Specification Template for BMS Guide Addendum Created for: Resource Efficient Scotland 2 | Page Information relating to the use of this document. This document is to complement the guidance document “BMS Procurement Guide” (BMSPG) in the process of procuring services to install or upgrade BMS in all sectors. Its main purpose is to allow users to draft a specification and tender documents to present to bidders for their consideration. The user can copy relevant sections relating to their project and requirements taking guidance from the BMSPG and insert relevant sections from this document into their draft tender. Sections 1 is purely acts as a prompt that may have to be included into the ‘Preliminaries/Conditions of Contract’ of any tender but will not replace or dictate an alternative to your organisations own procurement governance. Where the text is coloured, the user will insert their own text or prompt to the user to confirm the validity and update to the latest version of any recommended legislation or regulations. Resource Efficient Scotland has published this document to assist the user in compiling a tender specification but the user is ultimately responsible for the final tender documentation which may include or not any content from this document. 3 | Page Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 5 2.0 PRELIMINARIES/CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 7 2.1 Contractual Agreement and Form of Tender 7 2.2 Freedom of Information 7 2.3 Contract Period 7 2.4 Working hours 7 2.5 Control of Cost 7 2.6 Third Party Insurance 7 2.7 Construction (Design and Management Regulations) 7 2.8 Security/Safety/Protection 7 2.9 Environmental Protection 7 2.10 Drawings and Specifications 7 2.11 Materials and Workmanship 8 2.12 Arbitration 8 2.13 Out-of-Hours Working 8 2.14 Control of Noise and Dust 8 3.0 GENERAL SPECIFICATION – AUTOMATIC CONTROLS 6 3.1 Introduction 6 3.2 Automatic Controls, Wiring and Associated Electrical Works 6 4.0 GENERAL SPECIFICATION – MECHANICAL 11 4.1 Introduction 11 4.2 Working Drawings 13 4.3 Related Builders’ Works 13 4.4 Builders Work Drawings 13 4.5 Pipework and Valves 13 4.6 Ductwork 14 4.7 Testing, Cleaning and Water Treatment 15 4.8 Painting and Thermal Insulation 15 4.9 Asbestos Testing and Removal 16 5.0 GENERAL SPECIFICATION – ELECTRICAL 17 5.1 Introduction 17 5.2 Working Drawings 22 5.3 Related Builders’ Works 22 5.4 Builders Work Drawings 22 5.5 Earthing and Bonding 22 5.6 Testing 23 4 | Page 5.7 Identification, Notices and Documentation 24 5.8 Specialist Tools 24 6.0 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION – AUTOMATIC CONTROLS, WIRING AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL WORKS 24 6.1 Compliance with Standard Specification 24 6.2 Introduction 24 6.3 Description of Operation 25 7.0 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION - BMS MAINTENANCE 35 8.1 Introduction 35 8.2 Standard Service 35 8.4 Enhanced Energy Performance Service 39 8.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND PERFORMANCE CONTRACT 43 9.1 Introduction 43 9.2 Schedule of Rates 43 APPENDIX 1 BMS Points List 44 APPENDIX 2 Provisional Programme of Works 45 APPENDIX 3 TENDER ANALYSIS 46 5 | Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] are undergoing a comprehensive upgrade and enhancement of the Building Management System (BMS) which operates and controls the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems across the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s estate. The objective of the BMS Upgrade is to enhance the system design to ensure that the HVAC system operates to its greatest energy efficiency whilst maintaining satisfactory conditions for the occupants. The [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] is to upgrade existing systems on the [INSERT SYSTEM TYPE(S)] BMS infrastructure. The communications will use Ethernet connection (or other communications networks), utilising the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s IT network (unless otherwise specified). This Specification has four objectives [ADD/OMIT AS APPROPRIATE]: To provide a Particular Specification for the Upgrade and standardisation of the existing BMS controls. Provide a General Specification for all works associated with the BMS upgrade and to obtain Schedules of Rates and Performance Contracting Proposals which will form the basis of a Framework agreement. Provide a Standard specification for all future capital projects which have any HVAC controls elements both those implemented directly by the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] and on their behalf through their partners. Energy Performance element – the BMS contractor is invited to put forward proposals to utilise their expertise to assist the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] in driving down their energy cost though energy saving initiatives. In some instances the BMS Contractor will be the Lead Contractor (employing other sub-contractors as necessary) and will be responsible for managing the works under the CDM regulations. In this circumstance, the full specification should be used. Where the controls and BMS is being carried out as a sub-contract to a main contractor or M&E contractor the Mechanical and Electrical sections of this specification should be omitted. The works will be subject to the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s Approved Mechanical & Electrical Standard Specification. 6 | Page This “Contract” shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Scottish Law. 7 | Page 2.0 PRELIMINARIES/CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 2.1 Contractual Agreement and Form of Tender Insert your organisation standard Contractual Agreement and Form of Tender 2.2 Freedom of Information Insert your organisation’s legal Freedom of Information clause 2.3 Contract Period Insert your proposed timeline for the tender process 2.4 Working hours Insert your organisations authorised working hours for the site 2.5 Control of Cost Insert your preferred cost control system 2.6 Third Party Insurance Insert your organisations insurance requirements 2.7 Construction (Design and Management Regulations) Insert your organisations CDM procedures 2.8 Security/Safety/Protection Insert your organisations security and Health & Safety policy documents. 2.9 Environmental Protection Insert your organisations environmental policy documentation 2.10 Drawings and Specifications Insert your organisations detail on drawings and specifications 8 | Page 2.11 Materials and Workmanship Insert your organisations requirements on materials used in any project and quality of workmanship 2.12 Arbitration Insert your organisation arbitration process 2.13 Out-of-Hours Working Insert your organisations policy on Out-of Works working 2.14 Control of Noise and Dust Insert your organisations policy on noise and dust 6 | Page 3.0 GENERAL SPECIFICATION – AUTOMATIC CONTROLS 3.1 Introduction The General Specification details the requirements for the Upgrade of the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s controls system. 3.2 Automatic Controls, Wiring and Associated Electrical Works 3.2.1 Scope of Works The works to be included by the Contractor shall be (delete as applicable): a) b) c) d) Detailed design development All associated engineering and panel schematic diagrams. Panel wiring schematics and layout drawings. Supply of all control equipment including BMS outstations within the control panel, control valves & actuators (where required), pressure switches, flow switches, heat-meters (where required), sensors and thermostats to provide a complete controls system. e) Removal of existing controls where appropriate f) All control and monitoring software and interlocks g) All supervisor screen displays, graphics, alarms etc h) All associated data networking, signal and control wiring. i) All associated controls extra low voltage wiring including outstation wiring. j) All associated mechanical works shall be carried out by the Contractor including wiring containment. k) All associated electrical wiring shall be carried out by the Contractor including wiring containment / harnessing. The contractor will also be responsible for associated electrical wiring including power supply to the control panel, provision of containment for controls and electrical wiring. l) Testing and commissioning and handover of all control systems. m) Fine-tuning of control loops during first year of operation. n) Demonstrating to the Contract Administrator (CA) that the controls operate as specified. o) xx months / years defects liability and maintenance from date of handover of the project. 7 | Page p) Provision of O&M and schematics upon completion of works. 3.2.2 BMS Standard Specification The project is to be carried out in line with AG 9/2001 Standard Specification published by BSRIA. Site specific requirements are detailed in the Particular Specification later. 3.2.3 Design Development The Contractor shall be responsible and pro-active in obtaining all information necessary for the BMS design development from the Contract Administrator (CA) and client. The Contractor shall produce control schematic drawings for all items of plant. These schematics shall form the basis of the BMS Supervisor screen graphics. For each [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] site the graphics should incorporate floor-plans of the site plan from which to navigate the buildings and plantrooms. The contractor shall provide interface wiring diagrams indicating connections to control panel, field devices and plant equipment. The Contractor shall provide drawings showing precise locations of all BMS outstations, other control panels, field sensors and control devices, cable containment and cable routes for all network cables, control and power wiring. Additionally the Contractor shall provide Descriptions of Operation for each system. As the design is developed, issue all drawings, schedules and documents for comment prior to construction. 3.2.4 Control and Monitoring Strategies Document control routines and software in the following formats as a minimum and issue for comment: MCC and automatic control panel wiring diagrams Outstation points lists Control schematics Colour print-outs of Supervisor Graphics Text description of control and monitoring. Software flowcharts in supplier's standard format Set-point and control parameter schedules 8 | Page The set-point schedule shall be issued to the CA as a Proforma listing all relevant set-points for entry of the required values by the CA where appropriate. Other set-points will be determined during commissioning. Develop software alarm strategy in discussion with the CA and the Client. Seasonal Fine Tuning of control strategies and minor changes to the alarm strategy shall be provided during the first year of operation. 