Hyperbaric Oxygen and ENT: Facts, Fictions, and


Hyperbaric Oxygen in ORL-HNS:

Facts, Fictions, and Evidence

Evan R. Ransom, MD

University of Pennsylvania

Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery

Faculty Discussant:

Kevin Hardy, MD

Emergency Medicine, Hyperbaric Medicine


• Why HBO2?

• History

• Basics

• Details

• ORL-HNS Applications

• Data

• Discussion


• Initial discovery

– 1662  Henshaw built first hyperbaric chamber

• English physician and clergyman

• Called the chamber the “Domicilum”

• Hermetically sealed box with organ bellows & valves

"In times of good health this domicilium is proposed … to promote insensible respiration, to facilitate breathing and expectoration … of excellent use for prevention of most affections of the lungs."


• Elemental Oxygen

– 1775  Discovered by Priestly (English)

• Surgical use

– 1870’s  Fontaine & Bert (France)

• Prolong anesthesia

• Improved surgical outcomes

– Wound healing

– Infection rates

• Decompression sickness

– 1910-30’s  Drager, then Behnke & Shaw

• Reduced morbidity of decompression

• Studies of cardiopulmonary effects initiated


• Cardiothoracic Surgery

– 1950’s  Boerema (Dutch)

• Increase tissue oxygen stores prior to cross-clamping

• Repair of congenital heart defects

– With Brummelkamp, discovered effects on anaerobes

• Bacteriostatic

• Treat gas gangrene (Clostridium perfringens)

• Carbon monoxide poisoning

– 1962  Smith & Sharp (English) treated coal minors exposed to carbon monoxide

• US Military Research

– 1930’s  determine maximal pressure tolerated

– 1960’s  potentiation of radiation doses

Common Current Uses

• Decompression Sickness

• Gas Embolism

• Crush Injuries

• Anaerobic Infections

• Osteomyelitis

• Chronic Wounds

• Necrotizing Infections

• Osteoradionecrosis


• Why did we think HBO2 would work?

– Respiration is good… so why not more of it?

– What if we increase tissue oxygen delivery to supraphysiologic levels?

– How about generating more reactive oxygen to kill pathogens and tumors!?


• Some physics we’ve all forgotten…

– Boyle’s Law

– Dalton’s Law

– Henry’s Law


• Boyle’s Law

at a constant temperature, the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional.

– Hyperbaric chamber

• Compression of a given volume of gas therefore elevates its pressure

• One-way valve to add gas volume to chamber


• Dalton’s Law

in a gas admixture, each component gas exerts a pressure proportional to its fraction of the total volume

(i.e., partial pressure).

– Increasing the proportion of oxygen in the inhaled gas mixture increases its partial pressure

• Air at sea level is 21% O2

• HBO2 treatments use FiO2 100%


• Henry’s Law  the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to its partial pressure at the liquid/gas interface.

– Increasing the partial pressure of oxygen results in more oxygen dissolved in the blood

– Blood oxygen carriage therefore increases

• In addition to saturation of available hemoglobin


• Cardiopulmonary

– Increase in PaO2

• Saturation of available hemoglobin molecules

– Hgb 97% saturated at atmospheric pressure

– Maximization does NOT significantly increase O2 delivery

• Increase in dissolved O2

– PAO2 is 100mm Hg at atmospheric pressure

– Using 100% FiO2 at 3 atm  up to 2000mm Hg

» Increase O2 from 3ml/L blood to to 60ml/L

» 20 times more O2 circulating in plasma


• Cardiopulmonary

– Dissolved O2 diffuses into RBC-impassible areas

– May also deliver O2 in absence of functional Hgb

– 100% O2 at 3.0atm  effects at capillary beds

• Doubles distance of venous diffusion

• Quadruples distance of arteriolar diffusion


• Tissue & Cellular level

– Tissue PO2 is 55mm Hg at atmospheric pressure

– Using FiO2 100% at 3atm, increase to 500mm Hg

• Almost 10 fold increase in tissue oxygen tension

• Tissue PO2 > 40mm Hg needed to initiate any healing

– Tissue response proportional to O2 delivery

• O2 diffuses down the partial pressure gradient

• Gradient from arterioles  capillary bed  venous return is increased 37 fold

– Increase activation of fibroblasts & osteoblasts

– Promotes angiogenesis & neovascularization


• Three main effects of HBO2:

1) Delivery of O2 to hypoperfused tissues

• Limit ischemic damage, cell death, and inflammation

• Promotes collagen synthesis and angiogenesis

• Decreases lactate production and tissue acidosis

2) Generation of oxygen free radicals

• Aids in oxygen-dependent killing of bacteria

• Facilitates oxygen dependent transport of antibiotics

3) Vasoconstriction

• Limits leukocyte adhesion and degrannulation

• Decreases tissue edema

Dosing and Delivery

• Parameters

– All regimens use

100% O2

– Pressure more variable

• Most use 2.4 atm

• Maximum tolerated is 3 atm

• 4 atm induces seizures

Monoplace Hyperbaric Chamber.

