Future Workshop handout Morag Williamson

ATPS CPD event, 3rd October 2015, Perth
The future of psychology in
schools and colleges:
sticking our heads above the parapet –
can we learn from what we see?
Morag Williamson
What can we learn from the
practices and experiences of others?
Which ‘others’..?
• other countries
• other levels of education
• other points in time (ie the past)
......teacher autonomy....
.....free choice of content....
......in some areas, psychology is
taught to children from seven
years – ‘psychologisation of
......it is also taught to parents of
babies & toddlers......
England & Wales
...in the past
Lost topics, sadly missed (by those
of us old enough to remember!)
......psychology of perception.....
....and social perception....
......comparative psychology.....
England & Wales currently:
level of demand at A-level
Maths & stats requirements for
the new Psychology A-levels
...in the past
1999-2005 –
.....predictable exam questions...
Seven domains:
•Scientific inquiry domain
•Biopsychology domain
•Development & Learning domain
•Sociocultural context domain
•Cognition domain
•Individual variations domain
•Applications of psychological science domain
UK university curriculum(1)
QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Psychology
degrees in UK universities -
Six core knowledge domains:
•Research methods
•Biological psychology
•Developmental psychology
•Social psychology
•Cognitive psychology
•Individual differences
UK university curriculum (2)
BPS GBC curriculum – requirement for
BPS accreditation of psychology degrees,
conferring Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership
.....curriculum devised nationally in
partnership with the teachers’
.....emphasis on interdisciplinarity.....
..... emphasis on relevance to ‘real-life’
topics affecting students’ lives: “we
should start with real-life issues”.....
One of the highest performing jurisdictions
(HPJs) in international education ratings
.....high-quality teacher education.....
.....highly-respected profession......
.....all 16-19 year-olds must study at least one
psychology unit - whatever their course:
“a basic knowledge of psychology should be the
norm for all school-leavers”