Cash transfers mechanisms in urban area and related

Terms of Reference (ToR)
Project Title:
Cash transfers mechanisms in urban area and related links with
contingency planning
Site Location:
Metro Manila - PHILIPPINES
Geraud Devred
By Calp Focal Point:
Table of Contents
Background/ Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives, Purpose & Expected Results ............................................................................................. 4
Overall objective ........................................................................................................................... 4
Specific Objectives or Purposes .................................................................................................... 4
Results to be achieved by the Consultant..................................................................................... 4
Scope of the work................................................................................................................................. 5
Main activities ............................................................................................................................... 5
Research management ................................................................................................................. 6
Deliverables................................................................................................................................... 7
Time frame and work plan ................................................................................................................... 7
Budget ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Terms of Payment ......................................................................................................................... 7
Expression of Interest........................................................................................................................... 7
Background/ Introduction
Emergency cash transfer responses, like cash and vouchers, generally need time to develop networks and
mechanisms to facilitate the implementation of the transfer itself to the population in need, in addition to other general
constraints such as accessibility, identification and reaching the most vulnerable. The involvement of the private
sector is not developed at the level where it could benefit the intervention and often the work of negotiating with
banks, providers, trader networks and other stakeholders, as well as structures and tools involved in a cash transfer
emergency response, take a significant amount of time during the preparation phase of the final implementation. At
least 3-6 weeks need to be calculated as lead time to be able to successfully, efficiently, accountable and
transparently transfer money to disaster affected populations. This time can be crucial to save lifes and ensure fast
and efficient support for the population during an onset emergency situation.
The CaLP research on “Delivering Money” has identified the same aspects of timing as key constraints for being
faster and more efficient in cash and voucher emergency responses. Disaster preparedness and contingency
planning have been identified as opportunities to be better prepared and more reactive when disaster strikes. The
development and the comparison of different transfer options and tools, negotiations with banks and other providers,
as well as “middlemen” like traders for voucher exchanges, can be prepared and established long before
emergencies happen. Established structures, necessary to transfer the money, e.g. points of Sales (PoS), prepaid
cards or voucher designs are preparable and easily stockable in countries frequently touched by disasters. In
addition the pre-identification of the potential area of vulnerability as well as of the way to identify and to reach the
population the most in need can be prepared before the disaster and use in the development of better contingency
Based on this evidences, on the past experiences from different actors in Metro Manila, and on the interests of these
last in developing their capacities to answer to urban disasters through cash interventions, latest discussions
between the CaLP and Visa Inc have lead to an expression of interest for collaboration to address exactly these
aspects of disaster preparedness and increased reactivity and quality of intervention in case of emergency.
The research proposed to be implemented under this initiative shall address several of the above mentioned issues.
At the end of the assignment, the consultant is expected to submit to ACF International, on behalf of the Calp, a
comprehensive report that will contain findings, analysis and recommendations from the research.
Objectives, Purpose & Expected Results
Overall objective
To provide guidance on the most appropriate and innovative tools & mechanisms for the implementation of
cash based interventions in emergency and to support the development of disaster preparedness capacities
amongst humanitarian stakeholders.
Specific Objectives or Purposes
1. To set-up at least 1 new mechanism of transfer for emergency cash based intervention.
2. To compare the main cash transfer mechanisms that could be used by the humanitarian stakeholders in
case of natural disaster.
3. To design a strategy of integration of cash transfer in emergency
4. To provide support to the development of the capacities of stakeholders in getting prepared to disasters.
Results to be achieved by the Consultant
The research will be based on a review of existing cash and voucher emergency responses provided by the
Calp focal person in the Philippines, focusing on the systems of cash transfer, the processes, the stakeholders
and the lessons learned. This documentation shall support the identification by the consultant of how to better
integrated cash delivery mechanisms in preparedness and response. It will cover the activities recently
implemented by NGOs, UN agencies and governmental bodies; and will include the following mechanisms:
cash distribution, Vouchers, Mobile phone transfer, remittance companies, banks transfers and cheques.
Results will not only stem from the new tools and procedures identified by the consultant itself, but will also be
based on a regular collaboration/coordination with VISA and Calp teams. In addition and as specified below, the
different humanitarian stakeholders will be consulted in the development of the research, including NGOs, UN
agencies and Government bodies. This will be necessary while developing a preparedness strategy.
