K. SEKAR, Ph.D. Dr. K. Sekar Bioinformatics Centre Supercomputer Education and Research Centre Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012 INDIA E-mail: sekar@physics.iisc.ernet.in Voice: +91-080-3601409 or +91-080-2932469 Fax : +91-080-3600683 or +91-080-3600551 APPROACHES TO DEVELOPING DATA MINING TOOLS Abstract Bioinformatics is one of the fastest growing interdisciplinary areas in the biological sciences and has explored in such a way that we need powerful tools to organize and analyze the data. An overview will be presented on the general features of data mining tools, techniques and its applications Bioinformatics is the fashionable new name for the field previously called computational biology.The name is preferred by many because it puts the emphasis on the data storage and analysis, rather than on the biology, and the field is really data driven The term Bioinformatics is used to encompass almost all computer applications in biological sciences, but was originally coined in the mid 1980’s for the analysis of biological sequence data The quantity of known sequences data outweighs protein structural data and by virtue of the genome projects, sequence database are doubling in size every year A key challenge of bioinformatics is to analyze the wealth of sequence data in order to understand the amassed information in term of protein structure function and evolution Wherever possible, a range of different methods should be used, and the results should be married with all available biological information Bioinformatics has provided us with a communication channel to reach and decode all this information in a comprehensive manner Both the large information repositories and the specialized tools to query them are held on distributed internet sites, therefore Bioinformatics require sound internet navigation skills The primary integrating technology that facilitates access to copious data is the world wide web Refers to database-like activities involving persistent sets of data that are maintained in a consistent state over essentially indefinite periods of time Encompass the use of algorithmic tools to facilitate biological database analyses Comprises the entire collection of information management systems, analysis tools and communication networks supporting biology DATA MINING Datamining is defined as “exploration and analysis by automatic and semiautomatic means, of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules” The central challenge is to derive maximum results from the wealth of data.This can be achieved by establishing and maintaining databases and providing search and analysis tools to interpret the data DATABASE Database is nothing but a collection of quantitative data resulting from experimental measurements or observations in various fields of science.Recently interest in database has been kindled through international efforts to organize and analyze the data and update the knowledge A database is essentially just a store of information.They are usually in the form of simple files (just a flat file, say).You can shove information into this store or retrieve it from the store Derived Database One of the greatest challenges in database research is analyze the database in depth and create derived databases to meet the needs or demands without compromising the sustainability and quality of the existing database. Creating desired database is expected is expected to dramatically reduce the workload of the user community and