Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Controlled Variables Selection for a Biological Wastewater Treatment Process Michela Mulas1, Roberto Baratti2, Sigurd Skogestad1 1 Department 2 Dipartimento Dycops2007 of Chemical Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim (Norway) di Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali, Università di Cagliari (Italy) S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Outline Background Operational Objectives Degrees of Freedom Analysis Controlled Variables (CV) Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Motivation and Objective Environmental water protection has gained an increasing public awareness Stricter standards for operation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) European Directive 91/271/EEC However: Wastewater treatment plants are generally operated poorly with only elementary control systems Some reasons are: understanding of the treatment process is lacking reliable technologies are insufficient benefits of improved control are not appreciated WWTP is considered a non-productive process In a biological WWTP, the Activated Sludge Process (ASP) is the most common used and important technology to remove organic pollutant from wastewater Dycops2007 Objective Show how optimal operation can be achieved in practice by designing the ASP control system appropriately S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Case Study Activated Sludge Process (ASP) We consider the ASP in the TecnoCasic WWTP located in Cagliari (Italy) Nitrogen and Carbon Compounds Removal ASP: bioreactor + settler + recycle of biomass (“sludge”) Bioreactor Settler Anoxic zone (Denitrification) followed by an aerobic zone (Nitrification) Both zones are modeled using the Activated Sludge Process Model No.1 (ASM1) Thickening and clarification Modeled as a stack of layers using the Takacs Model The models are coupled together in a Matlab/Simulink environment Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion General Procedure for Controlled Variables Selection What should we control ? Systematic procedure* Step 1. Define Operational objectives (cost J) and constraints Step 2. Degrees of Freedom (DOF) Analysis Step 3. Optimize for various disturbances Step 4. Controlled Variables. 1) Control active constraints 2) Control “self-optimizing” variables Step 5. Analysis of proposed control structure Self-optimizing control* is achieved when a constant setpoint policy results in an acceptable process operation (without the need to reoptimize when disturbances occur) *S. Skogestad - Plantwide control: the search for the self-optimizing control structure J. Process Control, 10:487-507, 2000 Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 1: Operational Objectives Cost Function J We adopt the costs proposed in the COST Benchmark (Copp, 2000) Three contributions to cost: Pumping costs due to the required pumping energy Pumping costs due to the required aeration flow (99% of total cost) Sludge disposal costs 1 t0 T J (k E 0.04 Qr (t) Qw (t) T t0 n 2 24 i1 0.4032k la,i (t) 7.8408k la,i (t)) k DTSSw (t)Qw (t))dt J. B. Copp - COST action 624 - The COST simulation benchmark: description and simulator manual Technical Report, European Community, 2000 Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 1: Operational Objectives Constraints and Disturbances The cost should minimized subject to some constraints Operational Constraints Oxygen in both reactor zones Effluent Constraints Nitrate in anoxic zone Defined by the legislation requirement for the effluent Food-to-Microorganisms ratio A waste water treatment plant is subject to large disturbances Inflow Qin Inflow COD (chem. ox. demand) Inflow TKN (nitrogen) Dycops2007 6152 m3/d ± 20% 221 g/m3 ± 20% 22 g/m3 ± 20% S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 2: Degrees of Freedom Analysis DOFs for control (valves, MVs) Nm = 7 – given feed (influent) -1 - Need to control two levels with no steady-state effect -2 = Steady-state DOFs Nopt = 4 Common: Control dissolved oxygen (DO) in both anoxic and aerated zones -2 Remaining DOFs (need to identify CVs) =2 Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 3: Optimal operation In our plant aeration is responsible for 99% of the total cost Setpoint for Dissolved Oxygen (DO) must be optimized A preliminary optimization was carried out to find the setpoint values for the DO in both anoxic and aerated zones Initial Improved (Nominal) DOp,sp [gO2/m3] 0.09 0.22 DOn,sp [gO2/m3] 4 2.5 1.14 1.49 [m3/d] 60 77 [€/d] 2200 1466 Qr /Qin Qw Cost Dycops2007 [-] A remarkable cost reduction with respect to the existing conditions is observed S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 3: Optimal operation Manipulated Variable: Waste sludge flow Recycle ratio Qr/Qw fixed at its average optimal value Oxygen is fixed