Grade Kindergarten - qualtitypeinalabama

Sample Activities for
Teaching, Practicing and/or Assessing the Standard
Alabama Course of Study:
Physical Education, 2009
Travel while changing direction,
speed, and pathways to avoid
contact with peers.
Use correct form while marching
and walking (See Teaching Cues).
Demonstrate the nonlocomotor
skills of bending, stretching,
twisting, turning, rocking, and
Demonstrate throwing and catching
skills by throwing a ball overhand
and underhand and catching a
tossed ball before it bounces twice
Demonstrate individual ropejumping skills by jumping over a
rope lying on the floor, jumping over
a swinging rope, and jumping a
single rope five consecutive times.
Move rhythmically to even and
uneven beats in creative dance,
aerobic exercises, movement
songs, and simple dances.
Skill Development
 Walking, marching, jogging, running, galloping, and
sliding slowly and quickly, in curved, zigzag and straight
pathways and forward, backwards and to the side.
Include combinations of speed, pathway and direction.
 Performing creative rhythms
 Walking/marching to the beat of the music
 Walking/marching in general space changing directions
on signal
 Forming bridges of various shapes and sizes;
wide/narrow bridge, short/tall bridge, etc.
 Stretching your arm, leg, back, shoulder, etc.
 Curling your arm, leg, back, shoulder, etc.
 Performing introductory individual stunt activities
 Forming shapes, numbers and letters with your body
Tossing beanbag in the air and catch
Tossing a foam rubber ball in the air and catch
Throwing a foam rubber ball against the wall and catch
Throwing a scarf and fleece ball for distance
Swinging a long rope back and forth (without going over)
and have students attempt to jump over it
Performing creative rhythms; move like a snake, pretend
you are a bear, gallop like a horse, pretend you just won
a big prize
Performing Lummi stick activities
Performing Hokey Pokey, Chicken Dance, Hamster
Dance, etc.
Participating in singing games
Balancing on one body part, two body parts, three body
Balancing with your body at a high, medium and low
Balancing while moving quickly/slowly on one foot, on
one foot and with two arms, etc.
Performing a log roll on a mat, complete two log rolls
Balancing a beanbag on your arm, leg, knee, foot, etc.
while standing, sitting, and moving
Dismounting from jump box and/or balance beam and
land using control by landing on balls of feet and
absorbing shock
Jumping for distance/height and land with control
Demonstrate body control skills by
balancing on multiple body parts,
rolling sideways without hesitation,
and landing with control from a
Combine fundamental movement
skills and concepts in simple
Participating in introductory activities/games such as I
See, and Airplanes
Cognitive Development
Apply movement vocabulary to
fundamental skills upon teacher
Walking quickly, slowly, forward, backward, around a
piece of equipment, under a person’s arm, beside a wall
on command
See Movement Concept Table
Social Development
Apply physical education class rules
and procedures for starting and
stopping, adhering to safety
requirements, using equipment, and
entering and exiting an activity.
Explaining and practicing rules and procedures
Sending introduction letter to parents that includes a list
of all physical education classroom protocols (See First
Week Management)
Demonstrate a willingness to play
with a diverse range of students
using sharing skills with equipment
and working cooperatively with
Performing partner stunts and activities
Sharing equipment
Working in small groups
Playing a simple game with a partner, such as volleying
a balloon back and forth
Demonstrate respect for classmates
by playing without interfering with
others and interacting appropriately
with peers.
Following class rules
Participating in station and group activities
Physical Activity and Health
Describe benefits of regular
participation in physical activities
Describe the location and function
of the heart and lungs.
Identify appropriate footwear and
clothing for participation in physical
Performing vigorous activities that include running,
skipping, hopping and/or jumping and then feel heart
Discussing exercises that benefit the heart.
Discussing the benefits of regular exercise such as
longer lifespan, healthier life, reducing risks of injury and
disease, etc.
