Writing - Draft Sample Language

October 17, 2013
Name of Teacher:
BCSD Student Learning Objective
Grades 5-8 - Writing
Student Learning
Objective (SLO)
100% of students will demonstrate growth towards mastery of the
Common Core State Writing Standards as measured by writing rubrics
used to assess the ______________ purpose for writing.
Learning Content
Grade _______
Writing Standards - Common Core State Standards for English/Language
2013-2014 school year
1. BCSD Writing Assessment measured after instruction of ____________
purpose for writing.
2. BCSD County Writing Assessment Record Sheet denotes students’
growth in writing standards.
See attached Writing Prompt Rubric and Writing Assessment
Record Sheet.
The Writing Prompt Rubric is a 12-point rubric with a score of 9
indicating that the student meets expectations. However, it is possible for
a student to exceed expectations evidenced by a score greater than 9.
Instructional Interval
Evidence of Growth
The Writing Assessments Prompts, Rubrics, and Writing Record for
Grades 5-8 are found on www.berea.k12.oh.us under grade specific
levels in the On Demand Writing Assessments.
(Administer a writing prompt assessment for an identified purpose (Opinion,
Informative/Explanatory, or Narrative). Attach roster of students covered
by this SLO and their baseline data.)
Based on the Writing Prompt Assessment for ___________ purpose of writing,
______% of the students received a score of _____ on a 12-point rubric.
Rationale for Student
Learning Objective
As we transition to the Common Core for writing, it is essential that
students gain mastery of a range of skills and applications for each
purpose for writing. In order to capture gains, students should
demonstrate increasing sophistication in all aspects of language use, from
vocabulary to the development and organization of ideas. They should
address increasingly demanding content and sources.
October 17, 2013
All students who scored 9 points or higher on their pretest of the
Writing Prompt Assessment will maintain level of performance.
All students who scored between 7and 8 points on their pretest of the
Writing Prompt Assessment will score at least 9 points on their posttest
writing assessment.
All students who scored between 4 and 6 points on their pretest of the
Writing Prompt Assessment will score at least 7 points on their posttest
writing assessment.
All students who scored 3 points on their pretest of the Writing
Prompt Assessment will score at least 4 points on their posttest writing
*Please note: Students identified by IEP teams as having significant
cognitive disabilities will have individual targets.
Criteria for Effectiveness
Full Attainment of
More than 90% of
students meet
agreed upon
learning targets.
Partial Attainment
of Target
Between 75% and
90% of students
meet agreed upon
learning targets.
Insufficient Attainment of
Less than 75% of students
meet agreed upon learning
Review and discuss the standards on the Writing Common Core.
Review the appendix C of the Common Core to analyze grade specific
writing samples.
Implement a writer’s workshop model.
Use the Writing Matrix Instructional Model for each purpose.
Promote writing across all content areas.
Ensure that students will have at least 30 minutes a day to write.
October 17, 2013