The KUDOS Portfolio Scheme for professional recognition of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPF) Guidance for Staff For the academic year 2015/16 Contents 1. Introduction – Geoff Layer, Vice Chancellor .................................................................................................. 1 2. What is KUDOS? ................................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Who is it for? .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 4. What are the benefits to students, individuals and the university? ............................................................ 4 5. What is the UKPSF? .............................................................................................................................................. 4 6. What does ‘Remaining in Good Standing’ mean? ........................................................................................... 7 7. What is the HEA Code of practice? .................................................................................................................. 7 8. How do I decide what is the best descriptor for me? .................................................................................. 8 9. What is the Recognition Panel? ........................................................................................................................ 12 10. Frequently asked questions ............................................................................................................................. 13 Appendix 1. UKPSF and KUDOS Staff Development Opportunities .......................................................... 14 1. Introductory and generic CPD on the UKPSF, HEA and KUDOS. .................................................... 14 2a. Specialist mandatory KUDOS Portfolio Scheme CPD ......................................................................... 15 2b. Mandatory annual refresher CPD ............................................................................................................. 16 3. CPD for Areas of Activity relevant to the UKPSF .................................................................................. 17 Appendix 2. KUDOS Portfolio templates: D1, D2 and D3............................................................................ 18 Portfolio - DI for AFHEA ................................................................................................................................... 18 Portfolio - D2 for FHEA ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Portfolio - D3 for SFHEA ................................................................................................................................... 31 Appendix 3. KUDOS Reviewer Pro-forma – D1, D2 and D3 ....................................................................... 38 KUDOS Portfolio Scheme Reviewer pro-forma – D1 ............................................................................... 38 KUDOS Portfolio Scheme Reviewer pro-forma – D2 ............................................................................... 40 KUDOS Portfolio Scheme Reviewer pro-forma – D3 ............................................................................... 42 Page 2 of 45 1. Introduction – Geoff Layer, Vice Chancellor The University of Wolverhampton is committed to developing reflective practitioners. We strive to enable all staff to reach their potential and to engage in continuing professional development (CPD). Explicit in our University Learning and Teaching sub-strategy we have the following goal, “5.2 Recognise, value and reward professionalism in learning, teaching and assessment Further develop the recognised continuing professional development profile and career opportunities of all individuals involved in teaching, learning and assessment, by providing the relevant staff development structure and support. . “ To assist with the achievement of this goal in December 2014 the University announced the creation of the College of Learning and Teaching (The College) to promote and drive excellence in academic practice in order to deliver a high quality student experience. The College brings together academic practice, learning technologies and pedagogic research in a holistic and integrated approach to learning and teaching. The UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) is a major influence on the development of the College and is where KUDOS is to be housed. The KUDOS scheme based on the recognition of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), rewarded by Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) is our own internally developed and externally accredited (HEA) CPD scheme for members of staff who teach and/or support learning. Here at the University we pride ourselves on quality teaching and learning provision. We have always strived to ensure our teaching is world-class, innovative, and reflective of the needs of our students and their future employers. But to achieve this vision, we must ensure that staff are supported in and recognised for their contribution to excellent teaching. In our People Enabling Strategy vision we state that: “… We also must provide staff with the opportunities for personal and professional training, education and development.” Leading to the following goal: “Develop and implement a robust, simple and effective appraisal and staff development process that ensures the delivery of individual, team and university-wide objectives, consistent with the university’s strategies along with meeting the personal and professional training, educational and development needs of our staff” It is for this reason that I am so proud of our commitment to KUDOS, the UKPSF and the HEA. The development of KUDOS provides a step-change in our approach to teaching and learning, aiming to further enhance our provision, but more importantly recognise the invaluable work our staff do on a daily basis. Your engagement in the KUDOS scheme is greatly appreciated and I hope, by participating in the scheme, you gain a greater insight into your own teaching practice and the contribution you make to students’ lives every day. Page 1 of 45 2. What is KUDOS? The KUDOS portfolio scheme aims to: Provide all staff engaged in teaching and/or supporting learning with the opportunity to reflect on and articulate their academic practice through the Dimensions and Descriptors of the UKPSF and gain recognition for their practice via Fellowship of the HEA or to remain in good standing. The acronym KUDOS stands for Knowledge, Understanding, Development, Opportunities and Standing which are all characteristics of this scheme. Knowledge: Knowledge covers your subject expertise in relation to learning and teaching and assessment. You need to consider the appropriateness of your practice at different qualification levels in HE (Levels 4-7), how students learn, both generally and within your disciplinary area. Consider how technology might be used to support learning, methods for evaluating the effectiveness of your teaching or support for learning you use and the implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice. Understanding: The University’s Strategic Plan with appropriate sub and enabling strategies provide the context in which you and your students work. In addition you should be able to demonstrate your understanding of the wider context in which higher education operates, recognising the implications for your professional practice. At the University of Wolverhampton it would be expected that you are aware of the implications of widening participation of which we are and have been for some time, sector leaders, and inclusivity – see ‘Learning to teach inclusively’ or ‘Inclusive Curriculum Design in HE’ for more information. Development: Continuing professional development (CPD) is at the heart of the KUDOS scheme. You are asked to reflect on your academic practice and to provide evidence to support your reflections. You need to consider professional values that respect diversity and widening participation, use scholarship and research to underpin your learning, teaching and assessment practices while recognising that HE operates in a wider context and how this impacts on your own professional practice. Opportunities: The University of Wolverhampton prides itself on being the “University of Opportunity” for both students and staff. The KUDOS scheme provides you with the opportunity to reflect on your academic practice and to gain a nationally recognised, transferable professional award. You should also reflect on how your academic practice is inclusive and recognise the diversity of our student body that reflects our values of widening participation and inclusivity. Standing: You should reflect on your professional values as outlined in the UKPSF and the values and ethos of the University. Though your initial engagement with KUDOS might be to gain recognition for your academic practice once gained it will be expected that you remain in good standing and abide by the HEA code of practice. KUDOS is the University of Wolverhampton’s own CPD portfolio scheme accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) for the recognition of professional academic practice based on the UKPSF. The UKPSF has four different Descriptors recognised by awarding an appropriate Fellowship of the HEA, Descriptor 1(D1) by Associate Fellowship of the HEA (AFHEA), D2 by Page 2 of 45 Fellowship of the HEA (FHEA), D3 by Senior Fellowship of the HEA (SFHEA) and D4 by Principal Fellowship of the HEA (PFHEA). The KUDOS Portfolio scheme can award D1, D2 and D3 D4 Principal FHEA is not included in our scheme. However D4 candidates are supported by the University to make an individual application directly to the HEA. We