Marketing day 2

Student Teacher: Nathan Sielk
Grade Level: 9th and 10th
Date: 1/30/13
State Standard: Students will understand the concepts and stategies needed to communicate information
about products, services, images, and/or ideas to achieve a desired outcome.
Subject: World of Business
Name of Lesson: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Period / Time: 5th (43 minutes)
I. Goal:
Required Adaptations/Modifications:
That all of the students have an understanding of Ethos (ethics) , Pathos
(emotions) , and Logos (logical) marketing.
II. Objectives:
Students will be able to identify ethos marketing through
explanation and presentation.
Students will be able to identify pathos marketing through
explanation and presentation.
Students will be able to identify logos marketing through
explanation and presentation.
Required Adaptations/Modifications:
III: Faith / Values Integration:
Students will learn about when marketing not to lie or give false
testimony on the product.
When trying to learn the different styles of marketing, to not
become unethical.
Required Adaptations/Modifications:
IV. Integrated Technology:
having video clips ready for presentation. Create a Prezi
Required Adaptations/Modifications:
V. Materials:
White boards
white board markers
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos slips so students can pick from a hat
Examples of ethos, pathos, and logos commercials
Video of Pepsi Commercial Ft. Britney Spears
Flash cards for examples of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
Required Adaptations/Modifications:
VI: Procedure:
Teaser (3 min)
When thinking of yesterday’s introduction to marketing you had
to move around as to where you shopped. What ways do you see
them trying to have you buy their products?
(2 min) Share with yoru table group your commercials that you
viewed and if there are any similarities.
A. Set / Hook: (1:30 min) Play video of Pepsi (for those who
think young)
B. Transition: Discuss with the students the rage of the
commerical and how it tried to be a logical choice for people who
wanted to be young.
C. Main Lesson: (25 min) Logos, or logical marketing though is
onlyone form of marketing there are two other forms of marketing that
is used in the marketing/advertising world.
Ethos, ethics. You are trying to get them to do the right thing and use
wrong and right to get you to consume their product or service
Pathos, Emotional. This is where they come with yoru emotions and use
your feelings to get to you.
Show them examples of each type of marketing. Have two examples of
each one for them to write down on their cards.
After you have gone through the examples then it is their turn. They are
going to decide what the commerical is going to be.
Play commercials for them and different parts in the room be either
ethos, pathos, or logos. After you play the commercial then have the
student move to that part of the classroom that they believe is the being
used in marketing.
Then it will be their turn to then create their own ethos, pathos, or logos
ideas. The table groups will draw from a hat either ethos, pathos, or
logos. They must then create another example of a commercial and the
class must on their white board say what kind of advertising they are
trying to portray. Commercials should be about 30 seconds and then
students will have to write on their white boards what they believe is the
adveritising being used. All groups will go
D. Transition: Now lets summarize it all up and again think what
is the different between these different types of advertising.
E. Conclusion: Ask students what the different is between ethos,
pathos, and logos and talk to their table groups and have an example of
Required Adaptations/Modifications:
Having a different varitation of flash
cards available if needed.
Have a hand out made out differently of
ethos, pathos, and logos.
For gifted students have them create a
commercial that shows two types of
advertising instead of just one.
each. I will then while they finish go through the class and ask someone
to share, then ask for a volunteer, and then randomly select someone.
VII. Assessment:
Students will be model examples of either ethos, pathos, or logos
marketing and identify why or why not it is one of those or a
combination of those.
Required Adaptations/Modifications:
VIII. Assignment:
Required Adaptations/Modifications:
IX. Self-Evaluation:
X. Coop’s Comments: