PARENT and STUDENT HANDBOOK 2012-13 ROSEWOOD ELEMENTARY 3300 ROSEWOOD DRIVE COLUMBIA, SC 29205 TELEPHONE (803) 343-2930 August 20, 2012 Dear Rosewood Parents, Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year! I hope you all had an enjoyable summer and are ready for an exciting year of learning at Rosewood Elementary. To promote a safe and productive school environment, please take time to review our parent handbook. For the upcoming school year, we will be joined by three new faculty members. We happily welcome Lena Lee as our new librarian. We also welcome Mary Germany and Michelle Woodyard as they join third grade teachers Fran McFall and Llewellyn Shealy. We are very excited they have joined our faculty. Also, Taylor Ligon has moved to a full-time second grade position. During the summer months, several projects have been started to enhance the learning environment of our school. In several classrooms, the old carpet was removed, and these rooms now glow from the newly refinished hardwood floors. Over the course of the spring, wireless access was added to the building, and this summer we acquired a wireless computer lab equipped with laptop computers. We appreciate the assistance of our district, our PTO, and our Educational Foundation for making this possible. Our new, portable, wireless lab will greatly increase student access to technology during the upcoming school year. Parents and the community are still our most valuable resources to the children and faculty of Rosewood Elementary. Working together with our parents and the community, we are committed to providing our students a safe, caring, academically challenging and diverse learning environment that will develop productive citizens for a changing world. I encourage each of you to be involved in your child’s education, and to be a partner with us in your child’s education. If you ever have a question or concern related to school, please contact us so that we may work together for the benefit of our students. In the first few weeks of school, you will be receiving information from the PTO about its activities and volunteer opportunities. Family activities planned for this year include science day, fall carnival, student performances, end of the year picnic and the Rosewood 5-K run. While there are many opportunities to be involved or support our teachers and students through the PTO or Rosewood Educational Foundation, I also encourage parents and community members to consider sharing time with our students promoting literacy and reading skills by serving as a Rosewood Reader. We hope to see you around Rosewood and that you will consider offering your time or talents to assist and support Rosewood Elementary School. It is always exciting to begin a new school year! I look forward to the year ahead, getting to know our new students and parents, and being a part of the many wonderful things that will take place for our students at Rosewood Elementary School. Sincerely, Elizabeth Williams Elizabeth Williams Principal ROSEWOOD ELEMENTARY PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK 2012 - 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT OUR SCHOOL......................................................................................................... 1 ABSENCES ........................................................................................................................... 1 ACCELERATED READER ................................................................................................... 2 AFTERNOON DISMISSAL – CHANGE IN PLANS .............................................................. 3 ART CLASS – WHAT TO WEAR ......................................................................................... 3 ATTENDANCE ZONE MAP .................................................................................................. 25 AUTO DIALER ...................................................................................................................... 3 BACKPACKS ........................................................................................................................ 3 BEING PREPARED FOR CLASS ........................................................................................ 4 BICYCLES ............................................................................................................................. 4 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS AT SCHOOL ........................................................................ 4 BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PROGRAMS ............................................................................ 4 CALLING HOME ................................................................................................................... 5 CELL PHONES & IPODS ..................................................................................................... 5 CHANGE OF ADDRESS ...................................................................................................... 5 CHESS CLUB ....................................................................................................................... 6 CONFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 6 CROSSING ROSEWOOD DRIVE ......................................................................................... 6 DISCOURAGING TEMPTATION THROUGH SIMPLICITY ................................................. 6 DOGS .................................................................................................................................... 7 DRESS CODE ....................................................................................................................... 7 DROPPING OFF AND PICKING UP STUDENTS BY CAR ................................................. 7 AFTERNOON DISMISSAL………………………………………………………………………… 8 EMERGENCY DISMISSAL ................................................................................................... 9 ENTERING CLASSROOMS BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL ................................................ 9 FIELD TRIPS ......................................................................................................................... 9 FOUNDATION ....................................................................................................................... 9 GUM....................................................................................................................................... 10 HALF DAYS .......................................................................................................................... 10 HEAD LICE, RINGWORM, ETC. .......................................................................................... 10 HEALTH CARE AT SCHOOL ............................................................................................... 10 HELPING YOUR CHILD GROW ........................................................................................... 11 HOMEWORK ......................................................................................................................... 11 HOMEWORK AND SCHOOL WORK DURING ABSENCES .............................................. 11 HONOR ROLL ....................................................................................................................... 12 INSURANCE FOR STUDENTS ............................................................................................ 