2014 Photo Output UPDATE Photo Output Review (N.A. & W. EU) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 1 CONSUMER PHOTO OUTPUT Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 2 Unmet Needs – Consumer Photo Output Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 Too many photos. Don’t know where they are! Not Organized to create the things I’d love No time for projects…I want easy solutions Too much complexity 12/5/2014 3 The Digital Photo Consumer Today • Takes More Pictures • Increasingly prefers capturing, sharing and creating with images taken on smartphones. • Is younger and tech-savvy • Edits a significant % of photos • Uploads photos to multiple locations • Is less likely to make photo products (wants versus needs) • Includes cameraphone pictures in the majority of products made….when products are made. • Is, increasingly, accustomed to “free” content. • Compares price and is less brand loyal. • Is hyper-connected • Wants and needs immediate solutions vs. projects. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 4 Trends – Consumer Photo Output From To Must have prints Nice to have personalized products Create and Output in Retail Store Create on computer or mobile device and output from centralized production for mail-2home or ship to retail fulfillment Desktop and laptop photo experiences Mobile experiences (especially smartphones) Projects and crafts (DIY) Automation that does-it-for-me….but makes it look highly personalized (e.g. Animoto, Smilebox). Still images sharing Still and short video storytelling Documenting Sharing and Displaying Dedicated cameras Smartphone cameras Only pros capture great images Everyone can capture and/or create great images Photo as a record Photo as content 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 5 Trends – Consumer Photo Output Personalized Products Growth Even as consumers have abandoned traditional photo prints, they have embraced personalized photo output. The combination of smarter devices with superior photo capabilities, easier/always-on access to organized images, improved mobile create/order/pay, product innovation, and quality/timeliness/value will drive substantive and sustainable growth. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 6 HISTORICAL AND FORECAST DETAILS Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 7 Note About Product “Blur” • One of the challenges of defining market size for consumer digital photo output is finding consensus regarding what should or should not be considered “consumer photo output.” Examples: a. A personalized image rich book created as a business product (annual report, menu, sales brochure, etc.). This is, for example, a large part of Blurb unit sales. b. A wall décor product that is made with licensed content (including licensed photos) for commercial décor. Depending upon the commercial interest of the measuring party the decision of what to consider “consumer photo products” can change the overall opportunity size (+/-) by a substantial amount. (e.g. Don Franz, Photo Imaging News, includes all of Vistaprint’s print units and revenue in his roll-up of the photo print market size. To me that is ridiculous and dangerous. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 8 Historical Market Size - Consumer Photo Output Personalized Output Channels Production Method • Brick & Mortar Retail On-Site • Brick & Mortar Retail Centralized Back-to-Store • Brick & Mortar Retail Centralized Mail-to-Home • Online Photo Specialty (e.g. Shutterfly) • Online Non-Photo Retailers (e.g. Vistaprint) 12/5/2014 – Dye-Sublimation – Inkjet • Digital Press • Wide & Grand Format – Toner Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 9 Historical Market Size Consumer Photo Output Digital Press & Wide Format ▪ Photo Books ▪ Greeting Cards ▪ Home and Office Décor (exclusive of photo print enlargements)* ▪ Calendars Non-Print • Mugs • Fabrics – T-shirts – Pillows – Blankets • • • • Mousepads Magnets Ornaments Jewelry *Incl. canvas wraps, fine art prints, glass, acrylic, metal and wood, adhesives, etc. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 10 Historical and Trend Market Size Estimates Total Consumer Photo Output (U.S. & Canada) – $B Includes Photo Prints Recovering Overall Photo Output Revenue 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 11 Historical and Trend Market Size Estimates Consumer Photo Output (U.S. & Canada, W. Europe) – Share by Production Platform (volume) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 12 Historical and Trend Market Size Estimates Consumer Photo Output (U.S. & Canada, W. Europe) – % $Share by Production Type The photo output industry has migrated from chemical (silver halide) to ink (digital presses). As a result there are vastly more fulfillment partnership possibilities and vastly more global print capacity. % 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 13 Historical and Trend Market Size Estimates – Personalized Photo Output – N.A. ($B) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 14 Historical and Trend Market Estimates – Personalized Photo Output ($B) – W. Europe 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 15 Historical and Trend Market Estimates – Personalized Photo Output ($B) – N.A./W. Eur. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 16 PHOTOBOOKS Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 17 Photobook Trend Drivers • Factors Driving Slower Growth – – – – Projects vs. solutions Not yet a mass market product High-Cost (incl. shipping “gotchas”) Focus on style/form vs. function/ease of creation • New Headwinds – Rapid adoption of mobile as preferred shopping platform – Rich, instant, automated digital storytelling and sharing 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 18 Photobook – Leading Competitors (N. A.) Company 2015 Est. Unit Volume (millions) 2015 Est. $ Volume (millions) Production (Y/N) Trends Shutterfly (all brands) 14 $450 Y Little, if any recent unit growth plus declining per unit revenue (discounting) Apple 4 $150 N Little recent investment and flat to declining volume Cewecolor (NA only) .5 $10 Y Very positive growth driven by awareness and aggressive advertising in expanding regions Snapfish (NA + W. Eur) 3.3 $100 N Unit growth declining Blurb* 1 $50 N Describes focus as self-publishing. Only an arguable % of volume can be considered personalized photo output Picaboo 1 $40 N Flat unit demand Mixbook 1 $30 N Early stage excellent growth Traditional Photo Retail (Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, Costco, Blacks, London Drugs, etc.)