will serve as a highly focused database DBREF 1UNE 1 123 SWS P00593 PA2_BOVIN 23 145 SEQADV 1UNE ASN 122 SWS P00593 LYS 144 CONFLICT SEQRES 1 123 ALA LEU TRP GLN PHE ASN GLY MET ILE LYS CYS LYS ILE SEQRES 2 123 PRO SER SER GLU PRO LEU LEU ASP PHE ASN ASN TYR GLY SEQRES 3 123 CYS TYR CYS GLY LEU GLY GLY SER GLY THR PRO VAL ASP SEQRES 4 123 ASP LEU ASP ARG CYS CYS GLN THR HIS ASP ASN CYS TYR SEQRES 5 123 LYS GLN ALA LYS LYS LEU ASP SER CYS LYS VAL LEU VAL SEQRES 6 123 ASP ASN PRO TYR THR ASN ASN TYR SER TYR SER CYS SER SEQRES 7 123 ASN ASN GLU ILE THR CYS SER SER GLU ASN ASN ALA CYS SEQRES 8 123 GLU ALA PHE ILE CYS ASN CYS ASP ARG ASN ALA ALA ILE SEQRES 9 123 CYS PHE SER LYS VAL PRO TYR ASN LYS GLU HIS LYS ASN SEQRES 10 123 LEU ASP LYS LYS ASN CYS HET CA 124 1 HETNAM CA CALCIUM ION FORMUL 2 CA CA1 2+ FORMUL 3 HOH *134(H2 O1) HELIX 1 1 LEU 2 LYS 12 1 11 HELIX 2 2 PRO 18 ASP 21 1 4 HELIX 3 3 ASP 40 LYS 57 1 18 HELIX 4 4 ASP 59 VAL 63 1 5 HELIX 5 5 ALA 90 LYS 108 1 19 HELIX 6 6 LYS 113 HIS 115 5 3 SHEET 1 A 2 TYR 75 SER 78 0 SHEET 2 A 2 GLU 81 CYS 84 -1 N THR 83 O SER 76 SSBOND 1 CYS 11 CYS 77 SSBOND 2 CYS 27 CYS 123 SSBOND 3 CYS 29 CYS 45 SSBOND 4 CYS 44 CYS 105 SSBOND 5 CYS 51 CYS 98 SSBOND 6 CYS 61 CYS 91 SSBOND 7 CYS 84 CYS 96 LINK CA CA 124 O TYR 28 LINK CA CA 124 O GLY 32 CRYST1 47.120 64.590 38.140 90.00 90.00 90.00 P 21 21 21 4 SUB-DERIVED DATABASE EXAMPLE-1 XXXXXSEKAR RADHASEKAR SHAMIASEKAR SARADASEKAR EXAMPLE-2 XAXAXA KAMALA SARADA YAMAHA KANAGA MANASA VANASA PANAMA Adding information to the database Software to collate the required Information from the database Analyze the collated information WHY A TOOL? The amount of information in the world is growing exponentially, and it is becoming impossible to effectively manage the data.Machine assistance is clearly necessary, but the difficulty lies in designing systems and softwares that are capable of discovering “useful” information with minimal human intervention PROTEIN DATA BANK (PDB) GENOME DATABASE (GDB) STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION OF PROTEINS (SCOP) CAMBRIDGE STRUCTURAL DATABASE (CSD) Given PDB-Id : 1une HEADER HYDROLASE 05-NOV-97 1UNE TITLE CARBOXYLIC ESTER HYDROLASE, 1.5 ANGSTROM ORTHORHOMBIC FORM TITLE 2 OF THE BOVINE RECOMBINANT PLA2 COMPND MOL_ID: 1; COMPND 2 MOLECULE: PHOSPHOLIPASE A2; COMPND 3 CHAIN: NULL; COMPND 4 EC:; COMPND 5 ENGINEERED: YES SOURCE MOL_ID: 1; SOURCE 2 ORGANISM_SCIENTIFIC: BOS TAURUS; SOURCE 3 ORGANISM_COMMON: BOVINE; SOURCE 4 EXPRESSION_SYSTEM: ESCHERICHIA COLI; SOURCE 5 EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_STRAIN: BL21 (DE3) PLYSS; SOURCE 6 EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_PLASMID: PTO-A2MBL21; SOURCE 7 EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_GENE: MATURE PLA2 KEYWDS HYDROLASE, ENZYME, CARBOXYLIC ESTER HYDROLASE EXPDTA X-RAY DIFFRACTION AUTHOR M.SUNDARALINGAM REVDAT 1 06-MAY-98 1UNE 0 REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK 1 REFERENCE 1 1 AUTH K.SEKAR,A.KUMAR,X.LIU,M.-D.TSAI,M.H.GELB, 1 AUTH 2 M.SUNDARALINGAM 1 TITL CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF BOVINE 1 TITL 2 PANCREATIC PHOSPHOLIPASE A2 WITH A TRANSITION STATE 1 TITL 3 ANALOGUE 1 REF TO BE PUBLISHED REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK 1 REFN 0353 1 REFERENCE 2 1 AUTH K.SEKAR,C.SEKARUDU,M.