V Regionalna konferencija / Regional Conference: INDUSTRIJSKA ENERGETIKA I ZAŠTITA ŽIVOTNE SREDINE U ZEMLJAMA JUGOISTOČNE EVROPE INDUSTRIAL ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN SOUTH EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES BIOINDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES FOR INTEGRATED BIO-ENERGY PRODUCTION, CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION IN SOUTHERN EUROPE Euring. Bela TOZSER Senior expert UN & EUC & REC & HCE gemd@envizont.eu UVOD / INTRODUCTION Climate protection, bioenergetics, integrated biotechnology - THE ANSWER FOR THE CHALLANGES OF OUR DAYS AND THE FUTURE OF THE PLANET - Climate- and environment catastrophes Growing emissions, environment depleting Global warming Destruction of the nature Running-out of fossil energy-supply Increasing energy-consumption Increase in price of energy and fuel Food-supply problems Eliminate malnutrition Drought, big economical damages NEW STRATEGY Integrated bioenergeticsbiotechnology Biofuel strategy-change CO2, bioconversion into algae biomass, trigen energy and biofuel Production of high added-value products in the context of complex UVOD / INTRODUCTION The one actual and biggest challenge is the protection of climate in fast, sustainable and economical way. The local, regional, national, continental programs, the EU,UN roadmaps and protocols fulfillment will be feasible through the implementation of integrated engineering establishments, harmonized by pollutants and waste resulting from industrial, agricultural and municipal activities. The followed engineering content is applicable by adaptation to local needs in SOUTHERN Europe. CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. OUR INTEGRATED SYSTEM -CLIENVHEP3BICMAIN TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS PROBLEMS OF THE USED TECHNOLOGIES FOR ALGAE PRODUCTION THE BIOINDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES OF ENVIROSAN DC. IMPACTS DYNAMICAL PHOTOBIOCATALITICAL REACTOR TESTS ECONOMYCAL DATA CASE STUDY-POWER PLANTS CASE STUDY-BIOGAS PLANTS PERSPECTIVES SUMMARY OUR INTEGRATED SYSTEM Climate-environment-health protection- bioenergeticalbiorefinery- biotechnological complex = CliEnvHe3BiC Composed by: Dynamical photosynthetical bioreactors, anaerobical fermenters, pyrolisis reactors, trigen energy generators Innovative combination of integrated processes Processes generate sustainable economical efficiency Applicability in SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE and Worldwide. Combined biotechnological processes The pyrolysis reactors contribute to high efficiency of waste to energy. The integrated system is characterized by zero carbon emission and low ecological footprint. By-products as biooxygen and biofertilizer are valuable products for different kinds of use. -CLIENVHEP3BIC- -CLIENVHEP3BIC- -CLIENVHEP3BIC- OUR TECHNOLOGY Factors of effective growth : pollution (C02 , GHG, wastewater), unused local resources (spoil gaswells, mofetts, thermal- and mineral water, N content of the air) organic, in-organic, micro nutrition (S, P, N), photons, pH, redoxpotential, thermal-, mineral- , seawater, dynamical photocatalitical bioreactors, instrumentation, automatisation, remote control harmonized complex technology MAIN TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS The average bioconversion rate : 1 ton of CO2 generates 0,755 ton microalgae biomass and 0,473 ton bio-oxygen A 100 m3 DPHCBR daily generates (depending of algae strain properties) 1 500- 4 500 kg algae biomass or specifical 15- 45 kg/m3/d The biodiesel extractable from 1 500 kg algae is 875 liter, which is enough to travel 17 500 km way by car A 100 m3 DPHCBR produces daily 6.38 kg of bio-hydrogen, equivalent of 734 MJ (204 kWh) green energy A 100 m3 DPHCBR produces daily 4 500 kg gasifiable energy algae 1 350 kWh of equivalent energy, the specific value is 13,5 kWh/d From 1 500 kg algae can be extracted 825 kg of Ώ- 3 fatty-acid, the daily requirement of 1 adult is : 1.15 g/d 1 ton of microalgae biomass contains 750-900 kg of organical matters with 300 kW bioenergetical potencial Heating value of 1 ton algae: 30- 35 GJ or 8,33 – 9,72 MWh Max. utilisable energy (cogen, trigen): 7,50-8,75 MWh/ton algae, from which electric: 3 -3,5 MWh PROBLEMS OF THE USED TECHNOLOGIES FOR ALGAE PRODUCTION Algaeoil extraction Photocatalitical energy Algae production Biofuel production Algae energetical lifecycle CO2 emissioner The traditional technologies doesn't ensure the intensive growth of biomass Weight losses by photoinhibition Low intensity compared to fast doubling time of strains Low specific growth and effectiveness Biofuel THE BIOINDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES OF ENVIROSAN DC. Bioenergetical utilization: Bioenergy production simultaneous with climate-protection processes, the system produces energy- and energy sources The increase of the energetical effectiveness