Chapter 22
Setting Prices
• Describe six major stages of process to
establish prices
• Explore issues in developing pricing objectives
• Understand importance of identifying target
market’s evaluation of price
• Examine how marketers analyze competitors’
• Describe bases for setting prices
• Explain types of pricing strategies
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of Pricing Objectives
Pricing objectives – goals that describe what
a firm wants to achieve through pricing
Business Planning- Pricing
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Stages For Establishing Prices
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Pricing Objectives And
Typical Actions To Achieve Them
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Pricing Objectives
Return on Investment (ROI)
Market Share
Cash Flow
Status Quo
Product Quality
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products are
usually priced
to reflect the
quality level
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Assessment of the Target
Market’s Evaluation of Price
• Price depends on:
– Type of product
– Type of target market
– Purchase situation (e.g: price of concessions
at movies)
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Examples Of Perceptions
Of Product Value
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Evaluation of
Competitors’ Prices
• Regular function of marketing research
• Importance of customer view of pricing
and marketing mix variables
– Pricing above competition – creates an
exclusive image
– Pricing below competition – gains market
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Some prices are
set higher than
the competition
to create an
exclusive image
FIJI ® and all other trademarks, copyrights and intellectual property used herein are
the property of FIJI Water Company LLC or its affiliates." Used by permission
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Selection of a Basis of Pricing
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Cost Based Pricing
• Cost-based pricing – a dollar amount to
the cost of the product
• Cost-plus pricing – adding a specified
dollar amount to the seller’s costs
• Markup – Adding to the cost of the product
a predetermined percentage of that cost
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Markup as % Markup 15
33.3 %
of Cost
Markup as %
= Selling Price = 60 = 25.0 %
of Selling Price
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Demand-Based Pricing
Customers pay a higher price when demand
for the product is strong and a lower price
when demand is weak
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Non-Price Factors
Affecting Demand
• Product
• Market
– Quality
– Degree of competition
– Range
– Competitor action/reaction
– Nature- essential/luxury
– General economic
– Substitutes
• Support
– Service at point of sale
& after
– Advertising/promotion
– Distribution Methods
“Demand based pricing”, N. Coulthurst, 4/3/02,
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service affects
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Competition-Based Pricing
• Pricing influenced primarily by
competitors’ prices
– method increases when:
• competing products are homogeneous
• organization is serving markets in which price
is a key consideration
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Selection of a Pricing Strategy
• Differential Pricing – different prices to different buyers
for the same product
• New-Product Pricing
• Product-Line Pricing – establishing prices of multiple
products within a product line
• Psychological Pricing – influence customer perception
to make a product’s price attractive
• Professional Pricing – fees set by experienced people
in particular field
• Promotional Pricing
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Common Pricing Strategies
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Differential Pricing Techniques
• Negotiated – final price established through buyer/seller
• Secondary-market – one price for primary target market
and different price for another
• Periodic discounting – systematic temporary price
• Random discounting – unsystematic temporary
price reduction
Poll and comments on differential
pricing at
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Steps In
Developing New Product Pricing
Develop Marketing Strategy
Make Marketing Mix Decisions
Estimate Demand Curve
Calculate Cost
Understand Environmental Factors
Set Pricing Objectives
Determine Pricing
NetMBA, “Pricing Strategy”, 2005,
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New-Product Pricing
• Price skimming – charging the highest possible
price that buyers who most desire the product
will pay
• Penetration pricing – prices set below competing
brands to penetrate market and gain market
share quickly
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Product-Line Pricing Strategies
• Captive – basic product in a product line low
while related items higher
• Premium – pricing highest-quality product
higher than other models
• Bait – low pricing on one item in line with
intention of selling higher-priced item in the line
• Price Lining – limited number of prices for
selected lines of merchandise
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For Premium Pricing,
Engage The Emotions
1) Taking Care of Me - overstressed people want
to pamper selves
2) Connect with Friends & Family - serious money
to nurture family, romantic getaways, cosmetic
surgery, etc.
3) Questing - consumers appreciate adventure
4) Individual Style - personal taste, differentiate
self from others
iBizResources, “For Premium Pricing, engage the Emotions”, 2006,
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Pricing Techniques
• Reference pricing – moderate pricing positioned
next to a more expensive brand
• Bundles pricing – packaging multiple products
to be sold at a single price
• Multiple-unit pricing – packaging together
two or more identical products to be sold at a
single price
• Everyday low prices (EDLP) – pricing products
low on a consistent basis
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More Psychological
Pricing Techniques
• Odd-even pricing – ending the price with a
certain number to influences buyers’ perceptions
• Customary pricing – on the basis of tradition
• Prestige pricing – setting prices at a high level to
convey prestige
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higher prices
with higher
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Price Of Adult One-Day
Passport To Walt-Disney World
USA Today Snapshots, “The Price of Amusement”, May 12-14, 2006, p. A1.
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Sample Prestige Product Prices
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Concept of Professional Pricing
Professional pricing carries the idea that
professional have an ethical responsibility
not to overcharge customers
Aetna Physician Pricing Transparency
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Types Of
Promotional Pricing
• Price Leader- firm prices a few products below
the usual markup, near cost, or below cost
• Special-Event- advertised sales or price-cutting
linked to a holiday, a season, or an event
• Comparison Discounting- price is set at a
specific level and simultaneously compares it
with a high price
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Special events
are often
and employ
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Determination of
Price: Pricing Strategy
• Yields a certain price- may need refining
• Helps in setting final price
• In absence of government price controls,
remains flexible and convenient to adjust the
marketing mix
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