will pay individual fees to the HEA for PFHEA only. For D4 you should declare an interest with the College. The KUDOS Lead will meet with you to discuss what support you need and how best to provide this. As a D4 candidate you will be eligible to attend all internal workshops and writing retreats (see Appendix 1). For more information on D4 go to the HEA web site at: KUDOS requires you to reflect on your academic practice and submit a portfolio of evidence on one of three templates (see Appendix 2). Your portfolio is reviewed by trained KUDOS Reviewers who will make a recommendation to the KUDOS Recognition Panel who will make the decision to award an appropriate Fellowship of the HEA. KUDOS is based on the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) that aims to: Supports the initial and continuing professional development of staff engaged in teaching and supporting learning Fosters dynamic approaches to teaching and learning through creativity, innovation and continuous development in diverse academic and/or professional settings Demonstrates to students and other stakeholders the professionalism that staff and institutions bring to teaching and support for student learning Acknowledges the variety and quality of teaching, learning and assessment practices that support and underpin student learning Facilitates individuals and institutions in gaining formal recognition for quality enhanced approaches to teaching and supporting learning, often as part of wider responsibilities that may include research and/or management activities 3. Who is it for? KUDOS is for all staff that support learners and/or teach. The focus is on academic practice, supporting the learning process, learning, teaching and assessment rather than discipline knowledge though will provide a context for your academic practice. Depending on the role in which you work, it would be expected that you would be able to demonstrate and evidence your academic practice to meet different ‘Descriptors’ within the UKPSF. Each Descriptor has different criteria based on different roles and experience. If you are mainly supporting learning then you are more likely to be able to provide evidence for Descriptor 1 (D1) Associate Fellow of the HEA (AFHEA). If you are mainly teaching then this would be appropriate for D2 – Fellow (FHEA). However, if you are supporting, co-ordinating or mentoring the academic practice of others then you should be able to evidence practice to merit D3 - Senior Fellow (SFHEA). If your role is more related to strategic leadership for learning, teaching and assessment then D4 - Principal Fellow (PFHEA) is more appropriate. In the UKPSF the Descriptors are not hierarchical or dependent of achieving one before gaining another. You need to consider what best fits your academic practice, experience in higher education Page 3 of 45 and what you can demonstrate and evidence. You should also see the Descriptors as aspirational for setting the direction of your future academic practice. 4. What are the benefits to students, individuals and the university? Evidencing the UKPSF via the KUDOS scheme provides many benefits for the University as well as for you and your students. In the University Strategy (2012-17) our vision is to be: “The Opportunity University renowned for its creativity and innovation, developing students and staff who are entrepreneurial, eminently employable and well-connected within a research and professionally informed environment.” By engaging with KUDOS our students will be supported in their learning by teachers and those who support learning who have achieved nationally recognised professional standards for teaching and supporting learning in higher education. KUDOS supports you to: Demonstrate, reflect on, and evidence skills, knowledge and professional values in teaching and supporting learning in HE Have these recognised against national transferable professional standards Participate in CPD to further enhance your academic practice Engage with scholarship in learning and teaching. Become an excellent reflective academic practitioner The KUDOS scheme is based on the UKPSF and the HEA code of practice including the commitment to remain in good standing. 5. What is the UKPSF? The UKPSF was developed by sector-wide leaders and is supported by, the Higher Education Academy, Guild HE, the Department for Employment and Learning, the Higher Education Funding Councils for England, Scotland and Wales, the National Union of Students and Universities UK The UKPSF provides both a general description of the main dimensions and expectations of those who have any role involving teaching and/or supporting learning within the HE environment (Figure and Table 1) and criteria that must be met to be awarded Fellowship of the HEA (Tables 2 and 3). Page 4 of 45 Core knowledg e Areas of activity Professional values F IGURE 1 D IMENSIONS OF THE UKPSF Each of these three areas has a further set of statements of the Dimensions outlining in more detail what aspects of academic practice should be evidenced (Error! Reference source not found. elow). Areas of activity Core Knowledge Professional Values (A1) Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study (K1) The subject material (V1) Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities (A2) Teach and/or support learning (K2) Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme (V2) Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners (A3) Assess and give feedback to learners (K3) How students learn, both generally and within their subject/ disciplinary area(s) (V3) Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development (A4) Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance (K4) The use and value of appropriate learning technologies (V4) Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice (A5) Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices (K5) Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching (K6) The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching Page 5 of 45 Each descriptor requires that a different set of criteria are met. (Table 1) and (Table 2) D1 – Associate FHEA D2 – Fellow HEA D3 – Senior FHEA Demonstrates an understanding of specific aspects of effective teaching, learning support methods and student learning. Demonstrates a broad understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as key contributions to high quality student learning. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as a key contribution to high quality student learning. Individuals should be able to provide evidence of: Successful engagement with at least two of the five Areas of Activity Successful engagement across all five Areas of Activity Successful engagement across all five Areas of Activity Successful engagement in appropriate teaching and practices related to these Areas of Activity Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of Activity Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of Activity Appropriate Core Knowledge and understanding of at least K1 and K2 Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core Knowledge Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core Knowledge A commitment to appropriate Professional Values in facilitating others’ learning A commitment to all the Professional Values A commitment to all the Professional Values Relevant professional practices, subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the above activities Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practice Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practice Successful engagement, where appropriate, in professional development activity related to teaching, learning and assessment responsibilities Successful engagement in continuing professional development in relation to teaching, learning, assessment and, where appropriate, related professional practices Successful engagement in continuing professional development in relation to teaching, learning, assessment and, where appropriate, related professional practices Successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/or mentoring of others (whether individuals and/or teams) in relation to teaching and learning TABLE 1 UKPSF DESCRIPTORS 1, 2 AND 3 Page 6 of 45 D4 – Principal FHEA Demonstrates a sustained record of effective strategic leadership in academic practice and academic development as a key contribution to high quality student learning. Individuals should be able to provide evidence of: Active commitment to and championing of all Dimensions of the Framework, through work with students and staff, and in institutional developments Successful, strategic leadership to enhance student learning, with a particular, but not necessarily exclusive, focus on enhancing teaching quality in institutional, and/or (inter)national settings Establishing effective organisational policies and/or strategies for supporting and promoting others (e.g. through mentoring, coaching) in delivering high quality teaching and support for learning Championing, within institutional and/or wider settings, an integrated approach to academic practice (incorporating, for example, teaching, learning, research, scholarship, administration etc.) A sustained and successful commitment to, and engagement in, continuing professional development related to academic, institutional and/or other professional practices TABLE 2 UKPSF DESCRIPTOR 4 CRITERIA 6. What does ‘Remaining in Good Standing’ mean? The HEA defines remaining in good standing as “continuing to work in accordance with the standard indicated by the relevant Fellow Descriptor of the UKPSF”. The University of Wolverhampton is committed to developing reflective practitioners. We will strive enable you to reach your potential and to engage in continuing professional development. By engaging in the KUDOS scheme the university will endeavour to enable you to achieve professional recognition, remain in good standing and to provide opportunities for you to progress your academic practice. The UKPSF and the HEA code of practice, including remaining in good standing, is our preferred articulation of professionalism for those of you who teach or support learning (Academic Board May 2014). This is not only for you to gain recognition but most importantly for you to remain in good standing once you are awarded your initial Fellowship. To this effect KUDOS now informs and links to our appraisal scheme for appropriate teaching and /or supporting learning roles particularly in relation to remaining in good standing. HEA recognition will be an expectation for internal promotion for appropriate roles. 