IOM431 Syllabus Spring 2013 version updated Jan 11 2012

Syllabus – Spring 2013 MW 2-3:50 HOH304
Professor: Ann Majchrzak (pronounced: “my-shock”)
Office: Bridge 401C
Office Phone: 213-740-4023 (but use email instead)
Office Hours: Mondays 4-6:30pm
Course Description
With this course, you will actually create and upload your own website using technologies
companies use, go to Labs where you use software that businesses use, listen to Guest Speakers
from well‐known companies using digital technologies; class can be used toward a number of
different minors and majors, it helps you prepare for any job in consulting or business where you
care about how new digital technologies can be strategically used by organizations
Learning Objectives
1) Be able to understand the difference between a firm’s competitive business strategy and a
digitally-enabled strategic initiative
2) Be able to understand the difference between a digitally-enabled strategic initiative and
management design decisions for ensuring that the strategic initiative succeeds
3) Be able to identify alternative competitive business strategies and the steps to take to
determine what might be the best competitive business strategy for a firm.
4) Be able to understand the differences between the following digitally-enabled strategic
initiatives: ERP, CRM, Web 2.0, Real-time Supply Chain Visibility, Hubs, Platforms, and
functional area information systems.
5) Be able to understand the technology requirements underlying the digitally enabled strategic
initiatives listed in #4 above.
6) Understand the conceptual frameworks for each of the digitally enabled strategic initiatives
that are used to specify the management design decisions needed for success
7) Be able to describe case examples of companies and non-profits using various digitallyenabled strategic initiatives and different management design decisions to ensure their success.
8) Be able to apply critical thinking skills in discussing how to successfully implement a
digitally-enabled strategic initiative.
Required Materials
This is an experiential class. Thus, you don’t just learn about the business use of technologies,
you use them. These include:
 Register for and become familiar with following as part of doing homework (see separate
document for detailed instructions)
- Your own website (hosted by USC Student Services; GET WEBSITE NOW from using instructions at back)
- Upload your profile to Blackboard Discussion Forums
- Upload the organization you’ll be tracking throughout the class on Blackboard
Discussion Forum
Twitter (follow technically savvy individuals such as Tim O’Reilly or organizations,
- RSS newsfeeds about technology from relevant news organizations: Economists, BBC,
Computerworld, Information Week,, etc.
- Marshall Electronic Resources for IT Strategy (instructions on Blackboard)
Technologies you will receive Teacher-led labs in:
- Website development (MS Expressions)
- Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (SAP)
- Customer Relationship Management Systems (Salesforce)
Reading & thinking is due by date on syllabus. You should CRITICALLY THINK about the
reading, i.e., learn the content, then be able to describe the content in your own words, with the
examples described in the text, details, being able to argue pros and cons.
Bring reading material to class on day reading due since we’ll be referring to it.
Periodic quizzes will be given to ensure reading is being done and added to the following
midterm grade
1)Readings may come from the Textbook:
Rainer and Cegielski, Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming
Business, 2012 4th Edition. Wiley Publ. ISBN 9781118063347. You may go to coursesmart com
and use the e-book version. No other editions permitted.
2) Readings will also be on Blackboard and pay attention to the Assignments on the Syllabus for
the day
3) Apply your reading to “Your Organization”
A useful way to think about the reading is with business cases in mind. These cases come from
the reading and from what I call “Your Organization”. Pick an organization by Class 3.
Organization should be a medium-sized one which you can know a lot about it – either because
your family or friends own it, you’re starting it, you’re an avid consumer (and thus follow it in the
news regularly). You need to know the organization from the inside-out. It can be a club if you’re
actively involved in the club, but it’s better if the organization is an external one for which there is
competition in the marketplace and has to fight to remain solvent. Don’t pick a huge organization
(like Apple), since you can’t possibly know the organization inside-out. If you don’t have one in
mind, learn about any of the organizations local to USC. There are lots within walking distance.