3.2.5 Drawings for Approval The Contractor shall provide control panel schematics and layouts for approval by the CA before commencing manufacture of control panel. XX days shall be allowed for approval / comment on drawings. 3.2.6 Loose Control Equipment The location of all sensors etc shall be agreed with the CA prior to installation. All loose control equipment shall have installation instructions provided at the time of supply. 3.2.7 Associated Electrical Works The Contractor shall install and be responsible for carrying out all associated electrical installation works. 3.2.8 Testing Commissioning Handover and Fine Tuning The Contractor shall include for commissioning of the new installations to suit the requirements of the project. Check control loops for correct and stable control and make adjustments as necessary during the first year of operation. Demonstrate correct and stable control by means of trend-log evidence in graphical and tabular formats. Full schedules of all control settings shall be recorded and included within the O&M documentation. 9 | Page 3.2.9 “As Installed” Drawings The contractor shall supply all drawings for all parts of the installation as are required by the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2007, including three hard copy sets of “as installed” drawings and on CD. 3.2.10 Operating & Maintenance Manuals The Contractor will provide, prior to acceptance for practical completion, XX sets of operating and maintenance manuals for the complete project. The manuals shall be plastic covered, ring binders and all paper will be of good quality. They shall also be provided in PDF electronic format and shall comprise (delete as applicable): Introduction to O&M Manual System Descriptions Control Settings Operating Procedures Control Panel and control device wiring diagrams Drawings showing all equipment and cable routes Control schematics “Hook-up” diagrams showing cable connections to packaged plant and identifying the type and function of each cable, associated interface and signal. Control strategies described in detail in text format with links to the software flow-charts via common point references. Control and monitoring software strategies described in standard flowchart format. A simple user guide describing the operation and use of the BMS system and plant controls. A simple user guide for the operation and use of the BMS Supervisor, to be written in non-technical language and shall describe in simple terms how to access the Supervisor, how to change time programmes, how to adjust key set-points, how to respond to alarm conditions, how to start the plant manually after failure of the BMS and how to operate the inverter drive keypad display. Valve schedules Maintenance Procedures Emergency Procedures Plant Malfunction Recommended Spares 10 | P a g e Test & Commissioning Certificates Manufactures & Suppliers Details CDM Health & Safety Information Schedule of Drawings & Drawing Copies 3.2.11 Client Training Detailed on-site training (XX day minimum) in the operation and maintenance of the system for up to XX members of the Client's organisational / management staff will be provided after each significant work package. 3.2.12 Control Panel Construction Panel enclosures shall be protected to IPXX (as required for working environment) and constructed from sheet steel with welded joints and stiffening angles/channels as necessary. Access shall be from the front via doubled hinged doors with dished edges; gasket sealed onto the complementary dished return edges of the case. Cable Size The panel wiring shall be in accordance with the approved drawings and current edition of the I.E.E. Wiring Regulations. Cables shall be sized to take account of the de-rating required for areas with limited or zero ventilation and for bunching of conductors. Cable Type Tri-Rated (often known as panel wiring) 240V Power Wiring xx sq.mm Control Wiring xx sq.mm Cable Colour The cables shall be colour coded in accordance to the latest legislation as follows: Neutral - Insert colour Earth - Insert Colour 230V AC control circuits - Insert colour 11 | P a g e 110V AC control circuits 24V AC control circuits 24V DC control circuits Incoming voltages - Insert Insert Insert Insert colour colour colour colour Any external supplies to the panel shall have isolating links provided on the terminal rail. Door Wiring Wiring from panel to panel doors shall be subdivided into reasonable sized bunches and run through proprietary flexible plastic tubing. The tubing shall be supported at both ends and have sufficient loop to allow unrestricted opening of the panel door. Wiring to components on the door shall be neatly cleated and supported to relieve the strain on the terminals. Spare cables shall be wired within the door loom & identified. 3.2.13 Panel Finish RAL7032. – Pebble Grey 4.0 GENERAL SPECIFICATION – MECHANICAL 4.1 Introduction The General Specification details the requirements for the Upgrade of the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s BMS and controls. 4.1.1 This specification shall be read in conjunction with the following documents: National Engineering Specification standard specification clauses for Mechanical Services (current issue). CIBSE Guides to current practice. Insert any other relevant documentation 12 | P a g e 4.1.2 The equipment and installations are to comply with all statutory regulations current at the time of tender and in particular regard to following should be made: Note: The list below may not be the latest versions of the regulations and legislation i) The Building Regulations 2000 and all current amendments. ii) Regulations under the Factories Act. iii) The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. iv) The IEE Wiring Regulations 17th Edition. v) Regulations under the Electricity Act. vi) Gas Safety Regulations. vii) Any special regulations issued by the local Electricity or Water Authorities. viii) Noise Control - Control of Pollution Act 1974. ix) Water Bylaws to current practise. x) COSHH Regulations 1988 xi) The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007. xii) The Environmental Protection Act. 4.1.3 Unless otherwise specifically stated it is assumed that the Contractor will act as the principal contractor - subcontracting all mechanical, electrical and builder’s works as required. 4.1.4 The Contractor is to allow for all mechanical, electrical and builder’s works associated with this project. 4.1.5 The Contractor to allow for a seasonal re-commissioning visit being a maximum of six months after the commission date. 4.1.6 The works shall include the responsibility for defects liability and the maintenance (both planned preventative and breakdown), of all plant and equipment for a period of xx months from the Certificate of Take-Over. 4.1.7 The Contractor shall allow for all maintenance items that will be required during the period of responsibility for operation and maintenance. 4.1.8 Any discrepancy between this Specification, the conditions of contract and other documents listed on the tender form shall be notified to the CA as soon as is practicable during the pre-acceptance stage, or thereafter. 13 | P a g e 4.2 Working Drawings 4.2.1 The Contractor shall provide a full and complete set of working drawings prior to any work commencing on site. 4.2.2 All final routings of pipework, ductwork and locations of accessories shall be fully agreed with the CA prior to the commencement of the installation. 4.3 Related Builders’ Works 4.3.1 Any related builders works shall be carried out by the Contractor unless otherwise specified in the contract. 4.3.2 Where services breach fire barriers, then the Contractor shall ensure proper re-instatement is carried out to maintain adequate fire and smoke protection. 4.4 Builders Work Drawings 4.4.1 The Contractor shall provide a set of Builders Works Drawings to allow the correct installation of the new services. 4.5 Pipework and Valves 4.5.1 New pipework will be installed as indicated on the tender drawings, to include: LPHW. LPHW heating distribution pipework throughout the building as detailed on the tender drawings. Pipework to be medium grade steel to BS1387. 4.5.2 Steel pipework of 50 mm and below will be screwed to BS21. Unions shall be of the conical brass seat type. 4.5.3 Allowance for thermal expansion will be made by the use of bends and anchors in the pipework run. The pipework will be arranged to prevent strain on equipment and will be adequately supported. Supports will allow for the thermal expansion of the pipework. 14 | P a g e 4.5.4 The Contractor shall allow for the supply, installation and commissioning of the valves shown in Tender drawings plus any additional areas called for in the General Specification or statutory regulations. 4.5.5 Unless otherwise specified all valves shall be manufactured by manufacturers approved by the CA / Client. 4.5.6 Isolation valves shall be cast iron wedge gate valves to BS 5150. 4.5.7 Where commissioning sets are required, these shall incorporate flow measuring facilities and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 4.5.8 Lockshield valves shall be used where called for in the General Specification or Statutory Regulations. 4.5.9 Manual air vents and drain valves are to be located at all high and low points respectively. 4.5.10 Supports will be installed in accordance with the requirement of the general specification. Supports will allow for the thermal expansion of pipework. 4.5.11 The Contractor shall ensure adequate isolating valves are incorporated into the new systems to allow local isolation of services for maintenance purposes. 4.6 Ductwork 4.6.1 The contractor shall allow for the supply and installation of all ventilation equipment as detailed on the tender drawings and equipment schedule. 4.6.2 Ductwork will be supplied and installed in accordance with DW 144 as detailed on the drawings. Ductwork will be designed and constructed to ensure good airflow conditions free from turbulence. Turning vanes shall be incorporated where appropriate. 4.6.3 Access doors will be constructed in accordance with DW 144 and installed to enable appropriate access to the following equipment fans and fire dampers. 