7. What is the HEA Code of practice? Professional recognition of the UKPSF and the achievement of HEA fellowship should not be seen as a ‘one-off’ event. The Higher Education Academy expects Fellows to abide by a Code of Practice . Page 7 of 45 As Fellows we will: Act with respect, integrity and honesty. Monitor and review regularly our work in order to maintain good standing. Engage in appropriate activities to remain up to date with knowledge of learning and teaching, subject matter and assessment. Be open to and conscientious in considering feedback from appraisals, peer and student observations. For the benefit of our learners, as Fellows we will: Demonstrate our respect for learners by paying due regard to the way we conduct ourselves in our professional lives. Be fair and impartial in our engagement with learners. Encourage the free exchange of ideas between ourselves and learners. For the benefit of colleagues, as Fellows we will: Show due respect for the opinions of colleagues in the exchange of constructive criticism and ideas. Support and actively assist in the professional development of colleagues to ensure the maintenance and enhancement of good practice and to protect learners from poor practice. Be aware and take account of, the educational goals, policies, standards and regulations of our employing institution and beyond. The HEA code of practice is in-line with the University’s core values; Our core values: these values guide the decisions we make and how we engage with our communities locally and globally. At the University of Wolverhampton we will be: o Ethical o Respectful o Transparent o Inclusive and fair o Challenging o Confident o Collaborative o Professional. Once you have gained a Fellowship thorough the KUDOS scheme you will be expected to abide the HEA code of practice and University core values. 8. How do I decide what is the best descriptor for me? Dependent on your role and experience then there may be different routes that will enable you to gain recognition of the UKPSF. In addition to the KUDOS Portfolio scheme we have separate lines of provision for the following course and module, 1. Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education and Professional Practice (PG Cert HE & PP) accredited for D2 Page 8 of 45 2. The module 7ED038 Supporting Learners and Fostering Learning in Higher and Professional Education accredited for D1 If you are starting your career in higher education at the University of Wolverhampton and do not have a relevant teaching qualification or professional recognition (FHEA, SFHEA or PFHEA) then you will be offered the opportunity to take the PG Cert HE & PP, this course is accredited for D2. The module 7ED038 Supporting Learners and fostering Learning in Higher and Professional Education is also separately accredited for D1. It is popular with staff that support student learning such as librarians, technicians, demonstrators and research students. You are able to take this as a separate CPD module or as part of the full course. You will only be awarded AFHEA for 7ED038 when it is taken as a CPD module. If you do taken this as a CPD module you will still be able to take the full course at another time. If you already have D1 and are applying to the PG Cert HE & PP you will be able to make an RPL claim for 7ED038 only. This will be done via the existing Faculty of Education, Health and Well-being (FEHW) process. Candidates will be required to show their D1 certificate. If you are not eligible for the PG Cert HE & PP and are looking for recognition of your academic practice or considering a different Descriptor up to D3 then the KUDOS Portfolio Scheme is for you. Your Initial enquiry for may come as a result of: 1. CPD procedures such as, appraisal, peer review, corporate staff development workshops and Self-Managed Research and Scholarly Activity (SMRSA), 2. Faculty staff development events, 3. Individual contact, 4. Dissemination of good practice events such as the “Rich Exchanges” seminars and conferences, 5. External activities such as HEA events Once an initial enquiry is made the following will be established with you at an introductory workshop (see Appendix 1): What might be the appropriate descriptor for you? What are you able to currently evidence and demonstrate? What might you need to develop to meet the relevant Descriptor criteria? What support and guidance do you need? After that workshop you will be invited to attend a writing retreat and should start a first draft of your portfolio. Once a draft has been started a KUDOS Mentor is assigned to work with you. When you and your KUDOS Mentor agree that the portfolio is ready for review you you’re your portfolio to Page 9 of 45 Initial enquiry • What is most appropriate for you? Introductory workshop • What experiences and evidence are relevant? Writing retreat • Start your first draft Mentoring • Are you ready to submit for review? For D1 and D2 your portfolio will be reviewed by two trained internal KUDOS Reviewers who will blind review your portfolio against given criteria. For D3 your portfolio will be reviewed by two internal KUDOS Reviewers and an external reviewer who is a SFHEA against a given set of criteria (see Appendix 3). The KUDOS Reviewers will make joint recommendation for your portfolio that will go the Recognition Panel for conferment. The review process will take six weeks from your submission. After the Recognition Panel has met within two weeks you will receive an email from KUDOS informing you of the outcome. If for any reason you have been referred, your email will also give you feedback on further action required and when you can resubmit. In this situation your KUDOS Mentor will also be included in the email so that they can help you with your portfolio. Once you have been awarded your Fellowship you will be able to go into ‘MyAcademy’ through the HEA web site – and print off your certificate. Once you have been awarded your Fellowship you will also be entitled you use the following letters after your name: AFHEA or FHEA or SFHEA Page 10 of 45 Register an interest via Attend an introductory workshop (dates available at Candidate can request a mentor by emailing when they have a good first draft of portfolio ready Candidate begins to write their portfolio and is invited to attend a writing retreat (dates available at Candidate submits completed portfolio to KUDOS Admin upload portfolios to WOLF and assigns reviewers KUDOS reviewers meet to moderate portfolios and put forward joint recommendation to KUDOS Recongition Panel KUDOS Reviewers blind review portfolios , complete reviewer proforma and make individual recommendations KUDOS Recognition Panel meets to confirm and record decision KUDOS Admin informs candidates of outcome, provides feedback, and informs HR and HEA of succesfull awards Overview of the KUDOS portfolio route Page 11 of 45 9. What is the Recognition Panel? The purpose of the Recognition Panel is to agree and confirm a decision for each portfolio based on the recommendations received from the KUDOS Review process. They must ensure that, (i) expectations of the UKPSF and HEA are met (ii) that KUDOS processes and procedures are followed and (iii) candidates applications are considered and awarded against the KUDOS/UKPSF criteria. The Recognition Panel will have full online access at the panel meeting to all the portfolios, reviews and Summary Feedback Sheets. They will moderate up to 10 or 10% of applications, whichever is smaller, all ‘Referred’ and ‘Not awarded’. Panel terms of reference: 1. To receive the recommendations from the KUDOS review process, 2. To agree and confirm a decision for each portfolio 3. To instruct the KUDOS Lead to feedback to the candidates where the decision is ‘Referred’ or ‘Not awarded’ 4. To receive the outcomes of the PG Cert HE & PP and 7ED038 5. To instruct the KUDOS Lead to report and ensure that successful outcomes are recorded with the HEA 6. To update the Staffing Committee on successful outcomes Recognition Panel will have the following members: 1. (Chair) DVC (Academic) 2. 