Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm - pt.bhagwat dayal sharma post graduate

Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
1 Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is @ 2% of estimated cost of each group of tender.
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO.01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.15
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.80,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No. -01/2013 -14 due on 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 P.m. for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt. desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately
Soft Tissue Diode Laser
Wavelength : minimum 800 nm
Power to tissue : minimum 7 W
Controls : Microprocessor based software
Modes of operation : Continuous , Pulse
Aiming beam : laser diode
Preset treatment options
Surgical handpiece
Optical handpiece for biostimulation and tooth whitening optional
Minimum 3 laser goggles
( Cons.)
Dual Wavelength All Tissue Dental Laser System for endodontics and multi
disciplinary work
Hard tissue Er Cr YSGG/ErYag.
Soft tissue Diode/Nd YAG
Power range minimum 10 watts for hard tissue and 5 watts for soft tissue
Energy minimum 500mJ for hard tissue
Pulse duration variable
Computerized control and touch screen panel
Graphical user interface with standard clinical programs for hard and soft
tissue .
Built in Water and air spray controls
Handpiece with and without tips.
Rollable on wheels
6 laser goggles and spare fiber tip sets
Diode Laser for Soft Tissue Surgery
(for Cons.)
Wavelength : minimum 808 nm
Power to tissue : minimum 5 W
Operating panel :Colour touch screen
Controls : Microprocessor based software
Modes of Operation : Continuous, Pulse, Repeat Pulse
Calibration port for fibers
Aimingbeam : Laser diode
Preset treatment options
handpiece for surgery
Surgical handpiece
Optical handpiece for biostimulation and tooth whitening
6 laser goggles
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with the rubber
stamp of the firm on each page. 4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India(as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the complete
supply/withdraw their offer/rates or modify the terms & conditions of the same during the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:-
a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Oral Surgery
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Prosthodontic Lab
Dental Equipment
Conservative+ Dental Material
Dental Chair
Basic -32 & For various deptt.
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
For various deptt.
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Public Health Dentistry
Dental Material
For Prostho & Conservative
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue - Various deptt.
1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
2 Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall
beregarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO.01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.1
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.34,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No. -01/2013 -14 due 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM and opened on the
same day at 3:00 PM for Dental Equipments
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt. desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/ Equipment will have to be provided
within stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further
opportunity will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Light cure unit system
 70- 80 watt light source
 60 deg. Angle Probe or light guide with 1 pistol grip
 eye protection shield
 power source of 230v-115v
 Wave Length: 450-500nm,
 A short beep sound set at 10 sec or 5 sec.
 Internal voltage regulation
 Minimum one year warranty
Software for Cephalometric evaluation
• Effectively capture, organize and present image
•Compatible with all industry standard image formats with
Easy transfer of images and layouts to Microsoft
PowerPoint, Word and other programs; export to many
Qty reqd.
image file formats; copy images to windows clipboard
•Offering all clinically useful analysis .
•Fully customizable cephalometric analysis and norms
•Superimpose tracings of different time points with
standardized superimposition references with Multiple
•Calculate an “average tracing” from a sample group of
patients for research purposes
•Create default settings from the current tracing.
•Tracing alignment: Frankfort Horizontal, Horizontal
Plane, Natural Head Posture
•Powerful Image Enhancement features
•Multidisciplinary VTO Wizards
 Offers movie morphing for demonstrating pre-treatment
to stimulated or actual treatment results
Scanner with transparency adaptor
Optical Sensor: Color Matrix CCD™ line sensor
Optical Resolution:
 Dual Lens System
 4800 dpi and 6400 dpi
Hardware Resolution:
 4800 x 9600 dpi
 6400 x 9600 dpi with Micro Step Drive™ technology
Minimum Resolution: 12,800 x 12,800 dpi
Effective Pixels:
 40,800 x 56,160 (4800 dpi)
 37,760 x 62,336 (6400dpi)
Color Bit Depth: 48-bit internal / external1
16-bit internal / external1
Optical Density: 4 Dmax
Minimum Scan Area: 8.5" x 11.7"
Light Source: White cold cathode flourescent lamp
Scanning Speed:
High-speed mode: 4800 dpi
Color 12.3 msec / line
Monochrome 12.3 msec / line
Transparency Adapter
Type: Built-in lid
Minimum Transparency Size: 8" x 10"
Supported Film Size:
 35 mm mounted slides (12 frames)
 35 mm film strips (24 frames)
 Medium format strips 2 1/4", 120 / 220, 6x20 cm (2 – 6
 4" x 5" film (2 frames)
 8" x 10" film area guide
SLR Camera
EF-S 18-55mm IS Lens with color filter and point flash
18 megapixels
Cmos sensor
Additional 100mm lens
twilight lens solution that works in both manual and auto
Battery Pack
Battery Charger
Stereo AV cable
Interface Cable
EOS Digital Solution Disk
Software Instruction Manual CD
Camera Basic instruction Manual Booklet
ring flash for intra oral use .
tripod stand with all clamps and other accessories , hand
carrying case and rechargeable battery.
With 2 Sd cards(4 GB and 16 GB)
camera bag
Lens cleaner and 58 MM UV filter
2 reflectors
2 year warranty
Anatomic articulator with face bow attachments
Hanau ( Semi adjustable articulator)
• Enclose guidance with fixed
intercondylar width
of 110 mm ,lateral adjustment for 0-300 and protrusive
adjustment for 0-750
• It accepts a wide range of accessories including the
adjustable incisal guide.
• Orbitale indicator.
• Ideal for model analysis , splint manufacture &
• Light wt. & robust providing perfect handling.
• Auditory pins are mounted on central locking
mechanism. They insert into ear piece and secure ear
piece face bow to articulator .
• Face bow should simulate the position as mount on the
patient 12mm posterior to external auditory meatus
and on the same horizontal plane as condyle.
• Ideal for polishing of dental alloy steel braces and
• Electronic control circuit
• Continous protection against accidental short circuit
on over current
• Automatic current control based on electrolyte and
• Continous power setting
Metallic Typodont articulator with metallic teeth set for
orthodontic pupose
Ultrasonic cleaner
Ultrasonic Cleaning System to effectively remove gross
and microscopic debris from dental instruments.
Stainless Steel Tank
Corrosion Resistant Powder Paint Coated Aluminum
Compatible with popular cassette systems
1 tank cover,
10 bottles of Cleaning solution
3 casette racks
rapid start-up for instant cleaning power
Quiet operation
Heater on/off switch
Internal thermal cut-off
2-year warranty
Vaccum mixer
1. For mixing investments, plaster, die material, and
duplicating silicone
2. Vacuum mixing bowls are fixed to the agitator
3. Transparent vacuum mixing bowl 500ml and an alginate
mixing bowl
An electronic timer
4. the manometer
benchtop stand
Dental Plaster dispenser
Dental Stone dispenser
Implant kit for mini implants
Implant kit for placement of orthodontic mini implants.
The kit should include the following :• Short hand driver
• Long hand driver
• Pilot drill
• Round bur
• Box (Indian or imported)
• Cloth cover
• Cds for demo
• Implants
Bracket holding tweezer with aligner
• Bracket Placer with aligner,
• Self Holder Long Stem
• Pointed Tip.
Band cutting scissors (Eltee/GAC/3M/ORMCO/
Band cutting scissors curved for cutting orthodontic
Soldering torch (BLAZE/PRINCE/ GAC/3M/ORMCO/
 Mini torch ignition and easy flame adjustment
 automatic
 butane tank
Perforated SS trays rim lock trays( API/GAC/3M/ORMCO/
Dentaurum/Orthoorganiser/orthocare /capri))
Inter proximal reduction orthodontic kit(GAC/3M/ORMCO/
 interproximal reduction strips with handle
 safe sided reduction disks
 reduction gauges
 disk cover for protection of soft tissues
 dual sided tooth reduction disk
Bracket positioning and torque angulation guide for
lingual orthodontics
• Angulation and bracket positioning in one compact
• Should be used for occlussal and lingual opening slots
• Sectioning of models not required.
• Digitised bracket positioning with high accuracy
• Custamizable bracket prescription to suit facial
pattern and extraction and non extraction therapy.
• Use of laser for increased accuracy
A. Should have efficient space saving storage arrangement
for various patients records . Ideal for storage of files,
documents, study model boxes etc. It consists of fixed or
movable storage units (bodies) bolted to undercarriages
which move on channels.
B. Bodies:
Bodies should be available in Rigid knock down construction
and welded construction. should be made of CRCA steel and
powder coated with epoxy polyester powder. For knock down,
bodies should have sliding doors. Floor welded, bodies
should have hinged doors. Each body should come with
adjustable shelves.
A. Undercarriage:
It should have a welded frame made of HR sheet.
Bodies should be bolted to undercarriage and
these move on channels.
B. Drive Type:
Movement of units should be achieved mechanically through a
drive wheel and sprocket-chain mechanism. Provision of
manual locking of individual units should be there when in
05 units
use, in order to ensures safety.
C. Fabric and Wooden Fascia:
Variety of Fabric / Wooden (PLB) Fascia should be
such that it should match the ambience of our
Cephalometric tracing table
Custom made table with appropriate dimension of (lxwxh)
of 21/2x4x21/2 FT for two cephalometric boxes of
dimension 10 inch x 12inch with lockable drawer .
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with
the rubber stamp of the firm on each page.
4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores offered.
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/ Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the
complete supply/ withdraw their offer/rates or modify the terms & conditions of the same during
the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS, Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
3 Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which license is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid license on the date of opening of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licensed manufacture quoting the name and address of
such License holder and the license number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender.
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behavior which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO.01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.2.
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.51,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
6/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No.01/2013-14 due on 16/8/ 2013 at
2:30 PM for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt.desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Oral Pathology deptt.
Name of items with specification
Research Digital microscope with image analysis
Spin Type Carousel Fully Automatic Tissue Processor
Stable, ergonomic compact design, movable on rollers.
Bench unit with programmable microprocessor control,
display and touchpad keyboard. Silent electro-mechanical
motors for agitation and transport of cassette basket.
Active carbon filter and preset timer with count-down
function to monitor the filter change interval. 10 reagent
stations. Translucent P/E beakers, solvent resistant, 1.8 L
2 heated paraffin baths that can be controlled.
Connection for third paraffin bath.
Storage capacity of the cassette basket: 120 cassettes.
Vacuum or Spiral Agitation on each of the Stations for
Better quality processing.
Microprocessor control of immersion time (1 min. - 99 hr 59
min.) per station and selection of drop and agitation and
centrifugal time.
Centrifuging for 60 secs at 210 rpm with automatic change
Direction every 15 secs for basket and specimen to be
optimally drained.
Reduced carryover due to centrifugal movement.
Programmable start delay without time limitation.
Possible process interruption for reloading or removal of
Indication of date, time, remaining time in process step,
step number and reagent description.
Permanent memory capacity for up to 10 programs.
Safety switch for not melted paraffin
Specification Pentahead microscope
80i main body (100-240V) for right side stage handle with
substage left handle, built in filter cassette, diffuser, field
diaphragm adjustable tools, fine and coarse focusing with focus
stopper and torque adjustment, built in transformer for 12V 100 W
D-L11 Precentered lamphouse 100W
Power cord BE (220-240V) HALOGEN LAMP 12V-100W LL,
immersion oil A, 8cc
Mechanical stage
Rectangular mechanical stage, specimen holder with stay in
position, stage handle on right side with stage size of 243mm
x159mm surface area and cross travel range of 78mm x 54mm
Y-112 Sidentopf design trinocular tube F2, UW with tube
inclination angle at 25degree and interpupillary distance of 50-75
Eyepiece lens CFI 10X with dioptre adjustment, CFI UW Eyepiece
C-ND6 Sextuple DIC Nosepiece
Universal Furret condenser for bright field/ phase contrast/
darkfield upto 40x/ fluorescence microscopy
With 6 postions ( 1 bright field position with aperture diaphragm
NA 0.9, 3 Phase position (PH1, PH2, PH3), 1 Darkfield position, NA
0.75, 1 Closed position. Filter , 45mm GIF, CCT Centring
telescope with UW adapter, CF1 plan achromat 4X Antifungus ,
N.A 0.1, WD 30 mm
CFI Planachromat DL 10X N.A 0.25, WD 10.5mm Ph1
CFI Planachromat DLL 20X N.A 0.50, WD 2.1 mm Ph1
CFI Planachromat DLL 40X N.A 0.75, WD 0.66 mm Ph2 spring
CFI Planachromat DLL 100X Oil N.A 1.30, WD 0.2mm Ph3 spring
loaded stopper
Specification - Automatic hematology analyzer with 3 part
differential blood cell count
The equipment must be of latest technology with minimum
specifications outlined below
To work in variable ambient conditions
Provision for automatic sample loading , mixing and testing
minimum parameters 20 including histograms for RBC, WBC and
Touch screen LCD display, rapid printout through put- minimum
Precision coefficient variation, maximum 5% for platelet count
and upto 3% for other parameters
Calibration automatic and manual
Specifically designed mechanism for easy trouble free
maintenance including cleaning of apertures, tube systems and
Random access for individual sample
Suitable printer computerised data manager for minimum of
10000 samples including their details fitted with latest hardware
and software
Suitable UPS for atleast 1 hr backup
Consumption load- 1000/ month on average basis
Specification Laminar flow cabinet
The unit is designed so as to meet the requirement of US Federal
Standard 209(B) (BS-5295) providing particle free air to meet
class 100 (class conditions). The cabinets are fabricated out of
thick board duly run mica clad. Interior surfaces are epoxy coated
for its longer life. The work table is made of thick board with
stainless steel clad at top. Side panels are made out of thick
transparent plexus glass duly framed. The unit is fitted with
profiler (reap filter). Air is drawn through prefracture (is made of
pan through effective HIPA filter having efficiency rating as high
as 99.99% with cold DOP and 99.97% with hot DOP through
retaining all air borne particle of size 0.3 microns and large).