15 | P a g e 4.6.4 Access to volume control dampers on diffusers or grilles may be by removal of flexible connections or through the face of the diffuser or grille. 4.6.5 The contractor shall provide fire dampers where ductwork penetrates through fire barrier. Fire dampers will be of the fusible link out of air stream drop curtain type. Contractor is to ensure access hatch to the dampers is provided. 4.6.6 Ductwork will be commissioned in accordance with CIBSE Commissioning Code Series A. Static and volume measurements will be taken on all main and branch ductwork. Air volumes of diffusers and grilles will be taken in accordance with the diffuser or grille manufacturer’s recommendations. Volumes will be adjusted on the main duct line dampers and final adjustment on the diffuser or grille damper. On completion of the commissioning copies of all test results including final air volumes and settings shall be submitted to the CA for approval and retention. 4.6.7 The Contractor shall allow for the provision of an engraved label adjacent to each fan controller stating “Extract Fan” or “Supply Fan” whichever is appropriate. 4.7 Testing, Cleaning and Water Treatment 4.7.1 All LTHW pipework will be hydraulically tested to 1.5 times the pipeline working pressure or 4 bar gauge for one hour whichever is higher. A minimum of xx days notice of all hydraulic tests will be given to the CA to allow the test to be witnessed. Following testing, the new pipework will be cleaned in accordance with BSRIA Application Guide 8/91 “Pre-Commission Cleaning of Water Systems” – “BG29/2012” 4.7.2 The complete installation shall be dynamically flushed and filled with an approved corrosion inhibitor. 4.8 Painting and Thermal Insulation 4.8.1 All steel pipework shall be painted in accordance with BS1710 (British Pipe Marking Standard) in accordance with the General Specification prior to the application of any insulation. The Contractor shall ensure that all uninsulated pipework is painted to match the local décor with 2 coats of paint. 16 | P a g e 4.8.2 The new heating system’s pipework is to be thermally insulated with rigid pre-formed glass fibre section insulation of minimum thermal conductivity of 0.036 W/m/ºC at a temperature of 50 ºC. The insulation will be of the thickness 20 mm where pipework runs internally and 30mm where pipework runs externally exposed to ambient conditions. The fibre-glass insulation should have a foil backed finish and have a grey ‘Isogenopak’ within the plantroom. All insulated pipework should be labelled to indicate service and direction of flow. 4.8.3 Insulation shall be taken over all new valves and shall be cut for ease of access to valves. Control valves (over 50mm dia) and flanges shall be insulated using flexible, waterproof muffs, incorporating ‘velcro’ quick release fasteners. 4.9 Asbestos Testing and Removal 4.9.1 Some parts of the site may been subject to an Asbestos Survey and an Asbestos Register may be available (a copy of which is to be provided on request from the client), however, arrangements will made to carry out a comprehensive asbestos survey (by others) as required within the areas of work and other related areas, in order to identify any instances of materials that might contain asbestos i.e. pipework insulation, walls etc, prior to the commencement of contract. The Contractor shall provide drawings detailing cable, pipe and duct routes to cross check with asbestos records. 4.9.2 Should the Contractor find any suspicious material during the installation, then he shall stop work IMMEDIATELY and seek advice from the CA. Should the suspicious material prove to be Asbestos, then its removal shall be funded outside of the Contract. 17 | P a g e 5.0 GENERAL SPECIFICATION – ELECTRICAL 5.1 Introduction The General Specification details the requirements for the Upgrade of the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] controls system. This specification shall be read in conjunction with relevant documents detailed in Section 4.1.2. 5.1.1 Unless otherwise specifically stated, it is assumed that the Contractor will act as the principal contractor, sub-contracting all mechanical, electrical and builder’s works as required. 5.1.2 The Contractor is to allow for all mechanical, electrical and builder’s works associated with this project. 5.1.3 The works shall include the responsibility for defects liability and the maintenance (both planned preventative and breakdown), of all plant and equipment for a period of xx months from the Certificate of Take-Over. 5.1.4 The Contractor shall allow for all maintenance items that will be required during the period of responsibility for operation and maintenance. 5.1.5 Any discrepancy between this Specification, the conditions of contract and other documents listed on the tender form shall be notified to the CA as soon as is practicable during the pre-acceptance stage, or thereafter. 5.1.6 All materials shall be new, unless otherwise specified, and of a type and rating matched to the duty for which they are specified. All materials and items of equipment performing the same function shall be of one manufacture and type, unless otherwise stated in the Specification. 5.1.7 The works shall be set out with all measurements and dimensions required for the supply and erection of materials on site, making any modifications in detail as may be found necessary during the progress of the works. Any such modifications or alterations shall be submitted to the CA before proceeding. 5.1.8 The positions of all equipment, accessories and apparatus, cables, trunking and conduit routes shall be marked out on site and agreed with the CA before their fixing. The drawings are not to be scaled for this purpose. Where Consultant’s drawings are available, they shall be used to determine 18 | P a g e the exact location of equipment. Particular attention shall be paid to ensure that accessories are positioned to suit door openings, fitted furniture etc. Allowance shall be made for varying the position of all electrical points, accessories etc. within a 1,000mm radius. 5.1.9 The proposed layouts of switchgear, distribution boards, starters, control units, trunking etc. for all switch rooms, electrical cupboard and plant rooms shall be submitted to the CA for approval. 5.1.10 Throughout the building, other services may be installed. Due allowance shall be made for co-operation and co-ordination with other trades, especially conduit and trunking runs, to ensure that they do not coincide or clash with other services. 5.1.11 Allow for provision, erection, connection and subsequent removal of any cable or fittings necessary, or required to maintain existing services, in the event of any disconnection being made necessary due to or by means of the work. In connection with the installation of new main switchgear and alterations to existing supplies, allow for any working out of normal hours which may be necessary. 5.1.12 No disconnections of supplies shall take place without a minimum of xx days prior arrangement with both the CA and the client. 5.1.13 Mounting heights given are for general tendering purposes, and will apply unless otherwise detailed in this Section of the Specification. 5.1.14 The heights given apply to the centre of the box, unless otherwise stated, but due allowance shall be given for any building feature, i.e. wall tiling etc. where adjustment shall be made to coincide with the underside of the tile. (i) Appliance control switches 1100mm (ii) Push buttons and starters 1100mm (iii) Fuse connection units 1350mm (iv) Indicator lamps and alarm bells 2300mm (To Underside) 5.1.15 All heights shall be checked with the CA before actual installation commences. 19 | P a g e 5.1.16 The installations shall include provision for the integrity of the fire barriers through which cables, conduits, trunking, bus-bar systems etc. are being installed, by making good around the installations with appropriate fire stopping materials. This work shall be carried out to the requirements of the Building Regulations and those of the 17th Edition of the I.E.E Wiring Regulations including all current amendments. 5.1.17 All steel screws, nuts, bolts and washers used for fixing ferrous materials to the building structure shall be sheradised (vapour galvanised). Non-ferrous fixings shall be employed when fixing non-ferrous materials. 5.1.18 Fixings to brickwork shall not be made in the mortar joint. 5.1.19 When fixing to structural steelwork, clamp on devices shall be used unless otherwise approved. 5.1.20 Proprietary fixing devices shall be used throughout e.g. Rawlbolts, Rawlplugs, Plastiplugs etc. 5.1.21 Fixings inside dry partitions shall be by wood screws to timber blocks fixed to the partition support frame. The timber noggins shall be notched to accept the accessory back box. Instruct the builder on size and location of these timber blocks. Where necessary, provide extension rings for accessory boxes so that the edge of the box is just recessed. Where cabling through metal partitioning, jumbo stud, PVC conduits or flexible conduits shall be employed. 5.1.22 All steelwork fabrications prepared shall be wire brushed and rust treated with zinc chromate and painted with two coats of a rust inhibiting lead free primer. 5.1.23 All steelwork fabrications, cut outs etc. shall be smoothed free from all burrs or rough edges, and protection against abrasion to cables added where appropriate. 5.1.24 No welding to building steelwork or structures shall be permitted without the written consent of the CA. 5.1.25 Screws or studding shall, after installation, be reduced in length so that no more than two threads are exposed. All cut ends shall be treated with an approved rust inhibiting primer. 20 | P a g e 5.1.26 Low voltage power cable shall generally be wire armoured to BS 6346, BS 5467, BS 6724 or BS 6360 with XLPE compound insulation and/or LSF bedding, as detailed further in this Specification. 5.1.27 Cables shall be fixed to tray, or direct to a surface using cable cleats. The intervals for fixing shall be as stated in the IEE Regulations, or as stated by the cable manufacturer where no regulation applies. Where fixed to cable trays, power cables having an overall diameter of 10mm or less may be strapped to the tray using PVC covered metal strip of appropriate colour, fixed using brass pins and nuts Cable routes shall be so arranged that cables, hangers, cleats etc. do not come into contact with or in close proximity to piped services. 