Parallel Computing 2007:Science Applications

Parallel Computing 2007:
Science Applications
February 26-March 1 2007
Geoffrey Fox
Community Grids Laboratory
Indiana University
505 N Morton Suite 224
Bloomington IN
Four Descriptions of Matter -- Quantum,
• Quantum Physics
Particle Dynamics
Statistical Physics
Continuum Physics
– These give rise to different algorithms and in some cases, one will mix these
different descriptions. We will briefly describe these with a pointer to types of
algorithms used.
– These descriptions underlie several different fields such as physics, chemistry,
environmental modeling, climatology.
– indeed any field that studies physical world from a reasonably fundamental point of
– For instance, they directly underlie weather prediction as this is phrased in terms of
properties of atmosphere.
– However, if you simulate a chemical plant, you would not phrase this directly in
terms of atomic properties but rather in terms of phenomenological macroscopic
artifacts - "pipes", "valves", "machines", "people" etc. (today several biology
simulations are of this phenomenological type)
General Relativity and Quantum Gravity
– These describe space-time at the ultimate level but are not needed in
practical real world calculations. There are important academic
computations studying these descriptions of matter.
Quantum Physics and Examples of Use
of Computation
• This is a fundamental description of the microscopic world. You
would in principle use it to describe everything but this is both
unnecessary and too difficult both computationally and
• Quantum Physics problems are typified by Quantum
Chromodynamics (QCD) calculations and these end up looking
identical to statistical physics problems numerically. There are
also some chemistry problems where quantum effects are
important. These give rise to several types of algorithms.
– Solution to Schrodinger's equation (a partial differential equation). This
can only be done exactly for simple 2-->4 particle systems
– Formulation of a large matrix whose rows and columns are the distinct
states of the system. This is followed by typical matrix operations
(diagonalization, multiplication, inversion)
– Statistical methods which can be thought of as Monte Carlo evaluation of
integrals gotten in integral equation formulation of problem
• These are Grid (QCD) or Matrix
Particle Dynamics and Examples of Use
of Computation
• Quantum effects are only important at small distances (10-13 cms
for the so called strong or nuclear forces, 10-8 cm for
electromagnetically interacting particles).
• Often these short distance effects are unimportant and it is
sufficient to treat physics classically. Then all matter is made up of
particles - which are selected from set of atoms (electrons etc.).
• The most well known problems of this type come from
biochemistry. Here we study biologically interesting proteins
which are made up of some 10,000 to 100,000 atoms. We hope to
understand the chemical basis of life or more practically find
which proteins are potentially interesting drugs.
• Particles each obey Newton's Law and study of proteins
generalizes the numerical formulation of the study of the solar
system where the sun and planets are evolved in time as defined
by Gravity's Force Law
Particle Dynamics and Example of
• Astrophysics has several important particle dynamics problems
where new particles are not atoms but rather stars, clusters of
stars, galaxies or clusters of galaxies.
• The numerical algorithm is similar but there is an important new
approach because we have a lot of particles (currently over
N=107) and all particles interact with each other.
• This naively has a computational complexity of O(N2) at each time
step but a clever numerical method reduces it to O(N) or O
• Physics problems addressed include:
– Evolution of early universe structure of today
– Why are galaxies spiral?
– What happens when galaxies collide?
– What makes globular clusters (with O(106) stars) like they are?
Statistical Physics and Comparison of
Monte Carlo and Particle Dynamics
• Large systems reach equilibrium and ensemble properties
(temperature, pressure, specific heat, ...) can be found statistically.
This is essentially law of large numbers (central limit theorem).
• The resultant approach moves particles "randomly" asccording
to some probability and NOT deterministically as in Newton's
• Many properties of particle systems can be calculated either by
Monte Carlo or by Particle Dynamics. Monte Carlo is harder as
cannot evolve particles independently.
• This can lead to (soluble!) difficulties in parallel algorithms as
lack of independence implies that synchronization issues.
• Many quantum systems treated just like statistical physics as
quantum theory built on probability densities
Continuum Physics as an approximation
to Particle Dynamics
• Replace particle description by average. 1023 molecules in a molar
volume is too many to handle numerically. So divide full system
into a large number of "small" volumes dV such that:
Macroscopic Properties:
Temperature, velocity, pressure are essentially constant in volume
• In principle, use statistical physics (or Particle Dynamics
averaged as "Transport Equations") to describe volume dV in
terms of macroscopic (ensemble) properties for volume
• Volume size = dV must be small enough so macroscopic properties
are indeed constant; dV must be large enough so can average over
molecular motion to define properties
– As typical molecule is 10-8 cm in linear dimension, these constraints
are not hard
– Breaks down sometimes e.g. leading edges at shuttle reentry etc.
Then you augment continuum approach (computational fluid
dynamics) with explicit particle method
Computational Fluid Dynamics
• Computational Fluid Dynamics is dominant numerical field for
Continuum Physics
• There are a set of partial differential equations which cover
– liquids including blood, oil etc.
– gases including airflow over wings and weather
• We apply computational "fluid" dynamics most often to the gas air. Gases are really particles
• If a small number (<106) of particles, use "molecular dynamics"
and if a large number (1023) use computational fluid dynamics.
A given application needs a certain computer performance to do a
certain style of computation
• In 1980 we had a few megaflop (106 floating point operation/sec)
and this allowed simple two dimensional continuum physics
• Now in 2005, we have “routinely” a few teraflop peak
performance and this allows three dimensional continuum physics
• However some areas need much larger computational power and
haven’t reached “their sweet spot”
– Some computations in Nuclear and Particle Physics are like this
– One can study properties of particles with today’s computers but scattering
of two particles appears to require complexity 109 X 109
• In some areas you have two sweet spots – a low performance
sweet spot for a “phenomenological model”
– If you go to a “fundamental description”, one needs far more computer
power than is available today
– Biology is of this type
What needs to be Solved?