Using dynamic machine, the blower and motor is statically and
dynamically balanced motor of 1/5 HP Cap, operator with
minimum noise level. The working area is illuminated by
fluorescent lightning fitted to unit. To work on 220/230 volt AC
supply supplied with static finish SS table top transparent front
door (59 mm) static pressure manometer, built in UV germicidal
light (cock for gas, air/vacuum line. HEPA filters and prefilters.
Working size : 6ft X 2ft X 2ft
Size of HEPA : 3 X 2 X 6 ft
No. of filters : 2
HEPA illumination : 2 X 40W
Specification Laminar flow
Basic IHC setup with microwave
Polymer detection system for immunohistochemistry inclusive of
routine block, peroxidise block, post primary block, polymer
secondary antibodies against mouse/ rabbit primary antibodies
chromogen, substrate and hematoxylin. Shelf life minimum 9-10
months at the time of supply.
Make: Dako/ Lab.Vision/ Biogenex
Polylysine / APES/ any other suitable adhesive for
Kit should be supplied within 2 months of manufacturing and
minimum shelf life of one year at the time of supply
Specification Digital weighing balance
Top Pan weighing balance (digital)
Analytical, high precision electronic, single pan/top pan balance
with autocalibration facilities and digital readout scale, weighing
capacity 100-150 gm., readability and repeatability 0.1 mg, should
be provided with weighing chamber of glass in front, sides and
top with glass panels opening from right and left sides. Pan
should be made of stainless steel.
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with
the rubber stamp of the firm on each page.
4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores offered.
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/ Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the
complete supply/withdraw their offer/rates or mo dify the terms & conditions of the same during
the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
4 Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO.01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.3
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.1,60,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour
of the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No.01/2013-14 due on 16/8/ 2013 at
2:30 PM for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt.desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Oral Medicine
Technical Specifications for CBCT
Should be capable of providing the complete information
on the anatomy of a patient’s mouth, face and jaw areas
by producing three dimensional views of all oral and
maxillofacial structures in DICOM 3 Compatible output.
Image acquisition technique should be single scan and
cone beam acquisition. It should have Pulse type
Sensor Technology – Amorphous Silicon Flat Panel
It should have 360 degree rotation of the gantry enabling
a full scan of patient and the fast reconstruction of the
images depending on the Voxel size selected.
Reconstruction time for images of full 3 – D Volume should
be within two minutes
Grayscale – Equipment should have minimum of 14 bit
grayscale resolution
Scan time should be < 20 second standard scan time for
the largest scan FOV.
Voxel size : It should have Voxel size of 0.5mm or less
Flexible FOV
Dosage: It should have the minimal radiation burden and
maximum radiation effectiveness in class depending on
FOV selected.
Patient Positioning : Laser assisted patient positioning
Scan acquisition may be standing , sitting ,or supine with
head immobilization devices.
Wheel chair access should be possible for old and
disabled patients in case of standing and sitting
Software should offer:
Streamlined Dental Workflow Free Software for
networking and sharing.
DICOM 3 Compatible output for sharing with third party
Software should give 3D reconstruction, Panoramic View
Mapping ,Orthodontic reconstructions, Implant Software,
TMJ analysis, Magnification, Density Calculations.
Free of charges software and hardware upgrades to the
unit during the entire life span of scanner, if necessitated
by newer technological advancements.
Multiplanar Image reconstructions ( Orthogonal , Curved
and Oblique slicing ) SAGITTAL VIEW,CORONAL
Planning screen .
Implant Planning module with implant library and
customizable implant sizes.
Equipment Size: Equipment should have small foot print.
Site layout and site planning for unit installation to be
done by the company. Minor modifications at the site to
be done by the company for installation and must be
quoted separately.
Should be supplied with Technical Operators manual.
Customer Support should be locally available in India with
stocks of spare parts with Indian dealer in India.
 Protective sleeves ( 1000 no ) for bite blocks should be
supplied along with the unit.
Additional Requirements :
 Training: Should provide comprehensive support for
clinical application training of staff and faculty by a
specialist for an extended period till fully trained.
 Equipment should be supplied with a PC Workstation.
 Online UPS of suitable rating should be supplied for
complete system including gantry and computer system.
 The equipment should have FDA/European CE approved
and should also meet AERB requirements.
 Warranty : 24 months from the date of successful
installation. The warranty should cover the entire
accessory including X Ray tube and all consumables.
 Comprehensive maintenance contract for next 05 years
after expiry of warranty including all the accessories, X
Ray tube and all consumables.
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with the rubber
stamp of the firm on each page. 4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India(as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockistsand suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the
completesupply/withdraw their offer/rates or mo dify the terms & conditions of the same during the validity of
their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
yment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with Satisfactory
Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
5 Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO.01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.4.
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.15,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No.01/2013-14 due on 16/8/ 2013 at
2:30 PM for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt.desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Oral Anatomy
Radiovisio-graphy Unit
RVG with monitor
Dental x ray sensor with software.
10 languages optional, Easy-to-use USB 2.0 interface
dental x ray sensor.
Components: 1.Sensor Module, 2.Control Box, 3.USB Cable (3M),
4.Holder for Control box, 5.Holder for Sensor
6.EasyDent V4 Installation CD, 7.Driver Installation CD
8.EzSensor Manual,With CPU, Monitor & Irradiation unit.
Lab micromotor with straight handpiece.
Straight attachment handpiece,1:1, 40,000rpm with 3 ball bearing.
Hifh quality, fits any brand micromotor & airmotor, gray Colour.
Set of Rim Lock Impression Trays
(perforated & non perforated)
Made of High quality stainless steel. Autoclavable, Made of thick sheet
to avoid any deformation. The handle of the same is of thicker sheet
and specially joined to avoid any bending. sizes 1-5 No. for upper and
lower jaw
4 of each
Set of Impression Trays (Edentulous)
Made of Metal, autoclavable, Made of thick sheet to avoid any
deformation. The handle of the same should be of thicker sheet and
specially joined to avoid any bending. Sizes 0-4 No. sizes for upper
and lower jaw.
08 of
each size
UV Cabinets For Disinfection
UV cabinet for disinfection with 9 small and 3 deep trays.
Ultraviolet blue light 8W micro switch on/off control for UV light,
Electronically operated with see through door, inside covered body,
safety fuse, Mains input : 230V / 50Hz
Door closing mechanism : magnetic gasket
Small size model trimmers with diamond disc
10” diamond disc, self cleaning design, power
=110V, 50-60Hz, 7A standard, extra diamond
disc,dimensions14x14x17 approx.
Base former
Made from flexible plastic, for pouring the base of a dental lab stone
Alcohol blow torch
Shade guide
Crown remover(pneumatic)
With push buttons-with wire. Air activated breaking cements seals
using short, repeated and low impact force allows faster, more
convenient and easier removal of the crown or bridges. Kit included
crown & bridge removal, bridge removal tip, single crown removal tip,
single crown removal contra-angle tip, open end adjustment wrench,
flexi-wire kit.
Table front loading with a capacity of 10 -15 liters with
International standards,
Micro-processor based control
Ensure biosafety and sterilization of non-porous instruments
Competes dry cycle with semi-opened door
Stainless steel chamber and minimum 2 stainless steel trays for
surgical instruments
Silicone ring sealing of the chamber
Thermostat for prevention of overheating
With Accessories, ISI, ISO Certified
Ultrasonic Scaler Autoclavable hand piece, with no heat
30000Oscillations per sec, ISI, ISO Certified
Ultrasonic Cleaner (small)Transducer based technology
Capacity 2.5 -4 litres
Ergonomic design
Stainless steel bowl mounted in a powder coating casting.
Spacious tank suitable for large instruments
In-built heater and circuit protector
Fan to protect over heating
Minimum ultrasonic frequency 40 KHz
Minimum four recycle digital timer
ISI, ISO Certified
Air Rotor Contra angle, ISI, ISO Certified
With minimum speed 300,000rpm
Single spray with spare cartridge and minimum warranty of 6
Pulp Tester
X-ray viewer
Instrument cabinet
Extraction forceps set of 16 instruments
1. Maxillary Anterior forceps
2. Maxillary Premolar Forceps
3. Maxillary Molar Forceps (Right & Left)
4. Maxillary root forceps
5. Maxillary Third Molar Forceps
6. Mandibular Anterior forceps
7. Mandibular Premolar Forceps
8. Mandibular Molar Forceps
9. Mandibular root forceps
10. Mandibular Third Molar Forcep
11. Bayonet Forceps
12. Maxillary Cowhorn
13. Mandibular Cow horn
14. Upper root forceps
15.Lower root forceps Stainless steel rust free, ISI, ISO Certified
Light cure unit system
 70- 80 watt light source
 60 deg. Angle Probe or light guide with 1 pistol grip handpiece
 eye protection shield
 power source of 230v-115v
 Wave Length: 450-500nm,
 A short beep sound set at 10 sec or 5 sec.
 Internal voltage regulation
 Minimum one year warranty
Dental X-ray unit should have
1. Mobile X-ray mounted on a very stable base with rounded lines,
reinforced casters with a transversal brake stability and mobility
with wall mounting
2. Intra Oral x-ray Unit 70KW/7 ma tube
3. Having more current and better quality
4. Intra oral dental radiography (Compatible with RVG)
5. Unit should have electrical cord of four meters.
6. Manufactured with International Safety standards.
7. Fully imported soft positioning arms for accurate tube positions.
8. Great lightness and flexibility in the movements.
9. Free swivel head should allow easy positioning of the Head.
10. Head tube and cone should be internally lead coated to avoid
scattered radiation.
11. High voltage generator with high efficiency in the emission of
the X-rays.
12. Digital control equipped with an easy ready display indicating
with precision the selected time.
13. Exclusive angular indicating system for precise head
positioning in various radiography techniques.
14. Should have High efficiency and greater sharpness of the
15. Dental X-ray with pantographic arm with vertical and horizontal
smooth movements.
16. Should have Shorter exposure time and greater safety
Source; Indigenous/ Imported.
Should have ISO/CE Certificate
Glass bead Sterilizer
Sets of (Probe, Mirror, Tweezer)
Periodontal Probes
Snap-A-ray film holders
UV Chambers for disinfection
X rays view box with TFT technology
Uniformity should be > 75% Lamp life should be > 18000 hrs
viewing area 14”x17”
X-Ray film viewer with magnifier
Viewing area should be at least 31x41 mm.
Hand held on table top model
TENS unit
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with
the rubber stamp of the firm on each page.
4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores offered.
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/ Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the
complete supply/withdraw their offer/rates or mo dify the terms & conditions of the same during
the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e. mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet ,Dental Mobile Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet ,Dental Mobile Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favor of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet ,Dental
Mobile Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Group Description
Dental Equipment
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
6 Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Post Graduate Institute of
Dental Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non- manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO.01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No. 5
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.40,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No. -01/2013 -14 due on 16/08/2013 at 2:30 PM for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt. desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
s.no. Name of equipment
Piezo Bone Surgery Unit
Piezo-Bone Surgery Unit Ultrasonic System with illumination
Ultrasonic Scalar
Based on Piezo electric technology, autoclavable hand piece,
vibration frequency minimum range 28-32 KHz, minimum 5 tips for
scalar, should be FDA, CE, UL or BIS approved, power input 220V 240 VAC, 50 Hz with Indian plug. Electrical safety conforms to
standards for electrical safety norms.
Centrifugal Machine
Centrifugal Machine with Variable speed torque and Timer, 8 Tubes
corrosion resistant body.
Air Polishing Unit
Dental Air Polishing Unit
Adjustable torque, irrigation pump, autoclavable Micromotor,
Type: Brushless
RPM minimum Range: 500-30,000 RPM
Heavy Foot control,
Irrigation pump flow speed: up to Max 6 Liter per hour, Micromotor
Cord: Detachable from the unit and motor (Autoclavable)
Torque: up to 65 Ncm
Program type: Re programmable
Overload Indicator
Reverse rotation indicator
Reverse Rotation Buzzer, Reduction control, Speed Control,
Torque Control,
Irrigation Control,
Gracey’s Curettes
Set of 7 pairs of Gracey’s curetts
10 set
Color coded Naber’s Probe
Paquet Blade Handle
Reduction Hand piece
1:20 contra angle Reduction Hand piece for Implant
Ultrasonic scaler tips
Ultrasonic scaler tips for P 5 Booster no.1,2,3
20 sets
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with
the rubber stamp of the firm on each page.
4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores offered.
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/ Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the
complete supply/withdraw their offer/rates or mo dify the terms & conditions of the same during
the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office
of Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM,
to be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO. 01/2013-14 DUE
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED ON THE SAME DAY at 3.00 PM. FOR Dental
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic 32 & Medium-16
( total 48 )
Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard
Soft tissue -1 &
Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontics Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
7 Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
deposit will also be forfeited.
His security
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO.01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.6
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.13,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No.
-01/2013 -14 due on 16/8/2013
at 2:30 PM for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt.desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Name of items with Specification
Rubber Dam kit :- Having different size clamps, wing
clasp holding forceps, punch template for marking
holes, one frame, dam stabilizing cords, wedges and
rubber dam sheets –hygiene make.
Amalgamator :Permanent memory, individual
adjustment of paste consistency, mixing capsule
protection/ non capsule type electronically
controlled digital display.
Hydrosolder - Hydrogen type.
Electrocautery :- utoclavable electrodes, operation
mode off cut, coagulation & autocoagulation for
gingival and periodontal surgery.
Conscious Sedation unit :- ISO MDM Classic
Conscious Sedation
Delivery System
- ISO MDM Mixer Head Classic
- 4 cylinder mounting block (Yoke)
- Pead-Scavenger with 3’DISS (3
feet length) hose assembly for
N2O/ O2
- set of nasal hoods (assorted 24
tall mobile stand.
Apex locator : Having ability to determine the apical
constriction andanatomic apex by calculation. The
ratio of two different frequencies (400 Hz and
800KHz). The accuracy of measurement not
affected by the presence and absence of blood.
Other discharge electrolytes such as sodium, rating
DC 7.5, five 1.5 volt alkali battery, power
consumption 0.3 W, measurement voltage 80Mv,
measurement ampere 10 microModel- RCM- IMake
Root ZX et. Morit Japan
Glass bead sterilizer- dry glass bead sterilizer, 10” X
5” analog tyope for steruilization of pedo file with
glass beads
Endodontic Pressure Syringe- for filling/ obturating
the apical portion of root canal space.
