Subject-SOCIAL STUDIES - ryan international school

SESSION 2015-16
1) Read the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘King Lear’ from your text book and answer the following
a) Name all the characters and their relationship to one another.
b) Which character did you like the most and why?
c) Narrate any one interesting incident from the story.
d) Find out at least 10 new words from each play and write their meanings and its part of speech.
2) Learn the spellings of 100 words already given in the diary for spelling competition.
3) Students to make a folder on any one of these one sports:a) Cricket
b) Hockey
c) Tennis
d) Kabaddi e) Badminton
f) Football
G-1, 2 and 3 will write a paragraph about the sport. Include information about when and where the
game was developed, the number of players and how it is played. Paste pictures related to the sport.
G-4, 5 and 6 will write a paragraph about a famous player of that sport. Include her/his name, and some
of her/his achievements. Paste pictures of the players.
1. Use an A4 sheet on the various ways in which the animals eat their food (ingestion). You can get
photographs/illustrations from the internet to include in your presentation.
2. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Instead of soil, plants are grown in mineral
nutrient solution in water.
 Find more about hydroponics and prepare a project report on A4 sheet. Add pictures,
photographs in your presentation.
3. Draw a well labeled diagram of digestive system of humans and ruminants. Fill different colours in
different organs.
4. Visit a doctor to find out when and under what conditions a patient is given glucose drips. In what way
does glucose help the patient to recover? Write the answer in the form of report on an A4 sheet.
1) From the internet, find the locations of the most devastating earthquakes in history. Mark these
places on the world map and write a few lines on each incident.
2) Listen to a Sufi song or a song composed by a bhakti saint. Write down its lyrics. Find out the meaning
of the song and write a note to explain it.
4) Draw a basket containing different kinds of fruit and vegetables. Include litchis, plums, peaches,
apricots, melons, oranges, lemons, potatoes, tomatoes and chillies. Draw tags to show the name of each
item and the country from which it came to India.
5) Map power- Do page no. 5 to 10 of ‘Map Power’ book in the book itself.
1. Find any 5 mathematicians from internet and paste their pictures on A4 sheet. Write a brief history
and their contribution in Maths.
2. Ch-2 (Fractions)-Do the following exercises in notebook from RS Aggarwal.
Ex 2A- Q no 2,7,10,12,16
Ex 2B- Q no 2,3(vi,xi,xii,xiv),11,13,15
Ex 2C- Q no 2(i,iv),3,4,9
Ex 2D- Full (Do it in book)
Ch-3 (Decimals)-Do the following exercises in notebook from RS Aggarwal.
Ex 3A- Q no 1,8 & 9
Ex 3C- Q no 1,2,3 (In the book)
Ex 3D- Q no 1,2,3(In the book), 6, 7(i to v)
Ex 3E- Full (Do it in book)