National Federation of State High School Associations 2013-14 NFHS Spirit Rule Revisions Major Rules Changes Major Editorial Changes Points of Emphasis Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2013-14 NFHS Spirit Rule Revisions Major Rules Changes Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ Major Spirit Rules Revisions |3| Rule 1 Revised Definition Bracer – A top person who stabilizes and/or assists another top person. Major Spirit Rules Revisions |4| Rule 1 Revised Definition Cradle – A dismount from a partner stunt, pyramid or toss in which the catch is completed below shoulder height by a base or bases with the top person in a face-up open-pike position. Major Spirit Rules Revisions |5| Rule 1 Revised Definition Extended Stunt/Position – The supporting hand(s) of the base(s) is/are above the head. Major Spirit Rules Revisions |6| Rule 1 Revised Definition Log Roll – A top person in a horizontal position or a cradle is popped then twists parallel to the performing surface before being caught by the original base(s) in a horizontal position or a cradle. Major Spirit Rules Revisions |7| Rule 1 Revised Definition Release Transition/Release Pyramid Transition – A top person changes from one stunt to another (including loading positions) during a temporary loss of physical contact with his/her base(s). Major Spirit Rules Revisions |8| Rule 1 Revised Definition Suspended Roll/Flip – A stunt in which a person is assisted by bases or posts while performing continuous foot-over-head rotation. Major Spirit Rules Revisions |9| Rule 1 New Definition Downward Inversion – A stunt or pyramid in which an inverted top person’s center of gravity moves toward the performing surface. Major Spirit Rules Revisions | 10 | Rule 1 New Definition Loading Position/Load – Bases support a non-extended top person under the footfeet in preparation for a stunt or toss. Major Spirit Rules Revisions | 11 | Rule 1 New Definition Open-Pike Position – Legs are straight and hips are bent approximately halfway between a full pike position and a full layout position. Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-4-1 ART. 1 . . . A base must not: • b. Hold objects in a hand that is supporting a top person. | 12 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-4-1b Illegal | 13 | Legal Illegal Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-4-3 A bracer must not provide primary support for a top person. | 14 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-4-7 A spotter is required for stunts in which the supporting hand(s) of the base(s) is (are) above the head, except for the following: i. Extended triple-base straddle sit provided the top person has both hands in contact with a post. | 15 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-4-7 Legal | 16 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-2 a ART. 2 . . . A top person may be inverted in partner stunts in which the base of support remains below an extended position provided that: a. In a downward inversion: 1. Two bases (original or new) are in a position to protect the head/neck/shoulder area of the top person. 2. These bases must maintain contact with the top person’s upper body (waist or above, including arms) until the top person is no longer inverted or his/her hands are on the performance surface. 3. The top person cannot go to an inverted position on the performance surface from a prep position or higher. | 17 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-5-2 a 3 | 18 | 2 4 Legal Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-2 b ART 2 . . . A top person may be inverted in partner stunts in which the base of support remains below an extended position provided that: b. When a top person is inverted at or passing through shoulder level: 1. At least one base must be in a position to protect the head/neck/shoulder area of the top person. 2. This base must maintain contact with the top person’s upper body (waist or above, including arms) until the top person is no longer inverted. 3. An additional spotter must be in a position to protect the head/neck/shoulder area of the top person. This person may assist but is not required to maintain constant contact. | 19 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-2 b | 20 | Legal Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-2 c ART. 2 . . . A top person may be inverted in partner stunts in which the base of support remains below an extended position provided that: c. In all other inversions, including those coming from the performing surface: 1. At least one base or spotter is in a position to protect the head/neck/shoulder area of the top person. 