Ask lots of questions about what the organization does, why, who makes decisions, competitors,
Prerequisites and/or Recommended Preparation: none
Grading Policies:
Grading is based on the following:
Class Participation
Midterm #1:
Midterm #2:
This is a discussion class with only a few PPTs lectures. You are to come to class ready to discuss
the reading, ready to debate, ready to participate. If discussion in the classroom is a problem for
you, you should treat this class as a learning experience. Marshall School believes you learn better
by being actively engaged in the classroom. So Attendance AND Participation are NOT optional.
I can’t make you participate but I can encourage it, which is why I will initiate quizzes to enforce
reading if necessary. Also, for this reason, tardiness of more than 5 minutes is considered
absence; your final grade for the class will be reduced based on number of absences. Being absent
for more than 1/3rd of the classes (10) will lead to an automatic Fail in the class, regardless of
exam grades.
Participation grades of C or better are only possible if you have done the reading, thought about
the reading, and have something to contribute to the classroom. A participation grade will be
assigned for the semester at the end of the semester based on your full semester’s participation.
Final grades represent how you perform in the class relative to other students. Your grade will not
be based on a mandated target, but on your performance. Historically, the average grade for this
class is about a (B). Three items are considered when assigning final grades:
Your average weighted score as a percentage of the available points for all
assignments (the points you receive divided by the number of points possible).
The overall average percentage score within the class.
Your ranking among all students in the class.
TESTS: Will cover all the material in class, in PPTs, in labs, and in discussions. You are
permitted a single page (front and back) of notes. The questions will require you to apply
your detailed knowledge of digitally-enabled strategic directions and management design
decisions with example companies. There will be simple rote questions, and then
“applying your knowledge” questions that will be graded on how well you critically think
through the options and demonstrate in writing that critical thinking. Grades for critical
thinking are based on options you present, evidence you bring to the options, recognition
of ALL the relevant issues that are related to the multiple options, risks/pros/cons and
coming to a conclusion. Even if you come to a conclusion you or I think is correct, your
grade may not be high if the critical thinking is not elaborated well. Particular focus of
your studying for the tests should be based on how we cover IN CLASS the list of
“concepts to learn” and the Reading/Thinking columns of the syllabus below. Simply
looking up the concepts in Wikipedia will not suffice. For all answers to tests, company
examples will need to be provided to receive full credit. There are NO MAKE UP TESTS
The Final Examination, per USC policy, will take place May 13 2-4pm. It is USC policy to not
allow for finals to be taken at any other time than the scheduled time, with exceptions granted only
by the Department Chair and Dean. If you have need for an exception please consult them directly
Assignment Submission Policy:
Assignments must be turned in, in-person. Any assignment turned in late, even if by only a few
minutes, will receive a grade deduction (for example, if your work is a B+ grade, you will be given
a C+ grade). If your internet breaks down on the due date, you must deliver a hard copy at the
beginning of class on that day. If you are unable to attend class on that day, make arrangements for
it to be delivered to the classroom or to my box by the start of class. Late or not, however, you
must complete all required assignments to pass this course.
Add/Drop Process
If you are absent six or more times prior to the last day to withdraw from a course with a grade of
“W”, I may ask you to withdraw from the class by that date. These policies maintain
professionalism and ensure a system that is fair to all students. At the beginning of each class, you
will sign in. If you sign in for an absent class member, your own participation grade will be
Technology Policy
Laptop and Internet usage is not permitted during academic or professional sessions unless
otherwise stated by the respective professor and/or staff. Use of other personal communication
devices, such as cell phones, is considered unprofessional and is not permitted during academic or
professional sessions. ANY e-devices (cell phones, PDAs, I-Phones, Blackberries, other texting
devices, laptops, I-pods) must be completely turned off during class time. Upon request, you must
comply and put your device on the table in off mode and FACE DOWN. You might also be asked
to deposit your devices in a designated area in the classroom. Videotaping faculty lectures is not
permitted due to copyright infringement regulations. Audiotaping may be permitted if approved by
the professor. Use of any recorded or distributed material is reserved exclusively for the USC
students registered in this class.
Statement for Students with Disabilities
Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with
Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved
accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me (or to your
TA) as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m.–5:00
p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776. For more
information visit .
