Canon launches ROI calculator to help Print Service Providers

Press Release
Canon launches ROI calculator to help Print Service
Providers demonstrate the value of print
Canon develops new measurement tool to help Print Service Providers (PSPs) to
calculate the return on investment of customer campaigns
Solution enables PSPs to demonstrate value of print across a number of applications,
underpinned by findings from latest Canon Insight Report and additional
independent market research
United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, 12th June 2013 – Responding to the
findings of the latest Canon Insight Report on print buyers’ perceptions of the value
of print, Canon UK, a leader in imaging solutions, has developed a new measurement
tool to help Print Service Providers (PSPs) to calculate the return on investment (ROI)
for specific print applications.
The Insight Report – entitled The Bigger Picture – Your customers’ view of the value
of print – found that while 87% of organisations across Europe confirmed that print
plays an important part in their communications strategy, only one in ten have a
formal process for evaluating the effectiveness of the print they commissioned. The
reasons cited by print buyers for not doing so were that the value of print was too hard
to quantify and that they didn’t know how to measure it effectively.
Consequently, Canon has looked to provide a solution in the form of its new printcentric ROI tool. Canon held a focus group with PSPs, the British Printing Industries
Federation (BPIF) and print buyers in order to gain industry input on how to measure
the ROI of print. This was combined with the findings from Canon’s latest research
during development of the solution that could begin to help PSPs demonstrate the
value of print to their customers.
The easy-to-use tool enables PSPs to estimate the potential ROI of a campaign
involving print for existing and prospective customers. With marketing budgets
tighter than ever, the measurement tool offers PSPs the potential to help their
customers enhance the performance and cost-effectiveness of their print applications.
It also serves as a proof point that PSPs can use to support their service offerings by
presenting customers with the costs, results and benefits of previous customer success
Powered by Microsoft® Excel®, the ROI tool enables PSPs to profile a customer and
their planned campaign, setting out clear aims and objectives. PSPs can determine
what application(s) would be best for the customer to use to meet their goals. They
can then calculate the potential ROI for the customer on promotional (such as direct
mail), multi-channel (campaigns involving print alongside other forms of
communication), transactional (bills) and consumer (such as books, magazines and
photobooks) applications.
Each ROI calculation is supported by relevant market insights and research into each
specific print application. This information is derived from numerous independent
sources to provide PSPs with a valuable resource of statistical data applicable to their
customers’ businesses.
Andy Harris, European & UK Graphic Arts Customer Marketing, Professional Print
Solutions, Canon Europe, comments: “We developed this measurement tool as part of
an ongoing process to help answer many of the questions raised by print buyers in the
latest Canon Insight Report, which looked at their view of the value of print. We
wanted to provide our customers a means by which to analyse and measure the
effectiveness of print applications in their campaigns.”
Harris explains: “We believe this is the first tool of its kind in measuring the ROI of
these specific print applications. This is the first step as we are look to collate
feedback from the market in order to evolve the tool. We will continue to refine and
adapt the tool in response to the requirements of printers and their customers. We are
looking to drive the debate on ROI, while in the process provide our customers with a
way to demonstrate the effectiveness of print to their customers – ultimately helping
them to grow their business.”
For further information, please visit
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About Canon (UK) Limited
Canon (UK) Ltd is the UK & Ireland marketing and sales operation for the global company,
Canon Inc., based in Tokyo, Japan and it employs 2,150 people.
Founded in 1937, with the specific goal of making the best quality cameras available to
customers, Canon’s tireless passion for the Power of Image has since extended its technology
into many other markets and has established it as a world leader in both consumer and
business imaging solutions. Its solutions comprise products ranging from digital compact and
SLR cameras, through broadcast lenses and portable X-ray machines, to multi-function and
production printers, all supported by a range of value added services.
Canon invests heavily in R&D to deliver the richest and most innovative products and services
to satisfy customers’ creative needs. From amateur photographers to professional print
companies, Canon enables each customer to realise their own passion for image.
Canon believes that considering the interests of society and the environment is an integral part
of good business practice and this is embodied in its corporate philosophy Kyosei - ‘living and
working together for the common good’.
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Kerry Rice / Alexa Gibb / Patrick Anderson
Canon (UK) Ltd
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