Displaying a picture of the heart and lungs on the gym
wall. Instructing students to label the picture (See
Teaching Across the Curriculum)
Discussing proper footwear and clothing during class
Including this information in parent letter (See First Week
Alabama Course of Study: Physical
Education, 2009
Sample Activities for
Teaching, Practicing and/or Assessing the
Skill Development
 Participating in balance stations including
balance boards, balance bricks, bucket walkers,
balance beam, Moon Shoes, etc.
Demonstrate jumping and landing skills by
 Balancing body in a symmetrical/asymmetrical
using one- and two-foot takeoff methods,
balancing at varying levels on multiple body
 Forming bridges with the body
parts, and forming bridges using different
 Performing flight activities taking off on two feet
body parts.
and landing on two feet, taking off with one foot
and landing on one foot, etc.
 Running like an elephant, sliding smoothly like
an ice skater, moving quickly like a race car,
moving and walking as if on stilts
Apply varied effort and pathways to running,
jumping, and throwing.
 Throwing balls high/low, hard/soft.
 Explaining how effort affects the distance of
long and short throws
 Modifying effort while throwing
 Participating in games: Fence Post (partners
face to face– feet one behind the other –lock
index fingers – push or pull to try to make
partner move feet first)
Demonstrate nonlocomotor skills, including
Performing scooter activities in which the body
pushing and pulling
is pulled and/or pushed
 Stretching, curling, twisting, and turning various
body parts
 Participating in station activities including
throwing balls into buckets; volleying balloons
Demonstrate manipulative skills by catching
as a group or independently and; striking ball
a bounced ball with hands, volleying a soft
with foot into goal
object, kicking a stationary object, and
 Instructing how to correctly throw and catch
throwing a ball underhand with two hands.
 Tossing and catching beanbag to self or partner
 Participating in games like Keep It Up
 Performing the Chicken Dance, Hokey Pokey;
Listen and Move
Participating in long rope activities while singing
Apply rhythmic movement to games,
or chanting
activities, and dances.
 Performing Lummi stick routines
 Participating in parachute activities
 Performing animal walks such as Crab, Bear
and Alligator walks
 Performing individual stunts such as Line Walk
Perform individual and partner stunts.
and Jump Turns
 Performing partner stunts such as Bouncing
Ball and Roly Poly
Demonstrate manipulative and traveling skills
in game situations.
Participating in simple games such as Ball
Passing and Blindfolded Duck
Cognitive Development
 Participating in scooter activities such as sitting
on the scooter, pushing backwards, pulling
forward, and spinning around
Apply movement vocabulary to fundamental
Performing traveling skills on teacher cue such
movement skills.
as fast/slow, free/bound, graceful/awkward, etc.
(see Movement Concepts table)
 Teaching skills using modeling techniques and
Identify cue words and terms associated with
cue words.
throwing, catching, running, and kicking
 Instructing students to repeat cue words while
(See Teaching Cues).
performing individual guided practice
 Traveling, while moving body parts and objects
to varying beats (i.e. student’s choice, teacher
Determine speed and type of movement
accompaniment using counting, drum or other
based on rhythmic beat.
instrument, various music, etc.)
Social Development
Explain the importance of empathy for
feelings, concerns, and limitations of peers.
Demonstrate responsibility and cooperative
skills in physical activity settings by helping
peers, assisting the teacher, and sharing
space and equipment.
Participating in role play activities which display
empathy or the lack of empathy for peers
Creating student drawings depicting empathy
Participating in cooperative activities
Working with a partner and sharing equipment
Physical Activity and Health
 Discussing proper footwear and clothing during
class orientation
Identify appropriate footwear and clothing for
Including this information in parent letter (see
participation in physical activities.
First Week Management section)
 Drawing pictures of favorite physical activity
 Discussing the differences between active and
Explain differences between active and
inactive lifestyles
inactive lifestyles.
 Allowing students to describe healthy and
unhealthy lifestyles
Explain effects of smoking, lack of sleep, and
poor dietary habits on health and physical
Incorporating speakers, videos,
demonstrations, etc. in instruction
Sample Activities for
Teaching, Practicing and/or Assessing the
Alabama Course of Study: Physical
Education, 2009
Skill Development
Demonstrate leaping and jumping skills by
transferring and absorbing body weight in
different ways.