Dosing and Delivery

• Common regimens

– Dives between 30 and

120 minutes

• May be daily or BID

• Total number varies by indication

– Most treatments around 30 dives

– Optional addition of 10 or more dives

– Monoplace vs. multiplace chambers

Multiplace Hyperbaric Chamber.


• One absolute contraindication

– Pneumothorax

• Pressure converts to tension pneumothorax

• Circulatory disruption and collapse

– All patients get screening CXR

• Relative contraindications

– History of spontaneous pneumothorax

– History of throacic surgery

– Concurrent URI

– Emphysema and COPD

– Seizure disorders


• Barotrauma

– Middle ear

• Eustachian tube dysfunction or obstruction

• Poor pressure equalization

– May cause

• Significant pain

• Hemotympanum

• TM rupture


• Barotrauma

– Lung parenchyma

• Elevated pressures may damage alveoli

– Alveolar hemorrhage

– Hemoptysis

– Pneumonitis

– Alveolar rupture

• Pneumothorax

• Pulmonary interstitial emphysema

Tension Pneumothorax


• Lens deformation causes temporary myopia

• Exacerbation of other processes

– Dental abscess, sinusitis, laryngocele, etc.

• Claustrophobia, anxiety, etc.

• Oxygen toxicity

– Very rare, but may cause seizures

• Potential effects on tumor growth

– Controversial – more on this later…

Fire Risk

• Perfect set up for fire (especially monoplace)

– 100% oxygen

– Highly pressurized

– Enclosed space

• Rare… but not rare enough

– 50 deaths due to HBO2-related fires since 1980

– Must remove all flammable materials

– Fire safety protocol is essential

• Risk reduced in multiplace chambers

– Chamber pressurized

– O2 delivered individually via tight-fitting masks

– Attendants may enter in an emergency


• HBO2 is relatively expensive…

– Monoplace chamber > $150,000

– Most facilities have multiplace chambers, which can cost millions

– Each 30 min costs ~ $170

• Average full course is 30 dives of 90 min

• Billed for ~$15,300

• Plus physician fees, hospital stay, meds, etc.

– But…

• Medicare reimburses for most accepted indications


• Cost efficacy analyses

– Studies from Europe, Canada, & Japan

• Significant cost savings for multiple indications

• E.g., osteoradionecrosis of the mandible

– Reduced surgical costs in ORN patients

– Reduced length of stay

– Overall 17% cost reduction in Europe

– U.S. studies focus on diabetic foot ulcers

• HBO2 cost effective for this indication

• Very limited U.S. data for ORL-HNS indications


• Proposed or Studied for ORL-HNS

– Osteoradionecrosis

– Chondroradionecrosis

– Enhancement of graft & flap viability

– Necrotizing infections

– Chronic wounds

– Fistulas

– Malignant otitis externa

– Skull base osteomyelitis

– Sudden SNHL

– Tinnitus

– Idiopathic facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy)

– Radiation sensitization


Today’s review

1. Osteoradionecrosis

2. Pharyngocutaneous fistulas

3. Enhancement of graft & flap viability

4. Malignant otitis externa

5. Sudden SNHL

6. Radiation sensitization


• Damage to osteocytes from XRT

– Weakens bone, predisposing to fracture

– Often painful, broken down mucosal coverage

– Decreases blood flow, difficult to fight infection

• Body of the mandible most affected

– Least redundant blood supply & muscle coverage

– Incidence decreased significantly in last 30 years

• Lower radiation doses, more targeted fields

• Currently less than 5% of patients receiving H&N XRT


• Pathophysiology

– Significant fibrotic changes in bone and marrow

– Reduction in caliber & number of feeding vessels

– Periosteal & mucosal damage  bone necrosis

ORN X-ray – Mandible ORN Histology – Mandible


• HBO2 used for ORN since 1960’s

– Multiple staging systems & treatment regimens

– Marx, et al. 1982, 1983, 1990 (retrospective)

• Sequential treatment combining HBO2, debridement, surgical resection & reconstruction

• Over 90% success rate

– Neovius, et al. 1997

• Cured 12/15 patients with ORN, CRN, or tissue necrosis

– Combination HBO2, wound care, debridement, antibiotics

• Significant improvement over historical controls (7/15)

– Conservative measures alone


• Not all data agree (Annane, et al. 2004)

– Prospective, randomized, controlled trial

• enrollment after 2 months conservative Tx

• 30 dives for 90 min at 2.4 atm vs. placebo

– Placebo = Pressurized 90% Nitrogen

– No significant difference between groups!?