2. This base or spotter must maintain contact with the top person’s upper body (waist or above, including arms) until the top person is no longer inverted. | 21 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-2 c Legal | 22 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-5-2 c 2 Legal | 23 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-2 c 1 2 Legal | 24 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-5-2 c 2 Legal | 25 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-3 ART. 3 . . . Suspended forward and backward rolls/flips are permitted provided the following conditions are met: a. The top person begins on the performing surface or in a stunt shoulder height or below. b. Two bases or two posts control the top person in suspended forward or backward rolls with continuous hand-to-hand/arm contact to a stunt, two-person cradle, loading position or the performing surface. Exception: One base or post may control the top person in a suspended forward roll/flip with continuous hands-to-hands contact to a twoperson cradle. c. During the roll/flip, the feet of the top person must be released. | 26 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-5-3 2 Legal | 27 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-5-3 2 Legal | 28 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-5-3 2 Legal | 29 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-5-3 2 Legal | 30 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-4 a & b ART. 4 . . . Braced forward or backward flips in a pyramid are allowed provided all the following conditions are met: a. The top person begins in a multi-base loading position, stunt, cradle or on the performing surface. b. The top person maintains continuous hand-to-hand/arm contact with a bracer on each side. The bracers are in preps with a spotter (no shoulder-stand, shoulder-sit or thigh-stand bracers). The top person is between or in front of the bracers. | 31 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-4 c & d ART. 4 . . . Braced forward or backward flips in a pyramid are allowed provided all the following conditions are met: c. At least three catchers (one base and two spotters or two bases and one spotter) who were the original bases/spotters catch the top person in a loading position, stunt or cradle, or assist the top person to the performing surface. If the flip ends in a cradle, the bracers may release the top person once she/he begins to descend and is no longer inverted. d. The top person ends in a non-inverted position. | 32 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-5-4 e & f ART. 4 . . . Braced forward or backward flips in a pyramid are allowed provided all the following conditions are met: e. The top person does not perform more than one and one quarter (1¼) flipping rotations and does not twist. f. The bases/catchers remain stationary except as necessary for safety adjustments. | 33 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-5-4 2 Legal | 34 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-5-4 2 Legal | 35 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-6-4 | 36 | A top person may be moved from a vertical position to faceup or face-down horizontal position (straight body or cradle) provided all the following conditions are met: a. The top person maintains contact with at least one original base or spotter. b. At least two catchers and/or bases catch the upper body of the top person. c. The catchers must be to the side or front of the person(s) moving the top person. d. When the catchers are not the original bases, they remain close to the original bases and are in place prior to the movement to the horizontal position. e. When the catchers are not the original bases and the top person begins or passes through an extended overhead position, three catchers are required. Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-6-4 1 2 Legal | 37 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-6-4 1 2 Illegal | 38 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-6-4 2 Legal | 39 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-7-1 a NEW ART. 1 . . . In all release stunts and tosses: a. The top person must be braced or cradled except in a quick toss, helicopter or log roll or when a top person in a cradle or horizontal position is at shoulder level or below. | 40 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-7-6 b & c b. In a multi-base log roll, the top person may begin and end in a face-up or face-down position. | 41 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-7-7 b ART. 7 . . . Release transitions are legal provided all of the following conditions are met throughout the transition: b. The top person maintains hand-tohand/arm contact with at least one bracer. Exception: A multi-base non braced (free standing) tick tock that begins at shoulder level is permitted. | 42 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-7-10 New The previous rule 2-7-10 was deleted as it is no longer necessary. The following was added as the new rule 2-7-10: ART. 10 . . . A top person in a horizontal position shoulder height or below or in a cradle may be released to a loading position or stunt shoulder height or below. | 43 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-9-3 Dismounts to the performing surface from shoulder height or above that involve a skill (e.g. toe touch, twist, etc.) require assistance from two bases or a base and spotter. This assistance must be sufficient to slow the momentum of the top person. | 44 | Major Spirit Rules Revisions 1 Rule 2-9-3 2 Legal | 45 | 3 Major Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-10-2 Tumbling while holding props is illegal except for a forward roll, backward roll or holding pom(s) in the free hand during a one-hand cartwheel. | 46 | National Federation of State High School Associations 2013-14 NFHS Spirit Rule Revisions Major Editorial Rules Changes Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ Major Editorial Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-1-15 ART 15 . . . Each state