Afghan questions - stpatssocietyandculture

Equality and Difference
Gender in Afghanistan – Internet activity
By Kate Donnelly, Sydney Secondary College, Blackwattle Bay Campus
Visit the websites on the next page to gain an overall impression of stakeholders,
current issues, legislation and recent campaigns.
You will then need to write a comprehensive response to each of the following
questions integrating the information, statistics, resources and references you
have collected. These are based on syllabus dot points so they may just be tested in
the Trial exams or HSC exams….
How can people with widely divergent viewpoints work together cooperatively?
You’ll need to address who holds different views and what they are
Integrate aspects of social and cultural literacy
Could mention the opposite i.e.: how conflict prevents cooperation
How can desirable outcomes be achieved for all persons?
Articulate what the positive outcomes may be
Refer to certain groups such as refugees, women, children and the Hazrara ethic
Explain strategies adopted by different people e.g.: those in positions of power and
authority like the government
What can individuals and groups do to help achieve desirable outcomes?
Must mention certain individuals such as the president, first female government
Also mention groups such as NGO’s, lobby groups and many more
Evaluate the effectiveness of individuals and groups in reducing inequalities
in society.
Decide on a set of criteria you will use to make your judgment
Think of the inequalities than currently exist e.g.: access to SVR’s
Integrate statistics for Afghanistan and compare to other countries
Comment on progress or change over time in each individual / group aim
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
Website –
Warning!: If you decide to look at the photo gallery, please be aware some images
are extremely disturbing, violent and graphic.
Equality Now
Website – en.html
Women Watch – Information and Resources on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women
Afghan Women
Website –
Human Rights Watch – – Defending Human Rights Worldwide
Website – and
Afghanistan and the War on Terror
Website - coverage/asia/afghanistan/timeline/index.html/
Amnesty International
Website -
Oxfam International
Website –
UNIFEM – United Nations Development Fund for Women
Working for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality
Website –
United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
Website –