Demonstrate movements that combine
shapes, levels, and pathways into simple
Apply body management skills on the floor
and on apparatus while performing simple
individual and partner stunts.
Demonstrate correct form while hopping,
jumping, and sliding (See Teaching
Demonstrate ball moving skills by passing,
dribbling a ball with a dominant hand,
kicking a slow moving ball, and throwing
underhand with one arm.
Display basic jump-roping skills.
Demonstrate simple folk, line, and mixer
Jumping and absorbing weight using both feet
Leaping and absorbing weight using one foot
Forming shapes while traveling
Traveling in straight, crooked, curved, and
zigzagged pathways
Performing creative rhythms activities such as
“pretending to be a football player who just won
the Super Bowl”, “pretending to be a rocket ship
flying through space”
See Movement Concepts table
Performing log, side, forward, and backward roll
Jumping and landing correctly
Balancing on a balance beam, poly spot, or line
on gym floor
Participating in scooter activities
Hopping in a straight line
Hopping on the right and then left foot
Jumping for distance and height
Jumping off and on apparatus such as a jump
Jumping over a line
Sliding to the left and right
Sliding while mirroring a partner
Kicking a playground ball
Dribbling a basketball or soccer ball
Throwing a softball or tennis ball
Tossing and catching a beanbag with self
Entering and exiting front and back door with a
long rope
Jumping a turned rope
Jumping quickly and slowly
Jumping while varying patterns
Performing Chinese jump rope
Performing the Hippo Line Dance and Hamster
Utilize combinations of the fundamental
movement skills of chasing, fleeing, and
Traveling in general space, approach
classmates moving as close as possible, and
then quickly dodge away
Participating in activities such as partners
facing each other with one designated as
tagger and the other as dodger. From
stationary positions the dodger tries to avoid
being tagged by the tagger.
Cognitive Development
Identify cue words and terms associated
with hopping, galloping, jumping, and
sliding (See Teaching Cues).
Performing locomotor skills while saying cue
Performing locomotor skills while peer
assesses performance using cue words
Social Development
Explain ways to resolve conflicts during
physical activity in a school-approved
Demonstrate safety rules for physical
education activities, including games that
require implements and tag games that
have designated boundaries.
Developing group presentations on conflict
Participating in role-play conflict resolution
scenarios associated with physical education
and sport settings
Debriefing as part of cooperative game
Participating in games including chasing,
fleeing, dodging, and tagging
Participating in low level games utilizing
throwing and catching implements
Physical Activity and Health
 Including teacher-led discussion following
Describe the immediate effect of physical
high/medium/low intensity activities
activity on heart rate, breathing rate, and
 Assessing students using exams and/or
homework assignments
 Developing group/individual projects on the
effect of physical activity on overall health.
Explain how physical activity affects overall
Including teacher-led discussions
health, including the heart, lungs, and
Participating in role-play activities including
muscular system.
physically active and inactive roles
Explain ways in which food intake affects
body composition and physical
Including teacher-led discussions
Integrating nutrition concepts into a teacher
created game
Sample Activities for
Teaching, Practicing and/or Assessing the Standard
Alabama Course of Study:
Physical Education, 2009
Skill Development
Demonstrate correct form while
skipping in general space (See
Teaching Cues).
Skipping while moving forward
Skipping while clapping
Skipping while following a partner
Skipping in a curved pathway
Demonstrate ball control while
dribbling with the hand or foot in a
stationary position and while
traveling within a group.
Dribbling with right and left hands
Dribbling a soccer ball in general space
Participating in lead-up games such as Dribble Tag
Demonstrate skills that require
crossing the midline of the body,
including hitting a ball off of a tee
and throwing a ball overhand.
Striking a ball off tee
Performing cup stacking activities
Performing the wheelbarrow walk using crossed hands
Dancing using ribbon wands
Use the correct grip while
consistently striking a softly thrown
ball with a bat or paddle.
