NI Public Health Agency – Local Supervising Authority (LSA Code: 77) Regional Record for Supervision of Midwives Review of Practice Date of Review Trust Maternity Unit Version2 Review Document for Supervision of Midwifery Practice 2011 For Review 2014 Contents Page Section 1 Demographic Details Employment Details PREP Requirements Recommended Resource Material Section 2 3 3 3 4 Training & Development Record Mandatory Training & Development Record 5 Pre – Supervision Review – Midwife’s Record 5 Professional Development - Reflection and Update NIPEC (2005) 6 Guide to Reflection Section 3 Midwifery competency framework 7 Section 4 Supervision Review 9 This document has been produced for the Local Supervising Authority Midwifery Officer (Public Health Agency) by the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery (NIPEC). We would like to acknowledge the contribution of the work of the steering and stakeholder groups in the development of this documentation. 2 To be completed by Midwife prior to Supervision Review (Your Supervisor will cross check with your ITP and LSA database) Section 1 Name of Midwife: Name of SoM: Address: Tel (SoM): Email (SoM): Contact Numbers: Email: Prep Requirements Date of last Notification of Practice Form 35hrs of learning activity relevant to midwifery practice(in the last 3 years) Yes No 450hrs of midwifery clinical practice /professional engagement (in the last 3 years) Yes Is your personal professional portfolio updated: Yes Yes No / Discussed : No No Current Employment Full time Part Time (Hrs) Area of Practice: Other Employment (eg- Bank/Agency): For Supervisor of Midwives(Please ensure you have entered midwife’s details on to the LSA Database) Complete Yes No Date Record of other Supervisor/Supervisee Contacts Date Outcome or action plan required Reason for contact Review date (if required) Record of other Supervisor/Supervisee Contacts Date Outcome or action plan required Reason for contact Review date (if required) 3 Recommended Resource Material Please demonstrate to your supervisor how to access the following: NMC Professional Standards/Guidelines – Do you have the latest copies of? NMC The Code: Standards of conduct performance and ethics for nurses and midwives Yes No NMC Midwives Rules and Standards Yes No LSAMO Forum (UK) with NMC Modern Supervision in Action Yes No NMC Record Keeping Guidance Yes No NMC Standards for medicines management Yes No NMC Support for Parents: How supervision and supervisors of midwives can help you Yes No NMC Social Networking Yes No USEFUL WEBSITES Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries – Department of Health & Social Services & Public Safety - LSA Midwifery Officers National Forum (UK) – PHA (the LSA) & Supervision of Midwives in Northern Ireland – National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence – NI Practice & Education Council for Nurses & Midwives - links to Regulation Quality Improvement Authority – Other Suggested Reading from Supervisor (e.g Independent Reviews, Reports or Public Enquiries) 1. 2. 3. 4 Section 2 Training & Development Record Mandatory Obstetric Emergencies (including Adult Frequency Reflection (Comments) on Learning Activity Title: Date Completed / Hours / Resuscitation) Fetal Monitoring: Title: / Neonatal Resuscitation: Title: / Safeguarding Children: Title: / Antenatal Screening: Title: / Breastfeeding: Title: / Title: / Haemovigilence: 5 Additional Training & Development Record (which may include conferences, in service training, experiences & reflection) To assist you in this section please refer to the NIPEC Development Framework at This is a useful website as it explains the different types of learning activities and learning styles Learning Activity: Date Completed Reflection (Comments) on above Learning Activity Learning Activity: Date Completed Reflection (Comments) on above Learning Activity Learning Activity: Date Completed Reflection (Comments) on above Learning Activity - See guidance for explanation or visit 6 Section 3 Pre – Supervision Review – Midwife’s Record Using NIPEC’s development framework - guide to reflection - what aspect of your practice in the last year were positive/challenging experiences? Summary of experience/engagement in midwifery in the last year (example – areas of work) Positive Challenging Identify Event: Identify Event: Describe Event: Describe Event: Analyse Event: Analyse Event: Learning from Event: Learning from Event: List any aspects of these events that you would like to discuss with your supervisor of midwives 7 Self Assessment of Competence to Practice The term COMPETENCE refers to the overarching set of knowledge, skills and attitudes required to practise safely and effectively without supervision (NMC 2010). Using the Midwifery Competency framework in the guidance booklet, self assess your competency against your current area of practice. Antenatal Tick your area/areas of practice in last 12 months Are you confident in your knowledge and skills in your current area/areas of practice? Record topics of your current practice area (i.e last 12 months) that you have little knowledge, need training or skills that require updating Intranatal Postnatal Community Neonatal Clinic Inpatient Yes No Comments 1. 2. 3. 4. If you are employed by virtue of your midwifery qualification (NMC Midwives rules & standards; Rule 2) e.g. in some other capacity such as managerial, education, or senior midwifery posts for example in HSC Trust, Higher Educational Institute, Department Health Social Services, Public Health Agency, Regulatory Body or a Practice and Educational organisation, please comment here on your knowledge and skills to effectively work and engage with Midwifery. Comments 8 Section 4 Midwifery Supervision Review Summary (SoM may wish to photocopy/save these next two pages) Review of action points from previous review Issues / topics for discussion at review Review of midwifery skills that require updating through Learning Needs Assess (Discuss knowledge and skills of midwife) Plan (what are the learning opportunities) Evaluate (agree a process for evaluating the learning /development activity) Review results of audit of record keeping practice (where applicable i.e. clinical practice) Review results of audit of controlled drugs (where applicable i.e. clinical practice) 9 Agreed action plan for supervisee with timescales Action Timescale Agreed action plan for supervisor with timescale Action Timescale Issues of challenge/disagreement Resolution: Evaluation of review Date of next review Signature of Midwife Signature of SoM Date Date 10 Public Health Agency County Hall 182 Galgorm Road Ballymena BT42 1QB Version2 Review Document for Supervision of Midwifery Practice 2011