MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY Faculty Senate May 5, 2015 Present: Senators Armstrong, Binfield, Broughton, Brown, DeBella, Dodd, Donnelly, Vice President Farmer, Gianforte, President Goggins, Greer, Hassan, Hepworth, Hilton, Hoover, Hong, Lavery, Leedy, Littlepage, Loganathan, Regent Jacobs, Papajeski, Roach, Seib, Shemberger, Singh, Stambaugh, Umstead, Walsh, Wilson, and Wu. Absent: Senators Atkerson, Byrd, Coulter, Derting, King, Sutrick, and Worley. Guests and Proxy: Dr. Jay Morgan, Office of the Provost; Misty Evans, Community College; Jana Hackathorn, Department of Psychology; Lynn Patterson, Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education; John Utgaard, Department of Art and Design; Laura Lohr, Staff Congress. The minutes of April 7, 2015, were approved as written. President Goggins welcomed everyone and introduced new senators. REPORTS Executive—President Goggins recognized the service of the following outgoing senators: 1) Allen White, Department of Journalism and Mass Communications ( 7 years) 2) Rory Goggins, At-Large Representative ( 6 years) 3) Lt. Col. Johnny Simon, Department of Military Science ( 5 years) 4) Lynn Patterson, Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education ( 4 years) 5) Paul Walker, At-Large Representative ( 3 years) 6) Misty Evans, At-Large Representative (2 years) 7) Todd Hill, Department of Music ( 2 years) 8) John Utgaard, Department of Art and Design (2 years) 9) Jana Hackathorn, Department of (2 years) 10) Ben Littlepage, Department of Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling (1 year) President Goggins then presented the Stephen B. White Award for Shared Governance to its second recipient, Ms. Laura Lohr. He then thanked all present and continuing senators for their service. The executive committee then presented motion to be passed, and after discussion, the motion passed 25-1. Motion was then presented to be passed. Senator Roach motioned to amend, to which Senator Hassan provided a second. After discussion, the motion to amend passed with a 14-12 vote. The motion to approve as amended was passed after discussion with a 16-9 vote. Vice President Farmer then announced Rob Donnelly, Kevin Binfield, and Katy Hancock as candidates for Faculty Senate Representatives to Academic Council. The candidates were approved with a 26-0 vote. Senator Goggins then provided an overview of Faculty Senate projects for the past year. He mentioned that though much of the work saw no physical progress, conceptual progress had been made and good work had been accomplished. Old business—Senator Binfield gave his thanks for the work of both President Goggins and Senator Evans over the previous year. New business—Senator Roach, on behalf of the executive committee acting in its function as a nominating committee for the senate, presented a slate of officers for the election of the president and vice president based on their willingness to serve and the importance of continuity. The unopposed nominee for President was Dr. Joe DeBella, and the unopposed nominee for Vice President was Ms. Katherine Farmer. Dr. Joe DeBella was unanimously elected as Faculty Senate President for 20152016, and Ms. Katherine Farmer was unanimously elected as Faculty Senate Vice President for 20152016. Interim committee chairs were appointed to serve over the summer; committees will elect chairs in September. The senate adjourned at 4:47 p.m.