- Pressure syringe slowly extruding
the filling material and flow
material can be stopped instantly.
- Thick
endodontics filling material for
primary teeth with preferably 30
gauge needle.
Sets in 2 to 3 hours, tissue compatible, radiopaque,
bacteriostatic, ensuring a positive seal.
Dental Bleaching Unit :- Tunable bleaching time with
micro-processor controlled timer
- Smart Auto-select power :- 100240 Volts AC
- 1 Beep every minute
- 3 Beep upon completion
- Auto power selector mode
- Light Intensity-2000 MW/cm2
- Wave length :- 420-500 nm
03 pedo, 3
Needle Destroyer
Soft- Tissue Laser :- (Surgical Endo/ Perio/ Miscell)
- Touch screen display
- Should be supplied with fibres of 1 X 200
micron and 4 X 300 micron +/- 20 micron,
fibre cutter, 50 single use tips, 3 pairs of
safety goggles.
- Wavelength 980 nm +/- 10 nm.
- Should perform all soft tissue related
Gingivoplasty, Gingivectomy, Pulpotomy,
perio germ reduction, incision/ excision
troughing, desensitization)
- Power adjustable from 0.5 W to 7 W.
- Frequency 1 HZ to 100 Hz.
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with
the rubber stamp of the firm on each page.
4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores offered.
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/ Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the
complete supply/withdraw their offer/rates or mo dify the terms & conditions of the same during
the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
8 Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is Rs. 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO.01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.7
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.38,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No. -01/2013 -14 due on 16.08.2013 at 2:30 PM for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt. desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Name items
RVG with Computer
1. Sensor thickness app. 3 mm.
2. Outer dimension not more than app. 35-40 mm X 25-30mm.
3. 100% active area.
4. Appr. 2500000 pixels.
5. 22 Lines pairs/mm resolution.
6. CCD Technology protected optical fiber.
7. Reduction in Radiation as compared to X-ray films is up to 90%.
8. USB connectivity with computer.
9. Compatible with PC as specified in the intraoral camera.
10. User friendly software.
11. Protective sheaths are provided. Post delivery instruction,
demonstration, training, and interface familiarization should be
Undertaking for post warranty standard annual maintenance contract
with assurance availability of spares for at least five years.
Should have ISO / CE certificate
 Body - Overall size : (590 x 296 x 200 mm) APPROXIMATELY
 Small Trays : 9-10
 Deep Trays : 3-4
 Magnetic door Latch
 Door Actuated switch
Mains switch Should have ISO / CE certificate
• Table Top Front loading Autoclave
• Fully automatic Micro - Processor based control.
• Temperature select 121° C and 134° C
• Chamber Size : 225mm Dia x 430mm Depth
• Outer Dimensions : W 580mm x H 430mm x D 600mm
• Coil : 1.5 KW / 230 VAC Should have ISO / CE certificate
Dental X-ray unit should have
1. Mobile x-ray mounted on a very stable base with rounded lines,
reinforced casters with a transversal brake stability and mobility with
wall mounting
2. Intra oral x-ray Unit 70KW/7 ma tube
3. Having more current and better quality
4. Intra oral dental Radiography (Compatible with RVG)
5. Unit should have electrical cord of four meters.
6. Manufactured with International Safety standards.
7. Fully imported soft positioning arms for accurate tube positions
8. Great lightness and flexibility in the movements.
9. Free swivel head should allow easy positioning of the Head.
10. Head tube and cone should be internally lead coated to avoid
scattered radiation.
11. High voltage generator with high efficiency in the emission of the xrays.
12. Digital control equipped with an easy ready display indicating with
precision the selected time.
13. Exclusive angular indicating system for precise head positioning in
various radiography techniques.
14. Should have High efficiency and greater sharpness of the
15. Dental x-ray with Pantographic arm with vertical and horizontal
smooth movements.
16. Should have Shorter exposure time and greater safety
Source: Indigenous / Imported.
Should have ISO / CE certificate
Motor with 35,000-40,000 rpm High torque built in safety Device with
Foot control.
• Electronic control which has smooth start and attains high speed
quickly without any jerk.
• Micro motor can be operated either by hand or foot control fine tuning
of speed by hand only.
• Reverse and forward rotation, by hand switch, ON/OFF control by foot
• ISO - E type coupling for all E - Type Handpiece
Should have ISO / CE certificate
Impaction kit should contains
 B.P. Handle no 3
Howarth elevator
Cryer X bar elevator
Molt's periosteal elevator
Austin tissue retractor
Coupland elevator
Warwick james elevator straight
Root tip elevator
Lucas curettes D/E
Mouth prop set of 3
Needle holder 6"
Scissor- SS Suture cutting
Forceps- Adson tooth 6"
Miller bone file
Suction canula- Frazier no 3
Fine osteotome- straight 4 mm
Should have ISO / CE certificate
Trauma Kit should contains
 Self holding screw driver 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 mm
Ordinary screw driver 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 mm
Modeling lever
Wire cutter
Wire twisting forceps
Bone holding forceps- pointed 6"
Kelsey fry bone awl
Simple scale 6"
Aluminium box
transbuccal trocar
intraoral bone reduction forceps
Should have ISO / CE certificate
Aluminium box
It should have Multi Lens matrix for optimum backlight.
Light should be a combination of three consoles of LED Lights &
each console consisting of minimum 15 LEDs.
It should have streamline shape for minimum of air resistance.
It should be shadow less light.
It should be Infrared and UV free light for low heat generation.
Rise of heat on area of surgeons head should not be more than
Colour temperature should not be more than 3800-5000k
Light should have a light Intensity more than 85000 Lux at a
distance of 100 cm.
It should have focusing through central stabilizing handel.
It can adjust the colour temperature request for different
surgery, which can help accurately identify each tissue, blood
vessel & void vision tiredness of surgeon
It should have the long life of LED Lights.
It Should be mounted on movable stand.
The battery backup/UPS of light should be mounted on same
It should comply Indian Electrical standards and should work on
It should be ISO9001:2008 and ISO13485:2003 certified.
It should be tested for IES 60601-1and IEC60601-2-41
It should be ISO/CE marked.
Specifications for LED View Box
It should be State of art light weight for viewing X-ray Films.
It should have LED Light source with Light Intensity of 10,000 lux
or more.
It should have dimmer for intensity adjustments.
Should be made up of unbreakable Plastic.
Should be compact for easy handling
Should have option to be mount on Wall or Desk
Should have controllable light source with a single button.
It Should be ECO friendly
It Should comply Indian Electrical standards and works on
Should be quoted in following Sizes:
 1films of size 14"x17" with gross weight Less than 3.25
 2 films of size 14"x17" with gross weight Less than 5.6 KG
 4 films of size 14"x17" with gross weight Less than 8.10
Optional: Rate of Mounting Stand should be quoted separately.
Should have ISO / CE certificate
Straight Hand-piece Specifications
It should have
E type low speed hand-piece , 1:1 ratio , with external cooling system
Air pressure: 245~392Kpa (2.5~4Kgf/cm2) approx.
Water pressure: 22000~27000rpm approx.
Chuck type: latch type
Noise:≤70dB approx.
Turns speed: 18000~25000turns /minute approx.
Should have ISO / CE certificate
Hand held Doppler
Handy and potable pocket model
Doppler 8 Mhz Transducer
Battery rechargeable
Light cure unit
Led based
Pen style LED curing unit
Blue light source
Light intensity 800m W/cm2
Wave length-uniform wave length 470mm
Low and high intensity timer and set button
Input DC-74, 1500mAH output DC-74B,1500 mAH
Make Indigenous/Imported
Surgical Hand piece
Straight surgical Headpiece 1:1 Straight, Lever Chuck for surgical Burs,
and cutters should be ISO/CE marked
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with the rubber
stamp of the firm on each page. 4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India(as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockistsand suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the
completesupply/withdraw their offer/rates or mo dify the terms & conditions of the same during the validity of
their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:-
a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
9 Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO. 01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.8 .
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.32,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due on 16/8 2013 at 2:30 PM for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt.desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Description of goods Prosthodontics Clinic
Hot Air Oven
Horizontal fan assisted, should have minimum two detachable
perforated shelves, should have door window and equipped with
interior lighting, Temp. between 5 degree to 250 Celcius Degree.
Heater capacity 750 w X 2heater -1500 watts, electric
connection:220V,50 HZ
X-Ray View Box
LED light source, Brightness more than 4000 lux, Power AC 100-250
V, Thickness 4.5 c.m (approx).
Chair side X-ray unit
Class -1 type 8, 220 v 50 Hz, 70 Kv, 8mA , Filtration -2.5 mm Al, 35
Kg, Exposure time – 0.2-4 sec with RVG compatible.
Sinus lift instruments
Including Piezotomes, hand piece , set of bone surgery tips, set of
sinus lift tips, set of power periotome tips, set of intralift tips, 1
large sterilization cassette, with autoclavable tubing & irrigation
bag spikes
Implant surgical Kit
Implant kit: Containing Standard drills (round burs, pilot drills, lance
drills & twist drills) & supplementary drills, other components:1.
Counter sink, 2 screw tap, 3 bone mill, 4drill extender, 5 implant
inserter with implant inserter wrench, 6 Depth gauge, 7 screw
Driver 8 stopper.
Assorted diameter and length
Implant prosthetic components
Long and short copings for impressions, implant analogs assorted
size, abutments angulated and straight, healing abutments/ gingival
Physio-dispensor handpiece
Radiovisio graphy Unit
RVG with monitor
Dental x ray sensor with software.
10 languages optional, Easy-to-use USB 2.0 interface
dental x ray sensor.
Components: 1.Sensor Module, 2.Control Box, 3.USB Cable (3M), 4.Holder
for Control box, 5.Holder for Sensor
6.EasyDent V4 Installation CD, 7.Driver Installation CD
8.Ez Sensor Manual,With CPU, Monitor & Irradiation unit..
Digital Occlusal Analyser
Available with Windows-based software, scanning electronics (Handle),
Sensors Ultra-thin (100 microns) reusable Sensor for 15-25 recordings, fullcolor 3-D or 2-D graphics
Straight Handpiece ( Micromotor) with stand
Straight attachment handpiece, 1:1, 40,000 rpm with 3 ball bearings, High
quality, Fits any brand Micro Motor & Air Motor,
Contra Angle Handpiece (Micromotor with stand)
Latch head with Contra angle handpiece, Ball bearings based,Rotation
speed 20,000 RPM(approx), High quality, Fits any type of micro motor & Air
Minihead Airrotor Handpieces (Contraangle
Single spray, 4,00,000 RPM(approx) - rotation range, High speed for high
precision work, Ultra Speed, Mini Head.
Set of Rim Lock Impression Trays(Dentulous
Made of High quality stainless steel. Autoclavable, Made of thick sheet to
avoid any deformation. The handle of the same is of thicker sheet and
specially joined to avoid any bending. sizes 1-5 No. for upper and lower jaw
Set of 10 Impression Trays Perforated (Edentulous)
Made of Metal, autoclavable, Made of thick sheet to avoid any deformation.
The handle of the same should be of thicker sheet and specially joined to
avoid any bending. Sizes 0-4 No. sizes for upper and lower jaw.
Set of 10 Impression Trays Non- Perforated (Edentulous)
Made of Metal, autoclavable, Made of thick sheet to avoid any deformation.
The handle of the same should be of thicker sheet and specially joined to
avoid any bending. Sizes 0-4 No. sizes for upper and lower jaw.
Light Cure Unit With Extra Bulbs
75 Watts,12 V ,tungsten halogen lamp, internally mounted super cool fan,
timer from 10-60 sec. With audible tone, interupt cycle capability,
autoclavable fibroptic probe, fully 360 degree rotation for easy access,
thermal safety switch. Protection shield for safety operation, unit can be
wall mounted or free standing.
UV Cabinets For Disinfection
UV cabinet for disinfection with 9 small and 3 deep trays.
Ultraviolet blue light 8W switch on/off control for UV light, Electronically
operated with see through door, Mains input : 220 v.
Ultrasonic Scaler
Detachable scaler handpiece with tips. Magnetostrictive/ Piezoelectric
Optical System with field of view 85o and direction of view-forward.
Insertion Tube diameter 3.5mm, Angulation up-130o & down-130o, Working
Length 30 cm, Fiberoptic, flexible. 1.3 MPx.
Oral Endoscope
Compact size, image sensor ¼ inch CMOS, CMOS sensor specifications:
effective pixwels:640x480, sensing area (HxV): 3.58x2.69mm, Resolution:
420TVL, Low illumination:0.3lux, Video output:USB 2.
Educating models
Assorted models of implant, maxillofacial and fixed prosthesis
Articulator (Semi-adjustable
Whipmix articulator (model 8500) with face bow and accessories
Condylar Guidance featuring:
- Adjustable condylar inclination
- Progressive side shift
- Adjustable intercondylar distance
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with the rubber
stamp of the firm on each page. 4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/ Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the complete
supply/withdraw their offer/rates or modify the terms & conditions of the same during the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:-
a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender .
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non- manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO. 01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.9 .
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.29000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due on 16/8 2013 at 2:30 PM for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt.desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Description of goods for Prosthodontics Laboratory.
Vacuum Mixing Machine
Pre-programmed mixing parameters or manual mix override.
Vacuum fixed mixing bowls in the size of 250 ml to 1200 ml, digital
display showing parameters ,with table top stand .
Curing Pressure Pot
Fully automatic, big screen for display , accommodate 10 models
curing at a time, stainless steel curing chamber with safety value
and pressure and temprature gauge.
Pressure Moulding Machine
Max power 850 watts, voltage – 220v /110v, 50-60 hz, work pressure
of max 6bars.
Pindex System
Motor type- high speed, platform size-8”x6” approx. laser light
adjustment, set of extra drills.