The tools, analysis and recommendations presented in the final report shall serve as the main reference for
CaLP in providing further the appropriate orientations and trainings with the objective to increase the capacities
of the humanitarian stakeholders with regard to preparedness to cash intervention in emergency.
The following list gives a broad idea on the results expected but should not be limited only in these points if the
consultant and/or the Calp team consider so during the research implementation. At the end of the study the
final report should present and detail the following achievements:
1. At least 1 new mechanism of transfer for emergency cash based intervention has been set-up. In priority,
electronic transfer through banks using pre-paid card will be considered. Approaches and procedures have
been detailed.
2. The main existing and new cash transfer systems that could be used in emergency has been compared and
their specificity highlighted depending on the context of intervention. A specific attention has been given to
the involvement of the private actors (bank, phone, etc..) and relation between them.
3. The analysis of the needs related to emergency cash based intervention has been identified and a strategy
of integration of cash transfer in disaster preparedness has been set-up with stakeholders.
4. Clear guidance & tools for contingency planning & preparedness has been provided. This will tackle issues
such as the coordination mechanisms, the development of partnerships, contract negotiation and the
different activities to be developed to get prepared. It will mainly focus on the most interesting transfer
mechanisms identified by the stakeholders and the preparedness strategy previously set-up.
As a final output of the research, two different documents are expected from the consultant:
A report presented as a research, which form will be set-up at the beginning of the work between the
consultant and the Calp focal point (not more 50 pages). The form used will be based on the previous
research already implemented by the Calp initiative.
Clear “activity sheet” documents in annexes that will detail the new approach developed, including all
information needed to set-up and to use the proposed tool.
A document for presentation (PowerPoint type) that could be used as a base to provide orientation and
training to the humanitarian stakeholders.
Scope of the work
Main activities
Visa Inc is a core partner in this research, supporting CaLP and the humanitarian community to benefit from
latest technology and to develop tools for cash transfer to the (mainly) unbanked population. Through the
developed mechanisms and systems, the humanitarian community will be able to support faster and better the
population directly affected by a disaster, benefiting from wider range of potential interventions.
In order to get familiar with the context in the Philippines, the overall activities should commence with a review of
various response options for emergency situations that has recently been developed and used in the country.
This work will be based on the documentation collected by the Calp focal point and may request few meetings
with organizations if additional information is needed.
On this basis, the consultant will start the research by (1) identifying and developing new tools for the
transfer of cash in emergency that have not yet been used in the Philippines but proven to have a good
potential. A strong consideration will be given to the set-up of an electronic cash transfer system involving the
banking system; and more specifically to the development of a pre-paid card system for the delivery of cash to
victims of disaster. Approaches, procedures and partnerships agreements (With banks, etc…) will be detailed,
as well as consideration for disaster preparedness. At the end of this step, it is expected that a new tool for the
transfer of cash will be fully described, including all the information needed for its set-up such as conditions of
use, potential coverage, processes, advantages, constraints, effectiveness, costs, capacities needed, etc… .
(2) The different options for delivering cash in emergency will then be compared, presenting the pros and
cons of each system, their potential complementarities as well as the best environment/conditions where they
could be used. The criteria of comparison will include, at least: coverage, potential areas of intervention,
complexity, scale, identification, cost, security, control/risk, human resources needed, speed/reactivity, existing
infrastructures, needs capacity building, acceptability, resilience, flexibility, transparency, reliability, advantage &
disadvantages. At this stage, specific recommendation for their use will be detailed including an analysis of the
conditions of use each tools is more suitable than others.
This information will further be used to (3) define a strategy of integration of cash transfer in emergency
with the main stakeholders involved in the response to disaster and potentially interested to develop cash
transfer programs. Stakeholders will include NGOs (ACF, OXFAM, STC, CARE, CFSI, World Vision, Christian
AID, etc.), UN agencies (WFP, IOM, OCHA) and governmental bodies (DSWD). This strategy shall be in line
with the legal framework and policies of the country in term of disaster (DRM law). It shall be based on the
existing preparedness or contingency plans and will specifically focus on the use of cash transfer to improve the
quality and the efficiency of emergency response. Different options will be identified and discussed, the best
tools identified and selected, and their use in case of disaster detailed. Depending on the needs of the
participants, the strategy should provide a clear action plan, including clear objectives, results and activities that
will lead to improve the response to disaster a better use of the cash transfer options selected. It should not be
limited to the description on how the best tools would be used depending on the context of the disaster, but will
also identify the needs related to the development of capacities of response (design, contingency stock,
trainings, etc.).