2 SFHEA’s from different Faculties or Departments 3. The KUDOS Lead from the College (SFHEA and HEA Accreditor) 4. An external reviewer (SFHEA) Plus 5. For the first eighteen months a HEA representative nominated by the HEA All members of the Recognition Panel must attend an initial and annual refresher CPD course (see Appendix 1). Page 12 of 45 10. Frequently asked questions I would like to gain professional recognition for my academic practice Speak to your PL L & T or someone in the College about KUDOS and the UKPSF What is the best match for the role that I do? Look at the UKPSF, KUDOS portfolio advice and templates What do I do next? Register an 'expression of interest' with KUDOS Where can I get the documentation from? The College web site What support will I get? KUDOS will arrange for you to have KUDOS Mentor to support you What do I do next? Attend an introductory workshop and writing retreat I'm almost ready! Contact your references and send them your draft portfolio I'm ready to submit Check you have completed all the parts of your portfolio. Who do I send my completed document to? Send an electronic copy of your portofolio to What happnes next? Your portfolio will be sent for review What happens next? The KUDOS Reviewers make a recommendation to the Recognition Panel What happens next? The Recognition Panel will confirm a decision on your portfolio How will I hear of this decision You will be contacted by KUDOS with the Panel decision Who can I get help from after that? KUDOS and your KUDOS Mentor will still support you Page 13 of 45 Appendix 1. UKPSF and KUDOS Staff Development Opportunities All of the courses outlined below are available through the Staff Development Unit (SDU) online booking system. 1. Introductory and generic CPD on the UKPSF, HEA and KUDOS. Introduction to the UKPSF & KUDOS Portfolio Scheme Writing Retreats D1, D2 and D3 The aim of this session is to introduce you to the UKPSF, the HEA and the KUDOS Portfolio Scheme. The aim of this session is provide you with time and space to develop your KUDOS Portfolio in the presence of KUDOS Mentors 1. Understand the UKPSF and the HEA and their relevance to your professional practice. 1. Select appropriate evidence and examples for your KUDOS portfolio 2. Identify what is the best Descriptor match to your role and experience 2. Generate reflective accounts of your academic practice 3. Plan a course of action for yourself to work towards a KUDOS submission 1 X 2 hour session 1 X 6 hour session The College supports Departments and Faculties to provide contextualised CPD on the UKPSF and all aspects of learning, teaching and assessment. If you feel that your Department or Faculty would benefit from contextualised CPD then please speak to either your line manager or in the Faculties, the PL’s Learning and Teaching, Professors for L & T or Associate Deans with a remit for L & T. If you are already a FHEA, SFHEA or PFHEA you can train to become a KUDOS Mentor and/or a KUDOS Reviewer. If you are a FHEA you will be able to mentor and review D1 and D2 applications. If you are a SFHEA you will be able to mentor and review D1, D2 and D3 applications If you are a FHEA who wishes to become a SFHEA becoming a KUDOS Mentor will give you experience to enable you to demonstrate D3 criteria for “Successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/or mentoring of others (whether individuals and/or teams) in relation to teaching and learning”. For SFHEA’s who wish to become PFHEA please contact the College and we will assist you to attend a HEA PFHEA writing retreat/event or if there are enough people organise with the HEA a bespoke training at the University. Page 14 of 45 2a. Specialist mandatory KUDOS Portfolio Scheme CPD KUDOS Mentor Training KUDOS Reviewer Training KUDOS Recognition Panel Training The aim of these two 3 hour sessions is to enable you to become a KUDOS Mentor. You must be a FHEA, SFHEA or PFHEA to take this course The aim of these two 3 hour session is to enable you to become a KUDOS Reviewer. You must be a FHEA, SFHEA or PFHEA to take this course. In session 1 we will: review the UKPSF, HEA recognition and KUDOS, analyse the KUDOS Review process and the role of a KUDOS Reviewer. The aim of this session is to enable you to become a member of a KUDOS Recognition Panel. You must be a FHEA, SFHEA or PFHEA to take this course. In session 1 we will: review the UKPSF, HEA recognition and KUDOS, explore developmental mentoring, clarify and discuss the KUDOS mentoring role. Session 2 will focus on how you could support a mentee Between sessions 1 and 2 you will be given mock partially completed KUDOS portfolios to consider in session 2 how you might support someone with their application Session 2 will focus on how you would review a D1, D2 and D3 applications. You will be asked to work with another trainee reviewer to reach an accommodation and feedback that could go to a Recognition Panel and candidate. In this session we will: review the UKPSF, HEA Recognition and KUDOS. Analyse the KUDOS Review process and the role of the Recognition Panel. You will receive some mock reviewer pro-formas and work with the Recognition Panel terms of reference to confirm a decision on the reviews provide. At the end of session 1 you will be given a mock D1, D2 and D3 application to review and to post your review into the ‘UKPSF Review Topic’ prior to session2. 1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the UKPSF, HEA recognition and KUDOS 1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the UKPSF, HEA recognition and KUDOS 1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the UKPSF, HEA recognition and KUDOS 2. Analyse and apply developmental mentoring characteristics. 2. Analyse and apply the KUDOS Review process 2. Analyse the KUDOS Review process 3. Provide advice and guidance to potential KUDOS applicants 3. Provide feedback to a Recognition Panel and potential candidates 3 Apply the Recognition Panel terms of reference 2 X 3 hour sessions 2 X 3 hour sessions 1 X 3 hour session Page 15 of 45 2b. Mandatory annual refresher CPD KUDOS Mentor KUDOS Reviewer Refresher KUDOS Recognition Panel Refresher This session is for those of you who have already completed the KUDOS Mentor course and who are acting as KUDOS Mentors. The aim of this session is to update you on any changes to the UKPSF, HEA Recognition and KUDOS. This session is for those of you who have already completed the KUDOS Reviewer course and who are acting as a KUDOS Reviewer. The aim of this session is to update you on any changes to the UKPSF, HEA Recognition and KUDOS. This session is aimed at existing members of the Recognition Panel. The aim of this session is to update you on any changes to the UKPSF, HEA Recognition and KUDOS. We will review the KUDOS mentor role and discuss opportunities and challenges that may have occurred. We will review the KUDOS Reviewer role and discuss the operation of the review process and the needs of the reviewer 1. Demonstrate up to date knowledge of the UKPSF, HEA recognition and KUDOS 1. Demonstrate up to date knowledge of the UKPSF, HEA recognition and KUDOS 1. Demonstrate up to date knowledge of the UKPSF, HEA recognition and KUDOS 2. Evaluate and if appropriate make recommendations to improve the KUDOS mentoring role and process 2. Evaluate and if appropriate make recommendations to improve the KUDOS reviewer role and process 2. Evaluate and if appropriate make recommendations to improve the operation of the Recognition Panel 1 X 3 hour session 1 X 3 hour session 1 X 3 hour session Refresher We will review the Recognition Panel operations Page 16 of 45 3. CPD for Areas of Activity relevant to the UKPSF Designing & planning learning activities &/or programmes of study Teaching &/or supporting learning Assessing & giving feedback to learners (Relevant to A2 in the UKPSF) (Relevant to A3 in the UKPSF) (Relevant to A1 in the UKPSF) This session will introduce you to UK HE sector reference point that impact on the design and planning of your academic practice including the QAA Qualifications Framework and Subject Benchmark Statements. You will be asked to consider and demonstrate how Constructive Alignment should be used to plan inclusive learning. You will also explore how technology can support learning activities 1. Recognise the external drivers that impact on your academic practice 2. Design learning activities using constructive alignment 3. Reflect on how technology could be used to support diverse students learning 1 X 3 hour session Developing effective learning environments & approaches to student support & guidance (Relevant to A4 in the UKPSF) This session will ask you to consider “What makes a good teacher?” and “What is effective learning?” You will be expected to explore your own professional values in relation to learning and teaching in an inclusive curriculum. You will analyse your own strengths and develop an action plan for your own CPD looking in particular at supporting learners in a blended learning environment. 1. Analyse your own strengths in relation to teaching and supporting learning 2. Reflect on and create an action plan for your own CPD This session will enable you to design inclusive summative assessment to enable students to evidence learning outcomes and to design formative assessments to help students improve their own learning. We will investigate student views on what makes feedback effective and will explore how assessment and feedback can be supported by technology. This session will show you how to make effective use of existing University systems, WOLF and e:vision, to support both formal and informal learning including the role of personal tutoring. We will explore online resources both from the University and other web resources such as Open Education Resources (OER’s) and future gaze towards a ‘Digital Campus’. 1. Apply the concept of constructive alignment 1. Identify effective resources for formal and informal learning. 