Tri-County Area APPLICATION FORM Special Transportation Discretionary (STF) 2016 STF Fund Discretionary Program for Regional Projects and Projects with Statewide Significance 2016 STF Fund Discretionary Program for Regional Projects and Projects with Statewide Significance GRANT APPLICATION I. Organization’s Information Name of Organization: Ride Connection Contact Person: Julie Wilcke, Chief Operating Officer Address: 9955 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 528-1737 E-Mail: FAX: (503) 528-1755 Type of Organization (mark one): Public Entity Private non-profit X Provider’s geographic area of service is (mark one): Inside the TriMet Service District Outside the TriMet Service District Both Inside and Outside of the TriMet Service District X Geographic area to be served (please indicate the geographic features that define y our service area such as streets, rivers or jurisdictional boundaries): North Boundary East Boundary South Boundary West Boundary Other General Geographic Area All of Clackamas, Multnomah and (ex Canby School District) Washington Counties Optional – please provide a map of your service area as a separate, single page, letter sized attachment. 1 Days and Hours of Operation: Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Please list any planned periods of service closure greater than 3 days. (ex. Closed the last week of December) Hours 7:30AM to 4:30PM* 7:30AM to 4:30PM* 7:30AM to 4:30PM* 7:30AM to 4:30PM* 7:30AM to 4:30PM* Limited/episodic* Limited/episodic* II. Funding Proposal Project Title: Addressing Unmet Need Total STF funds Requested: $2,376,425 Start Date: July 1, 2016 Underline Proposed Funding Source: 1. Regional Project or 2. Project with Statewide Significance Underline Funding Request Type: 1. Continuation of existing service at same level of service 2. Expansion of existing service 3. New service 4. Capital request 5. Other Total Transportation Program Cost by Year: FY17 $878,259 FY18 $739,074 FY19 $759,092 2 Total STF Grant fund needs by Year: (Circle below) Regional Project Project of Statewide Significance FY17 $878,259 FY18 $739,074 FY19 $759,092 Scalable STF Grant Request by Year: You are strongly encouraged to request the full amount of funding that is needed for each program, including funding for new programs, but funding is limited. Describe the scalability of your STF funding request below. Enter your scaled down request. Then describe how you scaled down your request and what aspects of the program would not be funded under this funding scenario. FY17 FY18 FY19 Total Scaled request $819,243 $693,805 $712,532 $2,225,580 Description: This project is scalable by FTEs. Per FTE subtract $41,766 from the annual budget with 3% increase per FTE annually. If the Mid Multnomah County Funding Parity application is funded, one FTE could be subtracted per year and one sedan purchase could be removed from year one and insurance for one sedan removed each year. This is what is shown in the table above. Amount of other funds leveraged to support the total transportation program: (list county contributions, STF Discretionary funds, donations, other): Contribution/Source Number of Amount % of Program Units/Hours Funding 3 Total STF Grant Request $2,376,425 100% STF Discretionary Project Type Category (mark one): Direct Service Mobility Management/Coordination Both Direct Service and Mobility Management/Coordination X Program Description (limit 900 words) Describe services or capital investment to be provided by STF funding. Please include a description of the following: Who do you serve What geographic area do you serve? Level of service provided to customers Operational activities; how customers request and receive rides, including scheduling and dispatching Describe if volunteers are utilized to provide service and how this occur (is the volunteer program supported with STF or other funds? Do you provide mileage reimbursement to volunteers using their own vehicles?)How the service is marketed. Across Ride Connection programs in all areas of the region, we have a persistent turn-down and unmet need trip request rate of over 7%. These are trips that customers have requested, primarily during service hours, but also at time when service is unavailable. Need and total trip requests have been growing – and we have added additional programs and services to help meet this need including our Ride Together mileage reimbursement program, our Veterans Helping Veterans program and “Floor of Service” capacity enhancement using taxi cab service. Even with these additions, the rate of unmet need has remained steady. Trip requests are increasing at the same rate that we are able to increase in our existing programs. In addition, we 4 are concerned that we will soon be entering a period of faster growth in the population over the age of 60 and we will not be prepared to expand services as quickly