5.1.28 At all terminations, the sheath and armour shall be secured by brass compression glands, of a type suitable for both cable and location. The glands shall be complete with both earthing tag and plastic shroud. 5.1.29 Connections to the earthing tag shall be by brass nuts and bolts. At the point of termination for SWA cables feeding any equipotential zone, the cable shall terminate in a BICC type BW gland with integral earth and 481AA insulated adapter. 5.1.30 Any underground jointing of XLPE SWA cables required shall be achieved using proprietary shrink wrap or resin joint kits manufactured by a CA approved supplier. 5.1.31 Copper bonds shall be provided within the joint to maintain full earth continuity. The resistance shall be no greater than that of the live conductors and the insulation resistance between cores and between cores and earth shall be no less than that of the original cable. 5.1.32 Cores shall be phased out. Either coloured core insulation or coloured sleeve markers shall identify the phases. 5.1.33 Cables buried in the ground shall be in a trench 500mm deep, with 100mm of sand laid in the bottom, the cable laid on the sand then covered with 100mm of sand. Propriety 100mm wide cable marker tape marked “Electric Cables” shall be placed over the full length of the route, then back filled with sifted earth, free from rocks and stones, well rammed and 200mm below finished ground level and the ground then reinstated to existing ground level. 21 | P a g e 5.1.34 Cables which follow the same route, and are laid in the ground, shall be in horizontal formation with spacing between cables, where possible, of not less than 150mm, with the exception of single core cables, which shall be laid in trefoil formation and touching along their entire length. Each group of cables shall be indicated by separate marker tapes. 5.1.35 Cable ducts shall be installed under roadways, crossing roadways and for building access. 5.1.36 Cable ducts shall be smooth bore vitrified clay, or heavy duty plastic socket and spigot type. All ends of conduit shall be sealed around the cable with a waterproof and gas proof seal of the self-extinguishing plastic foam type. 5.1.37 Any spare cable ducts shall have suitable end caps. 5.1.38 Cable markers, concrete block type shall be placed in the route at a maximum of 50 metres apart and at each change of direction with a minimum of two markers per route, and at each entry to a building. 5.1.39 The Contractor or their Electrical Sub-Contractor shall provide all covers, markers tapes etc. The laying of sand, covers, tapes, concrete and markers shall be by the Contractor but the Electrical Sub-Contractor shall ensure and be responsible for compliance with requirements. 5.1.40 Prior to the cable(s) being laid, the CA shall be informed and arrangements made for an inspection to be made at each stage. 5.1.41 Where cables are to be buried in water logged ground, or have to cross streams, then cables with a polyethylene sheath shall be employed. 5.1.42 Where multi-core cables are employed, each core shall be numbered and numbered markers at each end shall identify the terminal number of the equipment to which the core is to be connected. 5.1.43 Below the armour clamp of all terminations, a non-corrosive identification band shall be fitted giving details of the type and size of cable in 5mm stamped letters and figures. 5.1.44 Where power cables pass through walls or floors, they shall pass through properly formed openings, which shall be fire stopped after installation using a proprietary foam. 22 | P a g e 5.1.45 Where power cables are laid in a common trench with other services, particularly communication cables, there shall be a minimum separation of at least 300mm between these services. 5.2 Working Drawings 5.2.1 All drawings are diagrammatic only, and shall be used as a guide only to assist in the compilation of the Tender. 5.2.2 The Contractor shall provide a full and complete set of working drawings prior to any work commencing on site. These shall furnish the dimensioned builders work drawings for all cable trenches, ducts, concrete pads etc. 5.2.3 All final routings of MV/LV sub-main cabling, conduits, trunkings, cable trays etc. and locations of accessories, items of equipment and plant shall be fully agreed with the CA prior to the commencement of the installation. 5.3 Related Builders’ Works 5.3.1 Where services breach fire barriers, then the Contractor shall ensure proper re-instatement is carried out to maintain adequate fire and smoke protection. 5.4 Builders Work Drawings 5.4.1 The Contractor shall provide a set of Builders Works Drawings to allow the correct installation of the new services for all holes, chases, cable trenches, ducts, concrete pads, etc. to allow the correct installation of the new services. 5.5 Earthing and Bonding 5.5.1 The whole of the earthing and bonding installations shall be installed and tested in accordance with the requirements of the 17th Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations, Local Supply Authority, this Specification and in compliance with BS 7430 (earthing protection). 23 | P a g e 5.6 Testing 5.6.1 Conduits and cables shall be tested during the progress of the work before their concealment, as follows: (i) Continuity of protective conductors and equipotential bond of conduit, metal sheath etc. (ii) Continuity of current carrying conductors. (iii) Insulation resistance of MICC cables. 5.6.2 Immediately prior to completion, and in the presence of the CA, carry out the initial inspection and testing as per 17th Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations. 5.6.3 Test results are to be documented on test charts containing the following information for each circuit: (i) Design current (Ib). (ii) Earth loop impedance (Ze) at furthest point. (iii) Line neutral impedance at furthest point. (iv) Loop resistance (R1 + R2). (v) Continuity of ring final circuit conductors. (vi) Insulation resistance readings. (vii) Polarity test. (viii) RCD test, where applicable. 5.6.4 In addition to the aforementioned information, each chart shall contain details of the external characteristics appertaining to the distribution board. 5.6.5 Following successful inspection and testing, XX copies of the inspection test certificates shall be forwarded to the CA within XX days of the tests being completed, or at practical completion, whichever is the sooner. 5.6.6 Note that the CA will not accept the installation as practically complete until a test/completion certificate is presented. 24 | P a g e 5.7 Identification, Notices and Documentation 5.7.1 Labels shall be provided to indicate the purpose of switchgear and control gear, unless there is no possibility of confusion. Labels shall be bolted to the equipment, unless otherwise specified. 5.7.2 Distribution board schedules and ‘As Fitted’ drawings shall contain such information as is required to satisfy clause 514-09 of the regulations. In addition, ‘As Fitted’ drawings shall detail conduit runs, giving sizes. 5.7.3 Supply and fit such notices as may be required by regulation 515-08 to 514-13 inclusive. 5.8 Specialist Tools 5.8.1 Any tools that are required of a special nature for any equipment etc. installed by the Electrical Sub-Contractor, shall be handed to the CA at the hand over meeting, in a purpose designed box or receptacle. 6.0 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION – AUTOMATIC CONTROLS, WIRING AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL WORKS 6.1 Compliance with Standard Specification The following clauses should be reading in conjunction with the General Specification and take precedence. 6.2 Introduction 6.2.1 This Particular Specification relates to the upgrade and enhancement of the automatic control system for [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]. The aim is to develop comprehensive consistent BMS strategy incorporating low energy control strategies. 6.2.2 The scope of works will comprise the following: Add specific project requirements. 25 | P a g e All new BMS installations will be linked to the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’’s existing [ADD SYSTEM(S) DETAILS] BMS utilising the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s IT network, unless 6.2.3 instructed otherwise. 6.2.4 The works will follow an agreed Programme (add specific project requirements). Installation of new BMS upgrade and enhancement will include the following: [ADD/OMIT AS APPROPRIATE]. Installation of additional controls for heating system Associated control wiring Associated electrical wiring Strip out works Commissioning, testing and setting to work. Provision of O&M documentation and “as fitted” drawings. XX months defects liability and maintenance. 6.3 Description of Operation The BMS control system should be designed to maximise the efficiency of the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning plant serving each building. The description of operations below and the points schedule should be considered indicative and should be further developed by the BMS Contractor based on detailed site surveys and any further information obtained from site O&M Manuals and by interrogation of the existing control system. 