12 LIBRARY ............................................................................................................................... 12 LOST AND FOUND ............................................................................................................... 13 LOST BOOKS ....................................................................................................................... 13 LUNCH DELIVERY ............................................................................................................... 13 LUNCH WITH YOUR CHILDREN ......................................................................................... 13 MAP TESTING……………………………………………………………………………………… 13 MATHEMATICS FACTS ....................................................................................................... 14 NEWSLETTER ...................................................................................................................... 15 PASS AND SCHOOL REPORT CARD ................................................................................ 15 PARENT AND TEACHER ORGANIZATION ........................................................................ 15 PICKING UP STUDENTS EARLY ........................................................................................ 16 PLACEMENT OF STUDENTS .............................................................................................. 16 RECESS ................................................................................................................................ 16 REGISTRATION .................................................................................................................... 16 REPORT CARDS, INTERIM REPORTS & GRADES .......................................................... 16 RESPONSIBLE THINKING CENTER ................................................................................... 17 RESTROOMS........................................................................................................................ 17 RIDING THE SCHOOL BUS ................................................................................................. 17 SCHOOL BUS EMERGENCIES ........................................................................................... 17 SCHOOL HOURS AND SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS .................................................... 17 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER ......................................................................................... 18 SCHOOL RULES ................................................................................................................. 19 SECURITY CHECKS ON ADULTS ...................................................................................... 20 SELLING ITEMS AT SCHOOL ............................................................................................. 20 SHOES .................................................................................................................................. 20 SKATEBOARDS & SCOOTERS .......................................................................................... 21 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR ........................................................................................ 21 STAFF ROSTER ................................................................................................................... 24 STRANGERS PICKING UP STUDENTS.............................................................................. 21 STRINGS CLASS.................................................................................................................. 21 STUDENT BEHAVIOR .......................................................................................................... 21 SUGGESTION BOX .............................................................................................................. 22 TARDINESS .......................................................................................................................... 22 TELEPHONE MESSAGES ................................................................................................... 22 TEXTBOOKS ........................................................................................................................ 22 TRANSFER STUDENTS ....................................................................................................... 22 TRANSFERS AND WITHDRAWALS ................................................................................... 23 VISITING SCHOOL ............................................................................................................... 23 WEB PAGE ........................................................................................................................... 23 WRITING ............................................................................................................................... 23 ABOUT OUR SCHOOL Rosewood serves students from kindergarten through fifth grade. From their grade level teachers, students will receive instruction in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and health. Weekly art, music, physical education, computer, and Spanish classes are provided by specialist teachers. A resource room and, beginning in third grade, an advanced academic program (AAP) are available to meet the special needs of students. Also available at our school are specialists who provide psychological testing and speech therapy. ABSENCES The State of South Carolina and Richland District One have mandated that attendance be given high priority. Attendance and truancy procedures will be strictly enforced. Reasons for excused absences include: Contagious illness. Serious illness. Death in the family or illness. School sponsored field trips. Any other reasons must be approved by the principal in writing in advance. When your child is absent from school, you must provide a written excuse within 2 days after he/she returns to school. A doctor’s note is the best excuse. Please ask for one if you take your child to the doctor or dentist. Send the excuse to your child’s teacher or bring the excuse to the office. Fax the excuse to 929-3849. E-mail an excuse to Include in the note: Child’s full name. Reason & date(s) for the absence(s). Teacher’s name. Your signature. Attendance and Truancy Rules: After a student is absent for three consecutive days, or for a total of five days, the school will set up a conference with the parent/guardian to develop an Attendance Intervention Plan to improve the student’s attendance. A school social worker may assist in contacting the parent/guardian and developing a plan. If a student’s absences continue after an intervention plan has been developed, the parent/guardian and student will be summoned to appear before a Family Court judge. Following a Family Court hearing, if the parent/guardian does not adhere to the court order, the school is required to file a contempt of court complaint against the parent/guardian with the Solicitor’s Office. After a student has accumulated an excessive amount of absences due to illness, the school may require a doctor’s excuse for any such further absences. Copies of the attendance policy are in the office. You can come by the office if you would like a copy. ACCELERATED READER This program begins with a computerized test administered individually in our computer lab to determine each student’s independent reading level. A student will then select a library book that is coded to his/her particular reading level. After students read a book, they will take a short computer administered test that determines how well they understood their particular book. Students accumulate points for passing short comprehension tests and can earn rewards and recognition for their successes. Students do not compete against each other but strive to meet their own individualized weekly or monthly goal. The purpose of the program is to foster growth in students’ reading abilities, as reading is the foundation of all school success. To this end, we are requiring all students, as part of their homework, to read at home for at least 30 minutes each day and for 30 minutes over the weekend. Parent’s may be required to sign or initial a sheet on a daily basis certifying that the student did complete his daily reading responsibility. We are convinced that if students diligently participate in this program, their reading abilities will improve. However, parents play a major role in their children’s success with this program by consistently encouraging and monitoring students’ reading activity at home. Accelerated Reader book lists have been provided at our local public libraries. The purpose of this program is to encourage, not discourage, students’ reading. If you feel at any time that the program is not having its intended effect, please bring this to the attention of your child’s reading teacher so that together you can analyze the problem and make adjustments. 2 You will receive more specific information about the program from your child’s reading teacher. First graders will ease into the program with a 15 minute daily and weekend home reading requirement. Kindergarten students have their own daily reading program, Families Read Every Day (FRED). Kindergarten parents will receive information about FRED. AFTERNOON DISMISSAL – CHANGES IN PLANS At the end of the school day students ride a school bus, ride a daycare van, are picked up in a car, or walk home. If a student will deviate from his/her established mode of dismissal (i.e. going home with a friend, not getting on a bus or van, etc.) we must receive this notification of a change in writing by 1:00 p.m. We cannot change a student’s mode of going home or going to his afterschool provider based on his/her verbal communication or a phone call. You can send a note with your child to that effect or you can fax a note to the school office (Fax: 929-3849). All faxes must be received prior to 1:00 p.m. ART CLASS – WHAT TO WEAR On the day that your child has his/her art class, remember your child will be working with paints and other materials that may, in fact, stain clothing. A word to the wise is sufficient! ATTENDANCE ZONE MAP For your convenience, you will find a Rosewood School Zone Attendance Map on the last page of this book. Any child who lives within the perimeter of this map is zoned for our school. The Richland One web page also has a feature called School Zone Locator to assist with school zone and transportation information. AUTO DIALER From time to time you will be receiving automated telephone calls from our school, reminding you of important school events and/or information. Additionally, auto dialer will call you each time your child is absent from school. If, after a month of school, you notice that you have not yet received a call from our auto dialer, please call Sheila Spivey, our attendance secretary (733-3048), to make sure we have 3 your correct telephone number. BACKPACKS We encourage you to purchase a backpack for your child as soon as possible. Each year students are issued textbooks and workbooks. If a book is lost, you must pay a replacement cost before a new one can be issued. Providing your child with something in which to carry his books, papers, and pencils could help prevent such a loss. Bookbags with wheels are discouraged as they present safety issues – such as tripping others – and the wheels can damage our hardwood floors. BEING PREPARED FOR CLASS Students should come to school prepared with the necessary tools for learning, including pencils, paper, books, and homework assignments. Students will not be allowed to call home for homework left at home. It is their responsibility to come to school with completed homework assignments. BICYCLES Students may ride their bicycles to school and lock them up on the bicycle rack located on the patio next to the parking lot. Students should walk, not ride, their bicycles on the campus. Bicycle students crossing Rosewood Drive must exit the school grounds through the gate at South Ott Road and Rosewood Drive. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS AT SCHOOL In order to guarantee smooth functioning of our daily school routine and to avoid hurt feelings, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Balloons, flowers, or other items may not be delivered to students at school. 2. Parents may bring cupcakes, cookies, or other treats to be enjoyed by all children in a homebase class. These should be sent in the morning so that they can be given to the child’s class as a dessert treat during lunch. 3. A student may not distribute birthday party invitations at school unless there is an invitation for each of the students in his or her homeroom class. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PROGRAMS 4 Breakfast is served from 7:00 a.m. to 7:25 a.m. Except when a school bus is late, no student will be allowed in the cafeteria after 7:15 a.m. The cost of a student breakfast is 75 cents and the cost of a student lunch is $1.35. Your family income may qualify your child for free or reduced price breakfast and lunch. You are welcome to fill out a free or reduced lunch application and have your child give it to his teacher. If last year your child was on free or reduced breakfast and lunch and you did not fill out a new application during the summer, it is necessary for you to fill one out as soon as your child enters school. Your child must pay full price for his breakfast and lunch until a decision is made on your new application. You may wish to purchase a meal plan rather than have your child bring the cost of lunch or breakfast to school daily. Students may pay the cafeteria cashier prior to the start of the school day. You may pay by cash, check, or money orders made out to Rosewood Cafeteria. A ten-day lunch plan costs: Reduced Price - $4 Full Price - $13.50 A ten-day breakfast plan costs: Reduced Price - $3 Full Price - $7.50 Milk is served with school lunches. Water can be substituted for milk only if we receive a note from a doctor stating that your child cannot drink milk for medical reasons. Students are not permitted to use the cafeteria microwave to warm their breakfasts or lunches. Please feel free to have breakfast or lunch with your child any time you would like. Adult breakfast is $1.80 and adult lunches are $3.00. CALLING HOME FOR PARENTS TO BRING FORGOTTEN ITEMS Students may not call home to ask their parents to bring homework, lunch, and other forgotten items to school. If a child forgets to bring his work or lunch to school, it is not the end of the world. Students need to learn that their parents have more important things to do than to run to school with a forgotten book, work sheet, or lunch box. All students are encouraged to place money in their lunch accounts so that they can buy school lunches on the days that they forget to bring lunch from home. CELL PHONES AND IPODS Students are not permitted to bring cell phones or iPods to school. Exceptions to this rule can only be granted by the Principal. 