Jorja Williams ~ " Michael Mack has just submitted his first assessment for his Certificate II in Business. You are required to mark Michael’s assessment for BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents. Open ‘Activity 15 Marking Guide BSBITU201A’ and ‘Activity 15 Simulated student assessment
BSBITU201A’ and mark Michael’s assessment against the marking guide.
Please record your feedback, comments and markings on Michael’s assessment , ‘Activity 15 Simulated student assessment BSBITU201A’ and not on the marking guide. For part A if the answer is not correct you need to note why, eg incorrect year has been provided.
Student Name: Michael Mack
BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents
Training has been delivered and unit sign off sheet completed
Assessment/ projects have been successfully completed
Evidence has been collected/ sighted
Part A & B:
Part C:
Details if not yet competent:
Trainer Name:
Trainer Signature:
Student Signature:
Not Competent
Trainer Initials:
Trainer Initials:
Produce simple word processed documents
Submit your assessment:
By email to
By post: to Assessments, Axiom College, PO Box 1041 Milton Qld 4064
Axiom College
Recommended Reading (if applicable)
Underpinning Knowledge Assessment.
Instructions: All questions are to be answered unless otherwise directed by your trainer
Short Answer Multiple Choice True/False
Q1) Prolonged work at a computer can be harmful to your health. List at least three ways to reduce or minimize this risk.
Ergonomically designed chair,
Adjust back rest to ensure sufficient lumbar support
Set screen position at eye level
Take regular rest breaks
Q2) Word processing applications such as Microsoft Word ™ contain various built-in templates.
List and briefly describe the purpose of three templates provided in a word processing application.
Letters, faxes, memos, mail merge, agendas, brochures, flyers, etc. Letter templates allow you to write a letter with the correct spacing and formatting. Memo templates include the correct headings and help with the layout of the memo and flyer templates include pre-set designs to help with marketing and advertising.
Q3) List three ways of minimising wastage in a work place.
Double sided printing
Energy saving lighting turn off equipment when not in use (sleep and hibernate options for computers)
Q4) You are required to create a document that contains both left and decimal tabs. You are unsure how to do this. What builtin feature(s) of Microsoft Word™ can you use to assist you.
The built in features of Microsoft Word that can help assist you, include ‘Word Help or
Office Assistant’.
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Axiom College
Q5) Organisations (and individuals) have identified the need to consistently name documents because it improves access to documents. When saving a document in your work place, how do you name it and where do you save it? Give an example.
When saving a document at Jack House real estate agents, we save the document with the appropriate name, Document title, version, date: e.g. Michael Mack job description v1 Jan 2012.docx
And we save the document in the relevant folder that the document relates to: e.g. c:\HumanResources\michaelmack job description v1 Jan 2012.docx
Q6) Organisations have specific requirements for producing business letters. Identify at least three items that should be included in a typical business letter sent to a client.
Business letter template, with business colors & logo
Business font (Arial, font size 11)
Clients name, address and contact details
Q7) When creating documents for an organisation identify three aspects that can be modified to suit the organisation’s document design specifications.
Layout of the document, borders & shading & spacing
Font type and font size, italics & bold
Colours, pictures and logos.
Q8) You agree to type up a 500 page document for a client that has a deadline with a book publisher. Due to other commitments you have not done any work on this task until the day it is due and you are unable to complete it. Give at least two reasons why it is important to ensure that assigned tasks should be completed within the designated time frames.
It is important to ensure that assigned tasks are completed within designated time frames to achieve individual, team and organizational goals. If you don’t complete tasks with the designated time frame this can have a flow on effect, stalling productivity, impacting on the client and ultimately affecting the organizations reputation,
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Axiom College
Activity Type
Task Observation Third Party Reports Verbal questioning Portfolio Case Study Role Play
Resources: Computer workstation, printer and appropriate software
Conditions: This activity may be completed in class or in your workplace. .
Task 1 - Using Microsoft Word Help, perform a search on the following topic, “Create a new template”.
Please provide a printout of the relevant pages.
Task 2 – You are required to change the screen display options on your computer.
Open a Microsoft Word document and complete the following tasks.
1. Change the layout to Full Screen Reading
2. Change to layout to Print Layout
3. Set the Zoom to 155%
4. Turn on the Ruler (if it is already on, turn it off)
Please provide a print screen demonstrating the completion of the following tasks.
Print out your search results on ‘creating a new template’ attached.
Print screen demonstrating completion of tasks attached.
Part B Task 1
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Axiom College
Learn about templates
Create a template
Add content controls to a template
Add instructional text to a template
Save and distribute building blocks with a template
Add protection to a template
A template is a document type that creates a copy of itself when you open it. In Microsoft Office Word 2007, a template can be a .dotx file, or it can be a .dotm file (a .dotm file type allows you to enable macros in the file).