2. Design effective summative and formative assessments 3. Create a feedback matrix/sheet 3. Recognise and apply online resources to support student learning 1 X 3 hour session 1 X 3 hour session 3. Evaluate how you can support diverse learners in a blended learning environment 1 X 3 hour session 2. Create learning activities in WOLF Page 17 of 45 Appendix 2. KUDOS Portfolio templates: D1, D2 and D3 Portfolio - DI for AFHEA 1. General principles to consider in preparing your portfolio There are three parts to your portfolio. Part 1 consists of a reflective account of your professional practice (RAPP), Part 2 is a reflective CPD review and plan. Part 3 consists of two references from people who can comment on the appropriateness of your application for D1. Your portfolio must have the following: 1. Your RAPP (1400 words) 2. Your CPD review and plan (600 words) 3. Two references You are not asked to write a CV but should select and provide appropriate evidence to demonstrate how you meet the D1 criteria. All examples you choose should be related to work at level 4 or above and should be within the last five years. However you may reference events that are more than 5 years ago that are now influencing your current academic and professional practice. You should include corroborating evidence particularly of impact throughout your portfolio. This could include hyperlinks to relevant documentation (be selective and only link relevant sections), testimonials and comments from ‘others’, (students, colleagues, externals etc.,) For example, “I would like to take this as an opportunity to thank for the tremendous support you gave me” Level 6 student. You can also include hyperlinked examples to such things as learning materials that KUDOS Reviewers could access. Evidence should be short, to-the-point and relevant to D1. You should consider the context of working at the University of Wolverhampton. Reference should therefore be made to the institutional vision, mission and core values: Our vision: To be “The University of Opportunity” – renowned for creativity and innovation – developing students and staff who are entrepreneurial, eminently employable and well connected within a research and professionally informed environment. Our mission: To be an employer-focused university connected with our local, national and global communities delivering opportunity and academic excellence. Our core values, these values guide the decisions we make and how we engage with our communities locally and globally. At the University of Wolverhampton we will be: o Ethical o Respectful o Transparent o Inclusive and fair o Challenging Page 18 of 45 o o o Confident Collaborative Professional. Throughout your RAPP you should map the appropriate dimensions of the UKPSF in your writing. For example “I believe every student should be given the opportunity to reach their potential. When I plan my teaching I try to vary the activities that I want my students to do so I can offer an inclusive learning experience. I follow up my teaching sessions by using a blog where students can post questions that they want clarifying. (A1, K4, V1, V2)” For D1 in addition to evidencing at least 2 areas of activity you must also demonstrate K1 and K2 from Core Knowledge and all the Professional Values V1-V4. (K1) The subject material (K2) Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme (V1) Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities (V2) Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners (V3) Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development (V4) Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice 2. Part 1 writing your RAPP (1400 words) Concentrate on 2 areas of activity from the list below A1 – A4 of the UKPSF and use these as sub headings for your account. Areas of Activity A1 A2 A3 A4 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study Teach and/or support learning Assess and give feedback to learners Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance. Aim to write approximately 700 words on each of your two chosen areas of activity, spread evenly across both. You should not just describe what you have done but should reflect on your own academic practice. Consider questions such as “Why did you do something the way that you did? What was the impact you were hoping to achieve? Why was this important? What are your professional values? How do these influence you? What is your approach to learning? Why?” Page 19 of 45 2.1 Evidencing A1: Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study This Area of Activity refers to all your professional educational activities where you are preparing for engagement with learners. For example you might: Design or redesign curricula, courses and programmes of study; Identify and plan different kinds of interaction with learners in various contexts, whether for single sessions or larger programmes; Participate in validation panels; Contribute to the creation of learning resource packs and computer-based or open learning materials or the development of virtual learning environments. If you are going to use A1 then you should address the following: 1. Introduction and context. The main ways in which you design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study. 2. The reasons for your choice of: a. subject material; b. activities and techniques; c. the particular learning technologies included in your plan 3. How your choices facilitate your students’ learning in general and within their subject area 4. Which dimensions of the Core Knowledge you utilise, how and why? 5. Which dimensions of the Professional Values were particularly relevant and why? 2.2 Evidencing A2: Teach and/or support learning This Area of Activity is about your direct engagement with learners whether in groups or individually. These encounters may be in a wide range of environments, such as classrooms, seminar rooms, lecture theatres, labs, learning support centres, offices, etc. Your teaching activities might include for example, lecturing, tutorial and seminar work, studio, clinical, laboratory or workplace-based teaching, distance learning and the use of virtual learning environments. The support you give might include, for example, teaching and supervision of postgraduates, mentoring inexperienced staff or contributing to in-house learning and teaching programmes. If you are going to use A2 then you should address the following: 1. Introduction and context. The main ways in which you teach and/or support learners. 2. The activities or techniques you use and why. 3. How you came to use them and why you think they were successful in supporting student learning? Give reasons for your choice of activities and techniques and how they relate to developing the learners' understanding of the subject. 4. Which dimensions of the Core Knowledge you utilise, how and why? 5. Which dimensions of the Professional Values were particularly relevant and why? Page 20 of 45 2.3 Evidencing A3: Assess and give feedback to learners This Area of Activity is about how you use assessment and feedback to foster and encourage learning, assess progress and make judgements about your students’ learning. The assessment you undertake may be formative or summative, formal or informal. Feedback may for example, be face to face, written through annotating students’ work, or through using electronic means such as podcasts and social media. If you are going to use A3 then you should address the following: 1. Introduction and context. The main types of formative and/or summative assessment that you use with learners, whether formal or informal? 2. How and why you choose the particular approaches and methods you employ, insofar as this was your own decision. 3. How you ensure your assessments are valid indicators of what you want your students to learn, that your marking is reliable and the standards you set are appropriate. 4. How you give feedback to learners. 5. How you ensure the feedback you give learners helps them to improve their understanding of the subject or their performance and development as learners. 6. Which dimensions of the Core Knowledge you utilise, how and why? 7. Which dimensions of the Professional Values were particularly relevant and why? 2.4 Evidencing A4: Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance This Area of Activity is about how you make effective use of both the formal and informal learning environment to facilitate learning, and how you seek to meet the needs of your learners for educational support and guidance. It includes how you: Utilise and manage the full range of physical or virtual learning environments so that they are appropriate to your learners’ needs Work with learners and service providers to ensure that your learners can access and use a broad range of learning opportunities. Learner support might include such activities as personal and academic tutoring, one-to-one advice, counselling, developing practice to meet the learning implications of widening access, or supporting learners with additional needs. If you are going to use A4 then you should address the following: 1. Introduction and context. The main types of educational environment in which you work and/or what kinds of support and guidance you give to your learners, whether formal or informal. 2. How you have contributed to making the learning environment more effective for learners. 3. The ways you have contributed to supporting and guiding your learners. 4. Why you chose those particular strategies and how well they worked. 