• A set of particles or things (cells in biology), transistors in circuit
– Solve couple ordinary differential equations
– There are lots of “things” to decompose over for parallelism
• One or more fields which are functions of space and time
(continuum physics)
– Discretize space and time and define fields on Grid points spread over
– Parallelize over Grid points
• Matrices which could need to be diagonalized to find eigenvectors
and eigenvalues
– Quantun physics
– Mode analysis – principal components
– Parallelize over matrix elements
Classes of Physical Simulations
• Mathematical (Numerical) formulations of simulations
fall into a few key classes which have their own
distinctive algorithmic and parallelism issues
• Most common formalism is that of a field theory where
quantities of interest are represented by densities
defined over a 1,2,3 or 4 dimensional space.
– Such a description could be “fundamental” as in
electromagnetism or relativity for gravitational field or
“approximate” as in CFD where a fluid density averages over a
particle description.
– Our Laplace example is of this form where field  could either
be fundamental (as in electrostatics) or approximate if comes
from Euler equations for CFD
Applications reducing to Coupled set
of Ordinary Differential Equations
• Another set of models of physical systems represent
them as coupled set of discrete entities evolving over
– Instead of (x,t) one gets i(t) labeled by an index i
– Discretizing x in continuous case leads to discrete case but in
many cases, discrete formulation is fundamental
• Within coupled discrete system class, one has two
important approaches
– Classic time stepped simulations -- loop over all i at fixed t
updating to
– Discrete event simulations -- loop over all events representing
changes of state of i(t)
Particle Dynamics or Equivalent Problems
• Particles are sets of entities -- sometimes fixed (atoms in
a crystal) or sometimes moving (galaxies in a universe)
• They are characterized by force Fij on particle i due to
particle j
• Forces are characterized by their range r: Fij(xi,xj) is
zero if distance |xi-xj| greater than r
• Examples:
The universe
A globular star cluster
The atoms in a crystal vibrating under interatomic forces
Molecules in a protein rotating and flexing under interatomic
• Laws of Motion are typically ordinary differential
– Ordinary means differentiate wrt one variable -- typically time
Classes of Particle Problems
• If the range r is small (as in a crystal), the one gets
numerical formulations and parallel computing
considerations similar to those in Laplace example with
local communication
– We showed in Laplace module that efficiency increases as
range of force increases
• If r is infinite ( no cut-off for force) as in gravitational
problem, one finds rather different issues which we will
discuss in this module
• There are several “non-particle” problems discussed
later that reduce to long range force problem
characterized by every entity interacting with every
other entity
– Characterized by a calculation where updating entity i involves
all other entities j
Circuit Simulations I
• An electrical or electronic network has the same structure as a
particle problem where “particles” are components (transistor,
resistance, inductance etc.) and “force” between components i and
j is nonzero if and only if i and j are linked in the circuit
– For simulations of electrical transmission networks (the
electrical grid), one would naturally use classic time stepped
simulations updating each component i from state at time t to
state at time t+t.
• If one is simulating something like a chip, then time stepped
approach is very wasteful as 99.99% of the components are doing
nothing (i.e. remain in same state) at any given time step!
– Here is where discrete event simulations (DES) are useful as
one only computes where the action is
• Biological simulations often are formulated as networks where
each component (say a neuron or a cell) is described by an ODE
and the network couples components
Circuit Simulations II
• Discrete Event Simulations are clearly preferable on sequential
machines but parallel algorithms are hard due to need for
dynamic load balancing (events are dynamic and not uniform
throughout system) and synchronization (which events can be
executed in parallel?)
• There are several important approaches to DES of which best
known is Time Warp method originally proposed by David
Jefferson -- here one optimistically executes events in parallel and
rolls back to an earlier state if this is found to be inconsistent
• Conservative methods (only execute those events you are certain
cannot be impacted by earlier events) have little paralellism
– e.g. there is only one event with lowest global time
• DES do not exhibit the classic loosely synchronous computecommunicate structure as there is no uniform global time
– typically even with time warp, no scalable parallelism
Discrete Event Simulations
• Suppose we try to execute in parallel events E1 and E2 at times t1
and t2 with t1< t2.
• We show the timelines of several(4) objects in the system and our
two events E1 and E2
• If E1 generates no interfering events or one E*12 at a time greater
than t2 then our parallel execution of E2 is consistent
• However if E1 generates E12 before t2 then execution of E2 has to
be rolled back and E12 should be executed first
in System
Matrices and Graphs I
• Especially in cases where the “force” is linear in the
i(t) , it is convenient to think of force being specified
by a matrix M whose elements mij are nonzero if and
only if the force between i and j is nonzero. A typical
force law is: Fi =  mij j(t)
• In Laplace Equation example, the matrix M is
sparse ( most elements are zero) and this is a
specially common case where one can and needs to
develop efficient algorithms
• We discuss in another talk the matrix formulation in
the case of partial differential solvers
Matrices and Graphs II
• Another way of looking at these problems is as graphs G
where the nodes of the graphs are labeled by the
particles i, and one has edges linking i to j if and only if
the force Fij is non zero
• In these languages, long range force problems
correspond to dense matrix M (all elements nonzero)
and fully connected graphs G
Other N-Body Like Problems - I
• The characteristic structure of N-body problem is an observable
that depends on all pairs of entities from a set of N entities.