as the rate of demand increases. To begin the process of preparing for increases in demand, we would like to add paid driver and vehicle capacity to meet our known unmet need. We have developed a partnership with Enterprise Rent-A-Car that will allow us to purchase low-mileage, gently used sedan vehicles at a cost of approximately $15,000 per vehicle, but we will also explore lease options as an alternative to purchase. These vehicles will be strategically coupled with increased driver hours as well as placement at programs that could increase volunteer participation and lower operating costs per mile by diversifying their fleet to include sedans. Driver hours and vehicle placement will be in programs that serve older adults and people with disabilities. Programs must also operate at least one accessible vehicle to qualify to have a sedan placed with their program. Service provided must be door-to-door at a minimum, but can also be door-through-door or escorted. Both volunteers and paid drivers may be used in the provision of service. The estimates for paid driver hours are calculated to meet unmet need. We will focus on recruiting volunteers to help meet latent (unknown) demand increases. Latent demand is likely to become known as reliability of service increases/the perception of scarcity decreases and customers do not self-select out of requesting trips, and communicate by wordof-mouth to potential new customers. In addition, we will be adding 1 FTE IT Specialist per year to provide support to partners and establish technology-based efficiencies to ensure that the transportation capacity added through this proposal is effectively coordinated. Ride Connection will continue to market services through community organizations, forums and residential communities, through distribution of brochures and informational materials and through collaboration with our partners. To best promote the availability of new capacity, we will also expand our marketing to additional area health clinics, mental health services and through our expanded 5 partner network that currently participates in our Fare Relief grant program. Do your program activities preserve existing service and/or provide new service? (describe how the project preserves existing service or provides new or expanded service) (limit 200 words) This is an expansion of existing programs to augment capacity. This service expands the capacity of the Ride Connection network through the inclusion of sedan vehicles to provide diversity and cost efficiencies for the fleet, and the addition of paid driver service hours to increase the reliability of service for customers. The requested funding will provide paid driver service hours to be provided in sedans purchased at a cost of approximately $15,000 each. An additional .5 FTE scheduler will be added to Ride Connection Service Center staff to provide scheduling support for additional trips. We also anticipate that we will be able to add 2,700 volunteer driver hours per year. Do you coordinate between providers to avoid duplication? (describe what level of coordination between partners is done and how duplication is avoided) (limit 200 words) Paid driver service hours will be coordinated by Ride Connection and allocated to partner programs using the same system we currently use to coordinate our on-call drivers to increase program capacity where needed, throughout the region. Transportation Coordinators will work with the Ride Connection Service Center to request driver time in cases where capacity may be reduced due to illness, vacations or other unforeseen circumstances. If drivers are not filling in for partner programs, they will be utilized to provide trips that would otherwise be turned down/remain unscheduled by either partner programs or programs directly operated by Ride Connection. Service in Clackamas County will be coordinated through the Clackamas County Consortium system. 6 Additional Sedans will be coordinated by the Ride Connection Asset Manager. Vehicles will be placed based on partner Transportation Coordinator and Ride Connection Transportation Coordinator requests. In some cases, they may be traded to right-size minivans and then minivans will be re-assigned to an area of need. Programs will apply to receive sedans and will indicate projected trips, volunteer hours and paid driver hours to be provided in the vehicle, so their requests can be quantitatively evaluated. Is your program cost- effective? (describe average cost per ride, cost per mile and cost per hour) (limit 200 words) The trips provided by this capacity increase are often longer-distance or trips that are very difficult to share with other trips. While they are likely to not be the most cost-effective trips in the network, ensuring reliability of service for customers may help with the bottom-line of programs by increasing customer satisfaction and retention – which will hopefully increase the rate of participation in group or shared trips by these same customers. While accessible vehicles will always be the foundation of our fleet, the purchase or lease of sedans is extremely cost-effective. Our arrangement with Enterprise Rent-A-Car is providing vehicles at a cost that is much less than the cost of an accessible minivan. This is a significant capital cost savings that allows our fleet to be expanded at a greater rate than if we were purchasing accessible minivans. From an operating cost standpoint, providing an episodic trip for a single, ambulatory customer is more cost effective in a sedan. Some of the sedans we are able to purchase or lease also are hybridelectric vehicles, which provides additional fuel cost savings. Does your program address one or more of the strategy recommendations in the Tri-County Elderly and Disabled Transportation Plan (EDTP) or improves service coverage as recommended in the EDTP? (describe activities) (limit 200 words) 7 While this is an expansion project, it does enhance existing services and programs, ensuring they are better able to address increased demand for services moving forward. This directly addresses the subgoal of “Improve the Service Foundation” of the first guiding tenant of the EDTP. This project is designed to directly address the concerns expressed on page 4-6 of the EDTP. Ride Connection and their network receive more requests for rides than can be filled. Many ride requests that are received cannot be filled, and are turned down. Customers are called back two days prior to their scheduled ride and told if the trip can be provided. Ride Connection and transit agencies/providers do not have enough drivers and vehicles. As a result of growing demand, some trips are prioritized and others are turned down. People get discouraged if they have not received the service they need and stop requesting rides; therefore, the demand for services is greater than would be indicated by trip denials or turndowns. This is also an innovative method of providing adequate capital for replacements (figure 6-1, page 6-3). While this is not a 1:1 replacement project – it is an expansion of the fleet – the diversification will allow Ride Connection to better manage existing accessible minivans and prolong their life by providing capacity in sedans for trips that do not require an accessible vehicle. The availability of sedans also offers the opportunity to increase the capacity of existing volunteer programs by providing a vehicle option for volunteers who may not be comfortable driving a larger accessible vehicle. It also is an extension of the back-up driver pool concept that increases the number of available Ride Connection on-call driver hours. (figure 6-1, page 6-4) III. Budget and Ridership Information 8 A. Budget Information -- Ride Connection Organizations, complete Form A Measurables and Form B2 Condensed Budget Information below and the detailed electronic budget worksheet provided by Ride Connection. Form A. Measurables Ride Data FY17 (projected) FY18 (projected) FY19 (projected) STF STF 42,999 Program Total 42,999 334664 334664 343992 343992 353584 353584 8 8 8 8 8 8 27,181 27,181 28,013 28,013 28,870 28,870 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 $16.33 $16.33 $17.18 $17.18 $17.17 $17.17 1743 1743 1791 1791 1841 1841 STF One way rides Total miles Miles per trip Total paid driver hours Total volunteer driver hours Cost per trip Number of individuals served 41,833 Program Total 41,833 44,198 Program Total 44,198 Staffing data: (please identify positions supported with STF Discretionary funds and the amount of FTE per position) Position Driver Scheduler Specialist FY17 (projected) 13 FTE .5 FTE 1FTE FY 18 (projected) 13 FTE .5 FTE 1FTE 9 FY 19 (projected) 14 FTE .5 FTE 1FTE Form B2. Condensed Budget Information ESTIMATED STF DISCRETIONARY Amount % of PROJECT COST total 1. STF Project administration expense 2. Personal services (wages and $237,424 10% benefits) 3. Facility (rent, janitorial, utilities, etc.) 4. Professional services* 5. Insurance, services and supplies (IT, travel, office expense, telecommunications, etc.) 6. Other (list): $12,216 1% Item - Overhead 7. Item 8. Item 9. Operations expense 10. Item – Capital Purchase 13 Sedans, $195,000 8% yr one 11. Item – Insurance $87,750 4% 12. Item – Personal Services (wages & $1,751,735 74% benefits) 13. Preventative Maintenance expense 14. Item – Preventative Maintenance 13 $92,300 4% sedans 15. Item Grand Total: $2,376,425 *For amounts over $5000, please provide an explanation of services rendered. Limit 300 words. 10 2. Personal Services –1 FTE IT Specialist 6. Overhead costs at agency average of $1.90 per hour 10. Purchase of 13 Sedans at $15,000 each 11. Vehicle Insurance at $2,250 per year 12. Personal Services – 13 Drivers 14. Preventative maintenance on 13 vehicles 11