of the biogas plant Production of biofuels Hydrothermal gasification Combined processes: trigen energy Biofuel production Biorefinery utilization Biofuel diversification Biochemicals Biocharbohydtrates Bioresins Climate and environment protection functions: CO2- and other GHG bioconversion, real zero carbon emission and O2 output – carbon quotas can be sold, valuable bioproducts fabrication Zero carbon emission of waste-fields Reduce of the salt content of thermal-, and seawater with use of halophil micro-organisms Intensification of waste water cleaning Nitrogen reduce of the fermentations fluid of the biogas plants, odour reducing/prevention Disposal of harmful wastes Elimination of radioactive pollution Regeneration of polluted soils (heavy metals, biological degradable pollutions) Propagation of micro-organisms for soil- and pest control for seed-corn treatment THE BIOINDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES OF ENVIROSAN DC. BASIC FEATURES Climate-, environment-, and healthprotecting, bioenergetical, biotechnological and biorefinery multifactory complex Our multifunctional climate-, environment-, healthprotecting, bioenergetical, biotechnological and biorefinery system is based on the fast, efficient growth of microorganisms. Biotechnological- health protectional utilization: Production of C5, C6 sugar with versatile utilization Animal feed, protected protein- and fat production Products with iodin content in case of nuclear radiation Propagation of tribe-yeasts Pharmaceutical groundmaterials, fine-biochemicals, vegetal stem-cells from archeas, medicinal fungus, herbs cells Balneotherapy, wellness products Complex utilization of carbon-dioxide stations for high-end biotechnological development Synthesis-gas-production, biomaterials, biopolymers, bio building blocks, bioresins THE BIOINDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES OF ENVIROSAN DC. Inputs: Pocesses: Renwable energy sources: wind energy, Water splitting photovoltaical energy Methanisation CSS gases CO2 purifying CO2-sources: power plants, bioenergetical plants GHG bioconversion Greenhouse gases Microorganism growth by photobiocatalitical and heterotrophism Wastewater from several facilities By- products separation Strains, species suitable composition, high purity Microphytobiomass production and water (thermal, mineral, food industry bioconversion wastewater) Enzymatical extraction Specific growth mediums Biological methanogenesis Biohydrogen Torrefaction Internal wastewater Estherification Fermentable organical waste, fermentable Biofermentation household-, restaurants-, hotels-, hospital wastes Hydro-pyrolysis Crop production wastes, food and feed industry Dark fermentation wastes, slaughterhouse fermentable wastes, fish Trigeneration processing fermentable wastes Dewatering, Drying, Pulverisation Wastewater treatment sludges Packing Slurry, liquid manure THE BIOINDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES OF ENVIROSAN DC. Outputs: Microalgae, micro-organisms, yeasts, fungus Medicinal, aromatical plant cells Biofluid, biochar and bioresin Bioenergy and biofuel Microphytobiomass Archae, stem cells Plant cell increments SCE products : pharmaceuticals, biochemicals, aromas, wellness ingredients, phytopygments Electricity, heat, cooling energy,steam Biodiesel, bioethanol, biorefinery products Carbon quota production Enzymes Algaeoils Waste, wastewater bioremediation excipients Nutraceuticals for human and animal nutrition Biofertilizer Pesticides Biofluids Biochar, bioresins, biopolimers The product-scale is broadable, the share between categories is variable in according to the market needs! THE BIOINDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES OF ENVIROSAN DC. ARCHAEAL ENZYMES OF BIOTECHNOLOGICAL INTEREST The archae upgrade the biomethane production up to 30% and mitigate the sensibility of medium to variation of temperature, salinity and toxicity Natural and modified archaeal enzymes present huge possibilities for industrial applications Many archaeal enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism - special interest to the industrial biotechnology sector. The starch processing industry can profit from the exploitation of thermostable enzymes. Another promising application of hyperthermophilic archaeal enzymes is in trehalose production. Several other polymer-degrading enzymes isolated from archaea could play important roles in the chemical, pharmaceutical, paper, pulp or waste treatment industries. (xylanases and cellulases) Some archaeal metabolites have potential industrial applications. (proteins, osmotically active substances, exopolysaccharides and special lipids ) Archaeal lipids have been proposed as monomers for bioelectronics THE BIOINDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES OF ENVIROSAN DC. INNOVATIVE ASPECTS, ADVANTAGES Ready-to-use, optimised and remote-controlable system Effective, economical, industrial-sized