-D.TSAI,M.SUNDARALINGAM 1 TITL 1.72A RESOLUTION REFINEMENT OF THE TRIGONAL FORM OF 1 TITL 2 BOVINE PANCREATIC PHOSPHOLIPASE A2 1 REF TO BE PUBLISHED 1 REFN 0353 REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK 1 REFERENCE 3 1 AUTH K.SEKAR,S.ESWARAMOORTHY,M.K.JAIN,M.SUNDARALINGAM 1 TITL CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF BOVINE 1 TITL 2 PANCREATIC PHOSPHOLIPASE A2 WITH THE INHIBITOR 1 TITL 3 1-HEXADECYL-3-(TRIFLUOROETHYL)-SN-GLYCERO-21 TITL 4 PHOSPHOMETHANOL 1 REF BIOCHEMISTRY V. 36 14186 1997 REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK 2 RESOLUTION. 1.5 ANGSTROMS. 3 REFINEMENT. 3 PROGRAM : X-PLOR 3.1 3 AUTHORS : BRUNGER REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 DATA USED IN REFINEMENT. RESOLUTION RANGE HIGH (ANGSTROMS) : 1.5 RESOLUTION RANGE LOW (ANGSTROMS) : 10.0 DATA CUTOFF (SIGMA(F)) : 1.0 DATA CUTOFF HIGH (ABS(F)) : 0.1 DATA CUTOFF LOW (ABS(F)) : 1000000.0 COMPLETENESS (WORKING+TEST) (%) : 92. NUMBER OF REFLECTIONS : 17572 REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 FIT TO DATA USED IN REFINEMENT. CROSS-VALIDATION METHOD : NULL FREE R VALUE TEST SET SELECTION : X-PLOR R VALUE (WORKING SET) : 0.184 FREE R VALUE : 0.228 FREE R VALUE TEST SET SIZE (%) : 7. FREE R VALUE TEST SET COUNT : 1198 ESTIMATED ERROR OF FREE R VALUE : 0.24 REMARK 3 PARAMETER FILE 1 : PARHCSDX.PRO REMARK 3 PARAMETER FILE 2 : NULL REMARK 3 TOPOLOGY FILE 1 : TOPHCSDX.PRO REMARK 3 TOPOLOGY FILE 2 : NULL REMARK 3 OTHER REFINEMENT REMARKS: NULL REMARK 4 1UNE COMPLIES WITH FORMAT V. 2.2, 16-DEC-1996 REMARK 200 REMARK 200 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS REMARK 200 EXPERIMENT TYPE : X-RAY DIFFRACTION REMARK 200 DATE OF DATA COLLECTION : 26-JAN-1996 REMARK 200 TEMPERATURE (KELVIN) : 291 REMARK 200 PH : 7.2 REMARK 200 NUMBER OF CRYSTALS USED :1 REMARK 200 REMARK 200 SYNCHROTRON (Y/N) : N REMARK 200 RADIATION SOURCE : NULL REMARK 200 BEAMLINE : NULL REMARK 200 X-RAY GENERATOR MODEL : R-AXIS IIC REMARK 200 MONOCHROMATIC OR LAUE (M/L) : M REMARK 200 WAVELENGTH OR RANGE (A) : 1.5418 REMARK 200 MONOCHROMATOR : GRAPHITE REMARK 200 OPTICS : NULL REMARK 200 REMARK 200 IN THE HIGHEST RESOLUTION SHELL. REMARK 200 HIGHEST RESOLUTION SHELL, RANGE HIGH (A) : 1.5 REMARK 200 HIGHEST RESOLUTION SHELL, RANGE LOW (A) : 1.55 REMARK 200 COMPLETENESS FOR SHELL (%) : 63. REMARK 200 DATA REDUNDANCY IN SHELL : 3.7 REMARK 200 R MERGE FOR SHELL (I) : 0.172 REMARK 200 R SYM FOR SHELL (I) : NULL REMARK 200 FOR SHELL : NULL REMARK 200 REMARK 200 METHOD USED TO DETERMINE THE STRUCTURE: THE HIGH RESOLUTION REMARK 200 ATOMIC COORDINATES OF THE WILD TYPE (PDB ENTRY 1BP2) REMARK 200 WERE USED AS THE STARTING MODEL FOR REFINEMENT. REMARK 200 SOFTWARE USED: X-PLOR REMARK 200 STARTING MODEL: WILD TYPE (PDB ENTRY 1BP2) REMARK 200 REMARK 200 REMARK: NULL REMARK 280 REMARK 290 REMARK 290 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SYMMETRY REMARK 290 SYMMETRY OPERATORS FOR SPACE GROUP: P 21 21 21 REMARK 290 REMARK 290 SYMOP SYMMETRY REMARK 290 NNNMMM OPERATOR REMARK 290 1555 X,Y,Z REMARK 290 2555 1/2-X,-Y,1/2+Z REMARK 290 3555 -X,1/2+Y,1/2-Z REMARK 290 4555 1/2+X,1/2-Y,-Z DBREF 1UNE 1 123 SWS P00593 PA2_BOVIN 23 145 SEQADV 1UNE ASN 122 SWS P00593 LYS 144 CONFLICT SEQRES 1 123 ALA LEU TRP GLN PHE ASN GLY MET ILE LYS CYS LYS ILE SEQRES 2 123 PRO SER SER GLU PRO LEU LEU ASP PHE ASN ASN TYR GLY SEQRES 3 123 CYS TYR CYS GLY LEU GLY GLY SER GLY THR PRO VAL ASP SEQRES 4 123 ASP LEU ASP ARG CYS CYS GLN THR HIS ASP ASN CYS TYR SEQRES 5 123 LYS GLN ALA LYS LYS LEU ASP SER CYS LYS VAL LEU VAL SEQRES 6 123 ASP ASN PRO TYR THR ASN ASN TYR SER TYR SER CYS SER SEQRES 7 123 ASN ASN GLU ILE THR CYS SER SER GLU ASN ASN ALA