals, commitment and accountability? What can keep a group from becoming a team? 54 THE EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT TEAM Three basic conditions need to be present before a team is considered emotionally intelligent. 1. 2. 3. Mutual trust among members A sense of group identity ( a feeling among members that they belong to a unique and worthwhile group) A sense of group efficacy (the belief that the team can perform well and that group members are more effective together than apart) Read the excerpt from “The Emotionally Intelligent Team” on page 6-4 55 TEAM EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Individual EQ Competencies Team EQ Competencies Self-awareness Team awareness Self-management Team management Social awareness Organizational awareness Relationship management Organizational management Even if everyone in the group has good individual emotional intelligence, it doesn’t mean they'll have an emotionally intelligent team. 56 TEAM AWARENESS Emotional awareness (individual members and team) Knowledge of strengths and weaknesses Common strategy, purpose, and commitment 57 TEAM MANAGEMENT Trust and respect Clear roles and responsibilities Internal communication 58 ORGANIZATIONAL AWARENESS Alignment of team purpose and organizational vision Service orientation Political/social awareness 59 ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT Building collaboration, cooperation with other groups/teams External communication 60 TEAM DERAILERS Team derailers can lead to a “me first” attitude among team members. When people are looking out only for themselves, conflict arises and stays unresolved, which lowers morale and engagement. The discord makes it difficult for people to meet any goals at all – team or individual. 61 CREATING TEAM EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Forming Storming Norming Performing Each stage builds on the preceding one. Teams must follow this sequence if they are to become fully functioning, emotionally intelligent teams. 62 FORMING An exploration period Team members are often cautious and guarded in their interactions This is where the team awareness process starts. Members explore the boundaries of acceptable behavior and start to develop perceptions of others. 63 STORMING A time of competition and strained relationships Start to define roles and responsibilities Barriers to teamwork start to surface: control issues clashes in working styles conflicts between members lack of trust communication deterioration and blame. The most critical stage a team has to get through. 64 NORMING A time of cohesiveness among team members Team members discover that they have common interests and common goals Communication appears more open and honest Roles and responsibilities start to become identified and accepted The team discovers their common purpose They learn to appreciate each other. Having achieved team management, the team can focus on organizational awareness and management 65 PERFORMING This stage is the most harmonious Team members begin to define what it means to be part of a fully functioning team Communication is open and supportive and team members act in concert with each other without fear of rejection. The team now has a sense of its own identity The team is greater than the sum of its parts. They have achieved the essential conditions for team effectiveness—and emotional intelligence 66 KEEPING THE TEAM IN THE PERFORMING STAGE Encourage ongoing self and team assessment. Observe the team and offer feedback when requested. Develop team members to their fullest potential. Coach them and help them grow. Look for ways to increase the team’s capacity. Support new ideas and ways for achieving positive outcomes. 67 ACTIVITY: “SURVIVOR” 68 7. ACTION PLAN AND CLOSING 69 • • • • • • Leadership versus Management Emotional Intelligence Engagement and Motivation Feedback and Coaching Teambuilding Action Plan LEARNING RECAP: EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP 70 THE ACTION PLAN This plan is yours and yours alone You decide on which leadership areas you want to work.You set the number of goals You decide on the action steps and timeline. 71