• This structure is seen in diverse applications:
• 1) Look at a database of items and calculate some form of
correlation between all pairs of database entries
• 2) This was first used in studies of measurements of a "chaotic
dynamical system" with points xi which are vectors of length m
Put rij = distance between xi and xj in m dimensional space Then
probability p(rij = r) is proportional to r(d-1)
– where d (not equal to m) is dynamical dimension of system
– calculate by forming all the rij (for i and j running over observable points
from our system -- usually a time series) and accumulating in a histogram
of bins in r
– Parallel algorithm in a nutshell: Store histograms replicated in all
processors, distribute vectors equally in each processor and just pipeline xj
through processors and as they pass through accumulate rij ; add
histograms together at end.
Other N-Body Like Problems - II
• 3) Green's Function Approach to simple Partial Differential
equations gives solutions as integrals of known Green's functions
times "source" or "boundary" terms.
– For the simulation of earthquakes in GEM project the source
terms are strains in faults and the stresses in any fault segment
are the integral over strains in all other segments
– Compared to particle dynamics, Force law replaced by Green's
function but in each case total stress/Force is sum over
contributions associated with other entities in formulation
• 4) In the so called vortex method in CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) one models the Navier Stokes Equation as the long
range interactions between entities which are the vortices
• 5) Chemistry uses molecular dynamics and so particles are
molecules but force is not Newton's laws usually but rather Van
der Waals forces which are long range but fall off faster than 1/r2
Chapters 5-8 of Sourcebook
• Chapters 5-8 are the main application
section of this book!
• The Sourcebook of Parallel Computing,
Edited by Jack Dongarra, Ian Foster,
Geoffrey Fox, William Gropp, Ken
Kennedy, Linda Torczon, Andy White,
October 2002, 760 pages, ISBN 155860-871-0, Morgan Kaufmann
Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) in Chapter 5 I
• This chapter provides a thorough formulation of CFD with a
general discussion of the importance of non-linear terms and
most importantly viscosity.
• Difficult features like shockwaves and turbulence can be traced
to the small coefficient of the highest order derivatives.
• Incompressible flow is approached using the spectral element
method, which combines the features of finite elements (copes
with complex geometries) and highly accurate approximations
within each element.
• These problems need fast solvers for elliptic equations and
there is a detailed discussion of data and matrix structure and
the use of iterative conjugate gradient methods.
• This is compared with direct solvers using the static
condensation method for calculating the solution (stiffness)
Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) in Chapter 5 II
• The generally important problem of adaptive
meshes is described using the successive
refinement quad/oct-tree (in two/three
dimensions) method.
• Compressible flow methods are reviewed and
the key problem of coping with the rapid change
in field variables at shockwaves is identified.
• One uses a lower order approximation near a
shock but preserves the most powerful high
order spectral methods in the areas where the
flow is smooth.
• Parallel computing (using space filling curves for
decomposition) and adaptive meshes are
Space filling curve
Environment and Energy in
Chapter 6
• This article describes three distinct problem areas – each
illustrating important general approaches.
• Subsurface flow in porous media is needed in both oil
reservoir simulations and environmental pollution studies.
– The nearly hyperbolic or parabolic flow equations are characterized by
multiple constituents and by very heterogeneous media with possible
abrupt discontinuities in the physical domain.
– This motivates the use of domain decomposition methods where the
full region is divided into blocks which can use different solution
methods if necessary.
– The blocks must be iteratively reconciled at their boundaries (mortar
– The IPARS code described has been successfully integrated into two
powerful problem solving environment: NetSolve described in chapter
14 and DISCOVER (aimed especially at interactive steering) from
Rutgers university.
Environment and Energy in
Chapter 6
• The discussion of the shallow water problem uses a method
involving implicit (in the vertical direction) and explicit (in the
horizontal plane) time-marching methods.
• It is instructive to see that good parallel performance is
obtained by only decomposing in the horizontal directions and
keeping the hard to parallelize implicit algorithm sequentially
• The irregular mesh was tackled using space filling curves as
also described in chapter 5.
• Finally important code coupling (meta-problem in chapter 4
notation) issues are discussed for oil spill simulations where
water and chemical transport need to be modeled in a linked
• . ADR (Active Data Repository) technology from Maryland is
used to link the computations between the water and
chemical simulations. Sophisticated filtering is needed to
match the output and
input needs
of the two subsystems. 28
Molecular Quantum Chemistry in
Chapter 7 I
• This article surveys in detail two capabilities of the
NWChem package from Pacific Northwest Laboratory. It
surveys other aspects of computational chemistry.
• This field makes extensive use of particle dynamics
algorithms and some use of partial differential equation
• However characteristic of computational chemistry is the
importance of matrix-based methods and these are the
focus of this chapter. The matrix is the Hamiltonian
(energy) and is typically symmetric positive definite.
• In a quantum approach, the eigensystems of this matrix
are the equilibrium states of the molecule being studied.
This type of problem is characteristic of quantum
theoretical methods in physics and chemistry; particle
dynamics is used in classical non-quantum regimes.
Molecular Quantum Chemistry in
Chapter 7 II
• NWChem uses a software approach – the Global Array (GA) toolkit,
whose programming model lies in between those of HPF and
message passing and has been highly successful.
• GA exposes locality to the programmer but has a shared memory
programming model for accessing data stored in remote processors.
• Interestingly in many cases calculating the matrix elements
dominates (over solving for eigenfunctions) and this is a pleasing
parallel task.
• This task requires very careful blocking and staging of the
components used to calculate the integrals forming the matrix
• In some approaches, parallel matrix multiplication is important in
generating the matrices.
