What is 4-H? For over 100 years, 4-H clubs have involved 4th-12th grade youth and volunteer leaders in hands-on learning. 4-H offers over 50 projects ranging from aerospace to woodworking, cats to horses, photography to science and technology. The four H’s represent head, heart, hands and health. 4-H experiences strengthen a young person’s sense of belonging, generosity, independence and mastery. What can 4-H members do? 4-H members can attend club meetings, serve as club officers, learn by completing 4-H project guides, attend project meetings, exhibit at county fair, attend camps, make friends in the club and county, participate in county wide family and fun activities, help others in their club and community travel to new places, learn record keeping skills and apply for awards. What happens at a club meeting? Meetings may include pre-meeting activities, a business meeting, recreation, presentations by members, leaders or guests, club service activities, field trips, guest speakers, hands-on learning activities and refreshments. How do I join 4-H? 1. Choose a 4-H club to join. Contact a leader to find out when you can visit a meeting. 2. Select one or more 4-H projects in which to enroll on the enrollment form. This will provide you some ideas about goals and exhibits. 3. Youth/parent complete and turn into your club leader or Hardin County Extension Office the following: a. Hardin County 4-H Enrollment b. Iowa 4-H Medical Information/Release Form c. Pay $15 program development fee, to your club. (Financial assistance is available.) Parents – why should your child join 4-H? 4-H Mission: 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential working and learning in partnership with caring adults. 4-H provides a positive youth development experience through caring adults, a safe environment, mastery of skills, service, self-determination, inclusiveness, futuristic goals, and engagement. Outcomes of the 4-H program are youth who demonstrate citizenship, leadership and communication, skills, knowledge and personal life management skills. Questions? Contact Emily Klaffke, Hardin County Youth Coordinator at emscott@iastate.edu and visit the website: www.extension.iastate.edu/hardin/4h. The fees for service will be used to off-set direct expenses and to support the 4-H Youth Development County Extension Program. Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability.