A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF WCSA (Student Government

FOR FIRST-YEAR INVOLVEMENT - - from WCSA President Riley Svikhart
Dear first-year Warrior.
Below are a few questions likely to be asked by new students with little prior knowledge
of WCSA and the array of student-led organizations it funds. These questions and
answers are offered in an effort to introduce you to WCSA broadly, so that you may
effectively consider whether or not getting involved in WCSA is something you would
like to do in your time at Westmont.
What is WCSA?
The Westmont College Student Association (WCSA) is Westmont’s student government.
Per its mission statement, WCSA “is an elected body of student officials that exists to
serve as the voice of the student body. WCSA represents the diverse views, beliefs,
needs, and desires of our students. They seek to unify faculty, staff, administration, and
students by promoting communication and initiating change in response to campus and
student interests.”
What WCSA does not do…
WCSA does not plan events and promotions. Nor does it handle small-dollar club
funding requests. Westmont’s esteemed formal dances and other tremendous promotions
are planned and managed by the Westmont Activities Council (WAC).
What WCSA does do…
Members of WCSA are involved in the planning and execution of college policy. As
WCSA has traditionally aspired to serve as the democratically-elected “voice of the
students”, its members serve on a variety of influential college committees alongside
members of Westmont’s administration, faculty, and staff.
Additionally, WCSA is annually responsible for earmarking student fee dollars to other
student-led organizations (i.e. Potter’s Clay, WAC, and Emmaus Road), publications (i.e.
The Horizon) and big-ticket events like Spring Sing.
These specific examples represent only a small few of the wide variety of tasks WCSA
performs on behalf of the Westmont student body.
How can a first-year student become involved?
By running and winning election to the WCSA Senate!
What is the WCSA Senate and what does a WCSA Senator do?
Last year, the Westmont student body voted to approve a permanent restructuring of
WCSA, creating an entirely new Constitution and government branch—a seven-member
Senate to be comprised of one elected representative of each residence hall on campus
(5), one elected representative of all current students residing off-campus or in Ocean
View (1), and another member (“Academic Senator”) elected to represent the entire
student body in a springtime general election (1).
The 2014-2015 term will be WCSA’s first in its new multi-branch composition. This fall
represents your chance to run for a seat on Westmont’s first-ever “student senate”. More
than providing a first-class resume item and tremendous leadership and involvement
opportunity, serving on the Senate provides a truly unique opportunity to represent the
voices of your dorm mates, assist in the allocation of student fee dollars to worthy causes,
and to work directly alongside WCSA’s President, Vice President and other elected and
appointed executive officials to shape college policy.
Most simply, WCSA Senators will be expected to make themselves familiar with—and
represent to WCSA and the College as a whole—the interests and concerns of their dorm
mates. In this vein, they will be expected to attend weekly hour-long meetings (WCSA
governing sessions) and occasional town hall-like meetings with the neighbors they’ve
been elected to serve. The 2014-2015 WCSA will establish precedents, bylaws, and
patterns that will shape WCSA and Westmont for decades to come. Accordingly, this
year marks a special opportunity and responsibility.
The Election: When and how?
WCSA’s Constitution designates a single seat in the WCSA Senate to each residence
hall. Accordingly, dorm-specific elections will be held on Tuesday, September 16.
Pagesters may compete and vote in Page, but may do neither in Clark (or any other dorm
for that matter).
Students intending to compete to represent their dorm in the Senate may pick up
application/informational packets in WCSA’s office (Upper KSC) on and after the
second day of class (Tuesday, September 2) and must file them with WCSA by Thursday,
September 11 to appear on the ballot.
Who can run? Anyone!*
All candidates will be encouraged to speak at a WCSA-organized event on election eve
(Monday, September 15).
Students must maintain a 2.3 GPA to remain in eligible standing
I may be interested! Where can I find additional information?
Visit WCSA’s website (on westmont.edu) for additional information. And don’t hesitate
to email me (rsvikhart@westmont.edu) or my Chief of Staff, Caroline Sunshine,
(csunshine@westmont.edu) with any questions.
Best of luck and blessings as you transition into college life and begin thinking about
what extracurricular activities may be right for you.
Very truly yours,
Riley Svikhart
Student Body President
Westmont College ‘15