• The matrices typically are taken as full and very powerful parallel
eigensolvers were developed for this problem.
• This area of science clearly shows the benefit of linear algebra
libraries (see chapter 20) and general performance enhancements
like blocking.
General Relativity
• This field evolves in time complex partial differential equations
which have some similarities with the simpler Maxwell
equations used in electromagnetics (Sec. 8.6).
• Key difficulties are the boundary conditions which are
outgoing waves at infinity and the difficult and unique multiple
black hole surface conditions internally.
• Finite difference and adaptive meshes are the usual
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
(QCD) and Monte Carlo Methods I
• Monte Carlo Methods are central to the numerical approaches
to many fields (especially in physics and chemistry) and by their
nature can take substantial computing resources.
• Note that the error in the computation only decreases like the
square root of computer time used compared to the power
convergence of most differential equation and particle dynamics
based methods.
• One finds Monte Carlo methods when problems are posed as
integral equations and the often-high dimension integrals are
solved by Monte Carlo methods using a randomly distributed
set of integration points.
• Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) simulations described in this
subsection are a classic example of large-scale Monte Carlo
simulations which perform excellently on most parallel
machines due to modest communication costs and regular
structure leading to good node performance.
Errors in Numerical Integration
For an integral with N points
Monte Carlo has error 1/N0.5
Iterated Trapezoidal has error 1/N2
Iterated Simpson has error 1/N4
Iterated Gaussian is error 1/N2m for our a basic
integration scheme with m points
• But in d dimensions, for all but Monte Carlo
must set up a Grid of N1/d points on a side; that
hardly works above N=3
– Monte Carlo error still 1/N0.5
– Simpson error becomes 1/N4/d etc.
Monte Carlo Convergence
• In homework for N=10,000,000 one finds errors
in π of around 10-6 using Simpson’s rule
• This is a combination of rounding error (when
computer does floating point arithmetic, it is
inevitably approximate) and error from formula
which is proportional to N-4
• For Monte Carlo, error will be about 1.0/N0.5
• So an error of 10-6 requires N=1012 or
• N=1000,000,000,000 (100,000 more than
Simpson’s rule)
• One doesn’t use Monte Carlo to get such
precise results!PC07ScienceApps
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
(QCD) and Monte Carlo Methods II
• This application is straightforward to parallelize and very
suitable for HPF as the basic data structure is an array.
However the work described here uses a portable MPI code.
• Section 8.9 describes some new Monte Carlo algorithms but
QCD advances typically come from new physics insights
allowing more efficient numerical formulations.
• This field has generated many special purpose facilities as the
lack of significant I/O and CPU intense nature of QCD allows
optimized node designs. The work at Columbia and Tsukuba
universities is well known.
• There are other important irregular geometry Monte Carlo
problems and they see many of the same issues such as
adaptive load balancing seen in irregular finite element
Ocean Modeling
• This describes the issues encountered in optimizing a
whole earth ocean simulation including realistic
geography and proper ocean atmosphere boundaries.
• Conjugate gradient solvers and MPI message passing
with Fortran 90 are used for the parallel implicit solver
for the vertically averaged flow.
Tsunami Simulations
• These are still
preliminary; an
area where
much more
work could be
Multidisciplinary Simulations
• Oceans naturally couple to atmosphere
and atmosphere couples to environment
– Deforestration
– Emissions from using gasoline (fossil fuels)
– Conversely atmosphere makes lakes acid etc.
• These are not trivial as very different
Earthquake Simulations
• Earthquake simulations are a relatively young field and it is not
known how far they can go in forecasting large earthquakes.
• The field has an increasing amount of real-time sensor data,
which needs data assimilation techniques and automatic
differentiation tools such as those of chapter 24.
• Study of earthquake faults can use finite element techniques or
with some approximation, Green’s function approaches, which
can use fast multipole methods.
• Analysis of observational and simulation data need data mining
methods as described in subsection 8.7 and 8.8.
• The principal component and hidden Markov classification
algorithms currently used in the earthquake field illustrate the
diversity in data mining methods when compared to the
decision tree methods of section 8.7.
• Most uses of parallel computing are still pleasingly parallel
Published February 19, 2002 in:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA
Decision Threshold = 10-4
Status of the Real Time Earthquake Forecast Experiment (Original Version)
( JB Rundle et al., PNAS, v99, Supl 1, 2514-2521, Feb 19, 2002; KF Tiampo et al., Europhys. Lett., 60, 481-487, 2002; JB Rundle et al.,Rev. Geophys. Space Phys.,
41(4), DOI 10.1029/2003RG000135 ,2003. )
(Composite N-S Catalog)
After the work was completed
1. Big Bear I, M = 5.1, Feb 10, 2001
2. Coso, M = 5.1, July 17, 2001
After the paper was in press ( September 1, 2001 )
3. Anza I, M = 5.1, Oct 31, 2001
After the paper was published ( February 19, 2002 )
4. Baja, M = 5.7, Feb 22, 2002
5. Gilroy, M=4.9 - 5.1, May 13, 2002
6. Big Bear II, M=5.4, Feb 22, 2003
7. San Simeon, M = 6.5, Dec 22, 2003
8. San Clemente Island, M = 5.2, June 15, 2004
9. Bodie I, M=5.5, Sept. 18, 2004
10. Bodie II, M=5.4, Sept. 18, 2004
11. Parkfield I, M = 6.0, Sept. 28, 2004
12. Parkfield II, M = 5.2, Sept. 29, 2004
13. Arvin, M = 5.0, Sept. 29, 2004
14. Parkfield III, M = 5.0, Sept. 30, 2004
15. Wheeler Ridge, M = 5.2, April 16, 2005
16. Anza II, M = 5.2, June 12, 2005
17. Yucaipa, M = 4.9 - 5.2, June 16, 2005
18. Obsidian Butte, M = 5.1, Sept. 2, 2005
Note: This original forecast was made using both the full Southern California
catalog plus the full Northern California catalog. The S. Calif catalog was used
south of lattitude 36o, and the N. Calif. catalog was used north of 36o . No
corrections were applied for the different event statistics in the two catalogs.