Electro Polisher
Equipped with swinging electrodes, working current -3A,4A,5A,6A, ,
Timing adjustment – 0-15 min, voltage 220V (Approx),
High speed lathe
High speed dental cutting lathe with stain less steel thick end
attachments Voltage – 220/110v power -180 w, speed- control upto
6000 RPM,
Magnifying work lamp
Heavy duty lathe with suction
1HP, high speed , approx 3000 rpm., built in high power dust suction
behind the chuck., Dust collection bag, Table mounted base.
Dry Model Trimmer
assorted 10” carborandum disc, dust collector, 220/110 V,
Steam cleaner
220 V, 1600 W, 5.5L – capacity(approx).
Wax Heater
Regular flex-neck desk lamp with efficient fluorescent light,
fully adjustable, 12w light tube ( approx).
For wax dipping technique, temperature range from approx 6
Deg.Cel -110 Deg.Cel and maintainable temperature melting time:
approx.6 minutes. 2-4 compartment for wax melting.
Spindle Grinder with suction
Should have fully adjustable safety shield and light
assembly,adjustable working height, should equipped with
high-speed automatic spindle, Self-contained Dust Collector,
adjustable spindle working height, speed range 24000-30,000
rpm, power supply 110 volts220v.
Casting machine motorcast with door
Closed door type with protective cover lock, with open flame
melting with automatic gas-saving unit, with speed ranges 350rpm
to 450 rpm speed adjustability using key pad on the control element,
power supply 110 or 220 volts
Model trimmer with double disc
220v, 2500-3000 rpm, heavy duty, 10” coarse stone outflow water
Ultrasonic Cleaner
Jet pressure-30-600 psi, frequency-25 KHz-43 KHz, tank capacity-3
liter onwards, liquid flow-2-20 lt. /min.
Electric carver
Digital with temperature control, dual pencil with different tips
Dewaxing unit
Double walled with outside and inside body made of high quality
stainless steel, with digital display and controller cum digital timer,
drain valve, pilot lamp, 220 volts AC
Double walled with outside and inside body made of high quality
stainless steel, with digital display and controller cum digital timer,
drain plug, pilot lamp, 230 volts AC
Dual Purpose Metal Ceramic And All Ceramic Furnance
Dual function furnace - porcelain firing and pressing.
Technical feature:
 Voltage100 / 120 volt, 230 volt
 Display LCD Screen
 Chamber Dimensions 10 inches Diameter(approx)
 External Dimensions 61 inches x 33 inches x 45 inches (muffle
 Computerized Auto Control / Calibration.
 Programmable Settings: Temperature, Vacuum Level
Drying, Idle Time, Night Mode.
 Memory Multiple Programs
 PC / Printer Connectivity.
 Maximum Pressing / Firing Temperature1200° C
Palatal Trimmer
High torque and high speed with 2500-3000 rpm, good quality stainless
steel, dull finish work surface, dust collection part in back with adapter
hose, fast cutting trimmer.
Vibrator with Timer
Capacity to place 2 base formers together, Removable Rubber Plate for
cleaning fitted with Controller and Timer 0.15 min.
Electroplating unit
unit for polishing pattern- cast dentures, for plating and coating of
impressions & pattern-cast , with heater and temperature control, 3 bath
cells with accessories, with capacity of 1 litre to 2.5 litre
Model Trimmer with Carborandum Disc
220V, 500 w, 2500-3000 rpm ,
Strengthen Unit
Model Trimmer with Diamond Disc
10” diamond disc, self cleaning design, Power - 110 V, 50-60 HZ, 7A,
Extra diamond discs, dimensions- 14x14x17 “( Approx)
Should have water heating system, automatic gelatin maintenance
cycle, continuous temperature display, rotation speed of 40rpm, self
adapting mixing blades
Spot welder
Power supply- 220v+/-22v, 50 HZ(or 110 V), digital display, made up
of good quality metal.
Gas blow torch
Suitable for acytylene, propane or oxygen, with assorted sized
Stereo Microscope
Binocular viewing head, 10 X Eyepiece,45’ angle single fixed
adjustable binocular eyepiece ( approx)
Composite Curing Unit
Light curing chamber, Single phase AC 220Vpower consumption
750 watt, light wave range 450-580 nm, temperature control, view
window, with up and back opening mechanism
Implant Micro surveyor
Intra-oral sandblaster
All stainless steel construction carbide tip, autoclavable nozzle, 360
degree rotatable and interchangeable nozzles,
Cable arm for hanging engine
Double Ball Bearing metallic Cable Arm with high speed Ball Bearings RPM
Articulator Mean value
Made up of good quality metal with mounting plates(2 pairs)
intercondylar distance-10 to 11cm
condylar guidance-33degrees(approx)
incisal guidance-9-12degrees(approx)
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with the rubber
stamp of the firm on each page. 4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/ Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the complete
supply/withdraw their offer/rates or mo dify the terms & conditions of the same during the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:-
a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Public Health Dentistry
Dental Material
For Prostho & Conservative
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue Various deptt.
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO.01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.10
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.32,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/2013 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No. -01/2013 -14 due on 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 P.m. for Dental
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt. desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately
Qty Req.
RVG Sensor System
3(2 for Cons. + 1
for Perio.
Bleaching Unit:
 Should be based on CMOS
 10-30 lp/mm true image resolution
 Exclusive sensor with complete software package including
 fiber technology
 Plastic pack design to allow easy periapical and bitewing
 USB cable.
 Thickness of the sensor should be 2-5 mm. length 3540mm,width 25-30mm
 Sensor life should be more than 350000 Exposures.
 Sensor active area should range from 450-1000 Square mm
 RVG/System software
 Should be licensed.
 Should have automatic acquisition and save facility.
 Should have sharpening, cleaning and improving features.
 Should have search facility by patient ID name or any other
 criteria.
 Should be Internet compatible.
 Should be capable of generating Reports.
 Should be capable of Avoiding Accidental Deletion.
 Radiation protection accessories: lead apron, thyroid collar,
 sheath. Mimimum cable length of approximately 3 meter
Endomotor with handpiece:
It shall have Photo activation by blue light generated
by 5-8 high power LEDs
It shall have Articulated arm with a support for chair
It shall have beep after every 10 seconds & at the end
of the cycle
Should have atleast 5 time pre-set programs and 3
different light intensity outputs.
LCD screen showing all the relevant operating
With bleaching material for 20 patients.
Endodontic micromotor to drive NiTi instruments in
dental setup.
Unit should consist of Charging station, Handpiece,
Contra angle head and
rechargeable battery, Mains cable.
Fits all popular brands of Rotary files
It shall have Variable Torque control
It shall have Variable Speed
It shall have Auto-reverse function
It shall have minimum 5 programmed memory
It shall have Push type Ultra miniature head
It shall have On/Off switch on hand piece
It shall have Lightweight and comfortable Handpiece
It shall have Wide screen for comfortable viewing,
It shall have Flat control panel which is simple and
user friendly
It shall have Compact unit
It should operate on both AC and DC power sources
It shall have AC cord / rechargeable battery pack
Contraangle head is sterilizable.
12 months warranty on rechargeable battery.
Packing and preserving Unit
with sealing system
for sterilizing all dental & surgical instruments available with
color indicator, clean view design , Dual chemical indicators
gas or steam sterilization
resist tearing , manufactured in European standards
sterilizing roll size -100mmx200mtrs
Table top Autoclave for Dental set up
1.Autoclave should be table top and front loading with fully
automatic micro processor / microcontroller based control,
highly accurate pressure control switch and stainless steel
sterilization chamber.
2. Autoclave with a powerful double head vacuum pump to eject
air pockets from the chamber at the beginning and at the end of
the cycle suitable for the sterilization of both wrapped and
unwrapped instruments.
3 Technical Specifications
3.1 It should have digital timer for wet and dry cycle. Minimum 10
sterilization cycles both for wrapped as well as unwrapped
instruments ,for flash sterilization, open, packed, liquids.
3.2 It should also have silicon rubber ring gasket in the door for
locking (to prevent sudden opening of the door) The closing and
locking of the door should be completely automatic
3.3 Auto draining facility for reservoir tank water with separate
tank for used and fresh water.
3.4 An alarm should be provided to ring after the total command
is over
3.5 Auto Equalizer of pressure must be in the chamber for easy
3.6 Digital temperature and pressure gauges.
3.7 Control panel to select cycle settings with LCD Display and
water level indicator.
3.8 Nominal capacity app 20-25 liters
3.9 Pressure range: 1.2 kg./cm2 (121 deg C) to 2 Kg. /cm2 (134
deg C)
3.11 System should be operated with a high vacuum pump.
Thermodynamic vacuum
creation will not be considered.
3.12 Integrated printer for printing of the reports
3.13 Should be supplied with a water deionizer to be connected
directly to the tap water.
4 System Configuration Accessories, spares and consumables
4.1 System as specified4.2 It should be supplied with the following accessories:•Tray Stand: No. 1
•Tray: Nos. 3
•Bin (with lock): No. 1
•Sealing & Packaging Machines.
4.3 All consumables required for installation and standardization
of system to be given free of cost.
5 Environmental factors
5.1 Shall meet IEC-60601-1-2:2001(Or Equivalent BIS) General
Requirements of Safety for Electromagnetic Compatibility. Or
should comply with 89/366/EEC;
5.2 The unit shall be capable of being stored continuously in
ambient temperature of 0 -50deg C and relative humidity of 1590%
5.3 Thu unit shall be capable of operating in ambient
temperature of 20-30 deg C and relative humidity of less than
6 Power Supply
6.1 Power input to be 220-240VAC, 50Hz fitted with Indian plug
6.2 Voltage corrector/stabilizer of appropriate ratings meeting
ISI Specifications.( Input 160-260 V and output 220-240 V and 50
6.3 Reset table over current breaker shall be fitted for protection
7 Standards, Safety and Training
7.1 Electrical safety conforms to standards for electrical safety
IEC-60601 / IS-13450
7.2 Should be FDA , CE,UL or BIS approved product
7.3 Manufacturer/Supplier should have ISO certification for
quality standards.
7.4 The autoclave should have thermostatic Control Switch to
prevent from overheating.
7.5 The system equipped with required safety features. The door
opening should becontrolled by dynamic, electromagnetic &
Electronic device and it should open only with atmospheric
pressure in the chamber.
8 Documentation
8.1 User/Technical/Maintenance manuals to be supplied in
8.2 Certificate of calibration and inspection.
8.3 List of Equipments available for providing calibration and
routine PreventiveMaintenance Support. As per manufacturer
documentation in service/technical manual.
8.4 List of important spares and accessories with their part
number and costing.
8.5 Log book with instructions for daily, weekly, monthly and
quarterly maintenance checklist. The job description of the
hospital technician and company service engineer should be
clearly spelt out.
Digital Light Cure Unit
LED based light cure unit
Digital display of time on the hand unit with flexibibility of time
Should be provided with additional tips and shields.
Fast curing times
Should offer a clear view and enhanced patient comfort
Angulated light guides should revolve 360degrees.
Should be easy to clean
Light weight,
Light source: 1 Ultra high-intensity light emitting diode (LED)
Safe, ease of use in dental surgery
Should have no heat build-up on teeth & main unit
Instant-on, No wait, No warm-up time
Minimum light intensity 1000mw/cm2
Relative Emission Intensity
It should emit the light 430~470nm light for curing the dental
Power Requirements
1.Power input to be 220-240VAC, 50Hz
2.Voltage corrector/stabilizer of appropriate ratings meeting ISI
Specifications.(Input 160-260 V and output 220-240 V and 50 Hz)
3.Resettable over current breaker shall be fitted for protection
Radiofrequency Electrocautery
Solid state circuitry to eliminate warm-up time
Cut /coagulation Single control for easy mode selection and
intensity adjustment
Swivel cord connector to improve handling
Waterproof footswitch for hands-free electrode activation
Dispersive electrode to complete energy flow path
3 Electrode Set -coagulation ball,45degree straight ,45º
Long Loop
Introductory DVD
Autoclavable electrode sheaths
No warm up time
Intra-oral X-ray Machine:
X-ray generator :High frequency (300 kHz)
Focal spot :0.7 mm
Tube voltage: 60/70 KV
7-8 mA tube
Mounting Options : mobile
Arm: scissor arm
Timer :integrated to the unit, digital timer with accuracy of 0.01
seconds(0.01 seconds to 4 seconds)
Timer Settings :Manual time settings and/or digital mode
Options and Accessories :Synchronization link with RVG
collimators, long cone.
Contolled microprocessor unit.
Tube Head (preferably metal) and long cone internally lead
coated to avoid scattered radiation
Manufactured with international safety standards
Power input to be 220-240VAC, 50Hz fitted with Indian plug
Voltage corrector/stabilizer of appropriate ratings meeting ISI Specifications.(
Input 160-260 V and output 220-240 V and 50 Hz)
Reset table over current breaker shall be fitted for protection
Gear Reduction Hand Piece:
Contra-angle for using NITI rotary instruments
Provision for adjustable torque and automatic declutching
Minimum four different torque values available using an adjusting
Ring located on contra-angle head.
Reduced head size for maximum access & visibility.
Push button head for removal of rotary instruments.
Standard attachment (ISO)’E’ type, compatibility to any kind of
Pneumatic and electric motors.
Apex locators frequency type
-Apex locator having the ability to determine the Apical
constriction and anatomic apex bycalculating the ratio of 2
different frequencies(400 Hz and 8 KHz).
-The accuracy of measurement not affected by the presence or
absence of blood, other discharges , electrolytes such as sodium
-Automatic calibration, no zero – adjustment
-Battery power indication and automatic power off function.
Accessories:Probe 1, file holders 3, Contrary electrodes 5, “ AA” alkali
Ultrasonic cleaner (large)
Transducer based technology
Capacity is 10 to 20 litre (for large).
Ergonomic design
Spacious tank suitable for large instrument
Inbuilt sheath and circuit protector
Fan to protect overheating
Minimum ultrasonic frequency -40 Khz
Minimum tank size 250x160x70mm
Minimum 4 cycle digital timers
Impact Air hand Piece for endodontic surgery( 4hole)
Iontophoresis Unit
Amalgamator (for Dental Material deptt.)