5 CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND/OR TELEPHONE NUMBER If you move to a new address at any time during the current year, you must present the office with two proofs of your new address. It is a district requirement to establish proof of residency as a part of each student’s permanent record. If the school receives returned mail, your child’s schedule will be dropped until proof of residency in the Rosewood attendance zone is verified. Please inform us immediately of any changes in your personal or work telephone numbers. It is the only way we have of notifying you in case of an emergency involving your child. CHESS CLUB Fifth graders are eligible to join our chess club that meets after school every Tuesday in the school library from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fifth grade students and their parents will be hearing more about the club in the near future. It is sponsored by the PTO and is coached by parent volunteers. If you would like to volunteer for the club, please inform the principal. CONFERENCES It is good for parents and teachers to talk with each other. Students do a better job when they know their families and teachers are interested in their academic progress. Conferences can be arranged by contacting teachers. All conferences must be arranged in advance. Teachers cannot stop instruction in order to confer with parents. If you have problems contacting teachers, please call the principal for help. Two half-days of school are designated for parent-teacher conferences. However, it is not possible for a teacher to schedule a conference with every family on these days. In addition to these two days, teachers schedule parent conferences continually throughout the school year. You may find it informative to spend some time observing in your child’s classes prior to conferring with teachers. CROSSING ROSEWOOD DRIVE Students who must cross Rosewood Drive should do so only at the intersection of Ott Road and Rosewood Drive. The Police Department provides a crossing guard to control the 6 traffic at this intersection 7:00 to 7:30 a.m. and 2:25 to 2:45 p.m. For student safety, students who walk home and cross Rosewood Drive should leave at dismissal and go directly to the crosswalk to meet the crossing guard. Students should stand on the sidewalk while waiting for the crossing guard to stop traffic. The crossing guard will signal when he/she is ready for the children to cross. Under no circumstances should a child attempt to cross Rosewood Drive without the assistance of the crossing guard. DISCOURAGING TEMPTATION THROUGH SIMPLICITY Small items which students bring to school often become “misplaced.” Regrettably, sometimes, these items are taken by other students. Sometimes we are able to retrieve the item; sometimes we are not able to do so. You can help by sending your child to school with only those basic, simple, inexpensive items necessary for school. Please avoid sending your child to school with unnecessary or extravagant items when simpler ones will perform the same functions. Additionally, if your child brings home something that is not his, please inquire and follow-up in a responsible manner. DOGS Dogs are not allowed on the school grounds. If you walk to school with a dog, do not enter the school grounds. DRESS CODE We ask that you send your children to school dressed simply, modestly, and safely. A few guidelines……… 1. Students should not wear high heels or make-up. 2. Students should not wear midriff tops, tank tops, or muscle shirts. 3. Students should not wear pants that sit below their waist. 4. Fifth grade students may not wear shorts that are more than four (4) inches above the knee. 5. Students may not wear hats or bandanas in school. Hats should be worn to school only for health reasons and not for fashion. Baseball-style hats are particularly discouraged. 6. Students should wear safe shoes to school, preferably sneakers and socks. Flip-flops 7 are not safe for running around the playground at recess. 7. Students should only wear soft rubber-bottomed shoes to school. Hard plastic heels and soles scrape and scratch our hardwood floors. DROPPING OFF AND PICKING UP STUDENTS BY CAR Morning Drop-Off 1. Students must arrive at school by 7:25 a.m. Students who arrive earlier should proceed to the auditorium where they will be supervised until 7:25 a.m. at which time they will proceed to their classrooms. 2. South Ravenel Street is closed to southbound traffic from 7 to 8 a.m. Hope Street, between South Ravenel and Walker, is closed to eastbound traffic also at this time. 3. Cars must enter South Ravenel Street from behind the school. 4. As you come down South Ravenel, be patient as it is a one lane car line. Students in grades K – 2 may be dropped off at the supervised sidewalk location on South Ravenel. Students in grades 3 – 5 may be dropped off at the supervised location behind the school on the sidewalk near the cafeteria. 5. Do not drop off your children prior to 7:10 a.m. if they are not eating breakfast at school. We provide supervision in the auditorium from 7:10 a.m. 6. South Ott Road is not a student drop-off area. Afternoon Pick-Up 1. From 2 to 3 p.m. South Ravenel Street and Hope Avenue are one way just as from 7 to 8 a.m. 2. Cars should approach South Ravenel Street from behind the school and turn into our driveway. NOTE: We cannot prevent homeowners – or anyone else for that matter – from parking on South Ravenel Street. So, at times parked cars may narrow the path of traffic, making it difficult for school buses and day care vans to pass the line of cars. When you are in this line, you can help by driving as close as possible to the right side of the street. 3. At 2:20 p.m. we will dismiss day-care students, school bus students, and car riders. To avoid congestion, walkers may be picked up in front of our Rosewood Drive portico for parents who wish to meet them on the school grounds and then walk together to their parked cars. This will relieve the congestion on the South Ravenel Street portico, as bus students and day-care students are exiting the building. 8 You are still welcome to congregate on our patio before and after picking up your children who will be waiting for you at the front of our school. 4. From 2 to 3 p.m. cars may not park or pick up students on South Ravenel Street. In the afternoon, South Ravenel is reserved for school busses and day care vans. 5. The driveway is basically one lane. If at 2:25 p.m. your child is not at the sidewalk waiting for you, please drive around the block again to maintain the orderly and efficient flow of traffic. 6. Please impress upon your child the importance of being ready for pick-up when you arrive. 7. Between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. parents may park their cars on Hope Avenue. 8. School is over at 2:30 p.m. Please note that we do not provide supervision after 2:30 p.m., and, for safety and supervision reasons, students will not be allowed to re-enter the building once they have been picked up by their parents. Do not park on South Ott Road to pick up students. Students should not be dropped off or picked up on South Ott Road. 9. 