Beech Hill Primary School- Year 5 Autumn Newsletter Spring Term 1 Dear Parents/Carers, Happy New Year! We hope you and your family had a relaxing holiday and that your child is ready and refreshed for learning and looking forward to the term ahead. As we deliver a book curriculum, learning will be based around the theme of a particular book, which covers the different areas of the curriculum although some subjects such as maths and P.E. will be taught separately. Overleaf, you will see how the subjects are linked to the theme your child will be studying. There are also suggestions as to how to help your child at home, as this is all part of working together. Staff Working With Your Child: These are the following teachers and other adults who might be working with your child this year: Teachers Mrs G Chabata (Rowan Class) Mr J Golder (Holly Class) Miss R Morrissey (Elder Class) Miss V Olney (Maple Class) Other Adults Mrs D Wood Miss Z Akhtar Mrs S Rahman Mrs N Mahmood Mrs S Marsh Mrs M Fincher Reminders: • • • As always, good attendance and punctuality is essential to maintain good progress. Our PE lessons are on Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure that your child has a suitable P.E. kit in school – white t-shirt, blue or black jogging bottoms or leggings. Please make sure that coats and all items of uniform (especially cardigans and sweatshirts!) are clearly labelled so that if items get lost they can be returned. Homework: Every Friday your child be set a Learning Log task linked to their work in class, this will be due in the following Tuesday. In Y5 we expect all children to be reading daily at home and practising their times tables. Your child will also be set a weekly maths homework task by their teacher. Pupils are expected to hand in their homework on time and complete it to a satisfactory standard. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to know more information about this term’s learning and how to support your child please feel free to speak to us at the end of the day where we are more than happy to help. We look forward to working with you and thank you for your continued support. Kind regards Miss V Olney (Year 5 Leader) Literacy Maths In literacy this half term we will be reading and studying stories from Greek mythology. The children’s writing will be linked to this and they will create their own myths and write nonchronological reports about Ancient Greek gods and goddesses. We will begin the new term with a focus on grammar and punctuation. The children will study the following skills: How to help your child at home: Read daily with your child at home. Help them to check their learning log tasks for spelling and punctuation errors. How to help your child at home: • • Computing This half-term, the children will study the unit ‘We are Artists’. The pupils will use vector and turtle graphics to explore geometric art, taking inspiration from the work of Escher, Riley and traditional Islamic artists. Geography & History In history, the children will study Ancient Greece. They will find out how Ancient Greece influenced the modern world and what life was like in the cities of Athens and Sparta. The children will also learn about trade and Greek warriors. Art & DT In art the children will study repeating Greek patterns and try to re-create these and their own. They will also plan and sketch a scene from a famous Greek myth and depict this on a Greek pot. Problem solving and reasoning Interpreting tables and line graphs Multiplying and dividing whole numbers by powers of 10 Comparing fractions Recognising equivalent, improper and mixed number fractions Understanding percentages Discuss prices, money and change when shopping. Practise times table, division facts and number bonds to 20, 50 and 100. Year 5 Greek Myths Re-told by Marcia Williams PSHE The children will aim to follow the Beech Hill Values of ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Unity’ and take part in weekly circle time sessions with their class. Science The children will study the Earth, Sun and Moon. They will explore the planets of the Solar System and research the scientists who changed our understanding of the universe throughout history. The children will also discover how day and night are caused by the Earth’s movement. How to help your child at home: Read non-fiction books linked to this subject. RE This half term the children will study inspirational leaders and how some people inspire others. PE Y5 P.E is on a Tuesday afternoon. During P.E lessons the children will develop their skills in: Tag rugby Hockey Indoor Athletics Dance Music This half term the children will work on improvising and composing. They will listen to classical music and study the composers Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn.