Inquiry Officer (Associate Dean)

Academic Integrity Checklist – Inquiry Officer (Associate Dean)
Where this form indicates to send it to the Registrar, this means either email the form and attachments
to ASQO at, or mail through internal mail to ASQO, Division of Student
Administration, ANU Student Central, Building #X-005
Does this appear to be serious research misconduct:
 Yes – Send this form and all information to the Registrar
 No – continue to next question
This allegation appears to be:
 Frivolous, vexatious, lacking
in substance, or it is
otherwise not appropriate to
take further action
 Email sent to student as per
Template 1
 A poor academic practice
 Potential Academic
 Proceed to Section 2
Proceed to Section 3
 Email attached to this form
 This form and all information
sent to the Registrar
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Section 2
This section is to be used if a case is likely to be poor academic practice and an investigation is to be
undertaken on those grounds. Note that if an investigation is undertaken for poor academic practice,
Academic Misconduct cannot be found. If you are unsure of how to proceed, ASQO recommends that
you undertake an investigation for Academic Misconduct (detailed in Section 3), as you can still find
poor academic practice as an outcome.
 Email sent to student as per Template 5, advising of allegation and time for meeting that is 5
working days or more from date of email.
 Email attached to this checklist.
 Meeting held with student, or;
 Student did not attend meeting.
 Attached brief summary of meeting, if held.
 Checked with the Registrar if there has been a previous offence for this student
 Determination made (see Determining ‘Academic Misconduct’ or ‘Poor academic practice’ for
 Poor Academic Practice
 No breach
 Penalty applied (pick one or more):
 Student required to resubmit
 Student counselled
 Student reprimanded
 Student made undertaking to attend
academic skills or other counselling
 Assessment marks/grade changed
 Email sent to student as per Template 1
 Email attached to this form
 This form and all information sent to the
 Email sent to student as per Template 6
 Email attached to this form
 This form and all information sent to the
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Section 3
This section is to be used if a case could potentially involve Academic Misconduct.
 Letter sent to student as per Template 7, advising of allegation and time for inquiry that is 7
working days or more from date sent.
 Letter attached to this checklist
 Inquiry held
 Summary of Inquiry attached
 Checked with the Registrar if there has been a previous offence for this student
Determination Made
 No academic misconduct
 Letter sent to student as per Template 8
 This form and all information sent to the Registrar
 Poor Academic Practice
 Penalty applied (pick one or more):
 Student required to resubmit
 Student counselled
 Student reprimanded
 Student made undertaking to attend academic skills or other counselling
 Assessment marks/grade changed
 Letter sent to student as per Template 9
 Letter attached to this form
 This form and all information sent to the Registrar
 Academic Misconduct
 Outcome determined as per 31.1 of the Academic Misconduct Rules
 Letter sent to student as per Template 10
 Letter attached to this form
 Outcome applied
 This form and all information sent to the Registrar
 Apparent serious misconduct/serious research misconduct
 Letter sent to student as per Template 11
 Letter attached to this form
 This form and all information sent to the Registrar to then refer to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
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