Term & Conditions
1. Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop as per Annexure ‘I’
&‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no opportunity will be given. No
change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the Tenderer with the rubber
stamp of the firm on each page. 4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS, Rohtak/Postgraduate
Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India(as the case may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and
all other charges, if any. The price/rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
opening of tender. The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group on their letter head and
should furnish the copy of the catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where
required, alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of machinery and
equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply order and satisfactory performance
report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery & equipment. ISO certificate
and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs should be given. The
manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockistsand suppliers should send copy of Registration Certificate of
Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the
item as the case may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail to make the
completesupply/withdraw their offer/rates or mo dify the terms & conditions of the same during the validity of
their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b) Rates including taxes ( Net rates i.e.mentioning Excise duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the applicability of taxes/duties for the
time for which they are quoting rates with the offer.
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality Assurance shall be
provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs Authorities by the supplier
himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc.,
if any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution
on the request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of
India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty Period of
2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of
the cost of the equipment before issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be
finalized separately.
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly supported with
Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health
Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be applicable.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost is each group of tenders.
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non- manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO. 01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.11
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto 16/8/20 13 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.1,00,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour
of the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/20 13 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No.01/2013-14 due on 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM for DENTAL CHAIRS
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt. desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Name of Equipments with specification
Equipment specifications for Dental Chair (Basic)
Anti crushing seamless upholstery (Laminated for optimum hygiene)
of good material and soothing color.
Should be capable of upgradation to attachment of light cure
unit/scaler/inbuilt micromotor.
Fully adjustable back rest and head rest.
Electrically, operated water control for basin/bowl which is ceramic.
Body of the chair and unit is painted and non-rust able and non
painted parts should be electroplated of good quality. High density
stable steel base with minimum 15mm thickness protected by an antislip Rubberized Sleeve to avoid electrical hazards to patients & the
doctors. With German/Japanese/European/USA updown and back
rest motors.
Sensor controlled lights. White & cool 3 LED Dental light minimum
intensity of 20,000 Lux.
Autoclavable steel tray .
High power motorized suction with auto drain and auto flush system,
with minimum 0.5 hp motor.
Delivery system having Control box with water control-Air motor and
hand piece (straight and contra-angle), air rotor hand piece NSK/
Kavo/Bien air/W&H/ND brands)
Ergonomic pneumatic doctor’s stool with adjustable backrest tilt and
foot rest.
Mounted Dental X-ray box (Dental LED X-ray Viewer)
Tendering Company dealing with Dental Equipments should have a
turn over of minimum 2 crores /year for last four years and Original
CA attested certificates must be attached with the Tender.
All consumables required for installation and standardization of
system to be given free of cost.
Complete installation of the system including water input and
drainage system has to be installed.
Standards, Safety and training.
 Should be FDA,CE,UL, or BIS approved product.
 Electrical safety -conforms to standards for electrical safety norms.
 Comprehensive warranty for 5 years and provision of AMC for next 5
 Company shall have to provide a full time trained mechanic in the
premises of PGIDS Rohtak to repair the dental Chairs for at least 3
 list of important spare parts and accessories with their part number
and costing should be provided.
Equipment Specifications for Dental Chair (Medium)
Technical Specifications
 Anti crushing seamless upholstery (Laminated for optimum hygiene)
of good material and soothing color
 Fully adjustable back rest and head rest .
 Electrically, operated water control for basin/bowl which is Ceramic.
 Body of the chair and unit is painted and non – rust able and non
painted parts should be electroplated of good quality. High density
stable Steel base with minimum 15 mm thickness protected by an
anti-slip Rubberized Sleeve to avoid Electrical Hazards to patients &
the doctors. With German /Japanese/European/USA up down and
back rest motors.
 Sensor Controlled White & cool 3 LED dental Light with intensity of
minimum 20,000 Lux .
 Autoclavable steel tray .
 High power motorized suction with auto drain and auto flush system.
With minimum 0.5 hp motor
 Delivery system with water control – Air motor and hand piece
(straight and contra angle), fiber optic air rotor hand piece. & normal
airrotor hand piece.(NSK/Kavo/Bien air/W&H/ND Brands)
 Ergonomic Pneumatic Doctor’s stool with adjustable backrest tilt
and foot rest
 With ultrasonic scaler and endo unit with different types scaler tips
(minimum 7) & endo kit (EMS/Satelac/Bonart)
 Light cure unit (LED) with minimum intensity of varying 700mw/cm 2
 Mounted Dental X-ray box (Dental LED X-ray Viewer). With Provision
for mounting of LCD monitor
 Having minimum 1 programmable position and return to zero
 Water control for Air Rotor
 The Tendering Company should have a minimum turnover of Rs.02
Crore per year for last four years.
 Original CA attested certificate should be attached alongwith tender.
 All consumables required for installation and standardization of
system to be given free of cost.
 Complete installation of the system including water input and
drainage system has to be installed.
Standards, Safety and Training
 Should be FDA , CE,UL or BIS approved product
 Electrical safety conforms to standards for electrical safety norms
 Comprehensive warranty for 5 years and provision of AMC for next 5
 Company shall have to provide a full time trained mechanic in the
premises of PGIDS, Rohtak to repair the Dental Chairs for atleast 3
List of important spare parts and accessories with their part number
and costing should be provided.
Company shall have to deposit the bank guarantee of 10% of cost of
the order with the Bill.
Term & Conditions
Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop
as per Annexure ‘I’ &‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no
opportunity will be given. No change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening
of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the
Tenderer with the rubber stamp of the firm on each page.
4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS,
Rohtak/ Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case
may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and all other charges, if any. The price/rates
quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of opening of tender.
The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be
quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on
administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group
catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where required,
alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of
machinery and equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply
order and satisfactory performance report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery &
equipment. ISO certificate and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs
should be given. The manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should
send copy of Registration Certificate of Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any
documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the item as the case may
be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if they fail
to make the complete
supply/withdraw their offer/rates or mo dify the terms & conditions of the same during
the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS, Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b)Rates including taxes(Net rates i.e. mentioning Excise
duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the
applicability of taxes/duties for the time for which they are quoting rates with the
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality
Assurance shall be provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own
expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the Customs
Authorities by the supplier himself and the expenses borne by them. Customs Duty
(counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc., if any, levied by the Govt., will be
borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will be provided by this Institution on the
request of the supplier (except for imported goods/stores which come under the OGL
policy of Govt. of India). No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account
of delay in clearance.
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of
Guarantee/Warranty Period of 2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer
shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of the cost of the equipment before
issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be finalized
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly
supported with Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the
equipment at Consignee’s site.
18. In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor Pt.B.D.Sharma
University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be final and binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is @ 2% of the estimated cost of each group of tender.
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO. 01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.12
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto 16/8/20 13 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.16,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/20 13 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No.01/2013-14 due on 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM for CHAIRSIDE
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt. desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Name of Equipments with specification
Specification of Dental Chairside Cabinets
Cabinet size top panel - 36”x16”
Back Height
Front Height :
One box, two drawers, two doors,
Drawer size front 5”
Box size
Door size
Simple Hinges + Magnet
Board ISI
- 19MM
Drawer Ply ISI - 06mm
Sunmica matte finish off white - 08”
Front outer area sunmica off white
Inside white sunmica
Sundex sunmica, marino sunmica, wirgo sunmica
Drawer slide channel
Aluminum handle -6” or 4”
PVC shoe
Teak front beading - 18”x5”
Multipurpose lock
Teak polish on the front
Granite stone on the top size 16mm to 19mm, color - light gray, maroon,
Term & Conditions
Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop
as per Annexure ‘I’ &‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no
opportunity will be given. No change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening
of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the
Tenderer with the rubber stamp of the firm on each page.
4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS,
Rohtak/ Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case
may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and all other charges, if any. The price/rates
quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of opening of tender.
The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be
quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on
administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group
catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where required,
alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of
machinery and equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply
order and satisfactory performance report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery &
equipment. ISO certificate and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs
should be given. The manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should
send copy of Registration Certificate of Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any
documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the item as the case may
be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if
they fail to make the complete supply/withdraw their offer/rates or modify
the terms & conditions of the same during the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b)Rates including taxes(Net rates i.e. mentioning Excise
duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the
applicability of taxes/duties for the time for which they are quoting rates with the
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality
Assurance shall be provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own
expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the
Customs Authorities by the supplier himself and the expenses borne by
them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc., if
any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will
be provided by this Institution on the request of the supplier (except for
imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of India).
No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of
Guarantee/Warranty Period of 2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer
shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of the cost of the equipment before
issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be finalized
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly
supported with Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the
equipment at Consignee’s site.
18.In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor
Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be final and
binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier wit=-hin 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is 2% of the estimated cost of each group of the tender
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Post Graduate Institute of
Dental Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO. 01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.14
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto 16/8/20 13 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs. 11,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/20 13 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No.01/2013-14 due on 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM for Dental Materials.
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt. desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Name of consumable items with specification
Mercury triple distilled Bottle of 225 gm ISO/ISI/CE
Alginate Impression Material Pkt of 450 gms. Approx ISI/ISO/CE
GIC for Restorative powder & Liquid ISI/ISO/CE
Acrylic Teeth Cross linked set of 28 teeth, assorted shades ISI/ISO/CE
Dental Bonding Agent total etch type ISO/ISI/CE
Syringe 2ml & 5Ml ISO/ISI/CE
Needle 23G ISO/ISI/CE
Qty Req.
40 vials
700 Pkts
60 pkts
700 set
Term & Conditions
Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop
as per Annexure ‘I’ &‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no
opportunity will be given. No change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening
of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the
Tenderer with the rubber stamp of the firm on each page.
4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS,
Rohtak/ Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case
may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and all other charges, if any. The price/rates
quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of opening of tender.
The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be
quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on
administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group
catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where required,
alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of
machinery and equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply
order and satisfactory performance report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery &
equipment. ISO certificate and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs
should be given. The manufacturers /distributors /agents /stockists and suppliers
should send copy of Registration Certificate of Manufacturer alongwith their offer or
any documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the item as the case
may be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if
they fail to make the complete supply/withdraw their offer/rates or modify
the terms & conditions of the same during the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b)Rates including taxes(Net rates i.e. mentioning Excise
duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the
applicability of taxes/duties for the time for which they are quoting rates with the
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality
Assurance shall be provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own
expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the
Customs Authorities by the supplier himself and the expenses borne by
them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl. customs duty) etc., if
any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will
be provided by this Institution on the request of the supplier (except for
imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of India).
No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of
Guarantee/Warranty Period of 2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer
shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of the cost of the equipment before
issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be finalized
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly
supported with Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the
equipment at Consignee’s site.
18.In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor
Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be final and
binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS Rohtak
Telephone: 01262-213876 Fax: 01262-213876
Website: www.uhsr.ac.in.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto
16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM, for purchase of
Dental Equipments ,Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side
Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for various deptts. for use in Post Graduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website:www.uhsr.ac.in.
The Tender form must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft
drawn in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak
(Haryana) India.
Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 29/7/2013 (18 days before) in the office of
Principal Post graduate institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak.
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
Sealed tender from Manufacturer/Authorized Dealers are invited upto 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM, to
be opened on 16/82013 at 3:00 PM, for purchase of Dental Equipments Materials, Dental Chair
Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile Dental Van for use in various deptts of Post
Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak. The tender form with instructions and detailed
specifications can be downloaded for submission from website: www.uhsr.ac.in. The Tender form
must accompany with tender fee of Rs.1,000/-as demand draft drawn in favour of Principal
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak ( Haryana) India.
1. The Tender complete in all respect mentioning “TENDER AGAINST TENDER NOTICE NO.
ON 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM AND TO BE OPENED
01/2013-14 DUE
Equipments Materials, Dental Chair Basic & Medium ,Dental Chair-side Cabinet , Mobile
Dental Van should be written in capital letters and reach/dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase
Section, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak latest by 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM . TECHNICAL
Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger envelop and duly sealed).
Tender due on 16/8/2013 duly page-marked alongwith Check-list.
2. Every tenderer will have to furnish a Certificate to the effect that their firm has not been debarred by any
Central/State Govt./University, at the time of submission of Tender Form. In case, at a later stage, if the
tenderer found debarred, the tenderer against this Tender Notice will be rejected.
3. The tenderer shall quote their rates with a rate validity of atleast 12 months from the date of opening of tender.
The quantity of the items may be increased/decreased or withdrawn by the authorities at any time.
4. The tenderer must quote their net rate i.e. including customs duty (if applicable), %age of VAT/CST/ST etc.
clearly, in words and in figures, alongwith the required documents.
5. Any tender form not accompanied with the tender fee of Rs.1,000/- shall be straightway rejected and no
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
6. In case of any difficulty, contact Professor I/C, Purchase, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences,
Rohtak (Haryana).
Name of Deptt.
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Equipment
Dental Chair Basic -32 &
Medium-16 ( total 48 )
Chairside Dental Cabinet - 80
Mobile Dental Van - 1
Dental Material
Laser (laser Hard Soft tissue
-1 & Laser Soft tissue-3)
Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine
Oral Anatomy +Public Health Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Prosthodontic Lab
Conservative+ Dental Material
For various deptt.
For various deptt.
Public Health Dentistry
For Prostho & Conservative
Various deptt.
Professor I/C Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.
NO. 01/2013-14 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 PM
Quotations must be enclosed in properly sealed envelops addressed to the Principal,
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak by designation and not by name. The
quotation must be superscribed “Quotations against Tender Notice No. 01/2013-2014 due
on 16/8/ 2013 at 2:30 PM and to be opened on the same day at 3:00 PM (as called for in
tender notice)” The quotations must reach in the office of Principal, Postgraduate Institute
of Dental Sciences, Rohtak before the last date/Time mentioned in the tender notice.
2. In the event of quotations being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to
do so, or in the case of company the quotations should be executed in the
manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures
of the quotations should be deemed to be authorized signatures.