CYS SEQRES 8 123 GLU ALA PHE ILE CYS ASN CYS ASP ARG ASN ALA ALA ILE SEQRES 9 123 CYS PHE SER LYS VAL PRO TYR ASN LYS GLU HIS LYS ASN SEQRES 10 123 LEU ASP LYS LYS ASN CYS HET CA 124 1 HETNAM CA CALCIUM ION FORMUL 2 CA CA1 2+ FORMUL 3 HOH *134(H2 O1) HELIX 1 1 LEU 2 LYS 12 1 11 HELIX 2 2 PRO 18 ASP 21 1 4 HELIX 3 3 ASP 40 LYS 57 1 18 HELIX 4 4 ASP 59 VAL 63 1 5 HELIX 5 5 ALA 90 LYS 108 1 19 HELIX 6 6 LYS 113 HIS 115 5 3 SHEET 1 A 2 TYR 75 SER 78 0 SHEET 2 A 2 GLU 81 CYS 84 -1 N THR 83 O SER 76 SSBOND 1 CYS 11 CYS 77 … REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK REMARK 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 FIT IN THE HIGHEST RESOLUTION BIN. TOTAL NUMBER OF BINS USED :8 BIN RESOLUTION RANGE HIGH (A) : 1.5 BIN RESOLUTION RANGE LOW (A) : 1.55 BIN COMPLETENESS (WORKING+TEST) (%) : 63. REFLECTIONS IN BIN (WORKING SET) : 1176 BIN R VALUE (WORKING SET) : 0.340 BIN FREE R VALUE : 0.352 BIN FREE R VALUE TEST SET SIZE (%) : 7. BIN FREE R VALUE TEST SET COUNT : 81 ESTIMATED ERROR OF BIN FREE R VALUE : NULL NUMBER OF NON-HYDROGEN ATOMS USED IN REFINEMENT. PROTEIN ATOMS : 957 NUCLEIC ACID ATOMS :0 HETEROGEN ATOMS :1 SOLVENT ATOMS : 134 B VALUES. FROM WILSON PLOT (A**2) : NULL MEAN B VALUE (OVERALL, A**2) : NULL LOW RESOLUTION CUTOFF (A) : NULL CROSS-VALIDATED ESTIMATED COORDINATE ERROR. ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM 1 N 2 CA 3 C 4 O 5 CB 6 N 7 CA 8 C 9 O 10 CB 11 CG 12 CD1 13 CD2 14 N 15 CA 16 C 17 O 18 CB 19 CG 20 CD1 21 CD2 22 NE1 23 CE2 24 CE3 25 CZ2 26 CZ3 27 CH2 ALA ALA ALA ALA ALA LEU LEU LEU LEU LEU LEU LEU LEU TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP TRP 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13.830 12.869 12.106 12.366 11.891 11.150 10.392 9.556 9.465 9.522 8.919 10.038 8.027 8.960 8.157 8.998 8.580 7.359 8.163 8.699 8.505 9.348 9.253 8.258 9.754 8.761 9.503 17.835 16.725 16.547 17.226 17.029 15.638 15.362 16.543 16.764 14.116 13.539 13.103 12.361 17.305 18.443 19.448 19.864 19.103 19.810 19.262 21.199 20.230 21.428 22.278 22.695 23.542 23.735 32.697 32.889 31.592 30.614 34.056 31.585 30.376 29.879 28.657 30.561 29.291 28.360 29.656 30.796 30.347 29.543 28.472 31.491 32.534 33.683 32.555 34.403 33.743 31.686 34.083 32.026 33.216 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.41 11.31 12.00 11.37 11.89 13.43 14.98 14.65 13.62 15.03 17.13 17.29 17.65 14.18 16.10 14.26 14.34 19.02 24.63 25.51 27.29 27.56 28.36 27.60 28.94 28.78 29.43 CAMBRIDGE STRUCTURAL DATABASE • The CAMBRIDGE STRUCTURAL DATABASE • Software for search, Retrieval Display and Analysis of CSD contents The CSD records bibliographic, 2D chemical and 3D structural results from crystallographic analysis of organics, organometallics and metal complexes .Both X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction studies are included for small and medium sized compounds containing upto 500 atoms including hydrogens) THREE DBA COMPONENTS Database Integrity Database Security Database Recovery DATABASE INTEGRITY The major issue for the database management is to ensure that the data in the database is accurate, correct, valid and consistent.Any inconsistency between two or more entries that represent the same entity demonstrates the lack of integrity Database technology cannot do very much to protect users against data errors made in the outside world before the data has been entered in the system However, certain safety measures can be built into a database to ensure that errors within the system are minimized