Statement on Academic Integrity
USC seeks to maintain an optimal learning environment. General principles of academic honesty
include the concept of respect for the intellectual property of others, the expectation that individual
work will be submitted unless otherwise allowed by an instructor, and the obligations both to
protect one’s own academic work from misuse by others as well as to avoid using another’s work
as one’s own. All students are expected to understand and abide by these principles. SCampus, the
Student Guidebook, ( or contains the University
Student Conduct Code (see University Governance, Section 11.00), while the recommended
sanctions are located in Appendix A.
Students will be referred to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards for
further review, should there be any suspicion of academic dishonesty. The Review process can be
found at: . Failure to adhere to the academic conduct
standards set forth by these guidelines and our programs will not be tolerated by the USC Marshall
community and can lead to dismissal.
Emergency Preparedness/Course Continuity
In case of a declared emergency if travel to campus is not feasible, USC executive leadership will
announce an electronic way for instructors to teach students in their residence halls or homes using
a combination of Blackboard, teleconferencing, and other technologies.
# Date Topic
Key concepts & conceptual
Reading & Thinking due by
frameworks to learn; material date for participation points.
to be on tests
BB=reading is on Blackboard;
otherwise reading is in Text or
you need to find it on the
M A.Overview of class Conceptual Framework for
Watch “Social Network” and
1/14 through the eyes of Class. Definition of business look for evolution of
strategy, digitally enabled
Facebook’s strategic decisions
B.Syllabus, Getting to strategic initiatives.. What are and why they were made by
know each other;
digitally enabled managers
Mark Z.
getting yourself ready like? How Facebook
Complete profile on Blackboard
with technology
exemplifies digitally-enabled Discussion Forum,
C. “Your”
Sign up for Twitter, RSS feeds,
What is critical thinking
+ USC website
W Deciding on the right
1/16 digitally enabled
strategic initiative
Porter’s conceptual framework
selecting the right DESI:
Competitive Forces Model.
Know Porter’s 5 competitive
Know difference between
strategic initiative, competitive
business strategy & DESI and
applying them to cases
W Shooting Ahead of
1/23 Competition
Using Marshall
resources to identify
DESIs. Using
Marshall’s Gartner
Hype Cycles
Ch 2 (focus on BP case, Porter’s
models). If you don’t yet have
text, Ch2 is on BB
How is Porter’s value chain
model changing with digital
In BP case, note the difference
in emphasis on digitally
enabling the drilling vs digitally
enabling accounting systems.
For Case 2.4 (p54), learn more
about Progressive and Zappos.
What more can you say about
the successes of their DESIs?
Why were these DESIs the right
choice using Porter’s
Competitive Forces Model?.
Continuing with Porter’s
- “Shooting ahead of the
Competitive Forces Conceptual customer” (BB)
Framework: Shoot ahead of
“New Normal Business
Demands New Focus on
Use Hype Cycles to get ahead Innovation” (BB)
Practice with identifying
Discuss Case 2.4 Qs 1-2
DESIs from hype cycle
- “Your Organization” selection
Identify and justify using
must be posted to Blackboard
Porter’s Competitive Forces by class time; anyone without a
Model for selecting a DESI
posting by this date will have
from Hype Cycle for your
points taken off the first
-Ch 1 (background info). If you
don’t yet have textbook, Ch1 is
on BB
-Be ready to discuss cases:
Revolution (p4-5), 1.1 (p6), 1.2
(p8), 1.3 (p.16). Go on web and
find additional information
about these cases. Prepare a
table for each case with DESI
being pursued and MDDs that
made it work
-Apply for USC website
Ch 4 + Ch 3, p. 62-65
M Management Design
1/28 Decisions (MDDs)
made by general
managers when
implementing DESIs
Introduction to MMDs for
Practice identifying DESIs &
Return to Hype Cycle for
W MDDs underlying all
1/30 DESIs: Information
Security. Part I:
Guest Speaker: FBI
M Information Security
2/4 Part II: MDDs
What are the threats? Where
do the dangers come from?
How do the dangers arise?
Conceptual Framework for
identifying MDDs for
information security: work
processes, software and
W MDDs underlying all Conceptual Framework for
2/6 DESIs: How much identifying MDDs for all
change for a DESI
can an organization
Ch 3, case p. 76-77 + ch 4 case
p. 109
Tech Guide 5
“HI-TOP” on BB
Closing case (p58-59): What
were TOP fit and potential
misfits in merger that managers
had to handle?