Green triangles mark locations of large earthquakes
(M  5.0) between Jan 1, 1990 – Dec 31, 1999.
Increase in Potential for significant earthquakes, ~ 2000 to PC07ScienceApps
Plot of Log (Seismic Potential)
Decision Threshold = 10-3
Eighteen significant earthquakes (blue circles) have
occurred in Central or Southern California. Margin of
error of the anomalies is +/- 11 km; Data from S. CA.
and N. CA catalogs:
m World-Wide
7 Earthquakes,
1, 2000 - 2010
> 5, 1965-2000
Circles represent
m  7 from
January 1,
ANSS earthquakes
Catalog - 1970-2000,
m 2000
 5 – Present
UC Davis Group led by John Rundle
Cosmological Structure
Formation (CSF)
• CSF is an example of a coupled particle field problem.
• Here the universe is viewed as a set of particles which generate
a gravitational field obeying Poisson’s equation.
• The field then determines the force needed to evolve each
particle in time. This structure is also seen in Plasma physics
where electrons create an electromagnetic field.
• It is hard to generate compatible particle and field
decompositions. CSF exhibits large ranges in distance and
temporal scale characteristic of the attractive gravitational
• Poisson’s equation is solved by fast Fourier transforms and
deeply adaptive meshes are generated.
• The article describes both MPI and CMFortran (HPF like)
• Further it made use of object oriented techniques (chapter 13)
with kernels in F77. Some approaches to this problem class
use fast multipole methods.
Cosmological Structure
Formation (CSF)
• There is a lot of structure in universe
Computational Electromagnetics (CEM)
• This overview summarizes several different approaches to
electromagnetic simulations and notes the growing importance
of coupling electromagnetics with other disciplines such as
aerodynamics and chemical physics.
• Parallel computing has been successfully applied to the three
major approaches to CEM.
• Asymptotic methods use ray tracing as seen in visualization.
Frequency domain methods use moment (spectral) expansions
that were the earliest uses of large parallel full matrix solvers 10
to 15 years ago; these now have switched to the fast multipole
• Finally time-domain methods use finite volume (element)
methods with an unstructured mesh. As in general relativity,
special attention is needed to get accurate wave solutions at
infinity in the time-domain approach.
Data mining
• Data mining is a broad field with many different
applications and algorithms (see also sections 8.4 and
• This article describes important algorithms used for
example in discovering associations between items
that were likely to be purchased by the same
customer; these associations could occur either in
time or because the purchases tended to be in the
same shopping basket.
• Other data-mining problems discussed include the
classification problem tackled by decision trees.
• These tree based approaches are parallelized
effectively (as they are based on huge transaction
databases) with load balance being a difficult issue.
Signal and Image Processing
• This samples some of the issues from this field,
which currently makes surprisingly little use of
parallel computing even though good parallel
algorithms often exist.
• The field has preferred the convenient
programming model and interactive feedback of
systems like MATLAB and Khoros.
• These are problem solving environments as
described in chapter 14 of SOURCEBOOK.
Monte Carlo Methods and
Financial Modeling I
• Subsection 8.2 introduces Monte Carlo methods and this
subsection describes some very important developments in the
generation of “random” numbers.
• Quasirandom numbers (QRN’s) are more uniformly distributed
than the standard truly random numbers and for certain
integrals lead to more rapid convergence.
• In particular these methods have been applied to financial
modeling where one needs to calculate one or more functions
(stock prices, their derivatives or other financial instruments) at
some future time by integrating over the possible future values
of the underlying variables.
• These future values are given by models based on the past
behavior of the stock.
Monte Carlo Methods and
Financial Modeling II
• This can be captured in some cases by the volatility or
standard deviation of the stock.
• The simplest model is perhaps the Black-Scholes equation,
which can be derived from a Gaussian stock distribution,
combined with an underlying "no-arbitrage" assumption. This
asserts that the stock market is always in equilibrium
instantaneously and there is no opportunity to make money
by exploiting mismatches between buy and sell prices.
• In a physics language, the different players in the stock
market form a heat bath, which keeps the market in adiabatic
• There is a straightforward (to parallelize and implement)
binomial method for predicting the probability distributions of
financial instruments. However Monte Carlo methods and
QRN’s are the most powerful approach.
Quasi Real-time Data analysis of
Photon Source Experiments
• This subsection describes a successful
application of computational grids to accelerate
the data analysis of an accelerator experiment. It
is an example that can be generalized to other
• The accelerator (here a photon source at
Argonne) data is passed in real-time to a
supercomputer where the analysis is performed.
Multiple visualization and control stations are
also connected to the Grid.
Forces Modeling and Simulation
• This subsection describes event driven simulations which as
discussed in chapter 4 are very common in military
• A distributed object approach called HLA (see chapter 13) is
being used for modern problems of this class.
• Some run in “real-time” with synchronization provided by wall
clock and humans and machines in the loop.
• Other cases are run in “virtual time” in a more traditional
standalone fashion.