5. Which dimensions of the Core Knowledge you utilise, how and why? 6. Which dimensions of the Professional Values were particularly relevant and why? Page 21 of 45 3. Part 2 CPD review and plan (600 words) Your CPD Review and plan must address the Area of Activity A5 “Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.” This section should concentrate on demonstrating how you have engaged with CPD and how this has impacted on your academic practice outside of the two examples you have already given as part of the RAPP. This should be brief and address any dimensions of core knowledge or professional values that you have not already covered. Show how you have engaged in professional development activities relevant to your academic practice. These activities are likely to be wide ranging, incorporating both formal and informal approaches to continuing professional development. Examples include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Presenting or participating in conferences on teaching and learning (often discipline-specific); Attending workshops or training events; Engaging in peer observation or peer review of teaching; Less formal activities such as: a. Regular departmental meetings where discussion is about teaching and learning issues, b. Peer discussions about learning and teaching, c. Bidding for and involvement in projects or research on teaching and learning; d. Implementing new approaches, e. Subject and other network activities, f. Reading, g. Visits to other institutions/organisations. You should then suggest what CPD activities you think would enhance your academic practice and outline what impact you would hope this would have on your students’ experience and why. 4. Part 3 Two references You should pick two referees that can comment on the evidence you have provided and relevance to D1. Your referees should be familiar with the UKPSF as they should be able to affirm and endorse your evidence for the relevant descriptor. Ideally at least one should hold a Fellowship from the HEA. Your referees should have seen a final draft of your portfolio. Each reference should be no more than one side of A4. Your referees must provide contact details, these can be email addresses. Page 22 of 45 Portfolio – D1 AFHEA Name Faculty/Dept. Date Part 1 Your RAPP (1400 words in total) 1st Area of activity Write your RAPP here … 2nd Area of Activity Write your RAPP here … Part 2 CPD Review and plan (600 words) A5: Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices Write your review and plan here … Part 3 Two References Referee 1. Name, title and Fellowship of the HEA (if appropriate) Contact details Cut and paste your reference here … Referee 2. Name, title and Fellowship of the HEA (if appropriate) Contact details Cut and paste your reference here … Page 23 of 45 Portfolio - D2 for FHEA 1. General principles to consider in preparing your portfolio There are 3 parts to your portfolio application. Part 1 is a reflective account of your professional practice (RAPP) using the Area of Activity statements 1- 4 within the UKPSF as sub headings for your account Part 2 is a CPD review and plan addressing A5. Part 3 consists of two references from people who can comment on the appropriateness of your application for D2. Your portfolio must have the following: 1. Your RAPP (four sections of 600 words = 2400 words in total) 2. Your CPD review and plan (600 words 3. Two references You should explain how and why you believe this portfolio evidences and meets the criteria for D2. You are not asked to write a CV but should select and provide appropriate evidence to demonstrate how you meet the D2 criteria. All examples you choose should be related to work at level 4 or above and should be within the last five years. However you may reference events that are more than 5 years ago that are now influencing your current academic and professional practice. You should include corroborating evidence particularly of impact throughout your portfolio. This could include hyperlinks to relevant documentation (be selective and only link relevant sections), testimonials and comments from ‘others’, (students, colleagues, externals etc.,) For example, “I would like to take this as an opportunity to thank for the tremendous support you gave me” Level 6 student. You can also include hyperlinked examples to such things as learning materials that KUDOS Reviewers could access. Evidence should be short, to-the-point and relevant to D2. You should consider the context of working at the University of Wolverhampton. Reference should be made therefore to the institutional vision, mission and core values: Our vision: To be “The University of Opportunity” – renowned for creativity and innovation – developing students and staff who are entrepreneurial, eminently employable and well connected within a research and professionally informed environment. Our mission: To be an employer-focused university connected with our local, national and global communities delivering opportunity and academic excellence. Our core values, these values guide the decisions we make and how we engage with our communities locally and globally. At the University of Wolverhampton we will be: o Ethical o Respectful o Transparent o Inclusive and fair o Challenging Page 24 of 45 o o o Confident Collaborative Professional. 2. Part 1. Writing your RAPP (2400 words) Concentrate on the Areas of Activity A1 to A4 of the UKPSF and use these as sub headings for your account. Areas of Activity A1 A2 A3 A4 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study Teach and/or support learning Assess and give feedback to learners Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance. Aim to write 600 words for each area of activity. You should not just describe what you have done but should reflect on your own academic practice. Consider questions such as, “Why did you do something the way that you did? What was the impact you were hoping to achieve? Why was this important? What are your professional values? How do these influence you? What is your approach to learning? Why?” Each of the Areas of Activity (A) should outline and include mapping of Core Knowledge (K) and Professional Values (V) and may include mapping to other Areas of Activity: Throughout your RAPP you should map ALL the dimensions of the UKPSF in your writing. For example “I believe every student should be given the opportunity to reach their potential. When I plan my teaching I try to vary the activities that I want my students to do so I can offer an inclusive learning experience. I follow up my teaching sessions by using a blog where students can post questions that they want clarifying. (A1, K4, V1, V2)” 2.1. Evidencing A1: Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study This Area of Activity refers to all your professional educational activities where you are preparing for engagement with learners. For example you might: Design or redesign curricula, courses and programmes of study; Identify and plan different kinds of interaction with learners in various contexts, whether for single sessions or larger programmes; Participate in validation panels; Contribute to the creation of learning resource packs and computer-based or open learning materials or the development of virtual learning environments. For A1 you should address the following: 1. Introduction and context. The main ways in which you design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study. 2. The reasons for your choice of: Page 25 of 45 a. subject material; b. activities and techniques; c. the particular learning technologies included in your plan 3. How your choices facilitate your students’ learning in general and within their subject area 4. Which dimensions of the Core Knowledge you utilise, how and why? 5. Which dimensions of the Professional Values were particularly relevant and why? 2.2. Evidencing A2: Teach and/or support learning This Area of Activity is about your direct engagement with learners whether in groups or individually. These encounters may be in a wide range of environments, such as classrooms, seminar rooms, lecture theatres, labs, learning support centres, offices, etc. Your teaching activities might include for example, lecturing, tutorial and seminar work, studio, clinical, laboratory or workplace-based teaching, distance learning and the use of virtual learning environments. The support you give might include, for example, teaching and supervision of postgraduates, mentoring inexperienced staff or contributing to in-house learning and teaching programmes. For A2 you should address the following: 1. Introduction and context. The main ways in which you teach and/or support learners. 2. The activities or techniques you use and why. 3. How you came to use them and why you think they were successful in supporting student learning? Give reasons for your choice of activities and techniques and how they relate to developing the learners' understanding of the subject. 4. Which dimensions of the Core Knowledge you utilise, how and why? 5. Which dimensions of the Professional Values were particularly relevant and why? 2.3. Evidencing A3: Assess and give feedback to learners This Area of Activity is about how you use assessment and feedback to foster and encourage learning, assess progress and make judgements about your students’ learning. The assessment you undertake may be formative or summative, formal or informal. Feedback may for example, be face to face, written through annotating students’ work, or through using electronic means such as podcasts and social media. For A3 you should address the following: 1. Introduction and context. The main types of formative and/or summative assessment that you use with learners, whether formal or informal? 2. How and why you choose the particular approaches and methods you employ, insofar as this was your own decision. 3. How you ensure your assessments are valid indicators of what you want your students to learn, that your marking is reliable and the standards you set are appropriate. 4. How you give feedback to learners. 5. How you ensure the feedback you give learners helps them to improve their understanding of the subject or their performance and development as learners. 