DATA RECOVERY The process of recovery involves restoring the database to a state which is know to be correct following some kind of failure The technique of redundancy is used in the sense that it has to be possible to recover the database to its correct state from information available somewhere else in the system The most common way to achieve this is to dump the contents of the database with the defined frequency on another medium, magnetic tape or optical disk, which is then stored in the same place DATABASE SECURITY The DBA has to ensure that adequate measures are taken to prevent unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction of both the data within the database and the database software itself A password and a list of privileges attach to it are most commonly used to control user access rights to database information THREE COMPONENTS OF DATABASE Development of a database structure that allows the storage and maintenance of the required data Data entry, management maintenance and Retrieval of the data by end users equipped with suitable analysis and display tools DATABASE ADMINISTRATION The database administrator (DBA) is a person or a group of persons responsible for overall control of database systems The DBA is usually not only answerable for the design of the database, but also for choice of DBMS used, its implementation and training of all involved in the database running and use Once the data is entered, it has to be maintained and kept upto date PROBLEMS WITH THE DATA Incomplete data Noisy data Temporal data An extremely large amount of data Non-textual data INCOMPLETE DATA Some data may be missing (e.g., some fields may be left blank) Sometimes, the fact that missing data itself is a valuable piece of information NOISY DATA The field may contain incorrectly entered information We do not know how does this affect the certainty factor (or) confidence level of the results TEMPORAL DATA Since database grow rapidly, how can data be incrementally added to our results What effect should this have in the knowledge discovery process AN EXTREMELY LARGE AMOUNT OF DATA Some datasets over time can grow significantly How should such datasets be processed ? The option is to perform parallel processing, where n processors, each process approximately 1/n’ th of the data in approximately 1/n’ th of the time NON-TEXTUAL DATA There are many types of data that need to be manipulated, including image data, multimedia data (Video and Sound), spatial data in GIS and user defined data types Data Target data “Cleaned” data Selection Preprocessing & transformation Data Mining Patterns knowledge Interpolation evaluation & validation Stand alone machine application Web Application PERL Very powerful for string manipulation Uses CGI as the interface JAVA Application programming(Standalone machine) Applet Programming (Web oriented) Useful for graphics application over the WWW WHAT IS PERL? PERL is an interpreted language optimized for scanning arbitrary test files, extracting information from those text files The language is intended to be practical (easy to use, efficient, complete) rather than beautiful (tiny, elegant and minimal) PERL uses sophisticated pattern matching techniques to scan large amounts of data very quickly.Although optimized for scanning text, PERL can also deal with binary data and can make dbm files look associate arrays CGI(CommonGateway Interface) Common Gateway interface (CGI), as its name implies, provides a gateway between a