Brand strategies

Brand Strategies
Choice of a brand for export
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
What is a brand?
Sign that enables to distinguish products or
services of a person or a firm.
Catch phrase (« Because I’m worth it »)
Jingle (Bouygues Telecom)
Number (Beer: 1664; Clothes: 64)
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Why adopt a brand?
It allows the customer to:
- Identify and spot the product;
- Feel confident (the brand represents the
producer’s commitment to maintain a
quality product);
- Make choices easier;
- Customize the purchase (social and
cultural positioning).
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Brand protection
Copyright in each export country
 The Office for Harmonization in the
Internal Market & the Community Trade
 The World Intellectual Property
Organization & the Madrid Protocol.
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Possible brand strategies
When exporting, which brand should be used?
Keep the same
name of brand
Change the name
of the brand
In the case
of a merger
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Keep the same brand (1/2)
When it represents a model of dominant
behaviour on an international scale.
 When it is linked to a product, a market or
a strong identity brand.
 When it reflects a cultural stereotype.
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Keep the same brand (2/2)
When it is based on an original idea or a
new concept.
 When the company’s purpose was to trade
on an international scale.
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Change the name of the brand
A few international marketing blunders:
General Motors : Nova
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Change the name of the brand
Register a new brand for a target market.
Export without a brand name.
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
In the case of a merger
3 possibilities:
Choice according to the reputation of each brand.
Satisfaction survey.
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
B adopts the brand of A
The purchased company adopts the
purchasing company’s brand name.
ex : Philips-Whirlpool
Black & Decker-General Electric
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Role of the reputation of
each brand
If the purchased brand is more known
abroad, then it is maybe preferable to keep
that brand name.
ex : Pedigree-Pal
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Satisfaction survey
Carried out when the two brands are well
known on an international level.
 Questions based on a large number of
criteria addressed to the customers of each
ex : Accor-Pullman
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey
Many possibilities :
 Depends on size of company…
 … and on its budget.
Other ways such as partnerships, joint
ADAMS Adeline – BADJI Judicaël – RIVIER Audrey