3. All the columns of the quotations form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The
rates and units shall not be overwritten. Quotations shall always be both in the figures and
words. The words “No quotations should be written across any or all the items in the
schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender”.
4. Any Omission in filling the columns of “Units” and “Rates” shall together debar a
quotation from being considered.
5. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
6. Samples of the items where demanded must be sent in sealed cover/Box with the
tender alongwith Name, Address and Reference of the item. Such sample must be
sent freight paid or delivered free. All samples (except those against accepted
quotations) may be taken back by the supplier within 6 months of opening of
tenders failing which the samples will become the property of the University of
Health Sciences Rohtak and no claim thereafter will be considered. Loss of
samples or damage or wear & tear or injury by testing/ exposure/experiment etc.
shall be no ground for compensation due to the firm in any form.
7. The tenderers shall deposit earnest money in the form of call deposit receipt
pledged to Vice-Chancellor. The earnest money must accompany the tender form
without which the offer will not be considered. The said amount will be regarded
as forfeitable to University of Health Sciences Rohtak if the successful tenderer
fail to supply the goods within the time fixed by the Vice- Chancellor.
8. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit performance security of
the contract in the form of Call Deposit Receipt pledged to the Vice-Chancellor.
(i) The EMD would be @ 2% of the estimated value of the Tender, subject to a
ceiling of Rs. 2 Lakh. The exact amount of EMD will be indicated in the Tender
notice. Central or Haryana Public Sector Enterprises and “approved source” as
declared by the Industries Department, Haryana would be exempt from the
deposit of EMD.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will have the right to reject all or any of the quotation without
assigning reasons.
10. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly
11. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in
whole or in part at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor.
12. In the event of tender being accepted the quotations will be converted into contract,
which will be governed by the conditions in pages 3 to 10 read with these instructions.
Read and accepted.
Signature of the Tenderer.
I/we hereby quote to supply the goods and materials specified in the under written
schedule in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the supply order
at the rates given in Schedule below. the conditions on page 3 to 10 will be binding upon
me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender.
I/we herewith enclose deposit receipt for a sum of Rs……………as security money
and should I/we fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions and deposit
security as laid down in the form within 10 days of the acceptance my/our tender. I/we hereby
agree that the above sum of security money shall be forfeited by the Vice-Chancellor.
description Specification Rate
Name of actual
and country of
E.& O.E.
All rates are for deliver for………………………………………
Date the………………………Day of ……………………………………
N.B : Please do not forget to fill in the all the above columns.
Conditions of Contract
1. This contract is to last from……….To…………but in the event of any breach of the
agreement at any time on the part of the contractor may be terminated summarily by the
Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak without
compensation to the Contractor.
Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the
contractor in writing to the Vice-Chancellor and such change shall not relieve any former
member of the firm from any liability under the contract.
No new partner/partners shall be accepted in to the firm by the contractor in
respect of this supply unless he/they agree to abide by all its items, conditions and deposit
with the officer sanctioning the supply a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s
receipt of acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted above shall
bind of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the supply.
2. The contractor will supply nothing but genuine articles described in column 2 of schedule
‘A’ from time to time in such quantities as may be entered in the indents sent at the rates
set forth in column 3 for schedule “A” for use in the institution.
3. The articles to be supplied under this order will be of the quality which is equal and
answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying the tender
approved by Vice-Chancellor. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as
regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality for articles, the decision of the ViceChancellor will be final and binding on the contractor. It will open to the Vice-Chancellor dent
to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory for chemical analysis
and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor.
4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken
or lost within 14 days from the notice thereof.
5. Unless when specially ordered otherwise in the order accompanying the indent all goods
must be dispatched within 14 days for the receipt of indent by the contractor.
6. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down in the supply order or not shall be
regarded as the essence of the contract.
7. The Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of person duly authorized in writing by the ViceChancellor shall have the power to inspect the stores, before during or after manufacture,
collection, dispatch, transits or arrival & to reject the same of any part or portion, if he or
they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the sample submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall not charge or be paid for supplied reject as above and claim
nor been titled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm
whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. Government
shall be under no liability whatever for rejected supplies and the same will be at the
contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 14 days after
notice has been issued to him so such rejection, and failing such removal rejected goods will
be at contractor’s risk and the University of Health Sciences Rohtak may charge the contract rent
for the space occupied by such rejected goods.
8. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of
packing etc. which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless
specially stipulated and then also at contractor’s expense.
9. (i) With every dispatch of goods or materials, under this contract invoices, in triplicate will
be prepared by the contractor to be sent to the Vice-Chancellor & one copy will be returned
by the store officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon.
(ii) Railway receipt will be forwarded to the consignee immediately after dispatch of store
should any demurrage charges be incurred owing to delay on the part of the contractor
forwarding the railway receipt, the amount of such charges will be deducted from their bill.
(iii) The contractor shall dispatch material “Freight Paid” in all cases where the offer is
F.O.R. destination.
(iv) All dispatch by rail will be made at railway risk (except where rates quoted are
F.O.R./destination) or as per instructions in the supply order. This is subject to the
condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the
consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or
the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the
losses in transit will rest with the suppliers.
Subject to these conditions contractor will not
be entitled to charge or be paid for
supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Vice-Chancellor, will be the authority to
determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s
negligence and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health
Sciences, Rohtak or some other officer acting on his behalf shall be final and conclusive
against the contract. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own
(v) If during the currency of the contract the specifications of any article or articles to be
supplied there undergo change the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the
supply of the said articles in accordance with new specifications at rated to be mutually
agreed to in writing at the time of such change. In default of such agreement, the contract in
so for as it relates to the said articles or articles under respect of which no agreement has
been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other
articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation.
10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article and consequence ceasing of
or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. The
University of Health Sciences Rohtak will, however make all reasonable endeavours to
give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously
affecting quantities likely to be required under contract.
11. (a) The time and date of delivery of dispatch stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and should contractor fail to deliver or dispatch any
consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery or dispatch stipulated in the
supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to 2% penalty per consignment per
month recoverable on the value of stores supplied. In case of Non supply by the
contractor, recovery will be made from his pending bills or amount of Earnest Money
deposited with Principal, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
His security
deposit will also be forfeited.
(b) No recovery of penalty will made if the indenting Officer accepts the delayed supplies by
extending the delivery period up to 2 weeks by recording in writing that the exceptional
circumstances covered under force majeure clause were beyond the control of the supplier
and there was no loss to Government.
(c) Where the delay on the part of supplier is of more than 2 weeks the matter of extension of
delivery period will be referred by the indenting Office to the Vice-Chancellor with a
certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of supplier and that no loss
will result to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak in case extension in delivery period is
allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) On the failure of the supplier to make supply with extended period or otherwise and the
receipt of such information in the office of Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting
short term quotations from other known suppliers. The difference of excess cost thus
incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills, Earnest Money or
security which ever is available. The procedure will be adopted after serving registered
notice to supply stores within 15 days.
12 The contractor acknowledges that he had made himself fully acquainted with all
conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required the contract will have to
be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other
details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as
excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view
either asking for enhancement of any rates regarding the contract or for evading any of his
obligations under the contract.
13 No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this order.
14 (i) The contractor shall not:
(a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the
(b) Disclose details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons.
(ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of
any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to
rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting/delaying to comply with any demand or
requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with the terms respect of this
contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partner or
representatives thereof with the University of Health Sciences Rohtak directing, giving
promising or otherwise to any person in the employment of the University of Health Sciences
Rohtak in any way relating to such officers or person or persons office or employment or if
the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor
or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors
or attempts to do so then without prejudice to the University of Health Sciences Rohtak
rights and remedies otherwise, the University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be entitled to
terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or
arrange from Government stocks or otherwise at the contractor’s risks at the absolute
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases or
such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this agreement or are
required subsequently by the University of Health Sciences Rohtak there under and in case
where issues in replacement are made from Government’s stock or supplies, the cost or
value of such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be
recoverable from the contractor on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to
benefit from any profit which may thus accrue the Government/University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall be
affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, or supplies accepted or made at
any station whether in ignorance of the termination or otherwise.
15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected
with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part there of or
the rights: duties or liabilities of either party than save in so or as the decision of any such
matter herein before provided for and has been so decided that every such matter
including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and or whether it has been
finally decided accordingly or whether the contract should be terminated or has been
rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties
as a result of such termination shall be referred for arbitration to any officer appointed by
VICE-CHANCELLOR and his decision shall be final & binding and where the matter
involves a claim the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the matter so referred.
16. If the price of a contracted article is controlled by Government the payment will in no
case be made at higher rate than the controlled rate.
In WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here upto set their hands on the dates indicated
1. (in the case of a Firm)
Signed by the above named firm of ……………………………………………………..
through……………………………partner of the firm…………………………………..
2. (in the case of company)
The seal of the……………………..company, limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution
of the Board No……………………………………Dated……………
the……………………………………………day of………………………2013……………
(In either case)
(In either case)
In the presence of
Signed by……………
Signature of………….
On behalf of the Governor of Haryana (India)
1. Trade discount should be quoted separately.
2. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted.
3. Sales Tax, Inter State Tax or any other chargeable Excise Duty/Custom Duty must be specifically
mentioned separately, otherwise offer will be considered inclusive of all such taxes.
4. Any tender which is not on the proper tender form and received late may not be considered.
5. No offer will be considered unless accompanied by prescribed earnest money, except in case of
firms registered with the Director, Supplies and Disposal, Haryana.
6. The conditions of contract (Schedule ‘B’) attached to the tender form be returned duly signed
alongwith the Schedule ‘A’ and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored.
7. Tender which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Schedule ‘A’ will not
be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification/Delivery period given in Schedule ‘A’ is
pointed out by the tenders specifically. It will be presumed that offer confirms to the
specifications/delivery period as laid down in the Schedule ‘A’
8. (a) Tender must be supported by a sample where asked for, failing which it will not be considered.
(b) The tender should clearly state that the sample submitted confirms to the specification laid
down in the Schedule ‘A’ failing which tender will not be considered.
(c) In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, Gazetted or subsequently declared the tender will be
opened on the next working day following the close day.
9. 90% payment can be made through bank against R/R supported with satisfactory
inspection note and balance within 30 days of receipt of stores provided the stores
booked at railway risk. The bank commission shall be borne by the contractor.
10. Prices should be for supply of the material in safe conditions F.O.R. destination failing which offer
may be ignored.
11. The Vice-Chancellor Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak does not bind himself
to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
12. All disputes will be settled within the Jurisdiction of the Head Quarters of Pt. B.D. Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
13. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offers open to acceptance on whole or in parts
or parts till the date as indicated in the Schedule ‘A’
14. The offers should be typed or written in Ink. Offers in the pencil may be ignored.
15. The firm registered under quality marking Scheme in Haryana State should furnish attested copies
of their registration certificate for the tendered goods in supports of their registration for such
16. Preference would be given to the Haryana Quality Marked goods and goods certified under ISI
certification Marking Scheme.
17. The samples/test report wherever required shall be submitted by the date and time fixed for the
receipt of the tender, samples received after fixed time and date may be ignored. This condition will
also be applicable to outside tenderers.
18. The registration certificates of which attested copies are attached with quotations should
be certified by the tenderers to be valid on the day of opening of tenders.
19. An under taking should also be given by the tenderers to the effect that if validity of the
registrations certificate expired after the day by opening of the tenders due to closing of
the factories or some other factors, they shall report the fact to this office immediately.
20. In case where the tenderers offers machinery and equipment for which licence is
required under the industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957, it would be
certified by him that he is in possession of such valid licence on the date of opeing of the
tenders under the aforesaid Act, for the manufacturer of machinery and equipment so
offered if he is a manufacturer. If he is not a manufacturer, it should be certified that he is
an authorized representatives of licenced manufacture quoting the name and address of
such Licence holder and the licence number.
21. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns along with name of
partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share.
22. It should also be ensured that the tender/quotations has been singed by an authorized
person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters.
23. Offers are to be submitted in duplicate along with only tender form. Offers not received in
duplicate may be ignored. The duplicate copy of the offer should be carbon copy of
original tender and it must telly in all respects with the original.
1. Please quote the name of the manufacturer and also mention. Trade/Brand name
of your products.
2. Please quote your rates only if you are manufacturer/authorized distributor/dealer of item
to be quoted by you.
3. Certificate from original manufacturer to this effect may be attached that the “Rates
charged by you are not higher than the rates being charged from any other
Government/Semi Government/Autonomous bodies DGS&D, New Delhi.”
4. Tenders received late will not be considered.
5. Rates quoted should be F.O.R. U.H.S., Rohtak
6. Earnest money of each group is @2% of the estimated cost of each group of Tender.
7. Tenders not accompanied with requisite earnest money/tender fee will be rejected.
8. Earnest money already deposited against any previous tender will not be considered.
9. Quantity can be increased/decreased.
10. All cutting/over-writing in the tender should be attested by the tender with his signature.
11. Literature/Catalogue for all the quoted items/equipments should be attached with the tender.
12. Properly sealed samples should be submitted to the Store Officer, Postgraduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Rohtak against proper receipt. The tenders without required samples will be ignored.
13. The successful tenderers shall be required to deposit security @10% of the cost of the
equipment towards PBG for the guarantee/warranty period of 5 years & extendable further for
CMC Period after the expiry of warranty period of 5 years in the form of call deposit Receipt
pledged in favour of Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak.
14. Cost of installation and commissioning charges, if any, may be mentioned. The firm should also
mentioned whether any infrastructural facilities are required for installation of their equipment e.g.
Water, 3 phase electricity, AC or any P.W.D. work etc.
15. The firm should give year wise rates of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for
equipments costing more than Rs.10,000/- and should agree to provide such maintenance for ten
year after expiry of Guarantee period.
16. The firm should give rates of spares/consumable which are likely to be used during next
17. The firm should submit a latest authority letter from the original manufacturer of equipment.
Authority letter older than one year will not be considered.
18. For Medical equipment the firm should submit a list of user organizations and should submit a
certificate of satisfactory performance and after sales service from such organizations.