6.3.1 Heating Plant Plant Description Add specific project details Plant operation The plant is to be operated by hand/off/auto switches located on the control panel fascia. In auto mode the heating plant is to be operated by the BMS under demand from individual zone optimised time-schedules, The boilers are to operate in sequence with the duty boiler being rotated on a weekly basis. Fault status for each boiler is to be monitored on the BMS raising an alarm and activating the next boiler in sequence. The heating circulation pump-set are to operate on a duty/standby basis with the duty pump rotated on a weekly basis. A differential pressure switch 26 | P a g e installed across the pump set is to provide a flow status on the BMS and facilitates auto-changeover in the event of the duty pump failing. The use of Inverter closed loop controls is encouraged for heating circulation pump-sets and the contractor shall evaluate the efficiencies associated with the deployment of inverter controls Where applicable the flue dilution fan operates when there is demand from the heating plant and/or HWS heater. A differential pressure switch placed across the fan is to provide an air flow status on the BMS, providing a critical alarm in the event of air flow failure. Plant Safety interlocks Pressurisation unit – in the event of a fault on the pressurisation unit the heating plant will be shutdown by hardwired interlock; fault status will be monitored by the BMS and a high-level alarm raised. Emergency plantroom safety circuit – in the event of an emergency knock-off button or thermal link being activated the gas valve and mechanical plant will be shutdown by hardwire interlock; fault status will be monitored by the BMS and a high-level alarm raised. Fire alarm – in the event of the fire alarm being activated the gas valve and mechanical plant will be shutdown by hardwire interlock; fault status will be monitored by the BMS and a high-level alarm raised. Control i) Boiler start-up – the boiler is demand lead, and is to be enabled on demand from aggregated individual zone optimiser / time-schedules / protection / flow demand (in the case of DHW). ii) Optimisation / tome controllers – each heated zone (VT circuit, CT circuit or isolated sub-zone) is to have an individual optimiser / intelligent time controller. The BMS will monitor the ambient temperature and space temperatures for each zone to determine the optimum start and stop times. Where a zone serves more than one floor a room temperature sensor should be installed on each level in a representative location away from any external influence (heat source, solar gain, etc.). Each optimiser will generate a heating demand for the boiler plant and its associated zone pumps. Unless otherwise stated the optimiser will be set to match the zone’s core occupancy hours with a optimiser and room temperature set points set at 19°C, 27 | P a g e or in line with the client organisations environmental policies. An optimiser boost and or extend function will allow the zone temperature to be met efficiently outwith of normal operational hours. iii) High outside air temperature interlock (eco setting) – When the external temperature reaches or exceeds 14 to 16°C (operator adjustable) or the zone temperature is above approximately 23°C (operator adjustable) the associated zone heating plant is to shut down. iv) Summer/winter/holiday control – to allow the manual seasonal control of the heating plant, status to be monitored by BMS with an alarm being raised. Where there is a DHW system controlled by the system, this is to remain operational. v) Boiler sequencing Condensing boilers - sequence the boilers to maintain a compensated common boiler flow temperature initially set up as shown in the table below. In addition the BMS also monitors the boiler return temperature. Facility should also be provided for space temperature influence of the compensated temperature set point. Outside air temperature °C 0 20 Compensated flow temperature setpoint °C 80 50* *Where boilers serve HWS calorifiers the minimum flow temperature should be 65°C Non-condensing boilers may be controlled to maintain a compensated return temperature setpoint, the manufacturer’s minimum return temperature requirements must be observed. Boilers should be sequenced with approximately a 2 – 5°C differential to ensure stable control. For new installations the boilers should be controlled by a 0 – 10V signal or 4-20mA analogue control signal. 28 | P a g e vi) VT circuit – modulate the VT valve to maintain a compensated flow temperature initially set up as shown in the table below. The BMS will monitor the VT return temperature; the temperature difference provides an indication of the circuit heating demand (reefer to ramp table below). Outside air temperature °C 0 20 Compensated flow temperature setpoint °C 80 20 Fan convector circuits – compensated flow temperature range: 50 – 80°C Underfloor heating – compensated flow temperature range: 35 – 50°C vii) VT Circuit room influence viii) Negative room trim: For every 1ºC that the minimum space temperature falls below the space temperature setpoint the VT flow setpoint will be increased by 3ºC. This is subject to a maximum setpoint of 80ºC. Positive room trim: For every 1ºC that the minimum space temperature rises above the space temperature setpoint the VT flow setpoint will be reduced by 3ºC. This is subject to a minimum setpoint of 20ºC. CT circuit – The CT pumps are to operate under demand from the AHU and reheat/fan coil unit valves; demand being defined as a valve open by 25% or more for 5 minutes. ix) Frost and Fabric Protection – Stage 1 – activate circulation pumps when the outside air temperature falls to 1ºC, and disable once OAT rises to 3ºC. Stage 2 – activate heating system should the primary circuit pipework temperature detect a temperature below 10°C. Open all AHU heat coil and zone heating valves to allow heated water to flow. Disable once the return temperature rises to 20ºC. 29 | P a g e Stage 3 (fabric protection) - should the space temperature in any zone fall below 12°C the associated heating plant should be operated to raise the temperature by 1°C. x) Dry Cycling control (For boilers with an output of 200kW or greater)| – the BMS is to monitor the flow and return temperatures for each boiler and calculates heat transfer rates and establishes a load profile for each boiler. Firing of the boiler is to be inhibited for light load conditions or dry cycling (firing of the boiler due to standing loses). 6.3.2 HWS Plant Plant Description Add specific project details Plant Operation HWS Heater The HWS hot water heater is to operate by a dedicated BMS time-schedule. Fault status is to be monitored on the BMS raising an alarm. A differential pressure switch is to be installed across the HWS secondary pump provides a flow status on the BMS (alternatively a current transformer may be used to prove pump status). The time-schedule will be set to meet the requirements of the site and should be set such that the hot water is utilised during the day so that there is minimal overnight HWS storage. Residential sites will require 24/7 provision. For schools sites with HWS calorifiers it may be appropriate to heat the system up for two or 3 discrete periods of the day to match consumption requirements. This will avoid the heating plant running continuously. HWS Calorifier Operation as above. Primary HWS pumps are to operate in sequence on a duty standby basis with the duty pump rotated on a weekly basis. A differential pressure switch installed across the pump set to provide a flow status on the BMS and facilitates auto-changeover in the event of the duty pump failing. The de-strat pump is enabled independently. Plate Heat Exchanger Operation as above. The BMS will monitor the PHE common fault status from the packaged unit. 30 | P a g e Control HWS Heaters - operate under its integral controls and is set to maintain a HWS flow temperature setpoint of 60°C. The BMS is to monitor the flow temperatures and raise alarms should the flow temperature exceed 65°C or fall below 55°C (after a predetermined period, initially set to 30 minutes). The BMS is to monitor and logs the HWS return temperature. HWS calorifiers – the BMS is to modulate the HWS diverting valve to maintain the HWS setpoint of 60°C. A hi-limit thermostat fitted to the calorifier deenergise the HWS valve actuator activate spring safe function and close the valve in the event of detecting a HWS temperature of 70°C. Plate heat exchange – such units will operate under integral controls. 6.3.3 Ventilation Plant Plant Description Add project details Plant Operation The ventilation plant is operated by hand/off/auto switches located on the control panel fascia. In auto mode the plant is to be operated by individual system optimised time-schedules for air handling units (AHUs) plant or timeschedules for fan only applications. All fans motors should normally be fitted with and VSD which is to be controlled by either temperature and/or CO2 control. (This is optional) Differential pressure switches are to be installed across the supply and extract fans to provide air flow status’s on the BMS. A differential pressure switch is to be installed across the fresh air filters to provide a filter dirty status on the BMS. Control Temperature control Frost control – the BMS will modulate the frost coil valve to maintain an offfrost coil temperature monitored by a duct sensor downstream. A capillary 31 | P a g e thermostat clipped to the downstream face of the frost coil is to shut down the AHU supply fan by hardwired interlock. The frost coil should be fitted with a spring-open actuator such that in the event of the frost thermostat being activated a hardwire interlock de-energises the actuator, with the spring mechanism opening the valve to allow flow through the coil. Activation of the frost coil stat is monitored on the BMS raising an alarm. AHUs serving terminal units and reheaters The heat reclaim unit, heating coil and cooling coil (where applicable) are to be modulated to maintain a compensated supply air temperature initial set as detailed below (note these can be changed after initials set dependant on client requirements): Outside air temperature °C 0 20 Supply air temperature setpoint °C 21 15 The heat reclaim unit; either recuperator or mixing dampers are to be modulated to provide free heating or cooling determined by comparing the fresh air and return air temperatures. (Where humidity is being controlled, enthalpy control shall be used). AHUs for ventilation systems without terminal units The heat reclaim unit, heating coil and cooling coil (where applicable) are to modulate to maintain a space or return air temperature of 22 +/- 2°C. Heat reclaim control as detailed in paragraph above. AHUs serving dedicated areas such as theatres, meeting room etc should deploy CO2 Control and Occupancy Control Where VSDs are fitted, room or duct mounted CO2 sensors are to be installed and monitored by the BMS to modulate the supply and extract fan VSDs to maintain satisfactory air quality initial as detailed below by the following typical values: (user adjustable) Space (ppm) CO2 reading VSD speed 600ppm 1,000ppm 50% 100% 32 | P a g e Presence detection sensors (microwave) are to be installed to provide occupancy control to rooms with intermittent occupancy. On morning startup the AHU is to be operated to bring the room up to temperature (initially) set to 19°C. Once reached, should no occupancy be detected after a period of 15 minutes (adjustable) the AHU is shutdown. On detecting occupancy, the AHU is restarted and will continue to operate under presence detection control. AHU serving Variable Air Volume (VAV) system fan speed control The supply fan variable speed drive (VSD) is modulated to maintain a static pressure setpoint (to be determined during commissioning). Velocity sensors are to be installed and located in the supply and extract ductwork