user (Client) and command/logic oriented server CGI performs the task of translation, means translates the needs of clients into server requests and then back translates server replies to clients Client Client Java Servlet CGI Server Server RMI concept is very useful for multitier architecture EXAMPLE www.hotmail.com www.google.com Software (Search Engine) RMI WEB-Page Java Server pages (sun micro systems) Active server pages (Microsoft corporation) useful for dynamic web page creation GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) The Programmer can quickly design the user interface by drawing and arranging the screen elements rather than writing the raw code CGI is easily visualizable to users It is user friendly Example: MS-WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEMS GUI (Graphical User Interface) Active X (Microsoft corporation) Java swing (Sun micro systems) Buttons, boxes and pull down menus (windows based) VB (Visual Basic) Application development languages. Supports graphics Good for standalone applications Web programming is not possible.But it is possible to use script languages(vb script or java script) to make it web oriented VC++ System & Application Programming Almost same as VB Additional advantage System side WORLD WIDE WEB (W W W) World Wide Web is the famous and fastest growing Internet function.It is the way of accessing information already on the Internet using the concept of hypertext to link information.Like FTP, any types of digital documents, images, artwork, movies and sounds on the remote computer can be made hyperlinks.The protocol used for accessing such information is HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) The hyper linked documents are known as HTML documents. They are written in a special language called HTML, stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. The HTML is nothing but ASCII text with embedded tags on it DBMS & RDBMS DBMS: Dbase MS-Access Mysql-server FoxPro (partially RDBMS) RDBMS: Sybase Oracle SQL-server DATABASE a bunch of tables TABLES Store numerous rows of information FIELDS The little boxes inside a tables An expensive whopper of a database system called SQL server, which is used in corporation that needs to store huge wads of information ORACLE, which is another database format The best way to create your own access database is by using, microsoft access.This tool chips with the professional edition of office-87 and enables you to graphically design your own tables and individual field. Yet another one my-SQL Typical Web Search Keywords Search Engine Output Web Browser HTML Form O/p (in HTML) WWW HTML Form O/p (in HTML) CGI-Program Flat file Mirror sites PDB GDB SCOP PROTEIN DATABANK PDB (VPN users) PDB-MIRROR MACHINE 3.40 GHz PIV machine 2 GB RD RAM 1 Tera-byte Hard Disk 32 MB Graphics Card Powered by Intel SOLARIS PDB The PDB server is up-to-date and as of now contains 24,080 coordinate entries(21,788 proteins, 992 protein and nucleic acid complexes, 1282 nucleic acids. GENOME DATABASE GDB (VPN users) GDB-MIRROR site machine 3.40 GHz PIV machine 2 GB RD RAM 1 Tera-byte Hard Disk 32 MB Graphics Card Powered by Intel SOLARIS Structural Classification of Proteins SCOP (for VPN users) SCOP The SCOP mirror site at the institute has been created and maintained with the latest copy. Now the mirror site (version 1.63, May 2003 release) contains 49,497 domains from 18,946 PDB entries. Packages developed at the Bioinformatics Centre Raman