** 4 $100 N** Other 2 $80 N * Mostly selfpublishing 12/5/2014 **Does not include onsite Flat to declining demand (reduction of advertising) Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 30+ million units $1B + revenue 19 Photobook – Leading Competitors (W. Eu) Company 2015 Est. Unit Volume 2015 Est. $ Volume (millions) Production (Y/N) Trends Cewecolor 8 million $300 Y Very positive growth driven by awareness and aggressive advertising in expanding regions Hema wenskaarten.hema .nl 2 million $50 N ? Vistaprint /Albumprinters 2.5 million $80 N Unit growth declining MyPhotoBook www.myphotoboo k.co.uk/ .5 million $20 N Photobox 3 million $100 N Traditional Photo Retail (Boots, Tesco, Jessop, 3.5 million $100 N** Other 3 million $50 N Photo Specialty 3 million $50 N ** Does not include on-site 25 million $750 million 12/5/2014 Substantial growth from aggressive advertising and promotion Flat to declining demand (reduction of advertising) Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 $750 million Revenue 25 million units 20 The “Photobook” Opportunity Chasm • 280 million HH (U.S., Can, W. Europe) • 7 million photobooks • sold to <4 million households • 1.5% of households purchased a photobook in 2014 • Why did 98.5% fail to purchase a photobook? – Lack of Awareness – Lack of Time (it’s a major project!) – Lack of Confidence (my photos aren’t good enough and don’t know where they are!) – No urgency (I can do it later!) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 21 Photobook – Crossing the Chasm Consider this metaphor….. “Photobooks” serve the needs of the novelists among us (and, occasionally, the committed short story writer). We do not have a photo output product that serves the needs of the blogger. So…… Our Facebook page becomes our default photo blog. Life’s narrative unfolds day-by-day, event-by-event. Only by enabling the immediate, frictionless creation and ordering of products that document our evolving narrative can we hope to cross this “photobook” chasm. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 22 GREETING CARDS Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 23 Greeting Card Trend Drivers • Factors Driving Slower Growth – – – – Projects vs. solutions Not yet a mass market product High-Cost (incl. shipping “gotchas”) Focus on style/form vs. function/ease of creation • New Headwinds – Rapid adoption of mobile as preferred shopping platform – Rich, instant, automated digital storytelling and sharing 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 24 Greeting Card – Leading Competitors (N. A.) Company 2015 Est. Unit Volume (millions) 2015 Est. $ Volume (millions) Production (Y/N) Trends Shutterfly (all brands) 100 $200 Y Little, if any recent unit growth plus declining per unit revenue (discounting) Snapfish (NA + W. Eur) 45 $100 N Unit growth declining Vistaprint 45 $100 Major growth rates and potential with laserfocus on photo print growth. Hallmark 50 $100 So far failing to dominate it’s naturallyadvantaged turf. Minted 50 $100 Huge and growing popularity for its crowdsourced designs for greeting cards, décor products, etc. Traditional Photo Retail (Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, Costco*, Blacks, London Drugs, etc.) 40 $100 N Other (Peartree, Mixbook, Picaboo, etc.) 1 $50 N Continued trends of double digit growth annually. *Costco has developed a 500+ million units $750 million + revenue huge share of retail photo cards, including the 5x7 folded cards included here. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 25 Greeting Card – Leading Competitors (W. Eu) Company 2015 Est. Unit Volume 2015 Est. $ Volume (millions) Production (Y/N) Trends Cewecolor 100 million $250 Y Very positive growth driven by awareness and aggressive advertising in expanding regions Hema wenskaarten.hema. nl 10 million $20 N ? Vistaprint /Albumprinters 30 million $80 N Unit growth declining MyPhotoBook www.myphotobook .co.uk/ 10 million $20 N Photobox 50 million $100 N Traditional Photo Retail (Boots, Tesco, Jessops, etc.) 25 million $50 N** Other 25 million $50 N Photo Specialty 25million $50 N ** Does not include on-site 300 million 12/5/2014 Substantial growth from aggressive advertising and promotion Flat to declining demand (reduction of advertising) $600 million Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 $600 million Revenue 250 million units 26 CALENDARS Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 27 Calendar Trend Drivers • Factors Driving Slower Growth – – – – Projects vs. solutions Not yet a mass market product High-Cost (incl. shipping “gotchas”) Focus on style/form vs. function/ease of creation • New Headwinds – Rapid adoption of mobile as preferred shopping platform – Rich, instant, automated digital storytelling and sharing 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 28 Calendar – Leading Competitors (N. A.) Company 2013 Est. Unit Volume (millions) 2013 Est. $ Volume (millions) Production (Y/N) Shutterfly (all brands) 10 $200 Y Little, if any recent unit growth plus declining per unit revenue (discounting) Vistaprint 7.5 $150 Y Major growth and accelerated investment Minted 2.5 $50 N Amazing growth and potential Snapfish (NA + W. Eur) 2.5 $50 N Unit growth declining Traditional Photo Retail (Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, Costco, Blacks, London Drugs, etc.)** 5 $100 N** 2.5 $50 N Other Trends Flat to declining demand (reduction of advertising) $600 million + revenue 20+ million units 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 29 Calendar – Leading Competitors (W. Eu) Company 2015 Est. Unit Volume 2015 Est. $ Volume (millions) Production (Y/N) Trends Cewecolor 8 million $300 Y Very positive growth driven by awareness and aggressive advertising in expanding regions Hema wenskaarten.hema .nl 2 million $50 N ? Vistaprint /Albumprinters 2.5 million $80 N Unit growth declining MyPhotoBook www.myphotoboo k.co.uk/ .5 million $20 N ? Photobox 3 million $100 N Substantial growth from aggressive advertising and promotion Traditional Photo Retail (Boots, Tesco, Jessop, 3.5 million $100 N** Other 3 million $50 N Photo Specialty 3 million $50 N ** Does not include on-site 15 million $300 million 12/5/2014 Flat to declining demand (reduction of advertising) Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 $300 million Revenue 25 million units 30 PRINT DECOR Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 31 Historical and Trend Market Size Estimates – Leading Press & Wide Format Products Decor Trend Drivers – Largely undeveloped market – Billions of walls with expensive, generalized décor vs. local and relevant décor. (Currently, printed wall décor is a $22B+ U.S. business and nearly $40B in combined focus markets). – Dramatic increase in access to personal and local content. – Dramatic reduction of manufacturing costs and increases in capacity. – Single image products = ease and speed of creation and ordering (the perfect mobile photo product). – Treasured gift item. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 32 Print Décor - Trend Drivers • Factors Driving Slower Growth – – – – Projects vs. solutions Not yet a mass market product High-Cost (incl. shipping “gotchas”) Focus on style/form vs. function/ease of creation • New Headwinds – Rapid adoption of mobile as preferred shopping platform – Rich, instant, automated digital storytelling and sharing 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 33 Product Innovation – Mining the Familiar – Canvas Prints Example Leading Canvas Print Photo Retailers • • • • • • • • • • • • http://www.costcophotocenter.com/Shop/CanvasPrints#/ http://www.cvsphoto.com/Canvas-Prints http://photo.walgreens.com/walgreens/storepage/storePageId=Wall-Decor http://photos.walmart.com/walmart/storepage/storePageId=Wall+Art http://photo.samsclub.com/HomeDecor/ http://www.shutterfly.com/home-decor/canvas-prints http://www.snapfish.com/snapfish/home-decor/personalized-photo-canvases http://www.photobox.co.uk/mobile/shop/canvas https://photoworld.com/wall-art/canvas-prints http://www.bootsphoto.com/boots/photo-gifts/photo-canvasprints/campaignName=bp_boots_menu_canvas http://photolab.londondrugs.com/catalogue/Canvas-Gallery-Wraps http://www.blacks.ca/products/wall_art/canvas 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 34 Canvas Print Specialty Online • Until recently start-up online photo specialty companies dominated canvas print sales, helping to drive awareness through aggressive promotional activity (particularly daily deals). • Leaders in this online photo output specialty business include: – Canvas On Demand • http://www.canvasondemand.com/ – Easy Canvas Prints • http://www.easycanvasprints.com/ – Canvas Pop • http://www.canvaspop.com/ – Fabness • http://www.fabness.com/ – EZPrints (Café Press) • http://ezprints.com/ ! Dozens of others 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 35 Print Decor – Leading Competitors (N. A.) Company 2015 Est. Unit Volume (millions) 2015 Est. $ Volume (millions) Production (Y/N) Shutterfly (all brands) 1 $100 Y Have done little to find a way to grab their “fair share” of growth. Snapfish (NA + W. Eur) .5 $50 N Have not identified and treated the opportunity with the attention it deserves. Canvas On Demand 2.5 $150 N This Café Press company rises heads-above others when it comes to effective promotion Costco .5 $30 N In a few short years they’ve turned an uninteresting sub-category into their topproducing outsourced product and it is growing 30%+ annually. CVS .3 $10 N** Other Mass Retailers 1 $50 N Other Online B2C Specialty Retailers 3 $200 Crowded, aggressive space. Many will fall away or get acquired. 8 $600 $600 million + 8 million units + 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 Trends Same as Costco! Still have not caught on to the success that Costco and CVS are realizing…and why. Look out when they do! 36 Print Decor – Leading Competitors (W. Eu) Company 2015 Est. $ Volume (millions) Production (Y/N) Cewecolor $110 Y Very positive growth driven by awareness and aggressive advertising in expanding regions Hema $20 N ? DM $40 Photobox (Moonpig, Sticky9, $70 Y Substantial growth from aggressive advertising and promotion Traditional Photo Retail (Boots, Costco. Tesco, Jessop) $50 N** No “discovery” of the price/merchandising opportunities being driven by Costco and CVS in U.S. to-date. That will change. Other B2C Specialty Sites $60 N Crowded, aggressive space. Most will not be able to compete and survive as prices continue to fall. Photo Specialty $50 N ** Does not include on-site 12/5/2014 2015 Est. Unit Volume (millions) 7 Trends $400 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 $400 Million + 7 million units + 37 GROWTH DRIVERS Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 38 Growth Opportunity Drivers – Consumer Photo Output Mobile Enabling Technologie s Output Growth Drivers Product Innovation 12/5/2014 Image Access Distribution Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 39 Growth Drivers – Mobile ….Smartphones will replace digital cameras as the mass market photo capture device Devices Networks Software 12/5/2014 •Cameraphone optical and software developments not only equals or surpasses camera capture quality but qualitatively redefine “photo” •Always connected, always synced, always backed-up, always hyper-rich in metadata. •Focus on photo file size gives way to quality of experience throughout the utility set of images (viewing, saving, sharing, personalized output). Files that are smaller but contain more critical information. •Reliability everywhere •Costs for data transmission (image files) decline •Photos become strategically important to carriers. People don’t leave their images behind. Photo will become the foremost glue in an increasingly sticky relationship. •Automated Product Creation (from fresh images) •Mobile Click-2-Pay adoption reduces spontaneous purchase friction •Location-based, content-rich product creation. This is not only me and my family but, look, we are at Time Square in Manhattan on November 10, 2014” •Search Optimization Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 40 Mobile Photo = Smartphones • With the rapid penetration of smartphones….worldwide ….people now can capture quality images any where at any time. In this study 94% indicated that they had used their smartphone for taking pictures. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc.– -Photo 2014 Output Product Source: Suite 48A Survey Among Mobile Photographers 41 Smartphones are becoming ubiquitous • The most capable photo capture and sharing device in history is rapidly reaching full mass market penetration. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc.– -Photo 2014 Output Product Source: Suite 48A Survey Among Mobile Photographers 42 Smartphone Users Capture Photos more Frequently • “The best camera you have is the one that’s with you.” • Not only do smartphone users use their camera more frequently but the number of photos taken will soon overtake those taken on digital cameras. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc.– -Photo 2014 Output Product Source: Suite 48A Survey Among Mobile Photographers 43 Smartphone Users Take Many Pictures • Smartphone users report that they currently snap more than 35 pictures per month (out of the 126 total digital photos taken monthly) • The smartphone captures already exceeds the average number of photos taken by film cameras during the peak of analog photography by more than 2x! 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc.– -Photo 2014 Output Product Source: Suite 48A Survey Among Mobile Photographers 44 Smartphone Users Share More Frequently 43% of our respondents who share photos by emailing or texting from their smartphone do this at least once a week. Only 21% do this as frequently from their computer. (6Sight Social Imaging Survey – 2012) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc.– -Photo 2014 Output Product Source: Suite 48A Survey Among Mobile Photographers 45 Smartphone Users Share More Frequently….but Sharing is Selective • The average number of digital photos shared monthly, by any device, is 34, which is substantially less than the 126 photos reported taken per month (77 on digital cameras, 34 on smartphones and 15 on tablets). – 61% of the respondents share fewer than 25 photos. – 7% don’t share at all. – 8% share all their photos. • In other words: people share only a subset of their photos, providing important behavior markers that indicate favorites and photos most likely to be used in photo output. • By gender and age: no significant differences. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc.– -Photo 2014 Output Product Source: Suite 48A Survey Among Mobile Photographers 46 Smartphone Users Sharing Their Life with Family & Friends (see more smartphone adoption and usage slides in Addendum) 73% believe the reason they share photos is to share the experience behind the photos with friends or family: A few things stand out: • No matter how easy social networks and photo sites have made it to share photos with the general public, most respondents still share photos primarily to friends or family. For most respondents photos are still a means through which you can share experiences, they “tell a story.” • For just 13%, showcasing the photo itself is the major reason to share them. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 Source: Suite 48A – Photo Output Product Survey Among Mobile Photographers 47 Growth Drivers –Image Access and Discovery Intelligent Organization Synchronized (across all selected devices & services) Search Optimization 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 48 Intelligent Organization • Without vastly superior image organization there is, absolutely, a major ongoing barriers to the creation and ordering of photo output. • With vastly superior image organization the elements of our entire personal life story can be revealed, with ease, any time and anywhere we choose to give physical substance to moments or chapters in that life. • What that Intelligent Organization can and should look like is the content of Focus Area 2 – Cloud Storage, Sync, and Share. – Successful address of some or all of the recommended opportunities will have a dramatic impact on future growth of photo output. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 49 Synchronized • • In our world of multiple capture devices and multiple destinations for our images the need to automatically synchronize photos and securely and intelligently organize them in the cloud is vitally important. Examples if current efforts to aggregate and synchronize photos from all device platforms as well as popular services include: – – – – – – • • • Shutterfly / This Life Sugarsync Picturelife Smile Woven Eye-Fi Mobi Syncing is covered extensively in the project’s Focus Area 2 – Cloud Storage / Syncing / Sharing. By successfully addressing the opportunities to both sych and intelligently organize photos in the cloud major new growth of photo output is inevitable. See Focus Area 2 for extensive detail. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 50 Search Optimization • Rapid advances in artificial intelligence are advancing face and scene recognition rapidly. These advances are largely driven by investments by Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Dropbox, Shutterfly and dozens of start-ups. In almost every case the investment driver is ad revenue. The exceptions, of note, are Shutterfly and Dropbox. • See Focus Area 3 for greater detail. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 51 Growth Drivers – Product Innovation Meets Consumer Purchase Motivation Memorialize Display Share* Consumer Purpose Collaborate Preserve Celebrate • Note carefully: Most personalized photo products are classified and referenced as “Gifts,” when, in fact, the vast majority are purchased for personal use, display or for keepsakes. Don’t fall into that hole! *Personalized photo products , far more than virtual shares, make high-value, emotional, 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 keepsake gifts for friends and family 52 Growth Drivers – Product Innovation Quality • Appearance • Texture • Experience Timeliness Value • Fast & Easy Create and Order • When expected or before (1) •Product Cost •Delivery Cost •Perceived Value (brand) (1) Delivery expectation varies with 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 purchase driver and product 53 Quality “Quality” is the most oft-misunderstood and misinterpreted requirement for consumer delight. 1. “Quality” includes everything from the exploration and ordering experience (no matter where it occurs) to the ontime delivery, to the security and attractiveness of the package received, to the real and perceived tangible and intangible quality of the product itself (did it meet of exceed my expectations. 2. “Quality” means different things to different people at different times and it is almost always subjective! 3. While “Quality” often is indicated as the #1 reason why someone chooses to purchase a product it is seldom the actual motivator when it comes to the mass market and photo output (thus the increase prevalence of deep discounts and daily deals). 4. The end result of perceived quality (#1) is a delighted shopper who now is predisposed to evangelize and return. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 54 Timeliness We live in a world of instantaneous gratification. We live in a world in which Amazon, Staples, Zappos, and other top-tier online retailers deliver your purchases in 1-2 days. Those who cannot or choose not to satisfy and increased expectation for fast delivery do so a grave peril. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 55 Value Perception of value is the primary driver of purchase activity for mass market consumers. For photo output it has always been true and nothing has changed. Value is often more than lowest cost. Other value factors are: – Brand – Convenience (saves me time and effort) – Presentation 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 56 Product Innovation – Business Model Creativity 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc.– -Photo 2014 Output Product Source: Suite 48A Survey Among Mobile Photographers 57 Product Innovation – Keeping it Fresh 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc.– -Photo 2014 Output Product Source: Suite 48A Survey Among Mobile Photographers 58 Product Innovation – Value! 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 59 Growth Driver Examples – Product Innovation Gap Examples Memorialize • • • Target products for funeral industry Target products for anniversaries Target products for class reunions Share / Gift • • Auto-create greeting card with every gift (click-2-add) Personalize gift with “salutation and signature” (e.g. on back cover, back of décor, etc. Feed additional / alternative products automatically (during create and order process) • Preserve • • Synchronize , Organize & Secure images for generations Network archives across friends and families (e.g. genealogy) Celebrate • • Attack Immediacy Access to adjacent content (e.g. location driven content to add to “story”) Collaborate • Invite others to collaborate or build their own Display • Software to facilitate easy creation of multi-print galleries (see www.fabness.com) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 60 Growth Drivers – Enabling Technology 12/5/2014 Continued Printing Innovation Pervasive Create and Order Applications on Devices Voice to Access, Create and Order Mobile Payment Adoption Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 61 Pervasive Create and Order Applications on Devices • “you have to disguise the things you need as the things you want!” So it may be with the next generations of camera apps on smart devices (e.g. less about proving the things that you can do that digital cameras can’t and more about delivering really meaningful, really sticky, really delightful experiences from capture to organize to discovering clickto-add products. • Once again….the opportunity to explode what George Eastman promised and Edwin Land followed on with….. “you take the pictures…we do the rest!” 