Striking a wiffle ball and/or softball
Striking a tennis ball against the wall
Volleying a tennis ball with a partner
Demonstrate long-rope jumping
skills by traveling in and out of a
long rope without hesitation and
executing consecutive jumps.
Jumping rope to chants and activities such as Going to
Running in front and back doors
Participating in Chinese jump rope
Perform the rhythmic movement
skills of folk, line, and aerobic
dances, including incorporating
combinations of locomotor skills
and partner mixing.
Demonstrate supporting, lifting
and controlling body weight by
transitioning in and out of
balanced positions with control
Apply combinations of complex
locomotor and manipulative skills
by chasing, tagging, dodging, and
Performing aerobic routines and line, folk, and circle
Participating in climbing wall activities
Traveling on a balance beam or bench
Performing a cartwheel
Transitioning smoothly from one base of support to
Participating in invasion games such as Capture the Flag
Cognitive Development
Describe how stability affects skill
execution while participating in
physical activity.
Utilize a variety of locomotor and
manipulative skills to create new,
or modify existing games.
Incorporating teacher-led discussion about stability
following body management and gymnastic activities
Incorporating student-led discussion about stability
following climbing wall activities
Assessing students using homework/exam assignments
Creating/modifying a game based on teacher
o Creating an invasion game using the skills of
throwing and catching
o Modifying the game of bombardment so that
participants are not eliminated
Social Development
Discussing sportsmanship during orientation and
reinforcing throughout the school year
Sharing equipment, taking turns, being respectful,
following the rules, using proper etiquette, etc.
Apply problem solving, conflict
resolution, and teamwork
strategies to cooperative and
group challenges in physical
education settings.
Performing group and cooperative activities
Participating in partner cup stacking
Utilize the cooperative skills of
listening, discussing, leading,
following, and sacrificing individual
wants for the good of the group in
physical activity settings.
Performing group and cooperative activities
Display good sportsmanship.
Physical Activity and Health
Describe how the blood supplies
oxygen and nutrients to the body.
Including teacher-led discussion
Assessing students through exam/homework
Sample Activities for
Teaching, Practicing and/or Assessing the Standard
Alabama Course of Study:
Physical Education, 2009
Skill Development
 Participating in mirroring activities that include leaping
with a partner
 Leaping over lines on the gym floor
 Leaping over low-lying objects such as a rope on the
ground or a brown lunch bag
 Participating in softball lead-up games
 Throwing to a target
 Batting off tee
 Kicking to a target
 Volleying a tennis ball against the wall
 Dribbling a ball with a paddle or racquet
 Volleying a beach ball into the air
 Jumping with a partner
 Jumping while manipulating a ball or beanbag
 Performing long rope Egg Beater jumping
 Performing long rope Double Dutch jumping
 Jumping short ropes using a variety of steps such as
heel click, skier, and skipping
Demonstrate correct form while
leaping (See Teaching Cues).
Demonstrate throwing, striking, and
kicking skills by throwing over hand
for distance and accuracy, striking
with short and long implements, and
kicking while approaching a moving
object (See Teaching Cues).
Demonstrate short-rope and longrope jumping skills, including
individual and partner jumping
Perform multicultural rhythmic
dances, including introductory
square dance.
Performing tinikling, Chinese jump rope, Cupid Shuffle,
square dance, and aerobic dance
Demonstrate gymnastic skills while
maintaining proper body alignment
by transitioning smoothly between
sequences and balancing with
control on apparatus.
Traveling on a balance beam or bench
Performing balance stunt sequences
Sequencing between traveling and individual stunts such
as a run into a round-off
Apply specialized sport skills in
combination with fundamental
movement skills in a game situation.
Participating in developmentally appropriate lead-up
activities such as Newcomb
Cognitive Development
Create appropriate physical
education activities, including
cooperative tasks, group
challenges, and games.
Identify cue words and terms
associated with leaping, striking,
and kicking (See Teaching Cues).
Creating or modifying games and teaching using
teacher-specified equipment
Modeling skills using cue words followed by independent
Assessing peers using cue words
Identify formations and steps
associated with dance.
