Advanced Sales Tax - University of Washington

Advanced Sales Tax
Presented by:
University of Washington’s Tax Office
Review and General Exemptions
Computer Software & Hardware
Digital Products
Bundled items
Medical Matters
DNA Sequencing
• Other Misc. items
Basic Tax Refresher
• Quiz
– What is the first question to ask when
determining whether something is subject to
sales or use tax?
• Tangible piece of property OR pure service?
– Which of the above is taxable, generally?
• Tangible piece of property
Basic Tax Refresher
Quiz (con’t)
– When is a service considered taxable?
• When it is associated with a piece of tangible property
– Is a warranty or maintenance agreement taxable?
• Yes, both are taxable.
– When is shipping considered taxable?
• Pure shipping without purchase of taxable tangible property, not
• Otherwise, taxable.
Basic Tax Refresher
• Name ONE sales/use tax exemption
people at the UW can take when making
– Reseller’s permit
– Machinery and Equipment
– Not brought into Washington
General Sales Tax Exemptions
• Resale
– Component of a new product
• Sales to internal departments
• Machinery & equipment used in
research & development
Computers - Hardware
• Hardware is taxable
• Includes sales, leases, rentals, licenses to
use and any other transfer of possession
• Sales tax also applies to all charges for the
repair, maintenance, alteration, or
modification of hardware or equipment
Computers - Software
• Prewritten software is taxable
– Includes keys, or codes to access the software
– Includes right to access software where possession is
maintained by the seller or third party regardless of how the
payment is structured
– Remote Access Software is also taxable
• Prewritten software maintenance agreements are taxable.
• Sales tax also applies to all charges for the repair and
maintenance of software.
• Customized software is generally not taxable.
Digital Products
What is a Digital Product?
• Something transferred electronically
• Digital goods are digital products
• Digital Automated Services are services
that have been automated. These are
also considered digital product.
• Digital products are generally subject to
sales or use tax
Digital Goods
• What is a digital good?
– Sounds, images, data, facts, or information,
or any combination thereof, transferred
– These are taxable
Examples of digital goods
Are Items that you would have traditionally received in
tangible form, but are now electronic. Examples:
• Digital audio works
– Music
– Audio books
• Digital audio visual works
– Movies
– Music videos
• Digital books
– But, not newspapers, chat rooms or weblogs
• Data file with list of emails or names
• Domain names
What isn’t a digital good
• Telecommunications services (may still
be taxable)
• Computer software (may be taxable)
• Internet and internet access (not
• Professional and personal services,
represented in electronic form (not
Digital automated services (DAS)
DAS are services that have been automated and are
transferred electronically. DAS is not software, but includes
one or more software applications in providing the service.
These are taxable, examples include:
• Online searchable database
– Information service using software to transfer news, other
information. Example -Tax Database.
• Online gaming service
– Games played against others online
• Online rental facilitation
– Apartment rental
• Online report services
– Car history report, credit report
What isn’t a DAS
• Services that require primarily human effort by
the seller.
– Primarily (more than 50%) human effort involved
• Contract with company to build website (not taxable)
• But, purchase website template (taxable as DAS)
• Live presentations via the internet where
discussion takes place in real time, not
taxable. However, recorded presentations are
taxable (digital good).
• Data Processing Services (not taxable)
• Online advertising services (not taxable)
Digital codes
• Codes that give the purchaser the right to obtain digital
– E.g. code to download software or access to a DAS.
• Does not include a code that represents a stored monetary
value such as a redeemable gift card or gift certificate.
• Can be delivered by different means.
– Email, soft drink bottle cap, plastic card, etc.
• If code provides access to traditionally taxable (e.g.
software license) & nontaxable items (e.g. live training
webinar), the seller will need to list separately in order to
not tax the whole price.
Digital Goods Exclusions
Online education classes provided by schools
Live presentations
Storage, web hosting and back-up
Made available free to general public or
received for free by end user.
What should I remember?
• Even if it is delivered digitally, it might be
• If you have it made specifically for you,
it’s probably not taxable
• If you and the rest of the world can buy
it, it probably is taxable
• Internet access and web hosting are not
Bundled Items
• Both taxable and non taxable items
bundled together into one price may
make the entire price taxable.
• Agreements may include professional
service components, especially for
digital products.
– All taxable if part of the same agreement
– Professional services taxed as professional
services if broken out
Medical Items
• Exempt items
– Prescription drugs used in diagnosis, cure,
mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in
– Includes prescription lenses
– Includes items/substances used in treating patients
• Needles, tubing, bag when used to deliver prescription drugs
• Diagnostic substances and reagents, including prepared slides,
tubes that contain diagnostic substances and reagents
• Stands for intravenous bags, plain glass slides, not included
• Same items are NOT exempt when used in
More medical items
• Prosthetic devices are exempt
– Artificial substitutes that replace missing parts of the
human body
– Includes dental prosthetic devices
• “Orthotic devices” are not exempt, but may qualify
as a prosthetic
– Designed to activate or supplement a weakened or
atrophied limb or function
– Braces, collars, casts, splints
– Can be temporary or permanent
• Prosthetic/Orthotic devices do not include:
– Wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, canes (taxable)
DNA Sequencing
• To determine whether or not DNA
sequencing services are taxable, we
need to ask more questions.
• Does the service involves primarily
human effort?
• Services from Genewiz not taxable.
Value Added Tax (VAT)
• A tax on the purchase of a good or service
• Usually seen in the European Union, but also in
• Generally between 15% - 25%
• Can try to get a refund at the airport
• Best option is to buy it through the internet when
you get back
More Miscellaneous
• I paid 7.3% sales tax in Arizona. I don’t have to
pay use tax in Washington, do I?
– Well, yes actually you do.
• That’s not fair! What can I do?
– Retail sales of tangible personal property to
nonresidents temporarily within Arizona, for use
outside of Arizona, are exempt from transaction
privilege tax if the seller ships or delivers the
tangible personal property out of Arizona.
– Generally applicable in most states. Confirm you
are not resident and will use the item out of state.
– Confirm treatment with seller!
Misc Continued
• Amazon didn’t charge sales tax on my last
purchase. I don’t have to pay use tax, do I?
– Yes, you do have to pay use tax. Third party sellers
sometimes do not charge sales tax, so if the item is
taxable, use tax is due.
• Does the University of Washington pay
Business and Occupation (B&O) tax?
– No, the UW is statutorily exempt from B & O tax.
• What is a UBI?
– A Unified Business Identifier. The UW has one for
all its operations.
That’s it, Any Questions?