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 62 Mobile Payment Adoption • Few things are more annoying and unnecessary than having to enter credit card numbers, bill to and ship to addresses, etc. when making a mobile payment. Because of that the mass market will quickly adopt mobile payment methods over the next few years. • When the mass market has adopted click to order simplicity of their smartphones one of the major barriers to spontaneous ordering of 1-2-several click, low-cost, personalized photo products is swept away. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 63 Voice to Access, Create and Order • Just as we ask Google for directions today, and increasingly for text-based information the day when we can ask for “photos from my weekend in San Francisco” will instantly populate my screen with a selection of those best images, ask me if I’d like to see more of my photos from that trip, ask me if I’d like to see other images from the areas that I visited, show we a selection of 1-2-several products that I can click to order, ask me if I’d like to share my creation with my family and/or friends, etc. • It will be that easy, quickly adopted, and it will be soon. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 64 Continued Printing Innovation • During the last few years advances in digital printing, from large digital presses for simplex and duplex printing, as well as wide and grand format printers for wall décor, along with advances in automated assembly and packaging, and adoption of lean manufacturing, have all resulted in substantive reductions of cost to manufacture virtually all of totals popular personalized photo products and enable and encourage continuing investment in innovative new products (some of which are vitally important to meet the emerging wants and needs of the smartphone shopper). 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 65 Product Growth Drivers - Distribution 12/5/2014 Ship to Home Pick-Up at Partner Retail Location Fulfill at Local Retail Location Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 66 Distribution – Brick & Mortar Retail • Brick & Mortar retailers (particularly traditional photo retail destinations such as Walmart, Walgreens, Costco, CVS, Bootsthe-Chemist, Blacks, London Drugs, etc.) continue to enjoy a large share of photo output fulfillment in N. America and W. Europe. • Revenues have shrunk by more than 50% since the peak of film printing, forcing many retailers to abandon the category and those remaining to reduce capital and labor costs and to adjust ad budgets to reflect current revenues. • Photo specialty retailers have been particularly hard hit, with numbers shrinking by 70+%. • Result is that there are fewer retailer destinations and even fewer staffed with informed personnel where consumers can discover new products and services….vitally important for an industry whose growth depends upon successfully innovating, testing, and distributing streams of new products. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 67 UNMET CUSTOMER NEEDS Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 68 Distribution – Brick & Mortar Retail What retail can and may do to facilitate the growth of mass market engagement with photo output: 1. Refocus on smartphones as the new camera and on frictionless output as a benefit of owning a smartphone. This requires realigning photo output as a destination service at Walmart and Target to an integrated part of the Mobile/Communications centers in mass discount locations. 2. Engage new retail channels – Wireless Carriers – Consumer Electronics Align Growth Photo Output Products with new channel partners: 1. Photobooks at Craft 2. Wall décor at Furniture, Mass Discount Home Décor Departments 3. Photo Gifts at Mass Discount and Department Store Registries 4. Personalized business products at OSS 3. Reignite investment (including manufacturer and industry) in photo output advertising. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 69 COMPETITIVE REVIEW Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 70 Photo Output Retail Competitive Overview • • • • • • • • Shutterfly Cewecolor Snapfish Apple Vistaprint Photobox Canvas-On-Demand Mass Retail (e.g. Tesco, Walmart, Costco, Walgreens/Boots, CVS, Staples) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 71 Personalized Photo Products Share – by Units (N. America) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 72 On Shutterfly and Share • From the prior slide you’ll note that, in spite of articles claiming much higher share of consumer photo output, Shutterfly does not have more than 50% of overall unit sales for any of the major personalized products. In fact, Shutterfly, has been slow to capitalize on the dramatic growth of demand for photo décor products. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 73 Competitive Overview - Shutterfly Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Brands Legacy “dead” image storage costs Continue to build on This Life platform lifecycle relationship/paid service model A more open and compelling user experience redefines digital imaging overall value proposition. Customer Base Retail product prices and shipping costs too high. Rapidly invest in and lead mobile growth. FB decides to broaden their role in the digital life by adopting a robust photo management and output model. Creative team “Hi-Low” retailer practices trains shoppers to wait for deals. Pursue global brand and markets. Others successfully intercept images captured on mobile devices and direct them to alternative photo management/output platforms. Manufacturing Controls Manufacturing Costs Reduce dependency on manufacturing. Hubris Best of class mobile create and order Late to lead in mobile (business model conflicts) Focus on décor products for growth. This Life https://www.thislife.c om/ Diversity of assets makes it hard to focus awareness on the strengths of each. Leverage Tiny Prints to continue to expand greeting card business beyond Q4. Leverage My Publisher Albums for pro market https://www.mypublis her.com/albums/sizesa ndprices Fear of driving ASP lower = reluctance to innovate easier, lower-touch, more affordable products. Free up and fund important brands to segment marketing opportunities, drive awareness and growth. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 74 Competitive Overview - Cewecolor Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Manufacturing Experience and Excellence (5 decades) Dependence on retailers Expand into N. America via large retail partner such as Costco. Retailers abandon photo as a discipline Network of 1000’s of retail customers No N. America or Asian presence Strengthen brand (become the European “Kodak” for the digital imaging generations). 