6. Which dimensions of the Core Knowledge you utilise, how and why? Page 26 of 45 7. Which dimensions of the Professional Values were particularly relevant and why? 2.4. Evidencing A4: Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance This Area of Activity is about how you make effective use of both the formal and informal learning environment to facilitate learning, and how you seek to meet the needs of your learners for educational support and guidance. It includes how you: o o Utilise and manage the full range of physical or virtual learning environments so that they are appropriate to your learners’ needs Work with learners and service providers to ensure that your learners can access and use a broad range of learning opportunities. Learner support might include such activities as personal and academic tutoring, one-to-one advice, counselling, developing practice to meet the learning implications of widening access, or supporting learners with additional needs. For A4 you should address the following: 1. Introduction and context. The main types of educational environment in which you work and/or what kinds of support and guidance you give to your learners, whether formal or informal. 2. How you have contributed to making the learning environment more effective for learners. 3. The ways you have contributed to supporting and guiding your learners. 4. Why you chose those particular strategies and how well they worked. 5. Which dimensions of the Core Knowledge you utilise, how and why? 6. Which dimensions of the Professional Values were particularly relevant and why? 3. Part 2 CPD review and plan (600 words) Your CPD Review and plan must address the Area of Activity A5 “Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.” This section should concentrate on demonstrating how you have engaged with CPD and how this has impacted on your academic practice outside of the examples you have already given as part of the RAPP. This should be brief and address any dimensions of core knowledge or professional values that you have not already covered. Show how you have engaged in professional development activities relevant to your academic practice. These activities are likely to be wide ranging, incorporating both formal and informal approaches to continuing professional development. Examples include: 1. Presenting or participating in conferences on teaching and learning (often discipline-specific); 2. Attending workshops or training events; 3. Engaging in peer observation or peer review of teaching; Page 27 of 45 4. Less formal activities such as: a. Regular departmental meetings where discussion is about teaching and learning issues, b. Peer discussions about learning and teaching, c. Bidding for and involvement in projects or research on teaching and learning; d. Implementing new approaches, e. Subject and other network activities, f. Reading, g. Visits to other institutions/organisations. You should then suggest what CPD activities you think would enhance your academic practice and outline what impact you would hope this would have on your students’ experience and why. 4. Part 3 Two references You should pick two referees that can comment on the evidence you have provided and relevance to D2. Your referees should be familiar with the UKPSF as they should be able to affirm and endorse your evidence for the relevant descriptor. Ideally at least one should hold a Fellowship from the HEA. Your referees should have seen a final draft of your portfolio. Each reference should be no more than one side of A4. Your referees must provide contact details, these can be email addresses. Page 28 of 45 Portfolio – D2 FHEA Name Faculty/ Dept. Date Current Level of Fellowship Are you currently an Associate Fellow of the HEA (D1) Yes No Part 1 Your RAPP (2400 words in total) Area of activity 1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study Write your RAPP here … Area of Activity 2 Teach and/or support learning Write your RAPP here … Area of Activity 3 Assess and give feedback to learners Write your RAPP here … Area of Activity 4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance Write your RAPP here … Part 2 CPD Review and plan (600words) A5: Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices Write your review and plan here … Page 29 of 45 Part 3 Two References Referee 1. Name, title and Fellowship of the HEA (if appropriate) Contact details Cut and paste your reference here … Referee 2. Name, title and Fellowship of the HEA (if appropriate) Contact details Cut and paste your reference here … Page 30 of 45 Portfolio - D3 for SFHEA 1. General principles to consider in preparing your portfolio. There are 4 parts to your portfolio. Part 1 is a reflective account of your professional practice (RAPP). Part 2 consists of 2 case studies in which you should go into some depth on two different aspects of your academic practice that you think demonstrates the expectations of D3. Part 3 is a CPD review and plan. Part 4 consists of two references from people who can comment on the appropriateness of your application for D3. Your portfolio should have the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Your RAPP, (2400 words) Two case studies (1500 words each) Your CPD review and plan (600 words) Two references. You should explain how and why you believe this account evidences and demonstrates the requirements outlined below for D3. D3 must concentrate on your academic practice that evidences “Successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/ or mentoring of others (whether individuals and/or teams) in relation to teaching and learning.” You are not asked to write a CV but should select and provide appropriate evidence to demonstrate how you meet the D3 criteria. All examples you choose should be related to work at level 4 or above and should be within the last five years. However you may reference events that are more than 5 years ago that are now influencing your current academic and professional practice. You should include corroborating evidence particularly of impact throughout your portfolio. This could include hyperlinks to relevant documentation (be selective and only link relevant sections), testimonials and comments from ‘others’, (students, colleagues, externals etc.,) For example, “I would like to take this as an opportunity to thank for the tremendous support you gave me” Level 6 student. You can also include hyperlinked examples to such things as learning materials that KUDOS Reviewers could access. Evidence should be short, to-the-point and relevant to D3. You should consider the context of working at the University of Wolverhampton. Reference should be made therefore to the institutional vision, mission and core values: Our vision: To be “The University of Opportunity” – renowned for creativity and innovation – developing students and staff who are entrepreneurial, eminently employable and well connected within a research and professionally informed environment. Our mission: To be an employer-focused university connected with our local, national and global communities delivering opportunity and academic excellence. Page 31 of 45 Our core values, these values guide the decisions we make and how we engage with our communities locally and globally. At the University of Wolverhampton we will be: o Ethical o Respectful o Transparent o Inclusive and fair o Challenging o Confident o Collaborative o Professional. Throughout your RAPP and both case studies you should map ALL the dimensions of the UKPSF in your writing. For example “My underlying values are cosmopolitanism and contextualization. I look for similarities, contextual drivers and local pedagogic practices while providing a rationale for UK practice (V2, V3)”, or “In all of this work I have strived to link practice to impact, working with colleagues to explore what makes a difference and brokering exchanges across discipline boundaries e.g. using ePortfolios to reduce nonsubmission of work (xxxx and xxxx 2009) (A5, V3, V4)” .Extracts from a D3 portfolio. 2. Part 1 writing your RAPP (2400 words) In your Reflective Account of Professional Practice (RAPP) you should focus in particular on the education, training, employment, roles and experience which have contributed to your professional development as teacher, mentor, facilitator of learning and/or academic leader. You should highlight the primary influences on your own development, focusing on the progressive attainment of your professional capabilities and how you and others have benefited from the continuous learning and development process involved. Your application for D3 should have a central focus on the processes of continuing professional learning and development. This includes appropriate research and scholarly activity and the leadership, management and administration of academic provision and support. Consider questions such as, “Why did you do something the way that you did? What was the impact you were hoping to achieve? Why was this important? What are your professional values? How do these influence you? What is your approach to learning? Why?” For D3 your own practice also needs to be set in the context of successfully co-ordinating, supporting, supervising, managing and/ or mentoring others in relation to teaching and learning You should use the following as headings to help structure your RAPP: 1. Academic practice overview; To include: career milestones; recognition and reward; leadership, management and organisational roles within the institution or wider higher education context - roles and responsibilities related to teaching and supporting learning - relevant qualifications obtained from formal professional development undertaken - teaching prizes, fellowships, institutional awards for innovation - professional body recognition - teaching and learning/quality enhancement committees - programme design, approval and review process - quality assurance roles and responsibilities Page 32 of 45 2. - - Involvement in teaching and learning initiatives; institutional/nationally funded projects small-medium scale investigations/awards work with professional bodies development and/or adoption of learning and teaching themes, for