MUSC Education & Student Life Communication Forum April 28, 2010 DR. DARLENE SHAW, ASSOCIATE PROVOST Education & Student Life Connecting for Success… Agenda • • • • • • • • Wins! Yes Campaign Appreciation Prizes!! Employee Insights Student Satisfaction Survey Results Staff Recognition 3rd Quarter Winners!!! Questions & Answers Announcements/Updates Education & Student Life Connecting for Success… WINS! David Howell – Promoted to Student Services Program Coordinator II Misty McKee – Promoted to Info Resource Consultant I Patrick Cassano – Rehired as Student Services Program Coordinator I WELCOME NEW TEAM MEMBERS… Lane Siggelkow – Enrollment Management SWC Exercise Instructors and Part-time Employees: Megan Brett Summer Thomas Louise Brown Laura Tulga Robin Zettl Jennie Brooks Tracy Sanders Prisca Denton Stephen Maraist Jana Sabrina Martinez Emily Hawkins James Patt Jennifer Jones Education & Student Life Connecting for Success… WINS! UNIVERSITY APPLAUSE AWARDS Sharon Gilliard Nancy Lemon Kat Logemann Katie Blaylock Michelle Muir Tyler Cross Steve Zimmerman Martha Lipton Lisa Kerr Howie Schomer Mary Ellen Lenhardt Bobby Shaw Gilbert Bradham, Jr. Ronnie Hayes Amy Leaphart Damon Amella Benita Schlau Jamie Moore Education & Student Life Connecting Students… WINS! Fit It In Student Workout Program Successful new interprofessional course, Transforming Health Care for the Future Division Faculty: Amy Blue, Laurie Charles, DaNine Fleming, Darlene Shaw, and Tom Smith Education & Student Life Connecting Professions… Tom Smith Liz Sheridan Jim Tomsic Wrote a Nationally Acclaimed Paper Inducted in Bridge Run Presentation Physicians Conference Hall of Fame Willette Burnham Rhonda Walters Alicia Lockard Kevin Smuniewski Nadia Mariutto Wendy Littlejohn 11th Annual Campus Safety Conference $14,400 Profit for CHE Amy Blue David Howell 4th Annual CLARION Interprofessional Case Competition Success Teamwork Excellence! Education & Student Life Connecting through Giving… MUSC YES Campaign Earl B. Higgins Foundation Fund Student Center Fund ESL Minority Scholarship Fund MUSC Student Services Fund Presented by: Whitney McLuen, Office of Development Becky Dornisch, Director of Annual Giving Education & Student Life Connecting with You… Some of our FY09-10 Pillar Goals for Education & Student Life People 90% or more of ESL Faculty and Staff are pleased to be working @ MUSC 90% or higher of Faculty/Staff believe they made the right choice in selecting MUSC 85% or higher of Faculty/staff & students evaluate MUSC’s culture as valuing diversity 5% improvement in employee response to supervisors recognizing individual efforts Service Quality Supervisors set a good, positive and professional example; staff ratings improve by 4% Growth Finance Education & Student Life Connecting with You… Employee Insights Survey • Why: Solicit feedback on how to better serve you and create the best possible work environment • Who: All FTEs in ESL; 57 responses received (~ 57%) • What we asked: 1. How would you rate employee morale in your unit? 2. What is your supervisor doing to set a good, positive and professional example? 3. Please give an example or two of common mistakes a supervisor might make that undermines his/her professionalism. 4. Given budgetary constraints, what are some ways other than monetary compensation that your supervisor could reward you for a job well done? Education & Student Life Connecting with You… How would you rate employee morale in your unit? 6% 5% 28% Terrible 19% Poor Fair Good Excellent 42% The majority (70%) of ESL employees said morale is Good or Excellent; only 11% feel morale is Poor or Terrible, while 19% perceive morale as Fair. Most common responses Practicing what they preach 14 Respects and supports employees 13 Having a good attitude, even in crisis situations 13 Being a good listener and communicator 10 Recognizing successes, not just failures 7 What are some common mistakes a supervisor might make that undermine his/her professionalism? Most common responses N times provided Not leading by example (lacking punctuality, tact or even-temperament) 16 Micromanaging--lack of trust/respect 12 Not having a consistent standard of performance 10 Not communicating on time or effectively 8 Not listening; being defensive 7 What are some ways other than monetary compensation that your supervisor could reward you for a job well done? Most common responses N times provided Sincere gratitude; Applause awards recognizing individuals 21 Time off; long lunches; early