For example, a business plan is a common document that is written in Word. Instead of creating the structure of the business plan from scratch, you can use a template with predefined page layout, fonts, margins, and styles. All you have to do is open a template and fill in the text and the information that is specific to your document. When you save the document as a .docx or .docm file, you save your document separately from the template on which it is based.
Templates are exactly like documents in that you can provide recommended sections or required text for others to use, as well as content controls such as a predefined drop-down list or a special logo. You can add protection to a section of a template, or you can apply a password to the template to help protect the contents of the template from changes.
You can find Word templates for most kinds of documents on Microsoft Office Online. If you have an Internet connection,
, click New , and then click the template category that you want. Alternatively, you can click the Microsoft Office Button create your own templates.
NOTE Highly structured and complex templates, such as a tax preparation form, may be best created in a forms creation program such as Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007.
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Axiom College
You can start with a blank document and save it as a template, or you can create a template that is based on an existing document or template.
1. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click New .
2. Click Blank document , and then click Create .
3. Make the changes that you want to the margin settings, page size and orientation, styles, and other formats.
You can also add instructional text, content controls such as a date picker, and graphics that you want to appear in all new documents that you base on the template.
4. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Save As .
5. In the Save As dialog box, do one of the following:
On a computer that is running Windows Vista, under Favorite Links , click Templates .
On a computer that is running Windows XP, under Save in , click Trusted Templates .
6. Give the new template a file name, select Word Template in the Save as type list, and then click Save .
NOTE You can also save the template as a Word Macro-Enabled Template (.dotm file) or a Word 97-2003
Template (.dot file).
7. Close the template.
1. Click the Microsoft Office Button
2. Open the document that you want.
, and then click Open .
3. Make the changes that you want to appear in all new documents that you base on the template.
4. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Save As .
5. In the Save As dialog box, do one of the following:
On a computer that is running Windows Vista, under Favorite Links , click Templates .
On a computer that is running Windows XP, under Save in , click Trusted Templates .
6. Give the new template a file name, select Word Template in the Save as type list, and then click Save .
NOTE You can also save the template as a Word Macro-Enabled Template (.dotm file) or a Word 97-2003
Template (.dot file).
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7. Close the template.
Axiom College
1. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click New .
2. Under Templates , click New from existing .
3. Click a template that is similar to the one that you want to create, and then click Create New .
4. Make the changes you want to the margin settings, page size and orientation, styles, and other formats.
You can also add instructional text, content controls such as a date picker, and graphics you want to appear in all new documents that you base on the template.
5. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Save As .
6. In the Save As dialog box, do one of the following:
On a computer that is running Windows Vista, under Favorite Links , click Templates .
On a computer that is running Windows XP, under Save in , click Trusted Templates .
7. Give the new template a file name, click Word Template in the Save as type box, and then click Save .
NOTE You can also save the template as a Word Macro-Enabled Template (.dotm file) or a Word 97-2003
Template (.dot file).
8. Close the template.
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Task 2
1. Full screen layout
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2. Change to layout to print Layout
Axiom College
3. Set the Zoom to 155%
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Axiom College
4. Turn on the Ruler (if it is already on, turn it off)
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Axiom College
Project Type
Portfolio Observation Third Party Reports Verbal questioning Case Study Role Play
Resources: Computer workstation, printer and appropriate software
Conditions: Please read the project requirements carefully before completing this assessment. Your submission must be complete, clear and concise. Remember to address each of the points listed below.
Create three (3) standard business documents/letters. Collectively your 3 documents must include all of the following formatting features:
1. Text formatting that includes: Bold, Italics and Underline
2. Two different fonts that are appropriate for a business document
3. Graphics or Clipart appropriate for a business letter
4. Page number in the footer
5. Borders and/or shading
6. Bullets and/or numbering
Spell check and grammar check your document to remove any of these errors.
Business documents/letters includes the following:
Bold, italics, underline
Two business type fonts
Graphics or clipart
Page numbers in footer
Borders and shading
Bullets and/or numbering
Spelling is checked and correct
Grammar is checked and correct
3 x Business documents/letters attached
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Part C:
Document 1)
Axiom College
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Axiom College
Document 2)
Michael Mack
Jack’s Real Estate Agency
211 Delta Street, Fortitude Valley
Brisbane, 4000
January 13, 2012
Laura Benton
10 Loft Street
New Farm Park
Brisbane, 4000
Dear Laura Benton,
We would like to inform you that we have succeeded in finding a new rental property for you. The property is located at 12 Bracket court, New Farm Park . It is a modern unit with 1 lounge and dining room, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom and a laundry. The unit also has undercover parking facilities. If you are interested in the property please call Jack’s Real Estate Agency at your earliest convenience.
Yours Sincerely,
Michael Mack
Administrations officer
Michael smack
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Axiom College
Document 3)
To: All staff
From: Michael Mack
CC: Jack Frost
Date: 11-Apr-20
Fire evacuation
All staff, please be aware that a fire evacuation will be occurring at 12:00pm Friday. Please follow the instructions of the chief warden and move to the assembly point when advised to do so.
Michael Mack
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