bioenergy production by pollution and waste conversion Our system has 15-20-time higher effectiveness than the pipeline system, it’s demand on space is 40-60-fold smaller. Significantly lower service and operationing costs Several products, product lines, possibility to change/enlarge, sustainable development Real zero or negative carbon emission with the conversion of climate gases, no CO2 emission, oxygen production! Oxford Academy/GB&NI Patent Office Reg. No.:#2401351 EU Comission – Sustainable Energy Europe Official Partner Certificate (reg. Nr.: EC-EACI- EEN 12 HU 50S2 3NVI) IMPACTS Intensification of biomethanisation process of anaerobical digestionmicroalgae and archae contribution up to 30% incresing of process yield High integration of biotechnological, environment and climate protection processes Very high efficiency in pollution control of waste-water : archae and microalgae for increasing of biological treatment efficiency CO2 / GHG – atmospheric pollutants and extreme climate phenomena producing gases - bioconversion to valuable energetical and biotechnological products Waste to energy with anaerobical intensified digesters Pyrolysis reactors for non-biodegradable organical wastes, biorefinery capacities for diversification of biofuels Contribution to soil bioremediation , biodiversity conservation by high quality biofertilizers DYNAMICAL PHOTOBIOCATALITICAL REACTOR TESTS SLYCP53 MICROALGAE Parameter U/M Value COD mg/l 350 Total N mg/l 98 Total P mg/l >75 NH4-N mg/l 27,6 NO3-N mg/l 9,3 S2- mg/l 0,13 TH °d 21,6 Ca mg/l 152 Mg mg/l <20 K mg/l 142,19 Fe mg/l 0,59 Mn mg/l 0 Zn mg/l 0,45 SiO2 mg/l 7 Si:3,26 CO2 mg/l 740 TOX % 44 TSS g/l 13,2 TDM g/l 14,0 CST s/s 3,9/29,9 ECONOMY Energy production and climate protection (zero carbon technology) I 5,4 million EUR • biofuel, biogas, electric-, heat- and cooling energy • biofertilizer – drought damage moderating effect TOMC 2,3 million EUR/annum Profit 10,7 million EUR/annum ROI 1,5-2 year CASE STUDY-POWER PLANTS Energy production and climate protection Connection to a power plant with 600.000 t CO2/year climate gas emission and 240 MW capacity • electric energy (+ 110 MW) • biofuel production • marketable CO2- quote I 71,4 million EUR TOMC 8,9 million EUR/annum Profit 46,42 million EUR/annum ROI 1,5-2 year CASE STUDY-BIOGAS PLANTS Upgrading of biogas plants – ZERO CARBON EMISSION Biogas plant (WWTP, stock-farm) for example: 2 MWel capacity biogas plant • energetical intensification, 100 % biomethan increment, zero carbon emission electrical-, heating- and cooling energy • biofuel, biogas • intensification of wastewater treatment with decreasing of the operation costs • High quality biofertilizer as by-product – dought damage moderating effect I 6,1 million EUR TOMC 2,5 million EUR/annum Profit 12,5 million EUR/annum ROI 1,5-2 year PERSPECTIVES Adaptability to specific needs of Southern Europe, EU, Asia, America and worldwide The implementations represent high social impacts for improving the quality of environment, protection of health, reducing the extreme climate phenomena, production of high amount of renewable energies. The economical efficiency is very high comparable to traditional processes by decreasing of reactor capacities, investment and operational costs, valuable bioenergetical and biotechnological products, high amount of tradable CO2 The concrete technico-economical parameters will be determined by feasibility studies Boundless perspectives by introducing in industrial use of archae, combination of processes with other microorganisms, development of technical contents The use of this complex ensure the biotechnology and bioenergy based sustainable development Research and development activity mobilization Education of the technology – development of the technology, high level, international, PhD SUMMARY The bioindustrial integrated complexes represent a very high opportunity for South -Eastern Europe: Illimitable opportunities, maximalised use of resources (energetics, health-, climate-, environment-, soil-, plant protection, food industry, aggriculture, industry). Effective CO2 separation and use Carbon-quote, ZERO pollution emission Algae-biofuel, solution for the substitution of fossil fuels Biotechnological production with high added-value Utilisation of organic waste for bioenergetical and other use. Capital multiplication, improvement of economical indicators. 100% usable bio by-products Support of aggriculture, food-safety Adaptation to the local circumstances Strenghtening the economy – international adaptation opportunity to any countries technology transfer, marketing opportunities SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BIOENERGETICAL-, BIOTECHNOLOGICAL-, CLIMATE-, ENVIRONMENT- AND HEALTH-PROTECTING SYSTEM MICROORGANISMS – MACRO POSSIBILITIES TOP TECHNOLOGY OF THE 21TH CENTURY THANK YOU FOR YOUR HONORIFIC ATTENTION! Web: www.envizont.eu E-mail: gemd@envizont.eu