2007 Thomson Medstat Innovator Award Nomination Form

2012 Healthcare Advantage Award Application Form and Guidelines Employer, Health Plan, Federal/State Government and Research
Thomson Reuters 2012 Healthcare Advantage Conference
May 7 - 9, 2012
J.W. Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes, Orlando, FL
The Healthcare Advantage Award program from Thomson Reuters provides an opportunity for your team
to be recognized for its creativity and resourcefulness. Finalists will receive special recognition at the
conference, an announcement in a national publication, and free Thomson Reuters client conference
registration for 2012. The winner will also receive national press coverage and a $1,500 contribution to
the charitable organization of their choice.
How to complete the form
Please work directly with your Thomson Reuters account representative to complete this nomination form.
The nomination should be approximately 650-800 words. Feel free to include supporting documentation
where appropriate.
The Healthcare Advantage Award application and release form are due by Friday, March 16, 2012,
at which time a selection committee will review all applications. Category winners will be notified
by March 31, 2012.
Select the category that best fits your nomination:
Please select the category that best fits your nomination (select only one):
Consumer Outreach and Communications
Health and Clinical Outcomes
Performance Efficiency
Strategy and Growth
Contact information:
Organization Name:
City, State, ZIP code
Person completing this application
Phone :
Email address:
Person receiving the award
Address (if different
than above):
City, State, ZIP code (if
different than above):
Thomson Reuters Contact/Client Director:
Indicate which Thomson Reuters product(s) or services(s) were relevant to your success. Please
indicate your selection(s) by checking the appropriate box(es) below:
Health Plan
Advantage Suite
Account Group Reporting
Analytic Consulting
Advantage Suite
Analytic Consulting Services
Benefit Design Modeler
Data Management
Disease Profiler
Care Management
Executive Dashboards
Length of Stay Benchmarks
Financial Modeler
Marketing Analytics
Health & Productivity Analysis
MarketScan® for Health Plans
Health Index
Market Expert
Informed Enrollment
Medical Episode Grouper (MEG)
Length of Stay Benchmarks
Patient Profiling
Personal Health Insights
Personal Health Insights
Personalized Messaging
Personalized Messaging
Pharmacy benefit Strategies
Pharmacy Benefit Strategies
Physician Performance Assessment
Physician Performance Assessment
Reimbursement Benchmarks
Risk Profiler
Treatment Cost Calculator
ROI Evaluation
Treatment Cost Calculator
Federal Government Health Programs
State Government Health Programs
Advantage Suite®
Consumer Initiatives
Consumer Initiatives
Cost Control
Cost Control
Disease Management
Disease Management
Informed Enrollment
Informed Enrollment
Managed Care
Medical Episode Grouper™ (MEG)
Managed Care
Program Integrity
Medical Episode Grouper™ (MEG)
Physician Performance Assessment™
Program Integrity
Quality of Care
Physician Performance Assessment™
Value-Based Purchasing
Quality of Care
Value-Based Purchasing
Behavioral Health and Quality Research
Outcomes Research
Community Living Systems
Patient-Centered Medical Home
Comparative Effectiveness Research
Provider Quality and Efficiency Measurement
Data Integration and Database Development
Physician Performance Assessment™
Health and Productivity Research
Quality of Care
MarketScan® Research Databases
Medical Episode Grouper™ (MEG)
Other, please explain below.
Provide the following information:
Step 1. Briefly describe your organization, the challenge, course of action, and business results achieved.
A. Company Description – Please provide a brief description of your organization’s size, scope,
and services.
B. Business Challenge – Discuss the business challenge that your organization faced.
C. Course of Action – Describe the course of action taken to meet the challenge, and how
Thomson Reuters solutions and services were used.
D. Results – Discuss the outcomes (maximum of three) associated with the action taken. (Quantify
the results by providing statistics and ROI information along with supporting information.)
Step 2. Nominations will be evaluated against the following five criteria, equally weighted. Please explain
why you feel your organization met the following requirements.
E. Level of innovation – Describe the innovation and why you believe it is unique. In particular, the
judging committee will be looking for “outside-of-the-box” solutions that are not yet an industry
standard. The innovative idea may have come from the client, from the Thomson Reuters support
team, or a combination of both.
F. Size and scope of performance improvement and results – In addition to the results above,
provide any additional information you’d like the judging committee to know about the business
outcome that was achieved through the project.
G. Applicability of the innovation to others – Describe how others can apply your innovation to
improve performance in their operations.
H. Success in working together – Describe how your organization worked across boundaries,
departments, or other barriers to achieve the desired results.
Importance of Thomson Reuters products to the innovation – Describe in more detail the
Thomson Reuters products or information services that were used in the innovation and their
importance to the project.
Provide any additional supporting information you would like the evaluation panel to consider.
Step 3. When you are finished with this document, please email it as an attachment to
HealthcareConference@thomsonreuters.com. Thank you for submitting a nomination and good luck.
Healthcare Advantage Award Authorization and Release
I (either individually or on behalf of the organization identified below), hereby authorize Thomson Reuters and
its affiliates, for a period of three years from May 7, 2012, to use for the purpose of promoting and marketing
Thomson Reuters products or services my name, picture, likeness and the information provided in this
application, in whole or in part, throughout the world. I expressly release Thomson Reuters, including its agents,
employees, licensees, and assigns, from any and all claims that I have or may have for privacy, defamation, or
any other cause of action arising out of any such proper use by Thomson Reuters.
To confirm your participation in the 2012 Healthcare Advantage Award program, please sign and return this
form by March 16, 2012 via email to HealthcareConference@thomsonreuters.com.
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