November 14, 2012

Weekly Reflection, November 14, 2012
Dear Grace,
“It seems like the holidays come sooner and sooner every year,” said the voiceover on the Walgreens
commercial. “That’s because you advertise earlier and earlier every year!” I yelled back…I’m not proud
of my outburst at the television, but it does signal an underlying sense from culture that the holidays are
a time of stress and consumption. In the church, we are called not to jump to Christmas, but to prepare
joyfully and prayerfully. What if this year we waited with peace instead of anxiety, listening more to God
than the television? I hope you will join us at Grace this Advent as we delight in one another and
prepare the way for the Lord with love. See the Advent and Christmas opportunities below and let us
know how you’d like to be involved.
I look forward to seeing you at Grace for worship on Sunday at 11am and the Candler Singers concert at
5pm. Think about who you can bring with you!
Grace and peace,
Prepare the Way of the Lord: Advent 2012
In the season of Advent, we wait for the Christ child, hope for light, and expect the extraordinary. Along
with the prophets and John the Baptist, we “prepare the way of the Lord”. Our world tells us this
preparation includes spending and stress. Join us this Advent at Grace as we counter the culture and
follow God, by focusing not on consumption, but compassion. Preparing the way for the prince of peace
to be born with a spirit of love and generosity.
In addition to Sunday worship every week at 11am, join us for these special services, missions, and
events as we prepare together:
Greening of Grace
Saturday December 1, 2012 12:30pm-6pm (snacks provided!)
Together we’ll turn our sanctuary into a magical place this Christmas season. We’ll need your help to
make it all helping (helping hands and donations). Your donations will provide beautiful live poinsettias
and fresh greenery again this year. Make checks payable to “Grace” with “Greening of Grace” in the
memo line. If you would like to be part of the greening, please contact Robby Hollida
Wednesday Taize Services
6pm, Almon Side Chapel in the sanctuary, Dec. 5, 12, 19
A meditative service featuring prayer, song, silence, and candlelight. Soup dinner to follow.
HELP Ministry Christmas Outreach
Saturday December 8th, 9am, meet in church parking lot
Join the HELP Ministry as we serve 200 homeless men, women and children for our annual Christmas
Outreach. In addition to our usual food and toiletry bags, socks, bottled water, Bibles, and reading
glasses, we will distribute fleece blankets, knit hats, gloves and scarves. We are still in need of
donations for the outing: fleece blankets, knit hats, gloves, and scarves.
Sunshine Club Christmas Luncheon
Monday December 10th, 12pm Fellowship Hall
Robby Hollida and Chef Jessica team up to provide our Christmas Extravaganza luncheon! And old blue
eyes (Frank Sinatra) entertains us with some Christmas songs. Don’t miss this one!
Alternative Giving Fair and Christmas Pageant
Saturday December 15th, 9am-3pm Fellowship Hall; Pageant @ 11:30am
Join friends and family in the spirit of Christmas at this special event that mixes crafty-fun, holiday
treats, and creative giving. It’s the perfect opportunity to pick up gifts for those on your list, while
sharing the gift of life-giving water with those across the world in need. You won’t want to miss it! Make
sure you are there at 11:30 for our children’s pageant! Contact Darin to volunteer:
Choir Christmas Cantata
Sunday December 23rd, 11am
A special service featuring the Voices of Grace as we round out the Advent season.
Mission of the Month, To Russia with Love
During December you will have the opportunity to give to Russia with Love to support the orphans
Christmas project that Grace supports every year.
Christmas Eve Service
Monday December 24th, 5pm Sanctuary
A service with candlelight, communion, and special music celebrating the birth of the Christ Child.