Free sample of Test Bank for Information Systems for

Brian West
Chapter 1: The Value of Information
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. Data can best be described as:
a. raw symbols (unconnected facts) (ref 1-5)
b. information
c. wisdom
d. knowledge
e. software
2. Data that has been processed into something useful is:
a. raw data
b. information (ref 1-5)
c. knowledge
d. wisdom
e. hardware
3. What is the difference between data and information?
a. Data is raw and is converted to information once it has been processed. (ref 1-5)
b. Information is knowledge, data is not.
c. Data is stored, information is not.
d. Data must be numbers, information must be text.
e. They are the same thing.
4. Knowledge can best be described as:
a. data
b. a person, place or thing
c. information that is applied to some decision or action (ref 1-5)
d. the description of information
e. stored data
5. Wisdom involves:
a. age and life experience
b. formal education
c. using consultants
d. reviewing data
e. using knowledge for the greater good (ref 1-5)
6. When considering data, information, knowledge and wisdom as a hierarchy, which of these is
deeper and more uniquely human?
a. Data
b. Information
c. Knowledge
d. Wisdom (ref 1-5)
e. None of the above
7. The hardware, software and media used to store, organize, retrieve and communicate
information is known as __________.
Brian West
Chapter 1: The Value of Information
Test Bank
a. information technology (ref 1-6, glossary)
b. information systems
c. usefulness
d. connectedness
e. data
What is information technology?
a. The hardware used in an organization
b. An information system
c. The hardware, software and media used to store, organize, retrieve and communicate
information (ref 1-6)
d. Applying technology to organizations
e. Applying technology to systems
What is the hardware, software and media used to store, organize, retrieve and communicate
information called?
a. Information technology (ref 1-6)
b. Information systems
c. Hardware
d. Software
e. Usefulness
Information systems enable users to ____________.
a. research alternative solutions
b. identify business strategic solutions
c. connect and process data to help with management decision making (ref 1-6)
d. store data
e. share information rapidly
Two important concepts that are framed by understanding the DIK hierarchy are:
a. connectedness and usefulness (ref 1-6)
b. time and location
c. news and opinion
d. relevance and timeliness
e. intelligence and data
____________ combines bits of data giving the data some context and meaning.
a. Identifying subsystems
b. Labeling relationships
c. Developing scenarios
d. Connecting data elements (ref 1-6)
e. Correcting errors
To be useful, information is ______ and ________ , which leads to knowledge.
a. understood, explained
b. interpreted, applied (ref 1-6)
Brian West
Chapter 1: The Value of Information
Test Bank
c. complete, evaluated
d. reviewed, approved
e. identified, dissected
The ability to efficiently and effectively determine what information is needed, then access,
evaluate, use, and manage that information in an ethical manner is__________.
a. information literacy (ref 1-7)
b. information technology
c. information systems
d. connectedness and usefulness
e. information knowledge
What are the three main purposes that all business use information for?
a. Reading, writing, and arithmetic
b. Data, storage, and hardware
c. Software, communications, and process support
d. Decision-making, software, and hardware
e. Communications, process support, and decision-making (ref 1-10)
A set of coordinated activities that lead to a specific goal or outcome is known as:
a. rules
b. business process (ref 1-10)
c. strategic goals
d. management directives
e. vision
Decision making involves choosing alternatives. Making this choice requires ____________.
a. researching every available source
b. reviewing unsolicited information
c. information about the alternatives (ref 1-12)
d. full knowledge of all available options
e. input from management
Individuals in information systems careers ______________.
a. create, and develop websites
b. design, build, support or manage information systems (ref 1-14)
c. define organization vision
d. purchase hardware
e. maintain databases
People in __________________ careers use systems to retrieve, report on and analyze
information contained in systems.