Demonstrate positive changes in
performance based on peer and
teacher evaluations.
Following and understanding teacher cues in a variety of
rhythmic skills such as grapevine, slide, home position,
swing, etc.
Modifying skill performance based on self, peer and/or
teacher assessment
Social Development
List consequences of compliance
and noncompliance with rules
and regulations while
participating in physical activities
and games.
Explain outcomes of positive
verses negative responses to
classmates when winning or
Assessing students using exam/homework
Incorporating teacher-led discussion about sportappropriate etiquette
Incorporating teacher-led discussion about
Implementing role-play activities including positive and
negative responses in game situations
Physical Activity and Health
Analyze varying intensities of
exercise for effect on heart rate
using manual pulse-checking or
heart-rate monitors.
Identify devices used to measure
cardiorespiratory endurance,
muscular strength and
endurance, body composition,
and flexibility
Describe relationships among
food intake, physical activity, and
weight maintenance.
Discussing the impact of aerobic and anaerobic activities
on heart rate
Measuring heart rate manually and/or with monitor
Monitoring heart rate during activities of varying intensity
Describing the relationship between state required
fitness testing and health-related fitness
Logging fitness test results in a journal and/or portfolio
Discussing the relationship between calorie consumption
and gaining, losing, and maintaining weight
Providing student homework activities
Sample Activities for
Teaching, Practicing and/or Assessing the Standard
Alabama Course of Study:
Physical Education, 2009
Skill Development
Demonstrate correct form while
sprinting and running for distance
(See Teaching Cues).
Demonstrate correct form while
fielding and punting a ball (See
Teaching Cues).
Execute single and dual longrope activities and stunts.
Participating in track and field and running activities
Punting a football to a target
Punting a football for distance/height
Fielding a softball or wiffle ball
Jumping with short and long ropes
Performing Egg Beater and Double Dutch jumping
Performing jumping routines to music
Demonstrate rhythmic dances,
including modern, aerobic, and
Performing a variety of dance routines
Demonstrate weight transfer and
balance on mats and apparatus
by smoothly transitioning
between combinations of
travelling and rolling.
Performing combination rolls
Leaping followed by a forward straddle roll
Running followed by a cartwheel and/or round-off
Apply appropriate skills in sport
modified games.
Participating in small sided games that focus on skill
development, strategy, and application, such as Five
Cognitive Development
Identify cue words and terms
associated with punting and
fielding (See Teaching Cues).
Describe relationships among
strength, flexibility, balance, and
coordination in successfully
executing physical activities.
Identify basic rules, player
positions, and offensive and
defensive strategies in organized
games and in sport modified
Performing punting and fielding to cue words
Including group and/or individual presentation describing
relationships between health and skill-related fitness
Assigning student exam/homework activities
Participating in lead-up games such as Bulls’ Eye
Assigning student exam/homework activities
Explain good sportsmanship
techniques for use in settling
Explain physical activity and
safety benefits of exercising with
a partner.
Social Development
 Participating in role playing activities demonstrating
acceptable and unacceptable sportsmanship
Including teacher-led discussion about safety.
Participating in partner walking activities
Performing strengthening activities with a partner
Physical Activity and Health
 Including group projects and presentations
Describe how aerobic exercise
 Assigning student exam and homework activities
affects the efficiency and
longevity of the heart and lungs.
 Incorporating small, group, and/or individual projects
Categorize physical activities
 Assigning student exam and homework activities
according to their most beneficial
health-related fitness component.
Define the four components of
frequency, intensity, time and
type (F.I.T.T.) principle as they
relate to a successful fitness
Designing individualized fitness plan for cardiorespiratory
endurance, following pretest fitness testing
Assigning student quizzes, exams, and homework
Alabama Course of Study:
Physical Education, 2009
Sample Activities for
Teaching, Practicing and/or Assessing the Standard
Skill Development
Demonstrate rope-jumping and
original dance routines that
incorporate varying lengths, skill
sequences, and musical
Creating and performing dance routines and gymnastic
Participating in jump rope routines
Combine a variety of skills into
sequenced routines.