800# tech/platform gorilla becomes intercept point from mobile devices and safe and secure harbor and solutions provider for all images. Fulfilment ecosystem with all components (online, mobile, retail self-serve, centralized and retail product fulfillment) Challenged to overcome outputdependence as only source of revenue Acquisitions strengthen experience and cloud management services. Hubris Solid and experienced management team with focus on only one thing output Culturally predisposed to view their solutions as the final and only solutions - hubris Successful engagement with wireless carriers makes them the output traffic manager connected to tens of thousands of retail outlets. Financial strength Vulnerable to consumer behavior shifts away from retail fulfillment. 12/5/2014 Challenged to become a primary brand destination for photo management Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 75 Competitive Overview - Snapfish Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Established brand & member base Starved by HP and lacking internal margins to innovate Successful acquisition by capable and committed enterprise. Stays at HP and is starved to death. Access to HP resources Innovative founder team gone and preplaced by HP mid-level managers Expand relationships with leading mass retailers and adopt a state-of-art transaction based business that drives incremental growth to partners and fair share of revenues to Snapfish. Acquired and killed (Shutterfly) Contracts with Walgreens and Walmart Demanding B2B partners divert most development resources from B2C efforts HP makes another aboutface and lavished Snapfish with financial and technical support. (perhaps driven by new 3D product opportunities. Dropped by Walgreens and or Walmart. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 76 Competitive Overview - Apple Strengths The loyalist customers in the world More cash than they can spend Weaknesses Focus on viewing and sharing throughout the Apple ecosystem vs. printing (i.e. print is out of scope) Opportunities Threats Applying their brand to a suite of unique output options might further strengthen the brand and it’s bond with loyal customers. Hubris Leveraging their muscle with CGX to develop and distribute meaningful new output products globally. Closed community finally unacceptable even to long-time loyal Apple users Most powerful product brand in the world. Leaders in ecosystem design and execution. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 77 Competitive Overview - Photobox http://group.photobox.com/ Strengths Experience – Founded 1999 Weaknesses Unknown Opportunities Seemingly boundless Threats Unknown Powerful and distinctive multibrand strategy Cewe #2 volume (after Cewe) Intercepted by a major cloud provider Taking traditional retailers head on with what is being hailed as ‘the ultimate customizable product platform’, PaperShaker’s focus is on allowing customers to create truly unique stationery in particular for birth announcements, wedding or party invitations. Sticky9 is a global, online print brand that transforms Instagrams into highly covetable, custom products with irresistible tactile appeal. Moonpig has well over 10,000 card designs for all occasions, from the cute and quirky to the weird and wonderful. Well known for brilliant humor, spoofs, photo upload and for working with top brands such as Disney and Nickelodeon, Moonpig designs are all exclusive 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 78 Competitive Overview - Vistaprint http://www.vistaprint.com/?mk=vistaprint&ad=e&crtv=51600414139&psite=mkwid%7cKCdbXkuc&device=c&couponAutoload=1&expi redCouponCode=33OFF&GP=11%2f20%2f2014+6%3a40%3a31+AM&GPS=3342284526&GNF=1 Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Affiliate and Pro Advantage programs (e.g. Staples) Hard to become destination for consumer products. Continue to leverage partner platforms and fill the void being left by retailers wanting to exit photo retail operations. 25 localized websites serving various global markets; world-class manufacturing facilities around the globe, including North America, Western Europe, Australia and India; and thousands of employees in 13 offices worldwide. Make it vs, source it bias results in often late to market or inferior initial product offerings (e.g. canvas prints) Invest in extending brand and portfolio to become a destination for consumer photo output products. Small business growth WW. 12/5/2014 Threats None apparent Develop deeper photo print core competence and focus Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 79 Competitive Overview - Canvas On Demand Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Increasing economies of scale = lower per unit cost Owned by Café Press Diversify (hard with that name!) Circle Graphics Focus on one thing Vulnerable to new lower-cost manufacturing (Circle Graphics) and more aggressive price position by mass retail (commoditization) Strengthen affiliate programs Commoditization Proven business model Mass Retail Sweet spot of photo output growth Owned by Café Press 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 80 Competitive Overview - Mass Retailers Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Where boomers and Gen X shopped for prints. Many/most have exited photo printing and likely to be predisposed to avoid it. Low-touch, no-cap programs that leverage existing infrastructure, create a no-inventory path to creating frequent shopping trips. Managing down the film printing business was horribly difficult. Few want to hear “print” again. Most convenient place to fulfill photo output for many. Reduced, disgruntled, poorly compensated labor force with huge turn-over rates (generally) All retained margin…no direct overhead. Gen Y will never consider mass retail as a destination for personal photo product fulfillment. Staff to support discovery and purchase activity Consolidation has crushed innovation. Very positive emotional products and services create much-needed loyalty. Ability to display product for discovery Hard to do business with (mostly) Virtually every trip to a retail store results in unintended purchases. Advertising voice 12/5/2014 Chance, for some, to connect stream of margin rich products with lowmargin electronics hardware and service agreements. Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 81 MAJOR CHALLENGES AND BARRIERS Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 82 Headwinds for Consumer Photo Output Digital Solutions Displace Output Solutions Poor quality products and experiences disillusion shoppers No Significant Mass Market Products Limited Awareness of New Products 12/5/2014 Little or No Retail Merchandising Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 83 VERTICAL OPPORTUNITIES (A VERY PARTIAL LIST) Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 84 Large Vertical Opportunities Smartphone Adoption The closer you get to the capture moment the larger the output opportunity. Engage leading carriers. New Moms (and Dads and Grandparents) The rate of picture taking and output making explodes when children and grandchildren arrive. Pet Lovers Solutions Pet owners lavish attention and investment on their pets in unprecedented fashion. Engage a market-leading pet retailer. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 85 Large Vertical Opportunities Travel Solutions My images plus location-based images equals unprecedented opportunities to preserve and celebrate travel. Event Solutions My and our images from any event (“I was/we were here!”). Engage event management industries to offer rich, time, location and eventspecific memorabilia. www.geteversnap.com Genealogy Solutions The family tree in pictures will emerge as a major revenue opportunity on the back of recognition advances and LDS genealogy investments. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 86 Large Vertical Opportunities Billions of Walls! Dramatic manufacturing cost reductions + Unprecedented Access to Content = $$B Global Opportunity. Personalize my home and my workplace. It’s where I’ll be and who I trust. Retail collaboration…with a well-profiled, committed, marketinfluencing retail partner. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 87 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Consumer Photo Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 88 The Future of Print • Given the headwinds that marked the transition from “must have” bags of prints to “nice to have” personalized photo products it is easy to lose sight of the fact that demand for personalized photo products has grown dramatically every year and the convergence of a number of factors should drive an acceleration of growth. It is likely that the WW revenue from photo output will exceed the historical high marks during the analog era….and that higher value products will carry higher margins for manufacturers and sellers. See the next slide for the converging factors….. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 89 Tailwinds for Personalized Photo Output Convergence of Positive Forces 12/5/2014 Easier Access to Content More & Better Content Available Printing Advances (Faster, better, cheaper) Product & Software Innovation Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 90 The Future of Consumer Personalized Photo Output Our current belief is that mass market consumers will not only continue to purchase personalized photo products but will do so at increasing levels. Among the main reasons: 1. Dramatic growth of demand for personalized photo products, in spite of many barriers from 2000-2015. 2. Mass market consumers, at all age levels, indicate a strong intent to purchase prints (70%+). 3. Smartphone adoption and advanced photo capabilities create unprecedented contributions to our personal life narrative, some of which will be expressed in physical output. 4. Printing advances enable better, faster, more personal products. 5. Product innovation will focus on storytelling products that can be selected instantly and created, ordered and fulfilled without friction. 6. Ever-easier access to one’s most important photos (smart curation) 7. Households will continue to form (weddings), add children, go on vacations, celebrate birthdays , holidays , and gatherings, and strive to record and preserve their narrative. 8. Walls everywhere, at home and at work, will demand local, relevant and personal decor. 9. Wealth is spreading globally, and as people are lifted out of poverty investments in personalized photo products will rise. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 91 Current State Estimates for Consumer Personalized Photo Output (US$ - B) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 92 Desired State Estimates for Consumer Personalized Photo Output (US$ - B) Desired State Lift = $7B 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 93 Consumer Photo Output N.A./EU Revenue Estimates (B$) Current State vs. Desired State 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 94 Consumer Photo Output Revenue Estimates (B$) Share Point Value N.A./EU If Memories gained 10% share of consumer photo output by 2025 revenues from that business would be $1.8B 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 95 Professional Photo Output Pro Photo Output ❖ Historical Market Size ❖ Potential Growth Opportunities ❖ Competitive Overview ❖ Barriers & Challenges ❖ Possible Verticals Professional Photo Printing For the sake of this report professional photographer is defined as anyone who captures photos and offers them for sale. The can be classified as full-time professionals, part-time professionals or hobbyists. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 98 SUPPLY Pro Photography 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 99 Professional Market Opportunities Supply Side • US Market Uniquely Supports A Network of Professional Photo Labs – H&H Color Lab – Millers Professional Imaging – Nations Photo Lab – Bay Photo Lab – White House Custom Color 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 100 Professional Market Opportunities Supply Side • Digital transition (now print only) enabled new services competitors – Large brick and mortar retailers…specifically Costco – Consumer upload and print web portals e.g. Shutterfly – Prosumer upload and print web sites (differentiated quality, service, etc. from straight consumer sites)) • MPIX (Actually Miller’s amateur site) • Adorama • SmugMug – Specially designed, turn key professional photo portals for lower volume photographers • • • • 12/5/2014 Pictage Collages.net (now part of H&H Color Labs) Zenfolio SmugMug Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 101 Professional Market Opportunities Supply Side – Professional Portals offer a complete “B to C” service portfolio to professional photographers • • • • • End User Password Protected Accounts Save Access to “proof” images Allow orders for a large range of prints and products Integrated E-commerce Automatic Product fulfillment – Proprietary Studio to Cloud Upload Portals • • • • 12/5/2014 Customer information Accounting functions Usage statistics Customer Order tracking Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 102 DEMAND Pro Photography 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 103 Professional Market Opportunities Demand Side The High End “People Photography” Market is Under Assault – Millennial parents and brides have an informal DIY attitude – Virtually All Pro Sectors are Shrinking with the exception of • Sports Photography • School Photography 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 104 Professional Market Opportunities Demand Side Growing Competition from “Mamarazzi” and Weekend Warriors – Weekend Warriors are part time professionals • shoot events and weddings as a second job • No Studio Capitalization • Often sell fixed price packages that consist of digital files only • Serviced by current Pro Lab channels (web and fulfillment) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 105 Professional Market Opportunities Demand Side – Mamarazzi are 25 to 40 year-old female photo enthusiasts • Fastest growing sector in professional photography • Provide services at well below current