19. Delivery period: Tenderers should quote earliest delivery period but not; exceeding 8-12
weeks. If delivery period is given more than 8-12 weeks than rates can be ignored.
20. For imported equipments LOC will be open. Non manufacturing in India (NMI certificate) and
Custom Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be provided by this Institution. Rates quoted
should be F.O.R, U.H.S, Rohtak and custom clearance will be got done by the firm at its own cost.
In case of LOC, 100% LOC will be established for the total cost of imported equipments. 80% will
be released against dispatch of documents and balance 20% will be released on satisfactory
installation/handing over of the equipments to the department
21. Conditional tenders will not be accepted and rates quoted should valid upto 180 days
from the date of opening of Tender. Withdrawal of rate, amendments/modifications
during the validity period of rates shall be considered as unbusiness like behaviour which
will result in forfeiture of earnest money and/or penal actions such debarring of firm for
further business.
Note: If these conditions are not fulfilled their/your tender is likely to be ignored.
TENDER NOTICE NO. 01/2013-2014 DUE ON 16/8/2013 AT 2:30 pm Group No.13
DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS OF Fabrication, finishing and supply, installations and tenting &
commissioning of equipment for one Mobile Dental Van FOR PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY
Tender will only be
Date of opening of Tender
Cost of tender form
Upto 16/8/20 13 AT 2:30 pm
Earnest money
Rs.50,000/- in shape of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of
the Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
16/8/20 13 AT 3:00 pm Sharp.
Rs.1,000/- in shape of Demand Draft payable to the
Principal, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Rohtak (Haryana)India
(marked as Technical Bid and Price Bid in bold letters. These two envelops may be put in another bigger
envelop and duly sealed) —TENDER Notice No.01/2013-14
due on 16/8/2013 at 2:30 PM
and supply, installations and tenting & commissioning of equipment for one
Mobile Dental Van.
2. All the tenderers to ensure that the supplies have to be completed within 30 days from the date of
receipt of supply order.
3. In case Indenting deptt. desires, the samples to check the quality before comparison of rates, the same will
have to be supplied at the earliest. Live demonstration of Machinery/Equipment will have to be provided within
stipulated period otherwise the rates will be ignored for comparison straightway and no further opportunity
will be given.
4. Cost of Accessories, Consumables and Preventive Maintenance Kit should be given separately.
Essential Qualifying Criteria (EQC)
1. The company participating in the tender should be registered under the Companies Act, 1956,
showing main business of manufacturing Mobile Dental Units / Mobile Medical Unit/Ambulance.
2. The agency must have adequate in-house infrastructure for fabrication, and fitment of medical
and other equipments. In this regard the Agency will have to submit an Affidavit on non-judicial
Stamp paper of Rs 100 to this effect.
3. Copy of Sales Tax/VAT & PAN Registration Number.
4. An affidavit on non-judicial Stamp paper of Rs 100 stating that the tenderer has not been
blacklisted in the past by any Govt./ Private institution of the country and there is no complaints
made against the renderer in CVC /any other investigating agency, any court case pending
against the firm/supplier or any investigation conducted by CVC in past.
5. The tenderer should be ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified showing the main activities
as fabrication of Mobile Medical Units/ Mobile Dental Units/Ambulence.
6. The preference will be given to the company who has already supplied Mobile Dental Van/
Mobile Dental Units / Veterinary Mobile Dental Van to Government of Haryana/Government of
India/any State Government. The performance report from the User of the vehicle should also
be enclosed.
Annexure I/1
Special Terms & Conditions
Principal/Constituted Committee, Post Gradutate Institute of Dental Science Rohtak shall carry out
inspection at their fabrication unit before acceptance of the fully fabricated and equipped Mobile
Dental Vans.
Vice Chancellor Pt.B.D Sharma University of Health Science Rohtak or it’s nominated members shall be
at liberty to carry out inspection of the facility of contractor at any time to see that the work of
fabrication and fitment of the Equipments is going on as per schedule. The fabricator has to co operate
and coordinate with the visits of the faculty.
2. Mobile Dental Van Registration:
The bidder will be responsible for the registration of Mobile Dental Van in the name of the consignee..
Comprehensive Warranty:
The following Guarantee / Warrantee Clause shall be applicable and binding on contractor.
Shall provide 1 (One) years comprehensive guarantee/ warranty on complete fabrication
work including air-conditioning, electrical wirings, electrical systems, oxygen supply system,
Correctness and Completeness of the Stores:
The stores (Fabrication & Equipments) shall be correct and complete in every respect with all mounting
fittings, fixtures, standard accessories which are normally supplied even though not specifically detailed
to the specification.
Rectification Clause:
In the event of stores (Fabrication & Equipments) given back to the Contractor for rectification,
Contractor should ensure that the defect is attended immediately without loss of time so that stores
can be re-inspected. However, it should be noted that Contractor will not be entitled to dispose off that
stores which is given for rectification/rejecting without prior permission of the inspection.
6 Training:
Contractor will provide 2 copies of the manual free of cost along with the equipment and shall also
provide on site training to Medical and Technical staff.
7. Insurance:
If the Chassis of the vehicle is provided by the PGIDS, ROHTAK then Contractor shall be responsible for
any loss/damages, etc. including any third party claim(s), for the period during which Mobile Dental
Vans will be under his custody. For this purpose, Contractor shall take comprehensive insurance for the
vehicles supplied for carrying out the fabrication work. Contractor shall ensure the safety and security
of the vehicles during transit as well as during the time it is with Contractor for carrying out the
fabrication work and the fitment of the Medical equipments.
8. Special Instructions
Prices are firm and fixed. Price includes all statutory taxes i.e. VAT, etc.
Contractor shall furnish original test certificates
Price should be split for all the items mentioned in technical specifications.
The offer received after due date and time, will not be considered and to be returned to the vendor in
original without opening the same.
10. AMC
The department will sign the AMC document with the renderer for seven years after the expiry of
warranty of One year. The AMC charges should be mentioned separately in the commercial bid.
ms also
d in the
S.No Specifications of Items
Dental Chair Units (Will be supplied by PGIDS ROHTAK )
Dental Stool (Will be supplied by PGIDS ROHTAK )
Compressor with Medical/Dental Grade compressed air (Will be 01
supplied by PGIDS ROHTAK )
Autoclave (Will be supplied by PGIDS ROHTAK )
X-ray Unit with high resolution sensor (Will be supplied by PGIDS 01
Refrigerator (Mini-100L))
Seating Arrangement for Patients/Doctors (8-10) (To be approved after
final design)
LCD TV and DVD Player with Speakers
Generator (5KV and above)
S. No.
List of Equipments to be provided with Dental Van
Oxygen Cylinder
Bio Medical Waste bins
BP Apparatus (To be supplied by PGIDS, Rohtak)
Stethoscope (To be supplied by PGIDS, Rohtak)
Fire Extinguisher
wash Basin and fitment
Needle destroyer (To be supplied by PGIDS, Rohtak)
Water tank 150-200 lit and waste water tank (150-200)
Public Address system
Medicine Rack/ Steel cabinets/ instrument cabinets
Autoclave (To be supplied by PGIDS, Rohtak)
Exhaust Fans
Split air Conditioner/ Roof mounted air conditioner (To to functional
both under running as well as static) ( To be approved after final design) 1
42” LCD TV
DVD Player (reputed make)
Extraction Instruments, Scaling Instruments, Restoration Instruments,
Diagnostic Instruments, Prosthodontic Instruments. (To be provided by
The Mobile Dental Clinic would contain two components:
A. Technical specification for Chassis
B. Technical Specifications for Body containing Dental Clinic
The chassis should be bus chassis and the length would be between 27-32 FEET
(Inclusive of anterior overhang, wheel base and posterior overhang) and should be registered
under the AMBULENCE category. The wheel base of the chassis should between 4800mm5100mm. The Engine should be BS 4 compliant Diesel engine and should be registered at
Regional transport office, Rohtak.
The Vehicle chassis may be of Ashok Leyland, Eicher, TATA,
IMPORTANT NOTEThe quotation of the chassis and the fabrication of the mobile dental
van should be separate. The fabricator should mention the cost of the chassis
separately and the fabrication cost separately. The chassis can also be
delivered by the Consignee through rate contract if situation permits.
Technical bid and the price bid should be submitted separately in a different
Note: The Driver’s cabin would be modified during fabrication for provision of storage space and seating
as per design finalized. The driver cabin would provide space for at least 3 persons along with adequate
storage area.
* Note: The drawings i.e. three dimensional diagrams (using Autocad software or any other) and
“Center of Gravity” lay out plan based on the technical specifications should be enclosed. There should
be adequate zoning of the compartments in the drawings with detailed locations of different
components like Air conditioners, condensers, generator, water tank, seating areas, gangways etc.
The interior floor plan and exterior design would be finalised later.
The Technical specification for the Cube Body would be divided into
UTILITY COMPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS (Under body) (For generator, Compressor )
a. WASTE WATER SYSTEM (150-200 litre) Placed under carriage
The cube body would be divided into Doctors/Patient’s Seating area and Dental Clinic. The
Doctors/Patient’s seating would include seating capacity of at least for 8 to 10 members other than the
driver area (To be finalized after the approval of the final design). The Dental Clinic would be at
approximately 20 feet in length and 6.5 to 7 feet in width.
Exterior dimensions: As per the approved dimensions of Central Motor Vehicle Rules Act, 1989,
as amended from time to time, on bus chassis with a wheelbase of 4800 to 5100 mm
 Complying with the norms of the Regional Transport Office, Rohtak, Department of Transport,
Government of Haryana.
The bus body should be monocoque Construction means a type of bus body structure
where the body and base frame are joined together either by welding or by other methods to
form an integral structure. These structural elements consist of pressed grid type of support
elements and rectangular sections.
 Should be made of Galvanised iron/steel duly treated for rust prevention. The welding to be
done with tungsten inert gas (TIG) technology/ Metal inert gas welding (MIG). The floor
structure and the shell after fabrication should be cold phosphate and cleaned for derusting and
degreasing. The phosphated and cleaned surface is painted in an airless spray painting process
involving a primary coat and a top coat of standard material and quality. The standard under
body coating to be provided.
The tubular superstructure should be extra reinforced for equipment fitting with passivated
hardware and fasteners.
Exterior Sheathing: comprising good quality galvanized iron sheet of 18-20 SWG and will be painted
with Poly Urethane colour after approval. Exterior Colour Shade and Graphics would be finalized later.
Interior 22 SWG GI sheet with at least 2 mm fire retardant as per IS-6746 of 1988 or latest.
The complete interior should be edgeless and suitable for easy cleaning/ scientific fumigation/
treatment of disinfectants.
All internal sheathings/surfaces should be of medical grade material.
Insulation: The insulation should be polyurethane foam (PUF) with minimum of 40 mm thickness
between internal and external sheathings including the roof and floor.
E. FLOOR SPECIFICATIONS should be Internally Welded steel structure reinforcing wall to floor
connection including:
Framing: Welded Steel Frame along with formed steel cross members.
Flooring will be made up of thick GI sheet of adequate thickness over which 20 mm thick fire
retardant, Marine Grade Plywood will be placed and pasted with 2mm thick industrial grade,
durable, non-slip waterproof Vinyl Flooring of superior quality.
Colour of vinyl flooring should be esthetically pleasing and to be as per the approved plan.
Exterior aspect of flooring be coated for water proofing and adequate impervious under-coating
protection be provided
Floor shall have reinforcements for receiving and fastening of seats, storage compartments and
inner framework. This will allow for installation of equipments such as dental chairs, X ray Unit
 Roof will be fabricated with minimum number of joints to avoid rain water leakage and gradient
for water runoff.
 Paneling of 20 SWG sheets
 A roof ladder to be provided
Insulation- Solid Block Hi-Density Foam (PUF)
Interior: Aluminium composite panel (ACP) will be used
Roof Opening- (Optional)
Concealed Ceiling Channels for AC Ducts & Internal Electrical wiring
External Guttering: for Draining rain water, AC Condensation and Scope for Awning
The Internal partition wall between the passenger cabin and Dental Clinic cabin should be of
either sliding type or door type with a glass window in centre. It should be tightly secured and
should provide adequate insulation. Communication window between driver and passenger
cabins should be possible. (After approval of the layout design)
Standard Walls with ACP on one side and PU paint on other side.
The cabinets and storage compartments should be made of powder coated steel of min 18 gauge
thickness of standard quality.
 They should be lockable with self locking latch type system where ever possible and should not
open during transport. The drawers should be of Medical grade Mobile drawers (telescopic)
 All cabinets and storage compartments should be designed and colors should as per the
interiors. All storage compartments shall be aesthetically pleasing.
 All cabinet shall be firmly anchored to body structure.
 The surface should be easily cleaned and permit disinfection.
 The components of the cabinet should not move and there should be no noise upon movement.
The placement, size and the number of the cabinets will be as per the approved design.
 The table counter tops should be made of scratch resistant materials or stainless steel. The table
thickness should be adequate.
All doors, windows and hatches shall not allow ingress of dust and rain water when in fully
closed position. ( when tested in accordance to BIS Standard Method for Water Proofing Test on
Automobiles) Drain holes shall be provided in the window frame such that water shall flow
outward and does not flow into the structure cavity or into the passenger compartment. The
windows and the doors will be as per the approved plan.
a. DOORS - 1 driver side door and 1 conductor door of standard size and as per regulating
-Two ergonomically placed doors one for the 1 side entry door with window and 1 rear utility
door with window.
Rear door should be wide enough for entry of standard wheel chair with ramp
1 emergency exit as per the standard norms
The doors should be securely lockable (from inside & outside) and latches provided
Be properly sealed to avoid leakage of air, dust and rain.
Manually operated steps to be provided. The steps should be of anti-skid material of
standard quality
b. HANDRAILS - One fixed handrail at each doors. Dimensions shall be such that the
passengers can grasp them easily and firmly.
c. WINDOWS - The windows should be sliding type, and should have adequate rubber
bushes and channeling and also be equipped with a positive latch / lock that can be
secured from inside of standard quality.