monitor the air flow rates (m³/s). The extract fan VSD is to be modulated to maintain an air flow rate of a minimum of 80% of the supply fan. 6.3.4 Chilled Water Plant Plant Description Add specific project details Plant operation The plant is operated by hand/off/auto switches located on the control panel fascia. In auto mode the chilled water plant is to be operated under demand from AHU and fan coil units. Demand being defined as a cooling valve being open by 25% or more for 5 minutes, The chillers are to operate in sequence, with the duty chiller being rotated on a weekly basis. Fault status for each chiller is to be monitored on the BMS raising an alarm and activating the next chiller in sequence. The chilled water circulation pump-set operate on a duty/standby basis with the duty pump rotated on a weekly basis. A differential pressure switch installed across the pump set is to provide a flow status on the BMS and facilitates auto-changeover in the event of the duty pump failing. The use of Inverter closed loop controls is encouraged for chilled water circulation and the contractor shall evaluate the efficiencies associated with the deployment of inverter controls 33 | P a g e Plant Safety interlocks Pressurisation unit – in the event of a fault on the pressurisation unit the heating plant will be shutdown by hardwired interlock; fault status will be monitored by the BMS and a high-level alarm raised. Control i) Low outside air temperature interlock – When the external temperature falls to 12°C (operator adjustable) the chilled water plant is to shutdown. ii) Summer/winter control – shutdown the heating plant between 1st October and 1st April (operator adjustable). iii) Chiller sequencing The chillers are to be sequence to maintain a compensated flow temperature setpoint initial set as shown by the following typical values: Outside air temperature °C 10 25 Compensated flow temperature setpoint °C 9 6 For new installations the chillers should be controlled by a 0 – 10V (or 4-20Ma) analogue signal or via BAC-net or equivalent. 6.3.5 Heat pump and air conditioning units The BMS is to operate the heat pump and air conditioning units under individual time-schedules. Presence detection sensors (microwave) within each room shall switch off the units should no occupancy be detected for a period of 10 minutes (user adjustable). The BMS Contractor will be responsible for the provision of any necessary interface to achieve remote enable of the units. A temperature sensor within each room will provided an alarm should the temperature fall below approximately 18°C or exceed approximately 25°C (when the unit has been enabled to operate). 34 | P a g e Low ambient shutdown: the air-conditioning units are to be inhibited from operating when the ambient temperature falls below 12°C (user adjustable). This applies to units providing cooling only. Where there is an installation with an extensive number of heat pumps installed an interface controller will be installed to allow communication to be carried out via BAC-net or equivalent communications protocol. 6.3.6 Electric Storage Heaters Plant operation and control Storage heaters are to be enabled by the BMS under demand from individual optimised zone time-schedules. Contactor will be installed to facilitate BMS operation, and space temperature sensors will be installed in each zone. The optimiser will determine the required charging period to meet the requirements of the zone. The optimiser will be self-learning so that it can adapt to the requirements of the heating zone. 6.3.7 Plant extension facilities Each heating zone is to be provided with a plant extension switch on the control panel fascia or mimic panel located in an area accessible to staff only. The switches enable each zone to be extended for normally a maximum of 2hour period (adjustable on the BMS. If operated during the normal day the extension period will be added to the normal time-schedule. If operated outside normal hours the plant will operate immediately. Status of the switches shall be indicated on the graphics. Time extension switches should be provided for the HWS plant and ventilation plant. 6.3.8 Plant manual function A plant Auto/Manual (Hand) switch will be provided on the control panel. Maintenance staff is to be instructed to use this switch should they need to operate any plant in hand. A hi-level alarm will be raised on the BMS. 35 | P a g e 7.0 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION - BMS MAINTENANCE 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 The contractor will be requested to provide BMS maintenance services selected from XXX levels (the final selection of required services levels is subject to confirmation by the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]) Delete as appropriate. Standard service Fully comprehensive service Enhanced energy performance service 7.1.2 The requirements for each level of service are defined in the following sections. 7.2 Standard Service 7.2.1 The contractor shall have a 24 hour bureau facility to provide Remote Response, Alarm Management, Call-out Response and Energy Management Services. An Early Warning monitoring system will be provided for the site to identify any related heating problems prior to the commencement of the school day. 7.2.2 The contractor shall be able to stay connected to all sites 24/7, 365 days, which have remote connectivity for the purposes of supporting the engineers, testing remote connectivity and to make ‘Change-Control’ alterations which are to be remotely logged. 7.2.3 The Bureau facility shall respond to critical alarms within XX seconds/minutes from generation. All critical alarms shall be logged. 7.2.4 All critical alarms shall be logged in a secure, managed database. Alarm logs shall be automatically generated and posted online for the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s use. 7.2.5 The contractor shall interrogate the site in response to a call-out prior to attending site to establish more accurately the nature of the fault and the best course of action, including: 36 | P a g e Locate and diagnose fault remotely, avoiding unnecessary site visit Assess whether the fault can be permanently or temporarily fixed remotely Assess whether the fault is a controls issue or another vendor’s equipment fault – avoiding unnecessary site visit Assess what parts or materials may be required 7.2.6 The contractor shall log and report on all call-outs. The reports shall include the following: List of all Calls Outstanding Calls Completed Calls Cancelled calls Rejected Calls Call be number Calls total Calls by site 7.2.7 The accuracy of monitoring and control sensors is to be checked at the operating conditions. The test instrument used to assess sensor accuracy at the operating condition shall be capable of measurement accuracy better than that of the control sensor itself. For example BMS temperature sensor accuracy is typically +/- 0.5oC, whiled the test instrument might measure to +/- 0.2oC. Typical BMS sensor accuracies are: Relative humidity +/-5% RH Pressure +/-2% of normal operating condition Light level +/-5% of indicated reading Air and water velocity +/-2% of normal operating condition CO2 +/-5% of indicated reading 7.2.8 The following checks will be undertaken: Electrical Check panel exterior for signs of damage. Ensure main door electrical isolator is engaged and operational. Check tightness of all electrical terminations. Check and re-torque busbar nuts and bolts (in accordance with IEE Regulations). Check integrity of power cabling insulation at frequency given in IEE Guidance Note 3 Inspection and testing. 37 | P a g e Check for signs of overheating of components such as contactors, cables, connectors, as well as general internal temperature within panel. Ensure ventilation fans and grilles are functional and clean. Check settings, ratings and operation of protective devices such as overloads, residual current devices, circuit breakers and fuses. Check operation of isolators, relays, contactors and starters. Where readily accessible inspect contact faces. Check incoming power supply voltages. Visually inspect transformers and power supplies. Ensure cleanliness of panel and components and ensure that risk of ingress of dirt or moisture is minimised. Ensure status indicators on all panels are functional. IT Run virus detection software, (as recommended by software supplier). Ensure general cleanliness and operation of screen, mouse, printers, keyboard, housings, cables and connectors. Check remaining free storage capacity. Perform soft start of computer and ensure system restarts satisfactorily. Hardware Check operation of frost protection interlocks, system pressure interlocks, gas supply interlocks, lock stops, fire interlocks, and other system interlocks. This may be undertaken in conjunction with related ‘software’ maintenance tasks. Undertake visual inspection of all equipment for: bent spindles, damaged casings (such as sensors and actuators), damaged cables, insulation or conduits, gland and pipework leaks, loose connections, failure of mountings, corrosion, and risk of ingress of moisture or dirt. Check and calibrate principal control sensors (at least every six months). Check calibration and condition of general control and monitoring sensors. Ensure temperature sensors are effectively monitoring the controlled conditions, for example they are not influenced by other heat sources, thermal contact is effective (at least every six months). Check operation of differential pressure switches, level switches, status indicators, time clocks, timers and optimisers (at least every six months). Check operation of protective devices such as high-limit thermostats, flow and pressure measurement devices. Note that hidden failures can 38 | P a g e occur to these protective devices that fail safe and thus the failure is often undetectable until the safety device is required to operate (at least every six months). Check operation of variable speed drives according to manufacturers’ recommendations (every 12 months). Check operation of valves and damper actuators is correct; drive actuators open and closed and to intermediate positions. Check for hysteresis and that any position feedback devices/auxiliary switches operate correctly. Check spring-return if applicable. Inspect for valves and dampers letting by. Check tightness of the shaft connection. This may be undertaken in conjunction with related ‘software’ maintenance tasks (at least every six months). Replace outstation battery (in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations). Interrupt electrical supply to each outstation, reinstate and ensure system restarts satisfactorily. Confirm that all critical alarms are received by the central supervisor (at least every six months). Check spurious alarms and reported faults (as incurred). Software and Communications Check real-time clock setting (every six months or less). Back up all outstation files. Store one on site and one off site. Review need for existing data logs. Delete/archive logs as required. Check operation of all plant including tests of all software interlocks and safety devices by forcing plant on/off, open, closed. This may be undertaken in conjunction with related ‘hardware’ and building performance maintenance tasks. Check communications between central supervisory computer and outstations and other networked devices. Maintain a log book of all changes made to the system (as undertaken). Building Performance Verify and review operation and settings for control loops, setpoints, dead bands, overrides, offsets, time switching schedules, optimised start/stop routines, rotational points, hours run meters, and energy and water meters. Check that temperatures/relative humidities/CO 2 concentrations and so on are maintained within the design intentions of the building/plant. Adjust settings in conjunction with the building 39 | P a g e manager to achieve the required internal environmental conditions (at least every six months). Interrogate recent historical records. Identify and investigate anomalies. Check schematics indicate correctly (at least every 6 months). 7.3 Fully Comprehensive Services 7.3.1 The fully comprehensive service will include all of the items included in the Standard Service, plus the following additional services: 7.3.2 Additional Services: Emergency call-out, with response within xx working hours The provision and installation of all parts, software, consumables etc. as required to keep the BMS in a fully functioning state. 7.4 Enhanced Energy Performance Service The enhanced energy performance maintenance service will comprise three elements: Establishment of building energy performance baselines and monitoring of ongoing performance against these. Regular review of BMS set-points relative to building operational requirements and verification. Identification of cost-effective BMS enhancement “spend to save” opportunities. Demand Response Opportunities – e.g. Triad Charge Avoidance and STOR 7.4.1 Energy Performance Baselines and Monitoring. The contractor shall provide an Energy Software Portal where the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s automated monitored and targeted (aM&T) electricity and heating fuel (gas, oil, biomass) data for each site can be viewed by the client at any time. The data will be presented by automatically generated charts and reports. The contractor will establish energy performance baseline figures for each building served by the BMS. Energy building profiles for each day of the previous base line periods shall be developed based on historical data 40 | P a g e preferably from the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s half hour data (HHD) and installed sub-metering. On a daily basis, energy data will be collected for each site using File Transfer Protocol (FTP), transferred in CSV format or obtain directly from sub-meters or directly from energy provider secure websites. This data will automatically be tabulated and compared against the building profiles for each site. Variations in data above predetermined limits will generate an Energy Excess alarm and “potential waste” reports etc. In the event of an Energy Excess alarm the contractor will log the event, carry out a thorough investigation to determine cause(s) of excessive energy usage by remote BMS connection and provide a detailed report detailing remedial actions taken and any appropriate recommendations. Using the Building Profile as a benchmark the contractor shall log all HHD for electricity and gas and use this data to produce appropriate reports and charts for each site. Charts will be provided for consumption kWh, CO2 and £. The contractor will compare the baseline performance figures with relevant benchmark figures (where these exist), depending upon the building type. The contractor will calculate weather connected “moving annual total” consumption figures for each building and will produce a report showing changes in consumption, relative to the baseline figures along with relevant regression reports etc. The report (format to be agreed with the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]), will identify in particular, any buildings where the energy consumption in increasing for example by Cusum analysis. Energy / MM&T Software / Portal - The contractor will produce and host an Energy Portal (web based) to allow the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] to access the reports and charts, accessibility having a hierarchy control with usernames and passwords. The Portal shall have a Dashboard style layout which can be configured to meet the requirements of the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]. Energy Tracker - The contractor shall forecast and track expected savings as agreed by the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]. Forecasts shall be based on measuring current consumption and against historical data after the data has been ‘weather corrected’ using official heating and cooling degree day data and any other relevant “driver” variable. 41 | P a g e Tracker information reports will include the following types of information percentage savings, cumulative savings, regression quality and consumption before and after etc. 8.4.2 Review of BMS Set-Points. The contractor shall compile a log sheet, on which they will record all BMS set-points with regard to operating times and temperatures. The sheet will also include space for the corresponding requirements of the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] to be recorded (this to be determined in consultation with [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] estate or energy staff). Monthly or more frequently the contractor shall: Confirm any changes in the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s time and temperature requirements (updating the log sheet accordingly). Ensure that the BMS is set in line with the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS]’s latest requirements. Use trend logs to confirm that operating times and temperatures actually being delivered, match those set into the BMS. This will include verification of any “out-of-hours” plant operation (for example as may be covered by frost protection). Produce a concise report confirming the checks made and any issues resulting. 7.4.3 Identification of “Spend to Save” Opportunities. The contractor will use his expertise and developing knowledge of the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] and its services, to identify potentially cost-effective opportunities to reduce the building energy use by enhancements to the site’s BMS and associated controls (for example, the installation of additional zone valves). The contractor shall present a business case for each proposal to the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS], defining installation costs and itemised savings resulting from reduced energy use, maintenance etc. The methodology used to estimate savings will be clearly defined. Implemented projects will be monitored by the Energy MM&T software tracker. It is anticipated that the [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] will be in a position to fund the installation cost-effective enhancements, as an addition 42 | P a g e to this BMS contract. It may alternatively be feasible for the Contractor to provide external funding or enter into an Energy Performance type contract or share of savings arrangement. 7.4.4 Demand Response Opportunities The contract is will consider the application of Demand Response Opportunities; Triad charge avoidance and STOR. Triad charges relate to the National Grid’s transmission charges. They measure demand readings three times a year and use an average of these readings to calculate Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges. In March each year the National Grid publishes the three highest maximum demand (MD) readings that have occurred between November in the previous year and February of the current year. A forecast of these dates is provided in advance. By reducing consumption by operating the standby generators (and through load shedding) at the forecast times it is possible to significantly reduce the charges. STOR is one of National Grid’s most important tools for securing the national electricity system in real time. Under the STOR arrangements, National Grid pays a “rent” (termed availability) for STOR capacity, and pays a usage charge (utilisation) when the reserve is needed, e.g., during demand peaks, or when large power stations fail. STOR is a year-round service. There are a number of companies who tender for the National Grid STOR contracts and recruit generator sites owners to meet the agreed capacity requirement. The value of the STOR contract is dependent on a tender negotiation and the number of hours of utilisation. Savings can be achieved through load shedding of non-essential equipment, e.g. HVAC chillers, pumps etc and by the operation of standby generators, where applicable. 43 | P a g e 8.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND PERFORMANCE CONTRACT 8.1 Introduction 8.1.1 The [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS], wish to form a collaborative relationship with a BMS Contractor who they can work with over the next xx years to roll out the BMS Upgrade across their site on a phased basis. 8.1.2 The [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS] plan to set up a Framework Agreement based on a Schedule of Rates together with a Performance Contract. Once in place it is planned that future phases would be carried out under the Schedule of Rates, avoiding the need to go out to competitive tender. 