Apply TOP fit analysis to the 2
different divisions in BP from
Class #2
DUE on Blackboard: Post
which term you’ll present for
Class 10; 1-2 can sign up for a
M Applying DESIs to an Conceptual Framework for
Ch 10 (p.264-273) Describe 2
2/11 Organizational
identifying MDDs for a DESI: different functional area
Data/Information/Knowledge information systems for your
organization. What are the
different activities that the
systems support. If the system
was upgraded, what
management design decisions
are needed?
Sign up on Discussion Board in
BB for a Network Technology
from Class 10 to learn about.
Can be in pairs. First come/first
Covers all above. Be able to
apply all frameworks to all
cases discussed
10 W DESI: Sharing
2/20 information across a
network: Network
technology terms
Network Technologies to
Ch 6 + Tech Guide 3 (p.406select for Show and Tell:
Net neutrality, bandwidth,
Take one Network Technology
on the left, learn a little about it
reference model, servers, fat vs to, & create PPTs to: a) explain
thin clients, P2P, intranet,
to general (non-technical)
extranet, ISP, IP address,
managers (ideally with a
internet connection methods picture), and b) MDDs needed
(e.g., wireless, fiber optics,
for successful use, ideally
DSL), browsers (e.g., Chrome), w/example.. 3-min show & tell.
VPN, VOIP, server farms,
Upload PPTs to Blackboard by
virtualization, grid computing start of class. Can work in
Prepare table of each network pairs.
term + Definition + Example +
Be able to integrate 3
technology terms into a DESI
for your organization along
with the MDDs
11 M DESI: Sharing
Virtual living team rooms +
2/25 knowledge virtually new work processes
Identify MDDs needed to make
across functions
Conceptual Framework for
this DESI work
Case example: How Technologies: Virtual
IBM’s 215,000
virtual workers do it: MDDs from SLICE case
Guest Speaker: Nanci
Knight, Relationship
Manager, IBM.
12 W DESI: Standardized
Ch 10, p. 273-278
2/27 Sharing of
Transaction Data
through ERP. Part I
Guest speaker: Nitin
Kale, ITP
13 M DESI: Standardized Conceptual Framework for
“Motorola Change Readiness”
3/4 Sharing of
Standardized Sharing of
on BB provides framework for
Transaction Data
Transaction Data.
Through ERP Part II Technologies: ERP
Ch 10 Case p. 282-283 (+ Qs on
MDDs from Motorola case
L’Oreal case (p.28-29: answer
questions on page 29)
What processes need to be
reengineered at your
organization for ERP?
14 W ERP Part II: Lab on
3/6 SAP. Meet at
Engineering Lab
(maybe: KAP267).
Check email
Add to Conceptual Framework
about Standardized Sharing &
MDDs for managing SAP
clerks given your DO-ITYOURSELF experience with
SAP lab
15 M DESI: Fast & Lean Conceptual framework for a A.p. 364-366 + 350-356.
3/11 Startup
DESI of a Fast & Lean Startup, B.”SLAs” on Blackboard.
Technology: Cloud Computing Provides framework for MDDs.
MDDs from SLAs
C. What would the SLA look
like for Case 2.1, p. 34 See
Amazon’s Cloud SLA:
“Services Business Solution
16 W DESI: offering new Conceptual Framework for a A.Ch 12 p318-330 + Section 5.4
3/13 Customer Services DESI
(p127-135), case 11.3 (p.293) +
with business
Technologies: BI
Quality Assurance at Daimler
intelligence (BI)
MDDs come from D/I/K
AG case (p.318-319) + Case
Generic Conceptual
12.1, 12.2, 12.3
Framework for identifying
B. Ch 3 p 68-73 + Case 9.3
additional MDDs for all DESIs (p.252), Case 3.3 (p.72) +
involving customer data:
internet resources listed on
Understanding pros and cons Blackboard to identify the pros
of monitoring customer data and cons of monitoring
customer data. Get #s, examples
to support each side
17 M DESI: Personalized
3/25 Customer
18 W DESI: Realtime
3/27 supply chain
Conceptual framework for
Ch 11 p.286-299
Cases: 11.1 (p287), 11.2 (p290),
Technologies: Sales Force
11.4 (p299). Across the
Automation, Customer
different CRM cases, identify
Relationship Management, & management design decisions.