The size of the windows should be min 2ft wide by 1.5 ft high and of adequate number of
windows to allow effective ventilation and outside vision for the van staff. The dimesion of the
windows will be finalsed after approval and will be as per the the body design.
The windows should be clear toughened glass and their location i.e. height and width and
number would be finalized as per design approved.
Adequate curtains/blinds matching the interiors of standard quality will be provided.
There should be adequate provision for rainwater to run off and prevent any interior leakage.
UV tinted within permissible limits of the transport norms.
Windows in the driver cabin should provide sufficient ventilation.
UV tinted and conforming to the standards prescribed by the transport department of Haryana
Wipers of standard quality with provision for water spray be provided for front windshield area.
Good quality rear view mirrors on both sides of driver cabin, of adequate size & repute make
 The total number of seats would be for at least 8 to 10 members excluding the diver cabin. (Final
number of seats will be as per the design permits and after approval.) It should have adequate
overhead storage space for luggage and portable stretcher and foldable panel for prescription
writing and at least 04 no.s electrical points.
Seats should be made of High Density Moulded Polyurethane Foam of at least 40kg/m 3 with
head rest and foldable arm rest and leg space.
 The seating arrangement should be done in a separate cabin and should have communication
between driver’s compartment and dental clinic area.
Note: This arrangement would be approved prior to fabrication from the Transport Department,
K. UTILITY COMPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS (Under body) (For generator, Compressor )
Full height & width exterior weather tight door and high strength & Security Locking
ii. Fire retardant and insulated partition walls isolated from clinic interior
iii. Generator exhaust gas & heat vents will be provided on the genset cabin
L. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (As per Automative Industry Standards) It would include External Power
Source (Shore Power), Generator, Alternating Current Supply (AC), Direct Current Supply (DC)
All cables should be color coded and BIS/AIS marked having low smoke and fire retardant.
Copper conductors with fire retardant PVC insulation and able to withstand working
temperature up to 70 Degree Celsius and located such that no part contacts with any fuel line or
exhaust system subjected to excess heat.
 Fuse : Every electrical circuit shall be provided with fuse designed for the circuit.
 Suitable special insulation shall be provided where such electrical circuits are necessary. Nonconductive insulated backing for all switch boards.
 Wires shall be of sufficient length to provide a loop at terminals so as to permit ample slack for
directional positioning.
 Adequate number of 6Amp and 15 Amp plug points along with switches with equivalent number
and of Standard quality (BIS). Location and number finalized as per design.
 Electrical layout plan should be submitted along with other drawings.
 Signed and verified Certifications of all concealed wires and electrical components
 Power Distribution Panel inside the Container will be located conveniently, isolated within a box
and used to transmit power from Power Entry Panel on the Container.
 Adequate provision for external power source in an accessible and well protected area from rain
etc should be provided.
Location: Rear Utility Compartment
Length: 25 meters
Male Plug: 3 prong with 5/15 Amp & 230 V AC
Appropriate AC supply and DC supply
Location: Near Electric Panel by Main Entrance on the side.
Distribution Panel: Double Pole Breakers with Square D and Individual Breakers for each
equipment item
 Selection interlock for External Power Source (Shore Power) or Generator
12V DC Distribution Panel:
 Location: Near Electric Panel by Main Entrance on the side.
 Distribution Panel: Individual Breaker/ Switch for each equipment
Charging Indicator
Storage Batteries: 02 No.s each group with 24 Deep Cycle
Voltmeter for each system
 Any standard with a minimum of Capacity: 5 KVA or more (i.e. as per demand of electrical
loading of equipments installed), Type: Petrol, 4 strokes, Water Cooled.
 The generator provides 5500W of power at peak and 5000W at normal load (power factor 1.0).
Should have corrosion resistant steel canopy protects both engine & alternator from the bumps
and knocks of everyday site use & keeps noise levels down.
- Max power output: 5.5KW at 50Hz
- Rated power output: 5.0KW at 50Hz
- AC Single Phase output type
- 230V power
- Frequency 50Hz
- 300cc to 400 cc Petrol 4 stroke engine
- Max output 13HP / 3600rpm
- Direct injection ignition
- Fan air-cooled
- 12V 8.3A DC output
- Oil capacity: 1.1L
- Fuel capacity 20- 22L
- Continuous operating 7- 8 hours at full load
- Noise level 75db at 7mtrs
- Electric start & Recoil start
- Recommended fuel: Unleaded Petrol
Sound attenuated, vibration free enclosed space
Generator Controls along with remote interior panel should include Start, Stop & Hour meter display
Adequate Exhaust Provision should be made preferable roof stack exhaust or heat system riser above
It should be high performance air conditioner and should run in static as well as during running
conditions and should be reputed make providing excellent cooling.
The air-conditioner should run with shore power as well as generator power.
The air conditioner may be roof mounted AC or split AC (After final approval and as per design,
feasibility and cost)
Zoned thermostatically controlled with high efficiency & Ultra quiet operation.
Fans: Minimum 6 fans (12 volts) (The number and location will be as per the design and after final
Lighting Design Specifications: The light illumination in the drivers cabin, doctors seating area and the
dental clinic will be according to BIS/ISO standard.
Adequate number of LED lights in all chambers of the vehicle to maintain quality intensity.
All lighting should be LED based for inside and outside.
Each Dental Container will have minimum 3 Emergency Lighting Lamp installed to the wall of the Dental
Container. Emergency Lighting Lamp will be automatically charged directly from Line Power or
Generator. Lamps power will be minimum 8 W and will run minimum 4 hours.
The total number and the intensity will be as per the design and after final approval.
UPS: Dental Container will have electric network suitable for equipment contents. UPS of adequate
capacity to function with the basic equipments and electrical requirements with a minimum back up
time of at least 15-20 mins of standard quality and BIS marked. Waveform Type: Sine wave, Nominal
Output Voltage 230V, Nominal Input Voltage 230V. Input Frequency at least 45Hz. Auto-restart when
mains power is restored. Bypass on: when the machine is switched off, it automatically goes into bypass
and battery charge mode Minimum load switch-off, Low battery warning. It should be BIS/ISO 9001
certified. The UPS is secured and kept in a closed vented compartment so that the battery is accessible
for convenient service from the outside.
Each cabin will have power entry panel. Panels will have heavy duty water proof connectors. Panels will
contain appropriate fuses, and lighting protectors.
Power Entry Panel will have 2 AC power entry and 1 DC power entry to use truck 12 or 24 VDC power.
Power Distribution Panel inside the mobile dental van will be used to transmit power from Power Entry
There will be cable raceways for computer network lines in each container. Distribution Panel will have
the minimum specifications and functions given below.
 Main Power Switch/ UPS for equipments.
 Power Source-Line Power selection switch Interior lights switch
 A.C and D.C power Ampere meter, A.C and D.C power Voltmeter.
 A.C power Frequency meter,
 Circuit Breaker for Equipment and Environmental Conditioning Unit.
 Each Container will have its own grounding system. Grounding system will have grounding rods,
cables in appropriate quantities.
 Electrical conductors shall meet the requirement for flame resistance norms.
 Stabilizer and Voltmeter for adequate specifications matching the equipment on the mobile
clinic along with adequate earth leakage circuit breakers.
Fresh water storage of 150 to 200 litres placed on the roof to supply water to the washing areas and
operating areas.
a) Capacity & Make: 150 to 200 L & made up of Stainless steel
b) Fill: Easy to fill with Locking Sealed Cap
c) Drain: Gravity Based System
a. Placed under carriage (Atmosphere Vented or Collection Unit and appropriate Drainage
with tap and outlet)
b. Capacity: up to 150-200 L
c. The tank will made up of stainless steel
d. Drain: Gravity Based System with OD shutter valve with adequate size
e. Volume Level Indicator- monitored on interior display at 12V DC.
f. The plumbing is high pressure, polybutylene tubing of adequate diameter for water
supply and for drainage.
g. There should be preferably electronic monitoring and control system with alarm to
indicate the status of water in the tank. An auto shut off system should be there to
prevent dry run or over flowing tanks.
Drinking water unit: It should have a provision for a drinking water unit with 20 litre to 25 litre capacity
(Refillable tank) with tap and drainage system/ collection unit.
Washing Area:
Integrated washbasin for washing hand is provided in the dental clinic. (1 or 2 number, as per the
design and after final approval)
The wash station is provided with mirror, soap dispenser, towel hanger/ring and.
The sink should be made up of stainless steel.
The tap should be made up of stainless steel with long handle (Elbow operation)
T. REFRIGERATOR (Mini-100L): should be incorporated into the design
1) Total Net Capacity (Litres)- 100L
2) Power Supply: 220-240V / 50Hz
3) Input Power (W)- 70
4) Temperature Range (C)- 0 – 10
5) Flat Back Design with Reversible Door
6) Storage Shelves — 03
7) 1 Mini Ice Tray — Releases ice cubes with a quick twist
8) Recessed Handles — Color-matched recessed door handles
The LCD TV will be mounted on one of the side walls or the rear wall (as per the design and final
approval) It should have separate compartment which is air tight/dust resistant/water resistant. It
should have an external door which can be opened outside and which be fastened. It should also
have an high security lock. The dimensions of the LCD TV are 42 inch along with remote control and
other attachment cords for external source like computer or pen drive and AC portals. The LCD TV
should be of reputed quality and make.
The DVD Player should be compatible to the LCD TV and allow playing of IEC material along with
4-6 speakers.
V. PUBLIC ADDRESSING SYSTEM: Portable microphone with a cordless microphone of adequate
output with both power supply cable along with provision for use of rechargeable batteries.
The supplier shall be responsible for training of members involved in the mobile clinic. They should
furnish one copy of reference handbook providing the instructions of operation, care and repair for
all van related accessory, component equipment stated in this document. The handbook shall also
contain all installation instructions, drawings, schematics wiring diagrams, illustrations and safety
precautions to ensure proper management and maintenance. A permanent label shall be affixed on
to the inverter storage box at a visible area and shall state the manufacturer’s name, address, phone
number and warranty information
i. Audio-Video Display Equipment
ii. Generator: Function Test & Break in
iii. Body: Pressurized water leak test
iv. AC/Heat: Temperature & Flow test
v. Modification & Mounting of equipment for mobile applications based on patient needs
2. Equipment Mounting, Tie downs, padding & Bracing for Operational Transport.
3. Accessories, Exterior Graphic Design, Alarm System/siren to be finalized after approval. The
Exterior Graphic Design would be finalized by Principal, PGIDS ROHTAK.
Term & Conditions
Sealed technical bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately in one sealed envelop
as per Annexure ‘I’ &‘II’. Non-compliance will result in rejection of tender offer.
2. Tenders without earnest money and original tender form will be rejected and no
opportunity will be given. No change in the tender rates will be accepted after opening
of the tender.
3. Each paper of the tender offer should be serially numbered and duly signed by the
Tenderer with the rubber stamp of the firm on each page.
4. The tenderer should indicate (wherever applicable) the shelf life of the stores
5. Rates should be quoted in Figures as well as in words F.O.R. Pt. B.D.Sharma, UHS,
Rohtak/ Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak (Haryana)India (as the case
may be) inclusive of packing, forwarding, and all other charges, if any. The price/rates
quoted shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of opening of tender.
The Institution may get the validity of the rates extended, if required.
6. Delivery period: The earliest delivery period within which the goods can be supplied be
quoted in quotations.
7. Quantity can be increased or decreased including complete withdrawl on
administrative ground.
8. The Tenderer must quote their rates strictly as per serial number of the tender group
catalogue/drawing/leaflets/literature and samples of consumables where required,
alongwith their offer. They will supply the list of the Institutions where such type of
machinery and equipment have already supplied alongwith photocopy of the supply
order and satisfactory performance report issued by the respective institute.
9. All cuttings, overwriting in the tender should be duly attested by the tenderer.
10. Authority letter from principal company/manufacturer for supply of machinery &
equipment. ISO certificate and copy of manufacturing License for the supply of drugs
should be given. The manufacturers/distributors/agents/stockists and suppliers should
send copy of Registration Certificate of Manufacturer alongwith their offer or any
documentary proof to the effect that they are manufacturer of the item as the case may
be failing which offer will be rejected.
11. The earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited to university accounts if
they fail to make the complete supply/withdraw their offer/rates or modify
the terms & conditions of the same during the validity of their offer.
12. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. PGIDS Rohtak on the basis of following pattern:a) Rates excluding taxes.
b)Rates including taxes(Net rates i.e. mentioning Excise
duty/CST/ST/VAT/service tax etc. clearly in percentage.
c) The words: ‘AS APPLICABLE’ will not be entertained)
13. The tendering firms must enclose latest copy of notification regarding the
applicability of taxes/duties for the time for which they are quoting rates with the
14. In case of LOC for imported items, ‘Third Party Inspection Certificate’ for Quality
Assurance shall be provided by the manufacturer/supplier/distributor at their own
expanses otherwise item will be rejected.
15. In case of imported items, the goods will have to be got cleared from the
Customs Authorities by the supplier himself and the expenses borne by
them. Customs Duty (counter veiling duty/special addl.customs duty) etc., if
any, levied by the Govt., will be borne by the firm. However, NMIC/CDEC will
be provided by this Institution on the request of the supplier (except for
imported goods/stores which come under the OGL policy of Govt. of India).
No Demurrage charges will be paid by this Institute on account of delay in
16. The Tenderer will quote their rates for AMC/CMC applicable after the expiry of
Guarantee/Warranty Period of 2 years or more. For AMC/CMC the successful tenderer
shall have to furnish bank Guarantee equal to 2% of the cost of the equipment before
issue of supply order. The terms and conditions for AMC/CMC shall be finalized
17. Payment will be made against physical delivery of inspected/accepted goods duly
supported with Satisfactory Inspection Note, satisfactory installation/working of the
equipment at Consignee’s site.
18.In case of any dispute arises, the final decision of Vice-Chancellor
Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health Sciences Rohtak shall be final and
binding on the Tenderers.
19. All other terms & conditions as mentioned in the supply order will be
Professor I/c Purchase
PGIDS, Rohtak.