10. Do not attempt to enter into a conversation with a teacher on duty at the driveway. EMERGENCY DISMISSAL Local television and radio stations will announce any school closing or changes in school hours as a result of extraordinary weather conditions or events. District I Infophone (231-7512) also will give similar information, and information is generally posted quickly on the Richland County School District One website. ENTERING CLASSROOMS BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL At 3:00 p.m., outside doors to our school are locked. Students and parents should not attempt to enter the school after hours to retrieve forgotten books, etc., from classrooms. Secretaries and custodians should not be asked to open locked classrooms. FIELD TRIPS During the year, students will be taking several field trips with their classes. We must have a form signed by a parent or guardian granting permission for a student to go on each trip. Without this signed form, a child will not be allowed to leave the school. Sometimes, a student finds it difficult to consistently display appropriate behavior. Such 9 students can have a disruptive effect on class activities. Therefore, if a student demonstrates a pattern of such behavior, his/her parent (or an adult stand-in for the parent) will be required to accompany the student on the day’s outing. Because many of our field trips require advance planning, reservations, and deposits, please note that payments for out of town or overnight trips may not be refunded if you decide your child will not attend a trip after reservations have been made for your child. To promote student safety, all parent chaperones must go through a background check. Mrs. Drake can provide you with the needed application if you would like to volunteer to chaperone a trip. For the privacy of students, parents attending school functions are urged to avoid videoing and taking pictures of students and posting those images through social media. FOUNDATION The Rosewood Foundation’s mission is to raise funds for the school. Part of these funds are placed into an endowment for the school and part are spent annually or as needed on the needs of students and faculty. Stay tuned for news about this year’s foundation event. GUM Students may not chew gum at school or on the school bus. Please make sure your child leaves school in the morning without gum in his/her mouth, pockets, or bookbag. HALF DAYS On the school calendar you will notice a number of half-days of school. On these days students are dismissed at noon. Please remind your daycare provider to pick up your child at noon on these days. HEAD LICE, RINGWORM, ETC. From time to time at all schools throughout the world, students may contract head lice, ringworm, etc. This is not unusual. Students from the cleanest homes can, and often do, contract these things. If you should have any of these problems in your family or learn of a case at school, call the school nurse. Students who have had head lice may return to school with a parent note following the child’s first lice removal treatment. 10 HEALTH CARE AT SCHOOL Medical Emergency Cards - From time to time children are sent to our health room for treatment of minor illnesses, scrapes, or cuts. It is important that you fill out and return our school emergency card that tells us how to reach you or an alternate person in case of a real emergency. Dispensing of Medicine at School - Richland School Board Policy JGCD and JGCD-R mandates that whenever medication is to be given during school hours, instructions by the physician and a permission form signed by a parent must be on file in the school before any prescribed medication will be dispensed. Without this permission form, medication will not be given at school. We understand that some medications in order to be effective must be given during the middle of the day. Many medications, however, including antibiotics and non-prescription medicines, can be given after school. With the relatively large number of students receiving medication at school each day, your cooperation is important in order that all goes smoothly. HELPING YOUR CHILD GROW School is one of the first major experiences that provides children the opportunity to emancipate themselves emotionally from their parents and begin to establish an independent identity within the context of teachers and peers. Beginning the second week of school, students should say good-bye to their parents outside of the school. Likewise, at the end of the school day, parents should meet their children outside of school, not inside the school. While this rule may appear overly arbitrary and rigid, it serves the best interests of the developing child. HOMEWORK Students will be assigned homework on a regular basis. Homework can have a positive effect on a child’s progress at school. Homework also serves as one of the best ways for us to communicate with you on a regular basis what your child is learning at school. In assigning students homework, we will follow the ‘ten-minute rule,” which translates into ten minutes homework multiplied by a student’s grade. So, first graders would be assigned ten minutes homework, third graders – thirty minutes, etc. We also expect your child to read for leisure thirty minutes each evening, and spend ten minutes memorizing math facts. You will hear more from your child’s reading teacher about these expectations. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to simply make leisurely reading a large part of family time together in the evenings. 11 Students should be able to complete their homework on their own without your help, with the exception of drilling your child on math facts for ten minutes. If you find that is not the case, you should consult your child’s teacher. Homework should in no way wreak havoc on or induce stress into your family’s evening existence. If that should occur, you should contact your child’s teacher to together diagnose the problem. Students will not be assigned homework over the weekend or on the evenings when there is a PTO function at our school. The exception to this would be that in the upper grades, students may occasionally have an assignment due on Mondays. Please let us know if you feel that your child’s homework is exceeding these guidelines. HOMEWORK AND SCHOOLWORK DURING ABSENCES Students are absent from school for various reasons. The majority of these absences are due to illnesses, while a smaller percentage is due to family vacations, participation in outof-school activities, etc. Reasons for excused absences include contagious illness, serious illness, death in the family or illness, and school sponsored field trips. Any other requests for excused absences must be submitted in writing and approved by the principal in advance. Absences Due to Illness It is not necessary to obtain classwork or homework for students who are absent one or two days. After three consecutive days of absences, upon your request, teachers will put together a packet of schoolwork and homework for your child. You should make your request by telephone one day in advance. A packet will be ready by 3:00 p.m. for you to pick up in the school office. Absences Due to Vacation Please do not request schoolwork in advance for students who are going on vacation. Making Up Work Upon Returning to School Students, returning to school after an extended absence for any reason, will be given sufficient time to make up any necessary work. HONOR ROLL Third, fourth, and fifth grade students who earn all A’s and B’s in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Health will receive an Honor Roll Certificate along with their report card. 12 INSURANCE FOR STUDENTS Each year our students are offered medical and dental accident insurance benefits. This year Markel has changed its procedure for managing our student insurance program. Enrollment will be done by using the internet. Parents/guardians will use a dedicated and secure website to enroll ( LIBRARY Our library operates on a flexible schedule allowing students and teachers to use it as often as possible. Students are also welcome to use the library 30 minutes before school and 30 minutes after school on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please let us know if you feel that your child does not have the opportunity to visit the library on a regular basis during school. Parents may donate books to our library. Please ask Mrs. Lee, our librarian, for details. LOST AND FOUND At the end of each month we will donate to a local charity any lost clothing in the Lost and Found Box. We suggest the following: 1. Write your child's name in indelible ink on all jackets, sweaters, coats, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. brought to school. 