• This article describes integration of these military standards
with Object Web ideas such as CORBA and .NET from
• One application simulated the interaction of vehicles with a
million mines on a distributed Grid of computers.
– This work also parallelized the minefield simulator using threads (chapter
Event Driven Simulations
• This is a graph based model where independent objects
issue events that travel as messages to other objects
• Hard to parallelize as no guarantee that event will not arrive
from past in simulation time
• Often run in “real-time”
Industrial Strength Parallel Computing I
Morgan Kaufmann publishes a book “Industrial Strength Parallel Computing” (ISPC), Edited by
Alice E. Koniges, which is complementary to our book as it has a major emphasis on application
experience. As a guide to readers interested in further insight as to which technologies are
useful in which application areas we give a brief summary of the application chapters of ISPC.
We will use CRPC to designate work in Sourcebook and ISPC to denote work in “Industrial
Strength Parallel Computing”.
Chapter 7 - Ocean Modeling and Visualization (Yi Chao, P. Peggy Li, Ping Wang, Daniel S.
Katz, Benny N. Cheng, Scott Whitman) of ISPC
This uses a variant of the same ocean code described in section 8.4 of CRPC and describes
both basic parallel strategies and the integration of the simulation with a parallel 3D volume
Chapter 8 - Impact of Aircraft on Global Atmospheric Chemistry (Douglas A. Rotman, John
R. Tannahill, Steven L. Baughcum) of ISPC
This discusses issues related to those in chapter 6 of CRPC in the context of estimating the
impact on atmospheric chemistry of supersonic aircraft emissions. Task decomposition (code
coupling) for different physics packages is combined with domain decomposition and parallel
block data decomposition. Again one keeps the vertical direction in each processor and
decomposes in the horizontal plane. Nontrivial technical problems are found in the polar regions
due to the decomposition singularities.
Chapter 9 - Petroleum Reservoir Management (Michael DeLong, Allyson Gajraj, Wayne
Joubert, Olaf Lubeck, James Sanderson, Robert E. Stephenson, Gautam S. Shiralkar, Bart van
Bloemen Waanders) of ISPC
This addresses an application covered in chapter 6 of CRPC but focuses on a different code
Falcon developed as a collaboration between Amoco and Los Alamos. As in other chapters of
ISPC, detailed performance results are given but particularly interesting is the discussion of the
sparse matrix solver (chapter 21 of CRPC). A very efficient parallel pre-conditioner for a fully
implicit solver was developed based on the ILU (Incomplete LU) approach. This re-arranged the
order of computation but faithfully preserved the sequential algorithm.
Industrial Strength Parallel Computing II
Chapter 10 - An Architecture-Independent Navier-Stokes Code (Johnson C. T. Wang,
Stephen Taylor) of ISPC
This describes parallelization of a commercial code ALSINS (from the Aerospace Corporation)
which solves the Navier-Stokes equations (chapter 5 of CRPC) using finite difference methods
in the Reynolds averaging approximation for turbulence. Domain decomposition (Chapters 6
and 20 of CRPC) and MPI is used for the parallelism. The application studied involved flow over
Delta and Titan launch rockets
Chapter 11 - Gaining Insights into the Flow in a Static Mixer (Olivier Byrde, Mark L. Sawley)
This studies flow in commercial chemical mixers using Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
equations using finite volume methods as in ISPC, chapter 10. Domain decomposition
(Chapters 6 and 20 of CRPC) of a block structured code and PVM is used for the parallelism.
The mixing study required parallel study of particle trajectories in the calculated flow field.
Chapter 12 - Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport (William J. Bosl,
Steven F. Ashby, Chuck Baldwin, Robert D. Falgout, Steven G. Smith, Andrew F. B. Tompson)
This presents a groundwater flow (chapter 6 of CRPC) code ParFlow that uses finite volume
methods to generate the finite difference equations. A highlight is the detailed discussion of
parallel multigrid (Chapters 8.6, 12 and 21 of CRPC), which is used not as a complete solver
but as a pre-conditioner for a conjugate gradient algorithm.
Chapter 13 - Simulation of Plasma Reactors (Stephen Taylor, Marc Rieffel, Jerrell Watts,
Sadasivan Shankar) of ISPC
This simulates plasma reactors used in semiconductor manufacturing plants. The Direct
Simulation Monte Carlo method is used to model the system in terms of locally interacting
particles. Adaptive three dimensional meshes (chapter 19 of CRPC) are used with a novel
diffusive algorithm to control dynamic load balancing (chapter 18 of CRPC).
Industrial Strength Parallel Computing III
Chapter 14 - Electron-Molecule Collisions for Plasma Modeling (Carl Winstead, Chuo-Han
Lee, Vincent McKoy) of ISPC
This complements chapter 13 of ISPC by studying the fundamental particle interactions in
plasma reactors. It is instructive to compare the discussion of the algorithm in this chapter with
that of chapter 7 of CRPC. They lead to similar conclusions with chapter 7 naturally describing
the issues more generally. Two steps – calculation of matrix elements and then a horde of
matrix multiplications to transform basis sets dominate the computation. In this problem class,
the matrix solver is not a computationally significant step.
Chapter 15 - Three-Dimensional Plasma Particle-in-Cell Calculations of Ion Thruster
Backflow Contamination (Robie I. Samanta Roy, Daniel E. Hastings, Stephen Taylor) of ISPC
This chapter studies contamination from space-craft thruster exhaust using a three dimensional
particle in the cell code. This involves a mix of solving Poisson’s equation for the electrostatic
field and evolving ions under the forces calculated from this field. There are algorithmic
similarities to the astrophysics problems in CRPC section 8.6 but electromagnetic problems
produce less extreme density concentrations than the purely attractive (and hence clumping)
gravitational force found in astrophysics.
