TOWARDS INTEROPERABLE STATISTICAL BUSINESS REGISTERS Harrie van der Ven Project manager ESSnet EGR January 2014 Valencia Euro Groups Register a complex project with an intensive cooperation between Eurostat, NSI’s, ESSnet and IT service provider s ESSnet partners during the MEETS program: Objective of the Euro Groups register The Euro Group Register (EGR) provides an infrastructural element for the production of coordinated and consistent statistical output on globalisation in EU The EGR should become the “backbone” for statistics on globalisation by offering a register of statistical units to be used for deriving frame populations by all statistical authorities of EU+EFTA The issue: FATS discordance N of Enterprises Mining and quarrying Turnover Persons employed 0% 162% Manufacturing 138% 115% 118% Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 120% 125% 111% Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 88% 460% 129% Construction 84% 21% 60% Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 67% 71% 56% Transportation and storage 150% 122% 101% Accommodation and food service activities 232% 57% 57% Information and communication 124% 81% 92% Real estate activities 357% 11000% Professional, scientific and technical activities 195% 94% 97% Administrative and support service activities 166% 73% 108% Total 118% 92% 89% Outward FATS (DE-FI-FR-UK) in % of Inward FATS (NL) What has been achieved in the MEETS program? EGR frame population methodology The concept of ‘frame population methodology’ refers to a method, rules and procedures for defining and using frame populations in statistical activities. The ESSnet EGR developed a such a methodology for FATS statistics: Outward FATS and Inward FATS including operational rules to be applied in data quality management for national statistical business registers as well as EGR. The ESSnet EGR developed a statistical service for statisticians to select coordinated frame populations for FATS statistics (ready for use) EGR frame population service: selecting coordinated populations for FATS statistics ( a screen shot) EGR Identification service The EGR concept is based on a collaborative system of national and central business registers The unique identification of legal units and statistical units is a core critical requirement for a successful implementation of this concept The ESSnet EGR developed a service for a unique identification of legal units worldwide to be used by business registers staff as well as statisticians EGR identification service: identifying legal units worldwide (a screen shot) EGR process and information models A collaborative network requires common process, information and data models, guidelines etc. The ESSnet EGR designed and still is designing such models. A sustainable EGR needs more: INTEROPERABILITY Lack of interoperability (1) Present situation (at national as well as EU level): 1. No standard on creation of frame populations (different models: frozen frames, ‘live’ frames) 2. No standard on the maintenance of frame populations: different ways of dealing with ‘errors’ and time lags 3. Different ways of using of statistical business registers in business statistics 4. No common information, data and process models 5. Lack of generic tools for handling data sets, e.g. validation, data exchange Lack of interoperability (2) As a consequence: 1. Maintenance of EGR a laborious process 2. Maintenance of EGR an error-prone process 3. No sufficient and effective use of EGR in business statistics 4. Continuing inconsistencies in statistics on globalization 5. Missing opportunities for producing statistics on globalization by using available data 6. Data sharing impossible or complex Towards the ESBR project The ESBR project is initiated by the EGR project to tackle the issues of interoperability Interoperability not only needed between statistical business registers but also between statistical business registers and statistical production processes (especially globalization) The further development of the EGR as a network of statistical business registers builds the core of the ESBR project Links with other ESSnets Profiling: tool for data quality management Consistency: analysis and proposals on strengthen the role of statistical business registers Data warehousing: statistical business registers should become providers of ‘backbone’ (statistical units) Global value chain: provider of user requirements concerning statistics on globalization SIMSTAT: standards on exchange of micro data MEMOBUST: provider of ‘best practices' and methodological solutions ESBR: the way to go forward Crucial: a structured way of working by applying business architecture principles (e.g. CSPA, GSBPM, GSIM) 2. Start with: evaluation and integration of results of different relevant ESSnets into a ‘Business model for interoperable statistical business registers’ 3. Get a high level ESS agreement on the ‘Business model’ 4. Work out and implement the ‘Business model’ 1.