2. Avoid having your child bring money to school except when absolutely necessary. Remind your child to keep the money in a pocket until it is given to the cashier in the cafeteria or teacher upon arrival at school. 3. Remind your child not to bring valuable possessions or toys to school. LOST BOOKS Students will not receive their last report card if a lost book is not paid for by the end of the school year. Please make every effort to locate and return lost books before the last day of school. LUNCH DELIVERY Lunch or other forgotten things brought to school by a parent should be placed on the 13 table in the main office. These items will be placed on a table in the cafeteria before lunch. It will be the student’s responsibility to check the table in the cafeteria for forgotten items. Teachers will go over this procedure with their students; you should go over this procedure with your child as well. LUNCH WITH YOUR CHILDREN We encourage you to eat lunch with your children. Please call the cafeteria (3432934) before 8:30 a.m. to order a lunch for yourself on the day you are eating with your child. This lunch reservation is important. Several parents showing up unexpectedly for lunch can sometimes result in our not having enough food for students. So, please call on the day you will be eating a school lunch. Lunch visitors may enjoy lunch with their child and classmates in the cafeteria, or parents may take just their child outside for lunch on the patio. All visitors must sign in at the main office. MAP TESTING Each fall and spring, students in second through fifth grade are administered Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing in the areas of reading and math. MAP is a computerized test by Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) that identifies skills and concepts your child knows and measures academic growth throughout the school year and from year to year. MAP testing is different than PASS testing in that it does not just test grade level standards. MAP tests are unique in that they are adaptive tests which means the test becomes more difficult as students answer questions correctly. When a child incorrectly answers questions, the test questions become easier. Therefore, the test is specifically created for each child’s learning level while they are engaged in the test. MAP tests report information through RIT scores which are independent of grade level and allows educators to easily measure growth in learning regardless of a child’s grade placement. The test also provides specific information to assist teachers in determining where to focus attention for each child’s learning. MAP tests also give national percentile scores that indicate how your child performed in relation to other children in the NWEA norm study that is comprised of thousands of students in the same grade from across the country. Fall MAP scores in the areas of reading and math are used to assist in determining AAP placement for the upcoming year. Spring MAP scores are utilized to measure student academic growth from the fall to the spring but may also be used to assist with AAP placement for the upcoming school year. MAP score reports are sent to parents in the fall and spring, and letters explaining general information about MAP testing and testing dates are distributed in the fall and spring. Please know that if you have any questions about MAP results or MAP testing, please do not 14 hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, Mrs. Paschal, or Mrs. Williams, and we will gladly assist you. MATHEMATICS FACTS Students should commit certain math facts or basic operations to memory. They should be able to recite these facts rather rapidly: First Grade - Addition and subtraction facts to twelve (12). Second Grade - Addition and subtraction facts to eighteen (18). Third Grade - Multiplication to nine (9) and the inverse of these facts as they apply to division. Fourth Grade - Multiplication to twelve (12) and the inverse of these facts as they apply to division. Fifth Grade - Mental operations: (a) Multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. (b) Divide a three-digit number by a one-digit number. We encourage you to practice these operations with your children at home. Often, students who fail to memorize basic mathematics facts in elementary school experience frustration with more complex mathematics in middle school. NEWSLETTER The PTO sends home a parent newsletter at the end of each month. The newsletter contains important information for the coming month. PALMETTO ASSESSMENT OF STATE STANDARDS (PASS) And SCHOOL REPORT CARD Each spring, South Carolina public school students in grades 3 through 8 are administered a state test called PASS. Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 are administered assessments in writing, ELA, and math. In grades 3 and 5, students will be given either a science or social studies assessment. Students in grade 4 will be given both a science and social studies assessment. School report card ratings are based on student performance on PASS testing. Over the years, Rosewood Elementary School has received the following ratings: Year Performance Index 15 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Good Good Good Excellent Good Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent PARENT and TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO) The Parent and Teacher Organization (PTO) is an important part of our school. The faculty and parents of students attending Rosewood Elementary are automatically members. The PTO's first project of the year is a fundraiser to supplement the school's budget for such things as instructional supplies, equipment, and field trips, as well as to pay for PTO sponsored activities. Please support this fundraiser. The PTO sponsors several programs yearly: an Open House in September, a Fall Carnival in October, a Musical Program in December, a Spaghetti Supper in March, and a School Picnic in May. The PTO also provides volunteer support. Information about PTO events will be sent home with your child throughout the year, and will be posted on the bulletin board across from the school office. The PTO Executive committee meets the third Tuesday of each month (except December). Evening PTO meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. in August, September, November, January, March, and April. In October and February, PTO meetings will be held in the morning at 7:45 a.m. in the school