Chapter 16 - Advanced Atomic-Level Materials Design (Lin H. Yang) of ISPC
This describes a Quantum Molecular Dynamics package implementing the well known CarParrinello method. This is part of the NWChem package featured in chapter 7 of CRPC but not
described in detail there. The computation is mostly dominated by 3D FFT, and basic BLAS
(complex vector arithmetic) calls but has significant I/O.
Chapter 17 - Solving Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems (David C. O'Neal, Raghurama
Reddy) of ISPC
This describes parallel eigenvalue determination which is covered in sections 7.4.3 and chapter
20 of CRPC.
Chapter 18 - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Simulations (Alan J. Benesi, Kenneth M. Merz,
James J. Vincent, Ravi Subramanya) of ISPC
This is a pleasing parallel computation of NMR spectra gotten by averaging over crystal
Industrial Strength Parallel Computing IV
Chapter 19 - Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Particle-Mesh Ewald Methods (Michael F. Crowley,
David W. Deerfield II, Tom A. Darden, Thomas E. Cheatham III) of ISPC
This chapter discusses parallelization of a widely used molecular dynamics AMBER and its application to
computational biology. Much of the discussion is devoted to implementing a particle-mesh method aimed at
fast calculation of the long range forces. Chapter 8.6 discusses this problem for astrophysical cases. The
ISPC discussion focuses on the needed 3D FFT.
Chapter 20 - Radar Scattering and Antenna Modeling (Tom Cwik, Cinzia Zuffada, Daniel S. Katz, Jay
Parker) of ISPC
This article discusses a finite element formulation of computational electromagnetics (see section 8.7 of
CRPC) which leads to a sparse matrix problem with multiple right hand sides. The minimum residual iterative
solver was used – this is similar to the conjugate gradient approach described extensively in the CRPC Book
(Chapters 20,21 and many applications – especially chapter 5). The complex geometries of realistic antenna
and scattering problems demanded sophisticated mesh generation. (chapter 19 of CRPC)
Chapter 21 - Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Dataset Analysis (Nigel H. Goddard, Greg Hood,
Jonathan D. Cohen, Leigh E. Nystrom, William F. Eddy, Christopher R. Genovese, Douglas C. Noll) of ISPC
This describes a commonly important type of data analysis where raw images (MRI scans in neuroscience)
need basic processing before they can be interpreted. This processing for MRI involves a pipeline of 5-15
steps of which the computationally intense Fourier transforms, interpolation and head motion corrections were
parallelized. Sections 8.9 and 8.11 of CRPC describe related applications.
Chapter 22 - Selective and Sensitive Comparison of Genetic Sequence Data (Alexander J. Ropelewski,
Hugh B. Nicholas, Jr., David W. Deerfield II ) of ISPC
This describes the very important genome database search problem implemented in a program called
Msearch. The basic sequential algorithm involves very sophisticated pattern matching but parallelism is
straightforward because one can use pleasingly parallel approaches involving decomposing the computation
over parts of the searched database.
Chapter 23 - Interactive Optimization of Video Compression Algorithms (Henri Nicolas, Fred Jordan) of
This chapter describes parallel compression algorithms for video streams. The parallelism involves dividing
images into blocks and independently compressing each block. The goal is an interactive system to support
design of new compression methods.
Parallel Computing Works Applications
• Parallel Computing Works G C Fox, P Messina, and R
Williams; Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo Ca, (1994)
• These applications are not as sophisticated as those discussed
above as they come from a time when few scientists
addressed three dimensional problems; 2D computations were
typically the best you could do in partial differential equation
arena. To make a stark contrast, the early 1983 QCD (section
8.3) computations in PCW were done on the Caltech
hypercube whose 64 nodes could only make it to a total of 3
megaflops when combined! Today teraflop performance is
available – almost a million times better …
• Nevertheless in many applications, the parallel approaches
described in this book are still sound and state of the art.
• The book develops Complex Systems formalism used here
Parallel Computing Works I
• PCW Chapter 3 “A Methodology for Computation”
describes more formally the approach taken in chapter 4 of
• PCW Chapter 4 “Synchronous Applications I” describes
QCD (section 8.3) and other similar statistical physics Monte
Carlo simulations on a regular lattice. It also presents a cellular
automata model for granular materials (such as sand dunes),
which has a simple regular lattice structure as mentioned in
section 4.5 of CRPC.
• PCW Chapter 6 “Synchronous Applications II” describes
other regular problems including convectively-dominated flows
and the flux-corrected transport differential equations. High
statistics studies of two-dimensional statistical physics
problems are used to study phase transitions (cf. sections 8.3
and 8.10 of CRPC). Parallel multiscale methods are also
described for various image processing algorithms including
surface reconstruction, character recognition, real-time motion
field estimation and collective stereosis (cf. section 8.9 of
PCW Chapter 7 “Independent Parallelism” describes what is
termed “pleasingly parallel” applications in chapter 4. This PCW
chapter included a physics computation of quantum string theory
surfaces, parallel random number generation, and ray tracing to
study a statistical approach to the gravitational lensing of quasars by
galaxies. A high temperature superconductor study used Quantum
Monte Carlo method – here one uses Monte Carlo methods to
generate a set of random independent paths – a different problem
structure to that of section 8.3 but a method of general importance in
chemistry, condensed matter and nuclear physics. GENESIS was
one of the first general purpose biological neural network simulators.