release 18 Gift cards (could be donated) 12 Flexible schedules (e.g., 10 hour days, no Fridays) 6 Office retreats; office lunches Casual day 4 4 Additional training; travel to conferences 3 Better parking Better equipment 2 2 Terminate unproductive employees 2 How we will use your insights to make ESL even better: • Communicate these results with supervisors • Standards of behavior part of supervisor EPMS • Strengthen appreciation activities Encourage use of Applause Award program Allocate modest Discretionary $$ to each unit Nominations for Qtrly Employee Recognition Awards Gift Cards for on the spot recognition Division of Education & Student Life Results from Student Satisfaction Survey 2009-2010 Darlene Shaw, PhD Associate Provost Education & Student Life 16 ESL Student Satisfaction Survey Administered online (Survey Monkey) from March 15-26, 2010 No identifiers collected Announcements of survey were made through multiple channels (letters to Deans, student broadcast message, personalized email request, SGA leaders and Student Programs involvement) Skip logic employed in the survey to reduce time to complete (~5 minutes); organized differently from last year’s survey After completing the survey, students could register (on a different site) to be entered to win $50 (odds of winning were 1 in 50) 17 Excellent response rate (904 vs. 636 in 2009) 36% of MUSC student body responded Sample demographics reflect student population 18 FY09-10 Pillar Goals Education & Student Life People Service Quality Growth Finance As we begin our pursuits in Excellence – we will be striving to reach or exceed the top quartile in most key areas (some unmeasured as indicated below). Once benchmark data are available, we will establish step goals to move forward and toward higher levels of achievement. 90% or more of ESL Faculty and Staff are pleased to be working @ MUSC 90% or higher of Faculty/Staff believe they made the right choice in selecting MUSC 85% or higher of Faculty/staff & students evaluate MUSC’s culture as valuing diversity 5% improvement in employee response to supervisors recognizing individual efforts 90% of students agree they made the right choice by selecting MUSC Students evaluate ESL services with an overall satisfaction rate of 90% or higher Supervisors set a good, positive and professional example; staff ratings improve by 4% 75% of graduating students agree their understanding of the contributions of other professions to health care delivery or research increased through their experience @ MUSC 33% increase in Interprofessional student events/activities sponsored by ESL Provide support to International Program Development as evidenced by a 25% increase in the number of international students provided services through ESL Total expenses will not exceed the FY10 revised budget (Not to exceed 10% utilization of reserve funds for one-time major expenditures) ESL Service Pillar Goals: ESL exceeds goals! 100% 90% 80% Percent of students 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% Disagree 20% 10% 97% 96% Agree 96% 97% 0% I believe I made the right choice in selecting MUSC for my training Percent who agree significantly > 90%, p’s < .01 I am satisfied with the services I receive from MUSC's Division of Education & Student Life 20 ESL’s success is due to the performance of each Unit Unit Center for Academic Excellence Academic Writing Center Support Counseling & Psychological Services Student Financial Aid Office of Registrar’s Office Enrollment University Admissions Management Student Health Services Student Programs Wellness Center Director J. Ariail A. Libet G. Ohlandt L. Blumenthal W. Burnham B. Shaw 21 What kind of data were collected for each Unit? • Utilization by students--either: (1) unaware of this service, (2) aware but haven’t used, or (3) used at least once • Of those who answered “used at least once”, we asked whether they agreed with the following statements: • • The service provided met my needs • The staff are competent at their jobs • The staff are caring and helpful • The staff were sensitive to my or other students’ cultural differences • The hours, availability, and/or number of staff were sufficient to help me Opportunity for written comments students wished to provide 22 Units by Utilization Students’ feelings about services at the top of the list have substantial impact on overall ESL satisfaction ratings Among services in top tier (75% utilization or higher), if student did not agree that “Service X” met needs, s/he was 3-12 x more likely to provide “dissatisfied” rating for question about overall satisfaction with ESL Maximizing rates of satisfaction with Admissions, Student Health, Wellness Center and Financial Aid is critical to ESL continuing to achieve its goal of 90% or better satisfaction ratings 23 Satisfaction data collected from only users of the service 1. The service provided met my needs 2. The staff are competent at their jobs 3. The staff are caring and helpful 4. The staff were sensitive to my or other students’ cultural differences What percentage of users agreed or strongly agreed with each statement? 