Demonstrate dribbling, shooting,
and striking skills.
Participating in lead-up activities such as Basketball
Chicken Fights, Volley Tennis, Scooter Kickball
Demonstrate forehand and
backhand striking skills.
Participating in badminton, pickleball, table tennis, and
tennis drills and lead-up games
Creating and performing dance routines and gymnastic
Participating in sports routine such as a dribbling routine
Cognitive Development
Identify rules and regulations for
a variety of sports and lifetime
Participating in lead-up games that teach the rules of
regulation games
Explain the importance of
repetition and practice as a
means for skill improvement.
Completing exit slips emphasizing the importance of
using repetition and practice
Creating a game with various pieces of equipment for
other students to play
Modifying an existing game in which balls may be thrown
only with the non-dominant hand
Modify physical activities,
games, and sports to meet
specified criteria.
Social Development
 Participating in sportsmanship role-play activities
Explain sport-specific etiquette
 Praising peers who demonstrate good sportsmanship
and good sportsmanship for
during game play
team, individual, and dual sports.
 Recognizing students who display good sportsmanship
on a “hall of fame” bulletin board
Demonstrate positive social
interactions in situations that
include members of different
genders, cultures, ethnicities,
abilities, and disabilities.
Working with a partner and/or small group in station and
rhythmic activities
Physical Activity and Health
Describe progress toward
achieving personal fitness goals
for each of the health-related
fitness components.
Analyze exercise and heart rate
data to determine adjustments to
health fitness plans.
Logging pedometer steps and heart rate
Setting fitness goals based on pre-fitness assessment
Allowing students to track progress throughout the
school year
Measuring heart rates during activities with varying
Recording student heart rates and charting the results on
a bar graph
Identify possible injuries resulting
from improper exercise routines.
Describe the structure and
function of the muscular and
skeletal systems as they relate to
physical performance.
Incorporating activities focused on proper warm-up and
Allowing students to design and lead warm-up and cooldown
Naming the muscles being used during warm-up and
cool down
Explaining and demonstrating how levers of the body
work to improve kicking, throwing, and striking
Alabama Course of Study:
Physical Education, 2009
Sample Activities for
Teaching, Practicing and/or Assessing the Standard
Skill Development
Apply coordinated movements,
strategies, and rules to achieve
success in a variety of sports and
Demonstrate strategic positioning
for offense and defense in game
Demonstrate dances used for
social and recreational enjoyment
and physical fitness
Demonstrate a sequence of
balancing skills by traveling on
apparatus while working
cooperatively with a partner to
create a balance sequence.
Demonstrate relaxation and
stress reduction exercises.
Demonstrate offensive skills,
including pick, fake, and screen,
for a variety of team sports.
Playing Ultimate Flying disc
Participating in team handball
Observing and evaluating students participating in a
variety of game and sport activities
Diagramming offensive and defensive plays
Participating in social dances including the Waltz, Chacha, and line dances
Creating and performing balance/gymnastic sequences
with a partner to music
Discussing the importance daily exercise and the
positive impact it has on depression, anxiety, etc.
Selecting and leading the class in relaxation exercises
Using DVD recorded stress reduction exercises with
Practicing picking, faking, and screening in lead-up
Assessing student understanding of pick, fake, and
Cognitive Development
Identify appropriate drills and
repetitions to improve
Selecting and participating in appropriate drills to
improve a skill
Defining effort as it relates to how the body moves and to
time, force and flow
Describing how a skill can be improved by altering the
speed (time) at which it is performed
Identifying skills that demonstrate free flow (batter’s
swing, tennis smash) and bound flow (pushing a heavy
object, pausing during a cartwheel or round-off to hold
the upright movement)
Demonstrating the variance in force while batting a ball
off of a tee
Describe the concept of effort as
it relates to improvement of skill
Analyze peer skill performance
for efficiency in sport and
recreational activities.
Including peer assessment when teaching a new skill
Explain differences between legal
and illegal behaviors in sports.