cafeteria. Any parent is welcome to attend. This year’s PTO president is Julie Stensland (Phone (803) 348-3243, E-Mail ). PICKING UP STUDENTS EARLY Generally, we discourage picking up students early at the end of the day, as it has a disruptive effect on the class. However, if you must pick up your child from school before 2:30 p.m., please send a note to that effect to school that day. A student can only be dismissed early when an adult has come to the office to meet him and sign him out. PLACEMENT OF STUDENTS 16 The first two weeks of school normally are spent placing students in appropriate reading and math groups. If for some reason you feel that your child is not placed at a proper level of instruction in reading or math, you should contact your child's teacher immediately so that the matter can be addressed as soon as possible. RECESS Students will have a daily outside recess unless the temperature is below 32 Fahrenheit. Therefore, on cold mornings send your child to school with a warm coat. REGISTRATION Registration of all new students for the 2013–14 school year will begin February 1, 2013. To register your child, you must come by the school office and fill out a registration form. You must bring your child's birth certificate, South Carolina Certificate of Immunization, and two (2) proofs of your address. REPORT CARDS, INTERIM REPORTS AND GRADES Report cards will be sent home at the end of each nine-week period. Please sign the report card jacket and return it to school with your child the following day. First and Second Grade - First and second grade report cards use the numbers of 4, 3, 2, 1 and PC (for parent conference requested) in reporting children’s academic progress. Your child’s teacher will explain the evaluation system. Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade – Third, fourth and fifth graders receive traditional grades. Interim Reports – First through fifth grade students will receive interim reports during all four quarters. Grading Scale – 93-100 = A, 85-92 = B, 77-84 = C, 70-76 = D, & below 70 = F RESPONSIBLE THINKING CENTER The Responsible Thinking Center (RTC) serves as an in-school suspension center and a time-out room for students who are disruptive in class. RESTROOMS Student restrooms are for student’s use only. Students are told that if they observe an 17 adult, other than a teacher or custodian, in a student restroom they are to report this to a teacher. RIDING THE SCHOOL BUS Students will be expected to behave courteously while riding the school bus. Excessive noise and disruption is a safety hazard. A student can be suspended from the school bus for misbehavior. If this should happen, it is then the parents' responsibility to arrange transportation for the child to and from school during the period of suspension. SCHOOL BUS EMERGENCIES If the school bus is late in picking up or dropping off your child, please call the school bus office (695-5491or 695-5504 or 695-5505) and ask for Mr. Kevin Belton. SCHOOL HOURS AND SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS School begins every day at 7:30 a.m. and dismisses at 2:30 p.m. Breakfast is served from 7:00 to 7:25 a.m. If your child is not eating breakfast at school, there is no reason for him to arrive at school prior to 7:25 a.m. We do not provide supervision prior to 7:10 a.m. for students who do not ride the school bus and who do not eat breakfast at school, or for students who remain at school after 2:30 p.m. SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER Richland County School District One and the Richland County Sheriff’s Department have entered into an agreement in which the Sheriff’s Department assigns a School Resource Officer (SRO) to each of the district’s schools. Following are selected quotes from a school district document about the SRO program. Section 5-7-12(B) of the Code of Laws of South Carolina states: A “School Resource Officer” is defined as a person who is a sworn law enforcement officer pursuant to the requirements of any jurisdiction of this State, who has completed the basic course of instruction for School Resource Officers as provided or recognized by the National Association of School Resource Officers or the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy, and who is assigned to one or more school districts within this State to have as a primary duty the responsibility to act as a law enforcement officer, advisor, and teacher for that school district. “The SRO program is a community policing approach practiced in a school environment. In middle and high schools there is at least one officer per school. In elementary schools, officers are shared with schools in close proximity. The school is the officer’s beat and 18 officers are selected by law enforcement based on specific criteria.” “The underlying role of the SRO is based on a “Triad Concept”. This approach incorporates the SRO serving as a law enforcement officer, a teacher, and a law-related counselor.” “Although working in the school, the SRO is first and foremost a law enforcement officer responsible for identifying and resolving school safety problems. The SRO reports to both the principal and to the head of his/her law enforcement agency. Furthermore, the SRO is neither a disciplinarian nor a hall monitor for the school; these jobs remain with the principal and the faculty. As a resource for school administrators, the SRO serves as a means of establishing an orderly and safe learning environment.” “To clarify the roles and responsibilities of the SRO, an agreement is drawn between the law enforcement agency and the school district that state the SRO’s responsibilities, the law enforcement agency’s expectations from the SRO and the school district’s expectations from the SRO.” School Resource Officer’s Responsibilities and Procedures 1. Be a visible presence during the arrival and dismissal of students. 2. Provide assistance in directing traffic during drop-off and pick-up when necessary. 3. Conduct a daily drive/walk around the perimeter of school – inspect/check parking lots. 4. Be present when possible at lunchtime with students. Resource Officers will not leave the campus for lunch. 5. Be a visible presence during recess and class change. 6. Teach safety, drug awareness, gang awareness, and law-related education classes. 7. Officers are encouraged to participate as a Breakfast Buddy, student mentor, and/or club sponsor/advisor. 