• Was there a biologic effect of the placebo?

• Not enough dives?


• Cochrane review 2005

– Outcome measures

Primary: Survival, resolution of disease

Secondary: Mucosal coverage, bony continuity, pain (poor data)

– Identified 6 trials that met evidence standards

• Treatment algorithms differed slightly

• Pooled data for mandible

– 92% resolution with HBO2, 65% in control group

– Improved mucosal coverage (93% v. 67%)

» RR 1.4 (95%CI 1.2-1.6, p< 0.001); NNT = 4

– Improved bony continuity (92% v. 65%)

» RR 1.4 (95%CI 1.1-1.7; p=0.009); NNT = 4

– Conclusion: HBO2 is safe and likely effective for ORN

Chronic Wound Data

• Relatively little data from H&N

– Cochrane review 2005

• Lower incidence of wound dehiscence with HBO2

– 6% v. 37% post-XRT for H&N SCCA

– Significant result only in subset with flaps or grafts

• Limited data on speed of healing, major vessel bleeding, decannulation, or need for laryngectomy

– Implies that HBO2 would be useful in H&N reconstruction specifically

Chronic Wound Data

• Generalizing from other fields

– Diabetic foot ulcers

• Significant reduction in morbidity

• Significant improvement in functional outcomes

• Significant cost savings

– Mechanism shown in laboratory analyses

• Enhances fibroblast activity

– Collagen synthesis

– Neovascularization

• Improves infection control (especially anaerobes]

– Treatment response can be predicted

• Based on measurement of tissue PO2 (TcPO2)

• >40mm Hg predicts at least some response

Pharyngocutaneous Fistula

• Post-laryngectomy

• Significant increases

– Morbidity

– Cost

• Incidence

– Varies widely (3% to >50%)

– Consensus 10-15%

• Pathophysiology

– Incomplete healing or breakdown of pharyngeal suture line

– Connection develops between mucosa and skin

– First sign is generally post-op fever

Post-laryngectomy Fistula

Pharyngocutaneous Fistula

• Complications

– Major vessel bleed

– Aspiration pneumonia, infection, sepsis

– NPO status associated with poor patient QOL

• Treatment

– Most fistulas respond to conservative measures

• NPO & enteral nutrition

• Local wound care & antibiotics

– Delayed surgical closure

• Non-healing fistulas

• Large fistulas

– Local rotational flaps

– Pectoralis major flap

– Hyperbaric oxygen?

• Prophylactic? Adjuvant?

Pharyngocutaneous Fistula

• Davis, et al. 1979

– 15/16 patients with soft tissue necrosis neck post-XRT

– Poor patient descriptions, scant wound documentation

• Marx, et al. 1993

– Tested prophylactic HBO2 in post-XRT resections

• Prospective with80 patients, 80 controls

– Decreased rate and severity of wound complications

• 11% dehiscence in HBO2 vs. 48% without

• 6% infections in HBO2 vs. 24% without

• 11% prolonged hospital stay in HBO2 vs. 55% without

• Neovius, et al. 1997

– 15 patients with post-XRT wounds

– 4/5 patients with fistulas healed (3/4 with pharyngocutaneous)

• Narzony, et al. 2005

– 8 post-XRT patients successfully treated with HBO2

– 1 pt had a post-laryngectomy fistula & polymicrobial infection

• Partially closed with HBO2, infection fully treated

• Definitive closure with local muscle flap post-HBO2

Pharyngocutaneous Fistula

• Limitations

– Small {N}, patients grouped (i.e., not all fistulas)

– Timing and dosing of therapies differ

– Mostly retrospective data

• Penn Study (ORL-HNS, Hyperbaric Medicine)