Discussing legal and illegal behaviors in sports (using
steroids, participating in blood doping and gambling)
Social Development
Apply methods for
communicating with
confrontational opponents.
Demonstrate elements, including
sport competency, literacy, and
enthusiasm, needed to
accomplish a team goal in
competitive and cooperative
Participating in role play demonstrating both correct and
incorrect communication techniques
Discussing techniques for dealing with confrontational
Incorporating a sports education unit into the physical
education curriculum
Observing and evaluating students during game play
Physical Activity and Health
Identify factors that can be
manipulated to achieve an
overload in muscular strength
and cardiorespiratory endurance.
Explain correlations among
nutrition, exercise, and rest in the
development of a healthy
Explaining and discussing the principle of overload
Creating and performing workouts that overload the
cardiovascular/muscular systems
Inviting a guest speaker such as an individual recovering
from bulimia and/or anorexia
Relating the CDC’s top 10 causes of death to lifestyle
Alabama Course of Study:
Physical Education, 2009
Sample Activities for
Teaching, Practicing and/or Assessing the Standard
Skill Development
1. Demonstrate skills utilized in lifetime
health-enhancing activities.
2. Demonstrate aerobic movement skills
and the performance of original
dance routines.
3. Demonstrate combinations of
balancing and supporting skills.
4. Demonstrate skills used in individual,
dual, and team sports.
5. Demonstrate skills associated with
adventure, outdoor, and recreational
6. Demonstrate player-to-player
defensive strategy skills.
Pacing oneself while running for distance
Selecting and participating in lifetime activities including
walking, golf, Flying disc, etc.
Creating student-choreographed routines and teaching
to younger classes
Participating in climbing rope and wall activities and
outdoor adventure activities
Exercising with a stability ball
Participating in bowling, hockey, flag football, lacrosse,
soccer, softball, archery, etc.
Participating in orienteering, walking for fitness, hiking,
cycling, and in-line skating
Incorporating skill stations that focus on defending the
goal and using a zone defense
Implementing a tactical sports unit focusing on off-theball skills
Cognitive Development
7. Identify rules, regulations, tactics,
strategies, and rituals utilized in
individual, dual, and team sports.
8. Apply movement concepts to sport,
dance, gymnastics, recreational skill
performances, and other physical
9. Summarize research findings of at
least one local, national, or
international game for its history,
terminology, rules, and basic skills.
Incorporating a sports education unit into the curriculum
Participating in a jeopardy game review rules,
regulations, tactics, strategies, and rituals
Altering skill execution in response to teacher command,
such as varying the time (speed of movement), force and
Using the internet and/or library to locate resources for
portfolio entries, student-made videos, PowerPoint slide
presentations, and/or scrapbooks
10. Solve problems in physical activity
settings by identifying cause and
potential solutions.
11. Describe how recognizing opposing
opinions and priorities, including
displaying willingness to compromise,
apply to teamwork and goal
12. Apply positive reinforcement to
enhance peer physical performance
during physical activity.
Social Development
 Describing appropriate and inappropriate responses to
an unfair call made by a referee or umpire
 Including role play scenarios demonstrating
inappropriate and appropriate responses
 Participating in student-refereed games
Practicing coaching and officiating skills to become
better team players
Encouraging peers and teammates during activity for
effort and/or skill execution
Physical Activity and Health
 Inviting a doctor to discuss the relationship between
exercise and depression and teen suicide
Discussing the relationship between physical activity and
13. Explain long-term physiological and
hypokinetic diseases
psychological benefits resulting from
Sharing individual experiences with classmates
regular participation in physical
concerning family members suffering from hypokinetic
14. Identify the role of exercise in stress
Gathering information correlating adolescent stress and
physical activity
15. Apply the F.I.T.T. principle to an
individualized fitness plan.
Explaining FITT as it applies to health-related fitness
Design a cardiovascular program in accordance with
FITT components
16. Design a personalized fitness plan.
Setting fitness goals based on pre-assessment
Monitoring fitness goal achievement
Rewarding students for fitness level improvement