at the previously defined setpoints The operational constraints are respected for Qw ranging between 60 and 100 m3/d Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 4: Controlled Variables Selection General approach to find “self-optimizing” CVs A self-optimizing CV should be 1) accurate to measure and easy to control 2) sensitive to changes in the manipulate variables (large gain) 3) optimal value should be insensitive to disturbances (d) Combine into the “maximum gain rule”: Maximize scaled gain |G’| from MV to CV. G’ = S1 G S2 Disturbances and cost enters into scalings Multivariable: Use minimum singular value, s (G’) Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Maximum gain rule: Derivation cost J c=Gu uopt u Halvorsen, I.J., S. Skogestad, J. Morud and V. Alstad (2003). ”Optimal selection of controlled variables”. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 42(14), 3273–3284. Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 4: Controlled Variables Selection Candidate CVs The following candidate CVs are suggested: Recycle flow ratio (Qr/Qin) Sludge Retention Time (SRT) Food-to-Microorganisms ratio (F/M) eff ) Effluent Ammonia (SNH Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) p,3 (S Nitrate in the last anoxic zone NO ) Dycops2007 Qr/Qin SRTsp F/Msp 1.49 9.77 0.74 Their setpoint values are the average of the optimal at various operation points eff ,sp SNH 0.17 MLSS 1482 p 3,sp SNO 0.78 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 4: Controlled Variables Selection Scaled gains for candidate CVs s CVs c1 (Qr/Qin)const- SRT 6.50 c2 (Qr/Qin)const- F/M 1.004 c3 (Qr/Qin)const- SNH 1.338 c4 (Qr/Qin)const- MLSS 32.20 c5 SRT - MLSS 0.13 c6 SRT - F/M 1.00 c7 eff SRT - SNH 0.83 c8 SRT - MLSS 1.49 c9 F/M -SNO 0.76 c10 F/M -SNH 0.00 c11 F/M - MLSS 0.86 c12 1.14 c13 F/M - SNO eff p,3 SNH -SNO c14 MLSS -SNO 1.41 eff p,3 eff p,3 Dycops2007 p,3 1.02 Candidates c1 to c4 have the recycle ratio fixed at its optimum and SRT, F/M, and MLSS controlled by Qw One feedback loop Candidates c5 to c14 use also recycle flow Qr as a MV Two feedback loops The best configurations (with a large minimum singular value) are c1 and c4: Both have a constant recycle ratio S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 5: Analysis of proposed control structure Evaluation of cost for some disturbances Cost [Euro/d] Configuration Nom. d1 d2 d3 c1 Qr/Qin- SRT 1440 1739 1752 1993 c2 Qr/Qin- F/M 1460 1775 1773 2032 c3 Qr/Qin- SNH Qr/Qin- MLSS eff 1479 1832 1759 2038 1446 1632 1752 1869 1466 1777 1783 2046 d4 d5 d6 c4 (Qr/Qin- Qw) - Open Loop c1 Qr/Qin- SRT 1440 2390 2442 2779 c4 Qr/Qin- MLSS 1446 2056 2269 2344 c8 SRT - SNO p,3 MLSS - SNO 1481 2470 2440 2805 1490 2045 2257 2552 1466 2436 2458 2823 c14 p,3 (Qr/Qin- Qw) - Open Loop With inflow Qin constant (d1, d2, d3): Control of Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) is the best - as predicted by the maximum gain rule With Qin varying ± 20% (d4, d5, d6): Control of MLSS remains the best choice d1 = Inflow COD (chem. ox. demand): 221 g/m3 ± 20% d2 = Inflow TKN (Nitrogen): 22 g/m3 ± 20% d3 = d1 and d2 Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 5: Analysis of proposed control structure Dynamic Simulations Proposed Configuration • Waste sludge flow controls MLSS • Recycle ratio Qr/Qin is constant • Air: DO setpoints at their optimal values In order to verify the system behavior, dynamic simulations are performed Influent data from real plant Flow rates Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Nitrogen Sludge Volume Index (SVI) Initial Optimized Dycops2007 A considerably cost reduction is obtained! S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Step 5: Analysis of proposed control structure Dynamic Simulations Further check: Typical variations in dry weather conditions are simulated using the variations proposed by Isaac and Thormberg S. Isaacs and D. E. Thormberg - A comparison between model and rule based control of a periodic ASP Water Science and Technology 37(12):343-352, 1998 Constant Influent Flow Rate Variable Influent Flow Rate The cost is reduced in both situations Initial Optimized Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process Background Operational Objective DOF Analysis CV Selection Proposed Control Structure Conclusion Conclusion Biological wastewater treatment plant: Potential for large improvements in operation Use systematic procedure Step 1. Define Operational Objectives (J) and constraints Step 2. Degree of Freedom Analysis Step 3. Optimize for various disturbances Step 4. Controlled Variable selection: Use Maximum gain rule for screening • Waste sludge flow controls mixed liquor suspended solids, MLSS • Recycle ratio Qr/Qin is constant • Air: DO setpoints at their optimal values Dycops2007 S. Skogestad | Controlled Variables Selection for Biological Process