Building Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012 Dr. K. SEKAR E-mail sekar@physics.iisc.ernet.in GENOME SEQUNECES MSGS Motif Search in Genome Sequences -A web based interactive display tool P. Selvarani, B.N. Vijay, V. Shanthi, S. Saravanan and K. Sekar (To be submitted) (Internet users) (VPN users) THGS A Web based database of Transmembrane Helices in Genome Sequences S.A. Fernando, P. Selvarani, Soma Das, Ch. Kiran kumar, S. Mondal, S. Ramakumar and K. Sekar NUCL. ACIDS RES. (2004), 32, D125-D128 (Internet users) (VPN users) PROTEIN SEQUNECES PSST Protein Sequence Search Tool -A web based interactive search engine S. Saravanan, A. Ajmal Khan and K. Sekar CURR. SCI. (2000), 550-552 (Internet users) (VPN users) PROTEIN STRUCTURES BSDD Biomolecules Segment Display Device -A web based interactive display tool P. Selvarani, V. Shanthi, C.K. Rajesh, S. Saravanan and K. Sekar J. MOL. GRA. & MODEL. (2004) (In the press) (Internet users) (VPN users) PDB Goodies -a web-based GUI to manipulate the Protein Data Bank file A.S.Z. Hussain, V. Shanthi, S.S. Sheik, J. Jeyakanthan, P. Selvarani and K. Sekar ACTA. CRYST. (2002), D58, 1385-1386 (Internet users) (VPN users) CAP Conformation Angles Package -Displaying the conformation angles of side chains in proteins S.S. Sheik, P. Sundararajan, V. Shanthi and K. Sekar BIOINFORMATICS (2003), 19, 1043-1044 (Internet users) (VPN users) WAP - a Web-based package to calculate geometrical parameters between water oxygen and protein atoms V. Shanthi, C.K. Rajesh, J. Jayalakshmi, V.G. Vijay and K. Sekar J. APPL. CRYST. (2003), 36, 167-168 (Internet users) (VPN users) RP Ramachandran Plot on the web S.S. Sheik, P. Sundararajan, A.S.Z. Hussain and K. Sekar BIOINFORMATICS (2002), 18, 1548-1549 (Internet users) (VPN users) SSEP Secondary Structural Elements of Proteins V. Shanthi, P. Selvarani, Ch. Kiran Kumar, C.S.Mohire and K. Sekar NUCL. ACIDS RES. (2003), 31, 3404-3405 (Internet users) (VPN users) SEM Symmetry Equivalent Molecules A.S.Z. Hussain, Ch. Kiran Kumar, C.K. Rajesh, S.S. Sheik and K. Sekar NUCL ACIDS RES. (2003), 31, 3356-3358. (Internet users) (VPN users) CADB Conformational Angles DataBase of proteins S.S. Sheik, P. Ananthalakshmi, G. Ramya Bhargavi and K. Sekar NUCL. ACIDS RES. (2003), 31(1), 448-451 (Internet users) (VPN users) Non-homologous (25% Identity) protein chains Hobohm & Sander, Protein Sci. 3, 522-524 X-Ray Diffraction NMR : : 1,276 (25) 460 (2) Fibre Diffraction Others Total no. of chains : : : 3 (0) 0 (5) 1,739 (32) Total no. of residues in X-Ray Diffraction NMR : : 2,53,623 37,281 Numbers within the paranthesis denote files having C coordinates. Non-homologous (90% Identity) protein chains Hobohm & Sander, Protein Sci. 3, 522-524 X-Ray Diffraction NMR : : 5,147 (26) 993 (5) Fibre Diffraction Others Total no. of chains : : : 6 (0) 0 (5) 6,146 (36) Total no. of residues in X-Ray Diffraction NMR : 11,29,466 : 72,145 Numbers within the paranthesis denote files having C coordinates. LySDB Lysozyme Structural DataBase K. S. Mohan, Soma Das, C. Chockalingham, V. Shanthi & K. Sekar ACTA CRYST. (2004), D60, 597-600. (Internet users) (VPN users) TAKE HOME MESSAGE Datamining is nothing but exploiting the Hidden Trends in your data Create your own derived database No one tool or set of tools is universally applicable Present the data in a useful format such as graph or table Department of Biotechnology Ministry of Science & Technology Govt. of India India & Jai Vigyan National Science Foundation Govt. of India India