5. The hours, availability, and/or number of staff were sufficient to help me 24 Performance outcomes for each Unit: Target is 90% of students agree that the service “met my needs” 2010 2009 Registrar 97% 97% Financial Aid 92% 80% Admissions 98% 99% CAPS 89% 88% Center for Academic Excellence 96% 96% Writing Center 96% 95% Student Programs 99% 99% Wellness Center 98% 98% Student Health Services 91% 91% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of students who agree service "met my needs" 25 Performance outcomes for each Unit: Target is 90% of students agree that the “staff are competent at their jobs” 2010 2009 Registrar 97% 97% Financial Aid 87% 80% Admissions 98% 99% CAPS 94% 92% Center for Academic Excellence 99% 97% Writing Center 98% 96% Student Programs 99% 99% >99% 99% 92% 92% Wellness Center Student Health Services 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of students who agree staff are competent 26 Performance outcomes for each Unit: Target is 90% of students agree that the “staff are caring and helpful” 2010 2009 Registrar 98% 97% Financial Aid 86% 77% Admissions 98% 98% CAPS 97% 93% Center for Academic Excellence 99% 99% Writing Center 98% 98% Student Programs 99% 99% Wellness Center 99% 99% Student Health Services 86% 88% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of students who agree staff are caring/helpful 27 Performance outcomes for each Unit: Target is 90% of students agree that the “staff were sensitive to my or others’ cultural differences” 2010 2009 Registrar 99% 97% Financial Aid 97% 95% Admissions 98% 98% CAPS 97% 98% Center for Academic Excellence 99% 99% Writing Center 98% 99% >99% 99% Wellness Center 99% 99% Student Health Services 93% 98% Student Programs 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of students who agree staff are culturally sensitive 28 Performance outcomes for each Unit: Target is 90% of students agree that the “hours, availability, and/or number of staff were sufficient to help me” 2010 Registrar 98% Financial Aid 89% Admissions 98% CAPS 94% Center for Academic Excellence 93% Writing Center 90% >99% Student Programs Wellness Center 92% Student Health Services 80% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of students who agree sufficient hours/availability 29 Percent of students satisfied with Others Services: Target goal is 90% of students are satisfied 2010 2009 Educational & learning facilities 90% 83% Board & Certifying Exam Review Programs 94% 83% Office of Student Diversity 91% 90% MUSC Gives Back 99% 99% International Programs 96% 88% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of students who are satisfied 30 Summary A big WIN for us all! ESL Pillar goals exceeded, due to strong performance within each Unit; in all cases we either remained excellent or improved from 2009! Analyses of Unit results within ESL and across colleges help us make data-informed decisions about where to increase awareness of services and how to increase student satisfaction rates Your Unit directors will share additional unitrelated outcomes with you 31 Education & Student Life Connecting People… Employee Recognition Awards 3Q 2010 KYLE CONNELLY NANCY LEMON WINNERS!!! TYLER CROSS NADIA MARIUTTO LISA FENNESSY TANYA THORNHILL Education & Student Life Connecting with Students… Questions? Feedback Answers Employee Insights, Student Satisfaction Survey Results, EPMS SERVICE PILLAR GOAL SUCCESS Education & Student Life Connecting Six Colleges… One University! STUDENTS TOTAL WELL-BEING EDUCATION HEALTH & WELLNESS INTERPROFESSIONAL DIVERSITY RECREATION TECHNICAL SUPPORT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MUSC Enrollment Mgt Student Programs Student Health Wellness Center Academic Support Administration ETS CAPS C3 Announcements COM CODM CON CHP COP COGS COLLEGES Education & Student Life Elemental From Dr. Darlene Shaw, Associate Provost