example, internationalisation, employability, assessment and feedback, retention, flexible learning, education for sustainability dissemination of teaching and learning related expertise 3. - Educational and staff development activity; mentor roles in professional development programmes for new and inexperienced staff learning and teaching workshops/seminars related publications/documents 4. Collaborating with others; - advisory, support, co-ordination roles in teaching and supporting learning - leadership and management roles 5. Areas of research, scholarship and/or professional practice - relevant publications and/or presentations - incorporation of research, scholarship and/or professional practice into teaching and supporting learning - links with professional bodies/wider communities 3. Part 2 writing your case studies (1500 words each) In this section you should provide reflective accounts of two particular contributions or roles which: Have had a significant impact upon the co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/or mentoring of others (whether individuals and/or teams), in relation to teaching and learning Demonstrate your sustained effectiveness in relation to teaching and learning and that you meet the criteria for D3. At least one of your case studies should address a situation where you worked with others using your skills, knowledge and awareness in leading, managing or organising programmes, subjects and/or disciplinary areas. You should clearly demonstrate an integrated and reflective approach to academic practice that incorporates research, scholarship and/or professional practice. Page 33 of 45 Suggested areas are: Developing quality enhancement o o o o Supporting other colleagues o o o how you have supported other colleagues to enhance their practice specific examples of how you have enhanced academic practice through coordinating/managing others your roles in teaching and learning projects and initiatives at departmental, institutional or wider HE context Sustained engagement with educational and staff development o o o how you place learning and teaching and the student experience at the heart of your academic practice ways you interact with others to ensure appropriate alignment of teaching, learning and assessment practices how you ensure that student learning within the context of your responsibilities is enriched by disciplinary and pedagogic research, scholarship and professional practice (your own and that of others) ways you have fostered dynamic approaches to teaching and learning through creativity and innovation staff development activities you have facilitated (informal and formal) that enhance your colleagues’ abilities to meet the dimensions of the UKPSF how your contributions have promoted the student learning experience through professional development of staff under your influence and guidance. For example, through informal or formal mentoring arrangements how you have disseminated your knowledge and skills in teaching and supporting learning to audiences within, and external to your institution Evaluation of academic practice o o steps taken to develop your own practice and how you have used your own experience to enable others to reflect on and critique their own practice how you support, encourage and implement evaluation processes designed to enhance the student learning experience 4. Part 3 CPD review and plan Your CPD Review and plan must address the Area of Activity A5 “Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.” This section should concentrate on demonstrating how you have engaged with CPD and how this has impacted on your academic practice outside of the examples in your RAPP and case studies. Page 34 of 45 Show how you have engaged in professional development activities relevant to your academic practice. At D3 this should not be a list of everything you have written, attended or presented but should be a review of your CPD relevant to learning and teaching and your academic professional development, particularly how this impacts or influences your academic practice with colleagues and on the student learning experience. You may use examples of your activities to illustrate points or reflections. You should include the following: 1. Your main strategies for updating and developing your capacity at D3. Refer here to any activities you have undertaken to update yourself on aspects of teaching and learning, for example, staff development activities or conferences on learning and teaching or participation in projects to develop learning methods. 2. How you used the outcomes from the above CPD strategies to improve the student learning experience, your own working practice and that of your colleagues. 3. Which dimensions of the Core Knowledge you utilise, how and why? 4. Which dimensions of the Professional Values were particularly relevant and why? 5. What you plan to do for future CPD and why? 6. What impact do you hope this will have on your own academic practice, that of your colleagues and the students’ learning experience and why? 5. Part 4 Two references You should pick two referees that can comment on the evidence you have provided and relevance to D3. Your referees should be familiar with the UKPSF as they should be able to affirm and endorse your evidence for the relevant descriptor. Ideally at least one should hold a Fellowship from the HEA and if possible a SHFEA or PFHEA. Your referees should have seen a final draft of your portfolio. Each reference should be no more than one side of A4. Your referees must provide contact details, these can be email addresses. Page 35 of 45 Portfolio – D3 SFHEA Name Faculty/ Dept. Date Current Level of Fellowship Associate Fellow (D1) Fellow (D2) N/A Part 1Your RAPP Reflective account of professional practice Write your RAPP here … 1. Academic practice overview: (To include career milestones; recognition and reward; leadership, management and organisational roles within institution or wider higher education context) 2. Involvement in teaching and learning initiatives; 3. Educational and staff development activity; 4. Collaborating with others; 5. Areas of research, scholarship and/or professional practice Page 36 of 45 Part 2 Two case studies Case study 1: Write your case study here … Case study 2: Write your case study here … Part 3 CPD review and plan A5: Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices Write your review and plan here … Part 4 Two references Referee 1. Name, title and Fellowship of the HEA (if appropriate) Contact details Cut and paste your reference here … Referee 2. Name, title and Fellowship of the HEA (if appropriate) Contact details Cut and paste your reference here … Page 37 of 45 Appendix 3. KUDOS Reviewer Pro-forma – D1, D2 and D3 KUDOS Portfolio Scheme Reviewer pro-forma – D1 Portfolio number Reviewer Date Recommendation Award Refer Not awarded Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Overview Have the correct number and type of dimensions been covered? Comment: Is there supporting evidence from level 4 or above? Comment: Is the portfolio based on learning, teaching and assessment? Comment: Are there appropriate references? Comment: Does the portfolio provide evidence to meet the criteria for D1 Comment: Page 38 of 45 Comments against D1criteria The RAPP 1st Area of Activity 2nd Area of Activity CPD Review and Plan (A5) Joint feedback sheet – D1 Your comments here are to be used by KUDOS to give feedback to the candidate. If the candidate is referred or not awarded please write your comments to help the candidate resubmit or craft a new submission. Be clear about what you would expect them to do and why. Please cross reference your comments to the D1 criteria and dimensions of the UKPSF Page 39 of 45 KUDOS Portfolio Scheme Reviewer pro-forma – D2 Portfolio number Reviewer Date Recommendation Award Refer Not awarded Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Overview Have all the dimensions of the UKPSF been covered? Comment: Is there supporting evidence from level 4 or above? Comment: Is the portfolio based on learning, teaching and assessment? Comment: Are there appropriate references? Comment: Does the portfolio provide evidence to meet the criteria for D2? Comment: Page 40 of 45 Comments against D2 criteria The RAPP Area of Activity 1 Area of Activity 2 Area of Activity 3 Area of Activity 4 CPD Review and Plan (A5) Joint feedback sheet – D2 Your comments here are to be used by KUDOS to give feedback to the candidate. If the candidate is referred or not awarded please write your comments to help the candidate resubmit or craft a new submission. Be clear about what you would expect them to do and why. Please cross reference your comments to the D2 criteria and dimensions of the UKPSF Page 41 of 45 KUDOS Portfolio Scheme Reviewer pro-forma – D3 Portfolio number Reviewer Date Recommendation Award Refer Not awarded Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Yes Partially No Overview Have all the dimensions of the UKPSF been covered? Comment: Is there supporting evidence from level 4 or above? Comment: Is the portfolio based on learning, teaching and assessment? Comment: Are there appropriate references? Comment: Does the portfolio provide evidence to meet the criteria for D3, in particular D3:VII? Comment: Page 42 of 45 Comments against D3 criteria The RAPP Case Study 1 Case Study 2 CPD Review and Plan (A5) Joint feedback sheet – D3 Your comments here are to be used by KUDOS to give feedback to the candidate. If the candidate is referred or not awarded please write your comments to help the candidate resubmit or craft a new submission. Be clear about what you would expect them to do and why. Please cross reference your comments to the D3 criteria and dimensions of the UKPSF Page 43 of 45