a. information systems
b. information research
c. insurance adjusters
d. information analysis (ref 1-14)
Brian West
Chapter 1: The Value of Information
Test Bank
e. accounting and finance
20. Which part of an “information system” is the most critical?
a. The system
b. The information (ref page 1)
c. The data
d. The knowledge
e. The technology
21. What is believed to be the most critical skill for the future?
a. Wise decision making
b. Information management
c. Knowledge management
d. Information discovery
e. Information literacy (ref page 5)
22. _________ is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.
a. Knowledge sharing
b. Text messaging
c. Communication (ref page 6)
d. Language
e. Information Literacy
23. Which of the following is information that is applied to some decision or action?
a. Data
b. Wisdom
c. Knowledge (ref 1-5)
d. Decision making
e. Information literacy
24. Which of the following refers to using knowledge for the greater good?
a. Data processing
b. Ethics
c. Information literacy
d. Decision making
e. Wisdom (ref 1-5)
25. ______________ enable users to connect and process data to help with management decision
a. Decision making tools
b. Information technologies
c. Information systems (ref 1-6)
d. Knowledge management systems
e. Expert systems
Brian West
Chapter 1: The Value of Information
Test Bank
Reflection Questions
1. Plan a productive day without using any information technology. What are the biggest
challenges that you will face? (ref 1-4)
Answers will vary
2. If you were looking to buy a home, how would you begin to do research about purchasing a
home? (ref 1-9)
Answers will vary
3. Have you previously considered either a career in information systems or information analysis?
Which of these two fields could you see yourself going in to? Why?(ref 3-18)
Answers will vary
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the difference between data and information? Give examples. (ref 1-4)
A: Data lacks any real meaning or context. When we combine the original data with other,
related data, we now have information that helps us interpret
Rubric: 3 (Proficient)-Both aspects of the description correctly identified
2 (Adequate)- One aspect of the description correctly identified
1 (Limited)-No aspects of the description correctly identified
2. How has the processing of data changed over time? For what purpose is data generally
processed for today? (ref 1-6)
A: In the early days, the focus was on processing data for relatively straightforward tasks, such
as processing payrolls or bookkeeping. More recently there has been movement towards
being able to manage knowledge.
Rubric: 3 (Proficient)-Both aspects of the description correctly identified
2 (Adequate)- One aspect of the description correctly identified
1 (Limited)-No aspects of the description correctly identified
3. What does it mean to be information literate?
A: Information literacy boils down to the ability to efficiently and effectively determine what
information is needed, then access, evaluate, use, and manage that information in an ethical
Rubric: 3 (Proficient)-All aspects of the description correctly identified
2 (Adequate)- Two aspects of the description correctly identified
1 (Limited)-One or none aspects of the description correctly identified
4. What is a business process? Why is it important? Give an example. (ref 1-11)
Brian West
Chapter 1: The Value of Information
Test Bank
A: A business process is a set of coordinated activities that lead to a specific goal or outcome.
Many business processes are quite complex and involve many different parts of a business.
Examples may vary
Rubric: 3 (Proficient)-All aspects of the description correctly identified
2 (Adequate)- Two aspects of the description correctly identified
1 (Limited)-One or none aspects of the description correctly identified
5. Some businesses use information as a product. Give an example of a business that uses
information as a product and how it works. (ref 1-12)
A: . For example, the Nielsen Company ( gathers information on
television viewing habits and sells this information to various clients who use the information
for decision-making. While all businesses use information for communication, process support
and decision-making, only some businesses use information as a product. Second, information
can be used to gain strategic value.
Rubric: 3 (Proficient)-All aspects of the description correctly identified
2 (Adequate)- Two aspects of the description correctly identified
1 (Limited)-One or none aspects of the description correctly identified
6. What is the difference between an information systems and information analysis career? What
types of background do you need for each? (ref 1-14)
A: Individuals in information systems careers design, build, support or manage information
systems. These are the jobs that typically require a major in information systems or a related
field. People in information analysis careers use these systems to retrieve, report on and
analyze the information contained in the systems.
Rubric: 3 (Proficient)-All aspects of the description correctly identified
2 (Adequate)- Two aspects of the description correctly identified
1 (Limited)-One or none aspects of the description correctly identified