Ch 5 physical geogrpahy of the U.S. and Canada slides

The United States and
Ch. 5.1-5.2
 Both
the US and Canada were colonies of Great
 Both
are primarily English speaking
 Similar
physical and cultural geography
 2nd
(Canada) and 3rd (USA) largest countries in the
 Both
abundant in natural resources
Physical Geography
 There
is a wide variety of landforms
throughout the US and Canada.
 Major
 The
landform divisions are as follows:
Eastern Lowlands
 The Appalachian Highlands
 The Interior Lowlands
 The Western Mountains, Plateaus, and Basins
Eastern Lowlands
A flat, coastal plain that runs along the Atlantic Ocean and the
Gulf of Mexico.
The Atlantic Coastal Plain is home to many excellent harbors
providing an ideal home for major coastal cities including
Boston and Charleston.
The Mississippi Rivers empties into the gulf in this region.
The Piedmont Region is an area found between the plains
and the Appalachian Highlands. It is a low plateau at the foot
of the mountains with many rivers and hills.
Appalachian Highlands
The Appalachian Mountains are found in this region.
The mountains extend from Newfoundland, Canada down to
Alabama (1,600 miles).
Mountain ranges found in the Appalachian Mountains
include: Green, Catskill, Blue Ridge, Great Smoky Mountains.
More than 400 million years old.
This range has eroded over time. The elevation is relatively
low for a mountain range.
The Appalachian Trail spans the entire length of the range.
Interior Lowlands
A huge expanse of mainly level land.
Contains some of the world’s most fertile soil.
Divided into 3 subregions:
The Interior Plains
The Great Plains
The Canadian Shield
The Great Plains is a mostly treeless area about 4,000 ft above
sea level
The Canadian Shield is a rocky, flat area covering most of the
Hudson Bay area.
Western Mountains, Plateaus, and
 This
area includes the Rocky Mountains. The Rockies
extend from Alaska, through Canada, to New Mexico.
 This
is a young mountain range. It has a much higher
average elevation than the Appalachian Mountains.
 The
Continental Divide is the line of highest points in
the Rockies that separates rives flowing eastward and
Western Mountains, Plateaus, and
 This
area also includes a large amount of mixed
landforms extending to the Pacific Ocean.
 Major
 This
earthquakes occur in this area.
Pacific Mountain and Valley area is made up of
steep cliffs, deep canyons, and lowland deserts (basins).
Western Mountains, Plateaus, and
Death Valley is located at the western edge of the Great
Basin in California.
 It
is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere at 282 ft
below sea level.
 Temperatures
can top 130°F
Bodies of Water
 Great
 Huron
 Ontario
 Michigan
 Erie
 Superior
Bodies of Water
 Rivers
Mississippi (longest in the USA)
 Missouri River feeds into the Mississippi
 Ohio River also feeds into the Mississippi
Mackenzie River (longest river in Canada)
 Flows across the Northwest Territories to the Arctic
Rio Grande River
 Serves as a border between the USA and Mexico
 Empties into the Gulf of Mexico
Bodies of Water
 Hudson
Large body of water in Northern Canada
 Extends from the Atlantic Ocean
 Gulf
of Mexico
Large body of water south of the USA
Bodies of Water
 St. Lawrence
 Created
by the USA and Canada
 Most important deepwater ship route in North
 Connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean by
way of the St. Lawrence River
 Ships are raised and lowered by a series of “locks”
 This enables huge vessels to sail into the industrial
and agricultural heartland of North America
St. Lawrence Seaway
 The
US and Canada hold an abundance of natural
 Large
lakes and rivers provide transportation,
irrigation, abundant fishing, and hydroelectric power
 Lakes
and rivers also sustain important shipping
industries in North America
 Both
countries contain some of the most fertile soil in
the world (mainly the plains regions and river valleys)
 North
America is the world’s leading food exporter
 One-half
of Canada and one-third of America is
covered by woodlands. Both countries are major
producers of lumber and forest products
Climate and Vegetation
 North
America is home
to a large variety of
climate and vegetation
 Most
of the USA is in
the mid-latitudes
 Canada
has cooler
temperatures because
it lies in higher
Climate and Vegetation
 Colder
 Tundra
Alaska and Canada both have arctic regions known as tundra
Winters are long and bitter cold
Summers are short and cool
Evergreen trees are found in vast quantities here
Permafrost can be found in some areas as well
 Highland
The Rocky Mountains and Pacific ranges
Colder temperatures
Little vegetation
Climate and Vegetation
 Moderate
 Humid
Interior USA and Canada
Winters are cold and summers are warm
One of the best agricultural areas in the world
 Marine West
The Rocky Mountains trap moisture along the pacific coast
Affected areas in Washington, Canada, and Oregon are typically
California redwoods are a product of this climate zone
Climate and Vegetation
 Milder
 Humid
Climates (primarily USA)
Southern United States
 Mediterranean
Central and southern coasts of California
 Dry
Climates (Only USA)
 Semiarid
 Great
 Desert
 Southwestern
Climate and Vegetation
 Tropical
Climates (Only USA)
 Tropical Wet
 Hawaii
 Tropical Wet
and Dry
Southern Florida
Includes the everglades
**Consult Climate Chart from Chapter 3 for information on all
climate zones