(4) The few chosen options will be further analyzed and developed based on the technologies available
and the needs for preparedness of the participants. The characteristic of each option will be completed (based
on point 1. and 2. before), including all the information needed to design and set-up a project in case of
emergency. As part of the preparedness plan development, key stakeholders and infrastructures (including
government, banks, local financial services providers, NGOs etc.) shall be mapped, with their geographical zone
of intervention, implications, activities, skills and capacities. Necessary administrative and pragmatic details for a
disaster response shall be identified (e.g. charge and transfer fees, shared data and procedures and contract
negotiation: roles, responsibilities, reporting, pricing, service support, grievance, promotion, training &
communication needs, system, losses, mismanagement, technical trainings, etc.) ; recommendation for the
constitution of a contingency stock given ; and the need of training / support identified.
Finally, (5) guidance materials, including procedure, formats and templates, for the facilitation,
implementation and delivery of electronic cash will be developed and available for various partners ; and the
integration of prepaid cards into the preparedness plan, including its necessary support structures, e.g. point of
sales (PoS), etc., will be considered (depending also on vulnerability mapping), with the objective of improving
the rapidity and the access to the vulnerable population in case of emergency. A basic presentation will be
drafted, that could be used for orientation and training purpose.
Research management
The consultant will review and develop his/her own research and work plan in accordance with these ToR and
shall work independently from the Calp focal point in the Philippines, even if close coordination is expected with
him. The Calp project team shall provide documents, guidance and supervision to the consultant, while the VISA
team will contribute to the identification of the technology transfer and potential partners involved in a response
to disaster. In addition and along all the implementation of the research, keys humanitarian stakeholders
involved in response to emergency should be consulted.
Similarly, the consultant shall be responsible for the research design of this study, including the tools for data
collection. This research designs shall be presented to Calp in the application of the consultant and will be
regularly discussed with the ACF project team once the consultancy will start.
The consultant shall be responsible for arranging appointments, transport and meetings. The research will
mainly happened in Metro Manila, no trip out of the city being yet identified at the time of the TOR writing.
As direct contractor of ACF, the consultant shall adhere to the code of ethics of ACF while doing his/her field
Research design and Work plan
Clear findings
Comprehensive report.
Guidance materials and a document for presentation (PowerPoint type) that could be used as a base to
provide orientation and training to the humanitarian stakeholders.
Time frame and work plan
The timeframe of the project is expected to be proposed by the consultant as part of its application for this research,
and will be reviewed together with the Calp focal point in the Philippines at the beginning of the project. Due to the
ambitious objective of the research, 60 to 70 working days (3 to 3,5 month) should be necessary, depending on the
experience of the consultant. The consultancy should start beginning of June 2011.
The consultant shall include in his submission the proposed total budget needed for him/her to satisfactorily
accomplish the objectives of this research. The proposed budget shall cover the cost of his/her professional fee, both
operational (living cost in manila, taxi, etc..) and administrative costs, and shall be subject to applicable government
taxes. On request, ACF could consider the provision of a space to work at its office in Manila.
Terms of Payment
The consultant will be paid in three installments:
Upon signing of the contract
Upon submission of Draft Report
Upon submission of Final Document
40% of total budget
30% of total budget
30% of total budget
Expression of Interest
Interested candidates who are ready to deliver the results in the required time should send their expression of
interest which includes the following:
A capability statement, including commitment for availability for the entire period of assignment.
A letter explaining how her/his experiences could ensure the proper implementation of the project
Updated CV (recommendation or certificates if any) and report/research already done
A 2 to 3 pages letter explaining how the consultant will develop his work top reach the objectives. The
consultant’s application letter should include the description of (1) the questions that will be answered by the
study; (2) the activities that will be accomplished and the type of actors met, (3) how these activities will led to
the expected results, (4) and what are the concrete outputs expected.
 A detailed budget of the research
Submission should be delivered to the following address not later than 16 May 2011;
Office Address: ACF international. Unit 2802, 88 Corporate Center, 141 Sedeno street, Salcedo village, Makati
City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Or send through email to: to Geraud DEVRED)