association may, in keeping with applicable laws, authorize exceptions to NFHS playing rules to provide reasonable accommodations to individual participants with disabilities and/or special needs, as well as those individuals with unique and extenuating circumstances. The accommodations should not fundamentally alter the sport, heighten risk to the athlete/others or place opponents at a disadvantage. | 48 | Major Editorial Spirit Rules Revisions Rule 2-9-10 g In cradle dismounts where a bracer is involved after the bases release the top person, all the following conditions must be met: g. Bases and bracers remain in place during the dismount. | 49 | National Federation of State High School Associations 2013-14 NFHS Spirit Rule Revisions Points of Emphasis Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ 2013-14 Points of Emphasis Points of Emphasis highlight the major rules changes and emphasize other rules for which additional clarification may be needed. | 51 | 2013-14 Points of Emphasis Application of NFHS Spirit Rules Book – The spirit rules book provides rules and safety limitations that should be followed by all cheerleading/dance/drill/pom and other spirit teams that stunt, tumble or use props as a base. Dance/drill/pom and other spirit teams that stunt, tumble, or use props as a base must follow the appropriate safety limitations in Rule 2 and Rule 3. Cheerleading or other spirit teams that use props as a base must follow the appropriate safety limitations in Rule 3. | 52 | 2013-14 Points of Emphasis | 53 | Coaches’ Responsibility: Minimizing Risk – Risk minimization for participants must be the primary objective for all sprit coaches. Cheerleaders should be placed under the direction of a qualified and knowledgeable coach who can recognize a squad’s particular ability level and limit their activities accordingly. “Ability level” refers to the squad’s talents as a whole. Programs should qualify cheerleaders according to generally accepted teaching progressions. The NFHS skills and techniques of stunts appropriate for the abilities of the cheerleaders must be perfected before advancing to the next level. Only those skills mastered in practice and consistently executed correctly should be performed in public. Additionally, coaches should ensure that cheerleaders are thoroughly trained in proper spotting techniques and receive appropriate training before attempting any form of cheerleading gymnastics. Coaches should also provide a comprehensive conditioning and strength-building program to ensure optimum fitness for their athletes. 2013-14 Points of Emphasis Coaches’ Responsibility: Education – Coaches have a professional responsibility to read and fully comprehend the entire NFHS Spirit Rules Book. It is vital that coaches fully understand all rules in order to correctly teach the appropriate skills to their athletes. It is also the coaches’ responsibility to educate their student-athletes so they are aware of the rule changes. In addition, coaches are expected to be advocates for and models of good sportsmanship and follow all rules as written. | 54 | 2013-14 Points of Emphasis Overuse Injuries – Overuse injuries are a common problem characterized by irritation to a body part. Cutting back on the intensity, duration and frequency of specific activities/skills will help to minimize the potential for overuse injuries to athletes. Headstands, headspring flips, back handsprings, or jumps are examples of skills that have the potential for injury due to overuse. | 55 | 2013-14 Points of Emphasis Concussions – The understanding of sports related concussions has evolved dramatically in recent years. We have learned that young athletes are particularly vulnerable to the effects of concussion. An athlete who exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness or balance problems) shall be immediately removed from participation and shall not resume participation until cleared by an appropriate health-care professional. Look to your state high school association and the NFHS for education regarding prevention and treatment of concussions. | 56 | 2013-14 Points of Emphasis Performance surfaces and areas – The rules specify that “Performance surfaces and areas must be suitable for spirit activities and reasonably free from objects and/or impediments.” Further, the rules state that “When discarding props that are made of hard material or have corners or sharp edges, team members must gently toss or place the props.” In some situations, discarded props and signs could increase the risk of injury should team members step on them. This is true for both competitive and non-competitive spirit activities. In competitive spirit activities, state associations or local competition administrators can provide information on deductions that may be taken for stepping on objects on the performance surface. | 57 | | 58 | | 59 | | 60 | NFHS Online Meeting Evaluation Important At the end of this session, do not close your browser. After the Webinar is concluded, a meeting evaluation form will appear. Please complete and submit the evaluation form and then close your browser. Thank you for your participation in the meeting and for completing the evaluation! | 61 | National Federation of State High School Associations 2013-14 NFHS Spirit Rule Revisions Thank you for your participation. Take Part. Get Set For Life.™