Competitive Cheerleading Guidelines These guidelines are in addition to those already dictated in the Hempfield Area Spartan Cheerleader Contract. Each year it is and will be one of our jobs as coaches to evaluate the cheerleading program. What works one year might not be the right choice for the program the next year. We want our cheerleading program to be something the entire school district can be proud of. We want to address and correct our weaknesses and build on the strengths of the program. After much thought and discussion between the coaches, we have decided that the format for how our competitive squad will be grouped this year is as follows: The number of members on this squad will be determined based on the “natural drop-off” of the tryout scores. This squad will have between 12 and 20 members. Cheerleaders will tryout based on their stunting position: flyer, base, or back spot. The coach will choose her own choreographer that she feels will work best for her squad. Coaches will choose squad leaders and will also designate the squad leader responsibilities. The competitive cheerleading squad will select two squad leaders to help lead this year. These leaders will be selected based on their ability to fulfill duties (see below) not dependent on grade level. Being elected leader of the cheerleading squad is a privilege that will be decided by your coach. If you do not fulfill your responsibilities as squad leader, your coach can revoke your privileges at any time. All competitive cheerleaders are required to attend gymnastics this year. The coaches have provided a gymnastic location at Westmoreland Gymnastics for the girls to attend as a squad. Coaches will determine for each cheerleader a pass or skill to master within a designated time period. In addition, gymnasium time will also be utilized to improve jumps. Cheerleaders will complete at least 10 jumps/jump sequences per session in between passes. Failure to meet skill expectations can result in your replacement with an alternate. At any time that the coach feels you are not performing to your best ability, your attitude does not represent Hempfield Cheerleading in a positive way, or there are any negative or derogatory posts on any online site, you can be replaced by an alternate. Any concern that a girl may have with a coach or fellow cheerleader must be handled in a mature and non-confrontational way. You must be at every squad practice and gymnastics practice at least fifteen minutes before practice start time to stretch and warm up jumps. Practice will begin promptly at start time. If any stunt falls during practice, the individual stunt group will be required to stay at the end of practice to complete the stunt 3 times per fall. If any stunt falls at an event, the stunt group will be required to stay after the next practice to complete the stunt 10 times per fall. Competitive Cheerleaders must realize this is a serious, time consuming sport and that in trying out for competitive cheerleading, other sports and activities will come second to this one. o Competitive Cheerleaders may participate in conditioning two days a week throughout the month of May and in a stunt camp one day a week throughout the month of May. o Choreography will be taught June 1, June 2, June 3, and June 4, 2013. These practices are mandatory. Missing for any reason will result in immediate dismissal from the squad. o Cheerleaders will be required to attend every practice throughout the competitive season unless a written medical excuse is provided or there is a death in the family. o They will also be excused for one week of summer vacation during the months of June, July, and August. o Cheerleaders are permitted one unexcused absence in addition to summer vacation. The cheerleaders will practice at least two days a week throughout the summer and school year. Additional practices will be added as needed. On the week before competition, coaches may have up to five practices as needed. A competitive cheerleader is in uniform when: she is wearing her competitive skirt and vest, silver spanks, body suit, competitive makeup (blue/silver eye shadow or smoky eye and pink lips), a ponytail, competitive bow, white socks, and competitive shoes. No jewelry is to be worn. A competitive cheerleader is to come to practice in competitive practice gear. Sundays: competitive outfit, Week Day: Kennywood T-Shirt and blue shorts. No jewelry is to be worn to practices. In the case of injury, an alternate will be trained to take the place of the injured cheerleader. Coaches must be notified immediately (this means at the time of the occurrence). If a cheerleader is injured and unable to perform one-three weeks before a competition, she will be replaced by an alternate for the upcoming competition. Her position on the squad will be decided upon after the cheerleader’s injury and ability to return is assessed by the coaches. If a cheerleader misses a practice, for an excused or unexcused reason, she will not perform at the next school scheduled exhibition or performance. Her stunt group will mock the stunt for the performance. Competitions range from $10-$40. Cheerleaders may fundraise for these costs. Squad Leader Descriptions Squad leaders will be elected after the start of the season. A cheerleader cannot be a squad leader if she already holds a captain title on another squad. She can only be elected leader after performing on the competitive squad for at least one year. *Fitness Leader* Lead Squad Stretches at the beginning of each practice Stretch all flyers in addition to squad stretching Run Jump Sequence at each practice Assess the capabilities of the squad as a whole and create a conditioning sequence to completed at the end of each practice Prepare the squad to complete the 2.30 routine without being winded Hold conditioning practices in conjunction with regularly scheduled practices Monitor gymnastics advancement Monitor stunt groups who drop stunts at scheduled events. Be prepared to work with individual stunt groups on any stunt dropped. Should you fail to complete your assigned tasks, your captain privilege can be revoked. *Motivation/Completion Leader* Make sure all cheerleaders are arriving on time to practices and events. Inspire cheerleaders to complete the routine in advanced time. Design activities for squad bonding. Make sure all cheerleaders have required makeup/hair for competition Choose dress code/color to wear in school on the day before the competition/performance in conjunction with coach’s wishes Monitor the volume/voice of cheerleaders at competition and practice year round- find a means to adjust level if necessary Should you fail to complete your assigned tasks, your captain privilege can be revoked. WE HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE RULES AND REGULATIONS LISTED ABOVE, IN THE COMPETITIVE CHEERLEADING GUIDELINES: Student Name ______________________________________________________ Student Signature __________________________________ Date_____________ Parent Name________________________________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date____________ (SIGN AND RETURN THIS SHEET TO YOUR COACH. THE REMAINDER OF THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD BE KEPT FOR YOUR REFERENCE).