8. Officers serve as a security/safety advisor to the Principal and submit all safety concerns in writing to the Principal. SCHOOL RULES Rosewood Students are: Responsible Respectful 19 Trustworthy Caring Fair Good Citizens Cafeteria Rules: Use good table manners Clean up after yourself Eat quietly Walk at all times Hallway Rules: Walk at all times Walk in a straight line Walk on the right side of the hall Walk quietly Keep your hands to yourself Bathroom Rules: Wash your hands Respect others’ privacy Keep the bathroom clean and neat Playground Rules (Play Safely): Only hands on monkey bars Stay seated and feet first going down the slide Only throw balls Keep your hands to yourself Play all games by the rules Some Don’ts: Students should not bring gum or candy, toys, athletic equipment, or non-essential objects to school. Students should not bring money to school except for breakfast, lunch, or a special school function such as a field trip or book fair. If students must bring money for something specific, they should give it to their teacher upon arriving at school or keep it safely tucked in their pocket. SECURITY CHECKS ON PARENT VOLUNTEERS AND ADULTS WORKING WITH STUDENTS AT SCHOOL All parent volunteers and adults working with students at our school must undergo a background check. We hope that you will consider volunteering at school or serving as a chaperone on field trips. Please check with Mrs. Drake to see if you are already on the approved volunteer roster, and, if you are not, Mrs. Drake can gladly provide you with the 20 needed forms. The present cost for a background check is $33.00. We have several programs, activities, and clubs that provide opportunities for adults to come to our school to contribute to the education and development of our students. Lunch Buddies…..An adult comes weekly or every other week to have lunch with a particular student who we feel will benefit from a relationship with a positive adult role model. Rosewood Readers…..Adults come weekly to spend 30 – 45 minutes reading with a student. Chess Club…..Parent volunteers coach a weekly, after-school chess club for interested fifth graders. Before we allow any students to participate in these activities, we will first secure permission from students’ parents. Additionally, the school district undertakes a background check on each adult with the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) and the Department of Social Services (DSS). SELLING ITEMS AT SCHOOL Children may not sell items or raffle tickets at school. Although your child may be selling for a worthwhile cause, such activity tends to disrupt the educational process at school. SHOES Students may not wear shoes with wheels to school. Students should wear shoes to school that they can run in at recess and in physical education class. Students should not wear shoes with hard plastic heels, as such heels easily damage and mar our school’s hardwood floors. SKATEBOARDS AND SCOOTERS Students may not bring skateboards or scooters to school. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR Students will not be dismissed early to attend the State Fair. Parents should arrange to leave for the fair at 2:30 p.m., when school is regularly dismissed. 21 STRANGERS PICKING UP STUDENTS We can only dismiss students in the care of their parents. We can release students to another adult only if we have parents’ permission in writing to do so. In such a case, the nonparent must present picture identification. STRINGS CLASS Fifth graders may attend a strings class that meets twice a week during the time of the day that they also attend art, music, and physical education. Students who elect to receive strings instruction will miss one or two of these other classes. STUDENT BEHAVIOR We try to maintain an orderly, calm, and courteous environment at our school. Therefore, we have certain rules governing students' behavior as outlined in the Richland County School District One Code of Conduct. The following behaviors are considered serious enough to warrant suspension: fighting, hitting or threatening others, tripping, spitting, stealing, cheating, lying, being disrespectful to adults, forgery, leaving school without permission, destroying or abusing other's property, and throwing rocks or sticks. If two students are fighting, both will be suspended unless one can prove that he acted only as a last resort in self-defense. Hitting someone back simply because someone hit first is not self-defense. If a student is hit or pushed by another student, he should report such an action to an adult, not hit back. Students have choices. We hold students responsible for exercising restraint. SUGGESTION BOX A brass mailbox, located on the wall at the Ravenel Street entrance to our school, is our suggestion box. We welcome your suggestions. TARDINESS At 7:30 a.m. students begin their day. Any child who is not in his classroom at 7:30 a.m. will be considered tardy. Parents of tardy students should bring their children to the attendance office to sign-in for the school day. Students who are tardy disrupt the class. Please show consideration for others. Excessive tardiness is sufficient cause for a student to lose his transfer to our school. 22 TELEPHONE MESSAGES Parents often call with messages for their children. These messages usually are about change in after-school routines. Any notification regarding your child’s dismissal must be in writing. Please try to finalize changes in normal after-school routines before your child leaves for school in the morning. We cannot guarantee that messages regarding dismissal received after 1:00 p.m. will get to your child’s teacher. TEXTBOOKS Students are free to take any of their textbooks home. Please encourage your children to take care of their textbooks. If a textbook is damaged or lost, you will have to pay the replacement cost. TRANSFER STUDENTS Some of our students attend Rosewood on a district approved transfer. A student’s transfer to Rosewood is valid through fifth grade. However, if a transfer student to Rosewood is not zoned for Hand Middle School, the student must apply for a transfer to Hand. Obtaining a transfer to Rosewood is not necessarily a guarantee to a subsequent transfer to Hand. TRANSFERS AND WITHDRAWALS If a student needs to be withdrawn from Rosewood to attend another school, please give Mrs. Spivey, our student records secretary, two weeks notice so that there will be sufficient time for your child's records to arrive at the new school. We must have 24 hours notice in order for you to receive withdrawal papers to present to your child's new school. All textbooks and library books must be accounted for before we can release your child's records. VISITING SCHOOL When visiting the school, sign in at the office upon arrival so we know that you are on campus. You must pick up a "Visitor's Badge" before you leave the office and wear it 23 while conducting your business at school. You will be asked to present a valid state issued driver’s license or picture ID for entering into the system. WEB PAGE – Our Rosewood web site includes helpful information about our school. Please check out our website. WRITING Providing opportunities for students to learn to write well is a very important part of our curriculum. At Parent Orientation your child’s English/Language Arts teacher will explain the writing program to you. You will also receive handouts to help you support your child’s efforts to become a good writer. 23 STAFF ROSTER Name Room Number Telephone Ext. Nima Anthony-McGill Linda Brown Susan Burbage Martha Burnette Karen Bybee Caroline Carson Helen Drake Barbara Franklin Heather Gilbert Mary Germany Aurelia Hamilton Ana Hernandez Elizabeth Jenkins Sarah Johnson Marisa Kornblut Lena Lee Taylor Ligon Meredith Long Sally McCants Fran McFall Fran McGillan Melanie McLemore Priscilla McPheeters Latasha Moye Tamra Paschal Keisha Pearson Alex Peay Christine Pool Lockey Powers Melissa Rainsford Diane Reaves Nancy Russell Lesa Scurry Llewellyn Shealy Sheila Spivey Johanna Sweetland Janet Swigler Susie Switzer Abigail Tyson Elizabeth Williams Michelle Woodyard Lori Yandle Cafeteria K Guidance 21 23 Art Secretary RTC 7 16 9 Portable 1 Library K 12 Library 20 K 10 6 PE 13 11 K CRT 22 Resource 8 24 K Nurse RI 17 15 Attendance 19 Music PE K Principal 18 Lab 204 117 225 321 323 111 221 354 307 316 309 333 229 303 312 229 320 121 310 306 104 313 311 121 226 322 205 308 324 117 224 227 317 315 223 319 116 104 303 222 318 123 Direct Line 343-2934 733-3002 343-2930 733-4354 343-2932 929-3903 733-6208 733-3048 23 23