Intro to Animals, Poriferans, and Cnidarians

-heterotrophs, multi-cellular, eukaryotes
-no cell walls
• Invertebrates- no backbone, 95% of all animals
• Vertebrates- backbone
• Motile- free moving, most animals are motile for some part of
their life
• Sessile- permanently attached
Herbivore- plants
Carnivores- meat
Omnivore- both
Detrivore- decaying matter
Feeding- many options
Respiration- take in O2, give out CO2
Circulation- diffusion or a system
Excretion- remove ammonia
Response- nerves, ganglion (cluster of nerves)
Movement- muscles
Reproduction- most are sexual, some hermaphrodites
• Radial Symmetry- body parts from a central point
• Bilateral- arranged in pairs on both sides, mirror image
• Fertilization > zygote > blastula > blastopore (opening)
• Protostome-becomes mouth
• Deuterostome- becomes anus
• Endoderm- linings of
digestive & respiratory
• Mesoderm- muscles,
circulatory, reproductive,
• Ectoderm- sense organs,
nerves, skin
Most ancient animals
Pores all over body
No mouth, gut, tissues,
organ systems
Asymmetrical body- walls around central cavity
Choanocytes/ collar cells- use flagella to move water through
Osculum- opening at top, removes water
Pores- bring water in
Spongin-protein fibers
Spicules- spikes made of silicon dioxide
• Food: filter using choanocytes
• Response: no nerves, produce toxins to prevent predators
• Reproduction: Sexual & Asexual
Internal fertilization- carried by water to different sponge
Larva- immature stage, motile
Asexual- budding (part breaks off and makes new)
• Gemmules- harsh conditions
• Mutually beneficial to bacteria, algae, protists
• Provide food in exchange for protection
• Spicules of sponge focus light for mutual organism
• Human uses: bath sponges, painters
• Soft-bodied, carniverous, under water
• Cnidocytes- stinging cells on tentacles
• Nematocyst- on each cnidocyte, poison filled darts
• Body: radial
• Polyp- mouth is up, sessile, tentacles up, vase
• Medusa- bell shaped, mouth down, motile
• Digestion: Gastrovascular cavity
• Epidermis
• Mesoglea
• gastroderm
• Response: nerve net
• Statocysts-detect gravity
• Ocelli- eyespots
• Movement: hydrostatic skeleton- muscles
• Jet propulsion
Reproduction: sexual &
• Are male or female
• External fertilizationmeet in water
1. Class Scyphozoa- Jellyfish
Mainly medusa
2. Class Hydrozoa- Hydras & Portuguese Man O War
Many polyps, no medusa stage
3. Class Anthozoa- Coral & Sea Anemones
Only polyps
60% of energy is provided by photosynthetic algae living inside
• Giant Jellyfish
• Comb Jelly
• Portuguese Man of War
• Jellyfish Reproduction
• Coral reefs-HHMI