8.2 Schedule of Rates 8.2.1 The Contractor shall complete the Schedule of Rates proforma included in the Tender documentation. This includes a comprehensive schedule of rates for all materials and equipment applicable to the works, which apply to this tender or are likely to apply to future phases. The schedule shall equate to the tender/quotation sum. 8.2.2 The Schedule of rates should also provide an acceptable level of transparency and provide details of design, project management and margin contributions along with any mark up costs on 3rd party contractors and bought in equipment etc. 8.2.3 The tendering company should also provide prices for the three maintenance options as in 8.1.1 for: a) new installations b) existing BMS installations 8.2.4 Mechanism for accommodating inflation. Schedule rates will be adjusted annually in line with an index to be determined under the contract. 44 | P a g e APPENDIX 1 BMS Points List To be completed for specific projects as applicable 45 | P a g e APPENDIX 2 Provisional Programme of Works To be completed for specific projects as applicable 46 | P a g e APPENDIX 3 TENDER ANALYSIS FOR THE BMS INSTALLATION AT THE [INSERT ORGANISATION’S DETAILS], We the undersigned, do hereby offer to carry out the whole of the work described in this Specification, and associated drawings (listed in Table of Contents contained within this Specification), in strict accordance with the terms and conditions thereof, for the following sums of money: 1 Costs arising from Preliminaries £ 2 Costs arising from CDM £ 3 Site No.1 – carry out the installation of the BMS upgrade £ including the supply, installation and commissioning of all added points. 4* Site No.2 – carry out the installation of the BMS upgrade £ including the supply, installation and commissioning of all additional points. 5 Costs arising from xx months defects liability £ 6 Contingency (x%) £ 7 Any costs not included in the above £ Grand Total (Exc. VAT) £ *add new lines for each site within the phase of works GRAND TOTAL IN WORDS TENDERER: .................................................................................................................. ADDRESS: ............................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................. SIGNED:............................................................................................. DATED:.............................................................................................. 47 | P a g e TYPICAL SCHEDULE OF RATE / BILL OF MATERIALS Item Manufacturer Model Space temperature sensor Duct temperature sensor Immersion temperature sensor Outside air temperature sensor Frost thermostat Differential pressure switch Current transducer Wind sensor Solar sensor Valve & actuator (0 - 10V) Valve & actuator (0 - 10V) Valve & actuator (0 - 10V) Valve & actuator (0 - 10V) Damper actuator (15Nm, 0 - 10V) Outstation Unit (e.g.,single, Length metre) Supply, installation and commission single single single single single single single single single single single single single single [ADD DETAILS] [ADD single Input/output module [ADD DETAILS] Input/output module [ADD DETAILS] DETAILS] [ADD DETAILS] [ADD single single Size 20mm 25mm 40mm 50mm - Cost per unit Cost 48 | P a g e DETAILS] [ADD DETAILS] [ADD DETAILS] Input/output module [ADD DETAILS] Input/output module [ADD DETAILS] Other Control devices, list price less percentage Control Panel modification for Outstation < 50 points Control Panel modification for Outstation > 50 points Control Panel manufacture % mark-up Sub-contractor mark-up (e.g. Mechanical or building contractor) % mark-up Engineering (including software design, graphics) Project Management Commissioning - - single - - - per point - - - per point - - - - - - - per point - - - per point per point - Handover & documentation Service and Maintenance Options New installation Standard maintenance service - - Per point - - - - - Fully comprehensive maintenance cover Enhanced (Energy) maintenance service - - - - - - per point/annum per point/annum per point/annum - - single single (% list less) 49 | P a g e Existing installation Standard maintenance service - - Fully comprehensive maint cover - - - - metres 1mm - - metres 1.5mm - - metres 2.5mm - - metres 4mm - - metres 6mm - - metres 10mm - - metres 16mm - - metres 25mm - - metres 35mm - - metres 1mm - - metres 1.5mm Electrical Installation Cabling Installation- Single Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation- Single Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation- Single Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation- Single Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation- Single Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation- Single Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation Single Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation Single Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation Single Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation -3 Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation 3 Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) per point/annum per point/annum - - - - 50 | P a g e Cabling Installation - 3 Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation - 3 Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation - 3 Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation - 3 Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation - 3 Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Cabling Installation - 3 Phase (PVC/LSF Single circuit) Containment Conduit Installation Metal Containment Conduit Installation Metal Containment Conduit Installation Metal Containment Conduit Installation Metal Containment Conduit Installation Metal Containment Conduit Installation Metal Containment Conduit Installation Metal Containment Conduit Installation Metal Containment Conduit Installation - - metres 2.5mm - - metres 4mm - - metres 6mm - - metres 10mm - - metres 16mm - - metres 25mm – - - metres 1mm - - - metres 1.5mm - - - metres 2mm - - - metres 2.5mm - - - metres 3mm - - - metres 4mm - - - metres 4.5mm - - - metres 5mm – - - metres 6mm 51 | P a g e Metal Containment Metal Containment Metal Containment Metal Containment Metal Containment Plastic Containment Plastic Containment Plastic Containment Plastic Containment Plastic Containment Plastic Containment Plastic Containment Plastic Containment Plastic Containment Conduit Installation - - - metres 7mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 8mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 9mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 1mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 1.5mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 2mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 2.5mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 3mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 4mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 4.5mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 5mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 6mm Conduit Installation – - - metres 7mm Conduit Installation - - - metres 8mm 52 | P a g e Plastic Containment Plastic Containment Metal Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Plastic Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Containment Conduit Installation - - - metres 9mm Trunking Installation – - - metres 50x50 Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation - - - metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres 75x50 100x50 100x100 150x100 150x50 150x75 200x100 200x150 200x200 300x100 300x150 300x200 300x300 50x50 Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Trunking Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation - - metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres 75x50 100x50 100x100 150x100 150x50 150x75 200x100 200x150 53 | P a g e Containment Trunking Installation Containment Trunking Installation Containment Trunking Installation Containment Trunking Installation Containment Trunking Installation Containment Tray Installation Containment Tray Installation Containment Tray Installation Containment Tray Installation Containment Tray Installation Containment Tray Installation Protective Device - Single Phase RCD Protective Device - Single Phase RCD Protective Device - Single Phase RCD Protective Device - Single Phase RCD Protective Device - Single Phase RCD Protective Device - Single Phase RCD Protective Device - Single Phase RCD Protective Device - Single Phase RCD Protective Device - 3 Phase RCD Protective Device - 3 Phase RCD Protective Device - 3 Phase RCD Protective Device - 3 Phase RCD Protective Device - 3 Phase RCD Protective Device - 3 Phase RCD Protective Device - 3 Phase RCD Protective Device - 3 Phase RCD Protective Device - Single Phase MCB - - metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 200x200 300x100 300x150 300x200 300x300 50mm 75mm 100mm 150mm 200mm 300mm 10A 16A 20A 32A 40A 50A 63A 80A 10A 16A 20A 32A 40A 50A 63A 80A 10A 54 | P a g e Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device 3 Phase MCB Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device Protective Device - Single Phase MCB - Single Phase MCB - 3 Phase RCD - 3 Phase RCD - 3 Phase RCD - 3 Phase RCD - 3 Phase RCD - 3 Phase RCD - Single Phase MCB - Single Phase MCB - Single Phase MCB - Single Phase MCB - Single Phase MCB - Single Phase MCB - Single Phase MCB - Single Phase MCB - Single Phase MCB - 3 Phase MCB Protective Device - - - Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 10A 16A 20A 32A 40A 50A 63A 80A 10A 10A 16A 20A 32A 40A 50A 63A 80A 10A 16A - - - Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 20A 32A 40A 50A 63A 80A 63A 80A 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCCB MCCB 55 | P a g e Protective Device - 3 Phase MCCB Protective Device - 3 Phase MCCB - - Unit Unit 100A 125A Protective Device - 3 Phase MCCB Protective Device - 3 Phase MCCB Final Connection to Equipment - Manufacturer Unit Unit Model - - 160A 200A Unit (e.g., single, Length metre) Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Switched Fuse Connection unit Unswitched Fuse Connection unit Single Phase Isolator 3 Phase Isolator Single Phase Isolator 3 Phase Isolator Single Phase Isolator 3 Phase Isolator Single Phase Isolator 3 Phase Isolator Single Phase Isolator 3 Phase Isolator Single Phase Isolator 3 Phase Isolator 3 Phase Isolator 3 Phase Switch fuse 3 Phase Isolator 3 Phase Switch fuse 3 Phase Isolator Size 10A 10A 16A 16A 20A 20A 32A 32A 40A 40A 50A 50A 63A 63A 80A 80A 100A 100A 125A Cost 56 | P a g e Connective Connective Connective Connective Connective TOTALS Device Device Device Device Device – – – – – 3 3 3 3 3 Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Switch fuse Isolator Switch fuse Isolator Switch fuse - - Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 125A 160A 160A 200A 200A 57 | P a g e