– Post-radiation laryngectomy

– Effects of HBO2 on wound status & outcome

• Prospective data

– Predictive model for wound healing

• Tissue hypoxia

• Angiogenesis

Skin Grafts & Free Flaps

• Pathophysiology

– Grafted or transplanted tissue may be healthy

– But… implantation site may be hypoxic

• Due to tissue bed disease, vasospasm, edema, infection

• Oxygen & nutrient supply compromised

• Must establish vascular connection for survival

• HBO2 Mechanism

– Improves tissue PO2

– Promotes angiogenesis

– Augments immune response & limits inflammation

Skin Grafts & Free Flaps

• Compromised skin grafts & flaps

– Ueda, et al. 1987

• Retrospective: HBO2 post-OC composite resection

• 95-100% recovery of compromised flaps & grafts

– Waterhouse, et al. 1993

• Retrospective: HBO2 for salvage of ischemic free flaps

• HBO2: 75% salvage vs. 46% without

– Tx within 24hrs  100% survival rate

– Tx > 72hrs  0% survival

– Marx, et al. 2002

• Prospective, randomized post-XRT resection

• 11% wound healing delay HBO2 vs. 55% without

• 3.5% major wound dehiscence HBO2 vs. 33% without

• 2.5% major wound infection HBO2 vs. 16% without

Malignant Otitis Externa

N Results Conclusion • Data is of poor quality

– Mostly case reports

– No prospective data

• But…

– Supports use

– Need prospective data

– Need standardization

Bath, et al. 1998

Gilain, et al. 1993

Shupak, et al. 1989

Pilgramm, et al.


Davis, et al. 1992

Martel, et al. 2000

Tisch, et al. 2003


Case series

Case report

Case report

Case series

Case series

Case series

Case series




Patient cured,

CN2 function saved

Patient cured,

CN7 function returned

Patients cured

HBO2 + Abx is beneficial

HBO2 + Abx is beneficial

HBO2 + Abx is beneficial






Patients cured

Patients cured,

4 year followup

Patients cured; used HBO2 in

10 cases

Patients cured; relapse 27% at

5 year followup

HBO2 +/- Abx is beneficial (one cure with

HBO2 alone)

HBO2 + Abx is beneficial; used 30 dives

Surgical debridement +

HBO2 (15 dives) + Abx is beneficial; Abx alone cures most cases

Surgical debridement +

HBO2 (20 dives) + Abx + anti-pseudomonal IG can cure extreme cases, but with some recurrence

Malignant Otitis Externa

• Cochrane Review 2005

– Data poor quality

• No control groups

• No randomization

• All retrospective

– Suggestion of effect

– Well-characterized and plausible mechanism

• Improved efficacy of immune response

• Enhancement of bacteriacidal antibiotic effects

– Conclusion: Need RCTs to truly evaluate this indication

Sudden SNHL

• Cochrane review 2007

– Data is of poor quality

– Found 6 trials meeting minimum standards

– Conflicting data in hearing recovery

• No difference in improvement of 50% on PTA

• Significant difference of 25% on PTA

– 22% greater chance of this amount of hearing improvement

– Clinical significance? (NNT =5)

• Data do not support use in chronic idiopathic SNHL

– Summary

• Routine use not recommended due to effect size relative to costs

• Need larger trials with randomization to determine efficacy

Radiation Sensitization

• Among first studied uses of HBO2 (1960’s)

– Areas of hypoxia in tumors are resistant to therapy

– Increasing oxygen pressure in the tumor can aid tumoricidal therapies

• Increase FiO2, increase ambient pressure (i.e., HBO2)

• Administration of radiation sensitizing agents (oxygen donors)

– Radiation concurrently (i.e., in HBO2 chamber)

• Technical difficulties (equipment)

• Multiple XRT regimen & HBO2 parameters

• Overall suggestion of survival benefit in the literature

Radiation Sensitization

• Systematic review (Bennett, et al. 2008)

– Found 19 randomized trials of HBO2 with XRT

• H&N, cervix, bladder, rectum, esophagus, brain

– H&N

• Significant mortality reduction (1 & 5 yrs)

– Difference seen between fractionization protocols

» >12 : trend to significance

» <12 : RR 0.69 (95%CI 0.53-0.89, p=0.004), ARR 20.9%

• Significant decrease in recurrence (1 & 5 yrs)

– Side effects are amplified, too…

• Significant increase in radiation morbidity

• ORN, tissue necrosis, xerostomia, etc.

Radiation Sensitization

• Data support survival effect

• Need more RCTs to determine

– Timing of XRT (Concurrent? Sequential?)

– Fractionization & dosing

• Is it worth the costs?

– XRT side effects are already difficult…

– Saving more lives with lower QOL???

– More complications = higher treatment costs

Tumor Growth!?

• Theoretical & historical concern

– HBO2 in malignancy

• Microscopic disease, positive margins, metastasis

• Does HBO2 improve tumor survival? Enhance growth?