Digital Dashboards (ex: KPIs). Ch 12, p. 330-336.
A..Lab for DO-IT-YOURSELF Construct a Digital Dashboard
experience w/ for a sales person at your
B..D/K/Is as framework for
Conceptual framework for
Section 8.4 on RFID & WSNs
Ch 11, p 299-304, case 11.5
Technologies: RFID, WSNs, (p302), case p.314-315
“Western Digital” (BB)
MDDs from D/K/I + Western
Digital case
20 W DESI: Becoming a
4/3 B2B Hub to Help
Others Make
21 M
22 W
23 M
24 W
“Enterprise Rent-a-Car” on
Text: p. 305-308
Check out on
the web. How is it a hub;
how is it different or same
as Enterprise’s hub. How
could you org use a hub?
DESI: Flexible
Conceptual framework for
p. 409-410
Platforms for rapidly DESI
Case 9.4 (p.256). How is
integrating new
Technologies: EAI, API, SOA, Facebook a platform
products and services Web Services & Mashups.
“Enterprise Integration EAI vs
MDDs from case next time:
SOA vs ESB” & “SOA
Capital Group
Definitions and Solutions” on
How turn your organization into
a platform?
Enterprise Flexible What services are SOA’d and Go to Marshall Electronic
Integration Strategic what isn’t at Capital Group? Resources and find out as much
Initiatives at Capital Why?
as you can about Capital Group.
What are the difficulties that Identify a specific risk that
Speaker: Barton
Capital Group has faced
Capital Group is likely to face
Warner, SOA
bringing in SOA? What
when integrating across
Director & Jeff
management design decisions information systems (maybe it’s
have they made to overcome one that you found in your
Director, IT Services, risks?
research); ask about it.
Capital Group
DESI: Effectively
Conceptual Framework for and
managing website
search for “MS Expressions” if
design &
Technologies: IDE, CSS
you need help
maintenance for rapid MDDs from Lab experience “Guide to Publishing
deployment and
change Part I
-“10 Principles of Effective
Web Design”
DESI: Effectively
More practice of conceptual
Bring content to class to upload
managing website
framework and MDDs
for your own website. Prepare a
design and
list of management design
maintenance for rapid
decisions for managing design
deployment and
task (extend in class to include
for development task)
Part II: Do it
Conceptual framework for
Technologies: EDI
MDDs from Enterprise Rent-a- C.
Car case
25 M DESI: Fostering open Conceptual framework for
Ch 9, p246-end
4/22 community coDESI of “Crowd Engagement” Cases: 9.2 (p.250) +
creation with web 2 Technologies: Web 2: Wikis & “Emergency 2.0!” + “Customercrowdsourcing.
centered wikis” on BB
MDDs from cases on BB
What are management design
decisions to ensure community
is created, active, and sustained?
What should your organization
do to create an open innovation
26 W DESI: Fostering new Conceptual framework for
“U.S. Military Bank” + “IBM’s
4/24 relationships through DESI of social network
use of Web 2.0” on BB + ch9:
social media
p. 253-end (include Adagio
Technologies: social
Teas case)
networking sites & features
MDDs from U.S. Military
Bank case
27 M DESI: Social
Conceptual framework for
Case 2.3 (p45), 9.1 (p246),
4/29 empowerment
social empowerment from
Ch 8, Section 8.3
Threadless: Go to and
Technologies: Crowd
read “The Customer in the
Engagement (class 25) +
Company” and watch some of
Personalized Customer
the videos about Threadless.
Engagement (class 17) +
Learn about Kiva & Kickstarter
Fostering new relationships
& OpenIDEO. Identify the way
(class 26)
in which their digital
MDDs from Threadless, Kiva, empowerment is similar
Kickstarter, and OpenIdeo
Identify management design
decisions for each
28 W Review for final
Read last year’s final and
Do research on Best Buys given
prepare to complete in class
the problem stated.