• PCW Chapter 8 “Full Matrix Algorithms and Their Applications”
first discusses some parallel matrix algorithms (chapter 20) and
applies the Gauss-Jordan matrix solver to a chemical reaction
computation. This directly solves Schrödinger’s equation for a small
number of particles and is different in structure from the problems in
CRPC chapter 7; it reduces to a multi-channel ordinary differential
equation and leads to full matrix solvers. A section on “electronmolecule collisions” describes a similar structure to the much more
sophisticated simulation engines of CRPC chapter 7. Further work
by this group can be found in chapter 14 of ISPC.
Parallel Computing Works III
• PCW Chapter 9 “ Loosely Synchronous Problems”. The above chapters
described synchronous or pleasingly parallel systems in the language of
chapter 4 of CRPC. This chapter describes several loosely synchronous
cases. Geomorphology by micro-mechanical simulations was different
approach to granular systems (from the cellular automata in chapter 4 of
PCW) using direct modeling of particles “bouncing off each other”. Particlein-cell simulation of an electron beam plasma instability used particle in the
cell methods, which have of course grown tremendously in sophistication as
seen in the astrophysics simulation of CRPC section 8.6 and the ion
thruster simulations in chapter 15 of ISPC (which uses the same approach
as described in this PCW chapter). Computational electromagnetics (see
section 8.7 of CRPC) used finite element methods and is followed up in
chapter 20 of ISPC. Concurrent DASSL applied to dynamic distillation
column simulation uses a parallel sparse solver (chapter 21 of CRPC) to
tackle coupled ordinary differential-algebraic equations arising in chemical
engineering. This chapter also discusses parallel adaptive multigrid for
solving differential equations – an area with similarities to mesh refinement
discussed in CRPC chapters 5, 8.6, 12 and 19. See also chapter 9 of ISPC.
Munkres’s assignment algorithm was parallelized for a multi-target Kalman
filter problem (cf. section 8.8 of CRPC). This PCW chapter also discusses
parallel implementations of learning methods for neural networks.
• PCW Chapter 10 “DIME Programming Environment” discusses one of
the earliest parallel unstructured mesh generators and applies it to model
finite element problems. Chapter 19 of CRPC is an up to date survey of this
Parallel Computing Works IV
• PCW Chapter 11 “Load Balancing and Optimization” describes
approaches to optimization based on physical analogies and including
approaches to the well-known traveling salesman problem. These physical
optimization methods complement those discussed in CRPC chapters 8.8
and 22.
• PCW Chapter 12 “Irregular Loosely Synchronous Problems” features
some of the harder parallel scientific codes in PCW. This chapter includes
two adaptive unstructured mesh problems that used the DIME package
described in PCW chapter 10. One was a simulation of the electrosensory
system of the fish gnathonemus petersii and the other transonic flow in CFD
(chapter 5 of CRPC). There is a full discussion of fast multipole methods
and their parallelism; these were mentioned in chapters 4 and 8.7 of CRPC
and in PCW are applied to astrophysical problems similar to those in
section 8.6 of CRPC and to the vortex approach to CFD. Fast multipole
methods are applied to the same problem class as particle in the cell codes
as they again involve interacting particles and fields. Chapter 19 of ISPC
discusses another biochemistry problem of this class. Parallel sorting is an
interesting area and this PCW chapter describes several good algorithms
and compares them. The discussion of cluster algorithms for statistical
physics is interesting as these are the best sequential algorithms but the
method is very hard to parallelize. The same difficult structure occurs in
some approaches to region finding in image processing and also for some
models of the formation of earthquakes using cellular automata-like models.
The clusters are the aligned strains that form the earthquake.
Parallel Computing Works V
• PCW Chapter 14 “Asynchronous Applications” describes examples of
the temporally asynchronous algorithms described in chapter 4 where
scaling parallelism is not easy. Melting in two dimensions illustrates a subtle
point that distinguishes Monte Carlo and PDE algorithms, as one cannot
simultaneously update in Monte Carlo, sites with overlapping neighbors.
This complicates the loosely synchronous structure and can make problem
architecture look like that of asynchronous event driven simulations---here
events are individual Monte Carlo updates. ``Detailed balance'' requires that
such events be sequentially (if arbitrarily) ordered which is not easy in a
parallel environment. Nevertheless using the equivalent of multiple threads
(chapter 10 of CRPC), one finds an algorithm that gives good parallel
• Computer Chess is the major focus of this chapter where parallelism is
gotten from sophisticated parallelism of the game tree. Statistical methods
are used to balance the processing of the different branches of the
dynamically pruned game tree. There is a shared database containing
previous evaluation of positions, but otherwise the processing of the
different possible moves is independent. One does need a clever ordering
of the work (evaluation of the different final positions) to avoid a significant
number of calculations being wasted because they would ``later'' be pruned
away by a parallel calculation on a different processor. Branch and bound
applications have similar parallelization characteristics to computer chess.
Note this is not the only and in fact not the easiest form of parallelism in
computer chess. Rather fine grain parallelism in evaluating each position is
used in all recent computer chess championship systems. The work
described in PCW is complementary to this mainstream activity.
Parallel Computing Works VI
• PCW Chapter 18 “Complex System Simulation
and Analysis” describes a few metaproblems using
the syntax of section 4.9 of CRPC. ISIS was an
Interactive Seismic Imaging System and there is a
long discussion of one of the first large scale parallel
military simulations mixing data and task parallelism.
This involved generation of scenario, tracking multiple
ballistic missiles and a simulation of the hoped for
identification and destruction. A very sophisticated
parallel Kalman filter was generated in this project.
• Workflow technology would be used in these
applications today