• Data are conflicting

– Handful of case reports suggest growth

• GYN malignancies mostly, a couple in H&N CA

– Other reports suggest tumor suppression

• Currently, experiments do not show tumor progression

– Animal models

– Human SCCA cell cultures

• Systematic reviews have failed to support this concern

Tumor Growth!?

• Schonmeyr, et al. 2008

– H&N SCCA cell culture & xenotransplantation

– Measured growth

• In culture & in mice (tumor implanted on flank)

• HBO2 90 min/day for 8 days at 2.1 atm, 100% FiO2

• No significant difference in culture or mouse

– No significant difference in

• DNA synthesis

• Angiogenesis

– Trend toward less tumor hypoxia in treatment group

• This did not translate to tumor growth

• May actually be helpful for XRT or certain chemotherapeutics


• HBO2 derives its clinical benefit via

– Increase in the oxygen delivery to hypoxic tissue

– Promoting native mechanisms of healing

– Decreasing tissue edema & reperfusion injury

• Dosing

– Most commonly 30-40 dives of 90 min at 2.4atm

• Costs

– Significant, yet analyses support cost savings in proven indications


• Supported ORL-HNS indications

– ORN & CRN, radiation soft tissue injury

– Flap & graft survival

• Unsupported ORL-HNS indications

– Sudden SNHL, tinnitus, Bell’s palsy

• Areas of uncertainty

– Likely effect: MOE & skull base osteo, fistulas

– Poor side effect profile: radiation sensitization


• Further research

– Molecular mechanism incompletely understood

• Animal studies

• Human tissue bank studies

– Need ethical randomized control trials

• Variety of indications

– More combination regimens for cancer treatment

& post-XRT reconstruction salvage

• What are the optimal dose & delivery shemes?

• Maximize oncologic control & quality of life


• Books

– Handbook on Hyperbaric Medicine. D. Mathieu (ed.); Springer (Netherlands),


– Hyperbaric Medicine Practice. Kindwall P, Whelan H (eds); Best Publ. Co.

(Arizona), 2002.

• Marx RE. Radiation injury to tissue. Pp. 665-723.

• Cochrane Reviews

– Bennett MH, Feldmeier J, Hampson N, Smee R, Milross C. Hyperbaric oxygen for late radiation tissue injury. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005, issue 3.

– Bennett M, Feldmeier J, Smee R, Milross C. Hyperbaric oxygen for tumour sensitization to radiotherapy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005, issue 4.

– Bennett MH, Kertesz T, Yeung P. Hyperbaric oxygen for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, issue 1.

– Kranke P, Bennett M, Roeckl-Wiedmann I, Debus S. Hyperbaric oxygen for chronic wounds.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, issue 1.

– Phillips JS, Jones SEM. Hyperbaric Oxygen as an adjuvant treatment for malignant otitis externa. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005, issue 2.


• Articles

– Annane D, Depondt J, Aubert P, Villart M, et al. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Radionecrosis of the Jaw: A

Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial from the ORN96 Study Group. J Clin Onool 2004; 22:


– Bennett M, Feldmeier J, Smee R, Milross C. Hyperbaric oxygenation for tumour sensitisation to radiotherapy: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Cancer Trtmt Rev 2008; 34: 577-591.

– D’Souza J, Goru J, Goru S, et al. The influence of hyperbaric oxygen on the outcomes of patients treated for osteoradionecrosis: 8 year study. Int’l J OMFS 2007; 36(9): 783-787.

– Daruwalla J, Christophi C. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Malignancy: A Review. World J Surg 2006; 30:


– Gal TJ, Yueh B, Futran ND. Influence of prior hyperbaric oxygen therapy in complications following microvascular reconstruction for advanced osteoradionecrosis. Arch ORL HNS 2003; 129(1): 72-76.

– Gill, AL & Bell, CAN. Hyperbaric Oxygen: its uses, mechanisms of action and outcomes. Q J Med 2004; 97:


Hirsch DL, Bell RB, Dierks EJ, Potter JK, Potter BE. Analysis of microvascular free flaps for reconstruction of advanced mandibular osteoradionecrosis: a retrospective cohort study. J OMFS 2008; 66(12): 2545-2556.

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– Myers R, Marx RE. Use of hyperbaric oxygen in postradiation head and neck surgery. NCI Monogr.

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– Shi Y, Lee CS, Wu J, Koch CJ, et al. Effects of hyperbaric oxygen exposure on experiemtnal head and neck tumor growth, oxygenation, and vasculature. Head & Neck 2005; 27(5): 362-369.

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