market price • Happy (surprised?) with any income…business is part hobby, part avocation • Generally lack technical photo and business skills • Services and service model are ideally suited to the Millennial market • No studios and minimal capital invested…created the professional candid…i.e. ”LifeStyle Photography” 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 106 Professional Market Opportunities Demand Side • Generally sell digital files with few or no prints…”shoot and burn” from CD delivery vehicle • Prints or products, if any, are supplied using consumer or semi-pro channels e.g. Costco, Shutterfly, etc. • Individual volumes too low for Professional Labs • Professional portals are too expensive to meet their needs • Associations and Web Portals are focusing on Mamarazzis • Click-N-Moms • Women’s Photography Clubs • Pinterest 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 107 RISE OF THE MAMARAZZI Pro Output 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 108 The Changing Composition of “Pro Photographers” Rise of the “Mamarazzi” • • • • The transition from analog to digital has had a profound impact on professional photography. In most lines of professional photography (studio, sports, portraiture, yearbook, wedding, etc.) the revenue and profit model had been based, almost entirely on output vs. professional services. The diminished demand for and willingness to pay for physical products vs. digital files has forced many true professional photographers to seek other careers or to pursue niche photo opportunities where payment for services exist. People still want high-quality image capture for key moments in life (weddings, child portraits, family portraits, pet portraits, etc.). Into the void hundreds of thousands of mostly part-time photographers (younger and predominantly female) have rushed. The target for professional services (cloud storage, syncing, sharing), as well as photo output is now a vast and growing wave of “mamarazzi.” 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 109 The Changing Composition of Pro Photographers (see detailed slides in Addendum) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 110 MARKET SIZE AND PROJECTIONS Pro Photographers 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 111 Historical Market Size Professional Photo Printing In Scope (Outsourced Printing vs. Home Printing) Production Professionals • Professional labs (e.g. Millers, Bay Photo) – National and International Labs – Local Pro Labs • Captive Labs (e.g. Lifetouch) • Retailers • Full-Time Professionals • Part-Time Professionals • Hobbyists (earning some money from photography) – Costco – Local Photo Specialty 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 112 Output Fulfillment is Fragmented 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 113 Pro Photography Specialties Youth Sports Journalism Portrait/Studio Church Directory Wedding Fine Art 12/5/2014 Commercial Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 114 Pro Photographers and Personalized Photo Output – N. A. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 115 Pro Photographers and Personalized Photo Output – W. Eur. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 116 Pro Photo Output Revenue Est. N.A. & W. EU. ($B) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 117 Historical Market Size Professional Photo Printing Products Digital Press & Wide Format • • • • Greeting Cards Photo Books Calendars Home and Office Décor (exclusive of photo print enlargements)* • Wall clings (e.g. wallpaper, Fathead, repositionable) Non-Print • Media (CD, DVD, etc.) • Mugs • Fabrics – T-shirts – Pillows – Blankets • • • • Mousepads Magnets Ornaments Jewelry *Incl. canvas wraps, fine art prints, glass, acrylic, metal and wood 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 118 Historical and Trend Market Size Estimates Pro Photo Printing (U.S. & Canada, W. Europe) – % Share by Product Type ($) 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 119 Pro Photo Output by Supplier – N. A. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 120 GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES Pro Photographers 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 121 Potential Growth Opportunities – Pro Photo Output Mobile and Wireless Enabling Technologies Print Growth Drivers Image and Output Distribution Product Innovation 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 122 Growth Opportunities - Mobile • The target for photo output is unequivocally the “mamarazzi” and “weekend warrior” vs. the shrinking ranks of pros and the captive labs (e.g. Nations and Lifetouch). • The fastest and easiest way to serve these primarily parttime pros is through connected devices and apps. • Mobile….automatic transfer of captured photos, instant viewing and sharing, instant product preview and order, etc. will drive clients to purchase of photo output. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 123 Growth Opportunities –Image Access • The ability to quickly and easily locate photos from recent or past projects drives rich opportunities for promoting output sales…especially if those photos can be instantly visualized as product options. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 124 Growth Opportunities – Product Innovation • Photos from professional photo sessions are among the “highest value” photos one will ever have. • If product options are of obvious high-quality, and are on-trend and even fashion-forward, the postcapture opportunities to market and sell photo output are exceptionally high. • If innovative personal products are presented instantly using session or event photos the likelihood of purchase is at its peak. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 125 Growth Opportunities – Enabling Technology Instant & Auto Photo Transfer (connected devices) Mobile Editing Easy Solutions! Instant Product Option Preview and Order Instant Storage, Organization, Curation 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 126 Growth Opportunities - Distribution • Auto-feed of “best” photos to client for social sharing. • Click to Order links in all shares. • Easy ordering and fast fulfillment of products. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 127 TRENDS Pro Photographers 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 128 Trends – Pro Photo Output • Pro photographers are younger, with predominantly new female ranks. • Today’s pros are more likely to offer personalized photo products. • Today’s pros often remove price barriers to engagement, driving up total addressable market size. • Today’s pros are more experience-focused than technology focused. • Today’s pros are more flexible and responsive to the personalized wants and needs of clients. 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 129 UNMET NEEDS Pro Photographers 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 130 Unmet Needs – Pro Photo Output Product Support (Revenue!) Collaboration 12/5/2014 Property of f/22 Consulting, Inc. - 2014 Business Support Website Design and Support Training 131