Managers’ Meeting March 1, 2013 Laura-Ellen Said Steve was caught in traffic, so we’d go ahead and start. Said she’ll be reducing her hours leading up to her surgery. She’ll be here until March 9th. The next week, she’s going to El Paso, and then she’ll have her surgery on the 19th. Lisa will get regular updates on how Laura-Ellen is doing so she can share them with the staff. Laura-Ellen will be set up with a laptop at home that can access her computer here. Before she leaves, she’ll send out an email about who is covering which of her duties. Said Karen’s last day was today and reminded everyone of the reception in her honor at Westside at 11:00 a.m. Said Donna Mangham would be the Acting Manager for now. When Laura-Ellen comes back after her surgery, they’ll start the hiring process to permanently fill the Westside Manager position. Said there had been a recent change to the rule about posting flyers. This procedure has been updated in the procedures manual on the staff site. Said there was also a new procedure about businesses holding informational meetings or meetings where businesses partner with the Library to present a program. This procedure is also in the updated procedures manual online. Reminded the staff of the rule regarding cell phone use by public services staff. The handbook says the public should never see us using cell phones. We should use them outside or in the break rooms. She turned the time over to Pam and Monique so they could do a presentation on their “Got a Minute?” Tuesday Crafts. Pam Martin Said the second Tuesday of every month at Gunter, they displayed a craft at various stages of completion at a designated table. When customers came into the Library on that day, they asked, “Have you got a minute to learn a quick craft?” Then the staff member would quickly show the customer how to complete the craft. During their first three months of trying this “quickie program,” they had forty participants. Pam and Monique showed various crafts they had done, including a lollipop arrangement, a Christmas wreath ornament, and a Hershey’s kiss gnome. Said they kept a stroke count chart at the table to keep track of their participants. Said they also had a community jigsaw puzzle three days each month. The staff assembled the edge pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, and customers could work on it as they came in on those days. Laura-Ellen asked how they chose a craft. Pam said they picked it from the internet and tried it first to make sure it was quick and easy to do. Said now customers come in and ask, “What craft are you teaching Tuesday?” Customers have also been donating puzzles and craft supplies since they started. Said she rotates the staff so everyone gets a turn helping to teach the “Got a Minute?” crafts. Steve Apologized for being late and described the wreck on the Pineville Expressway. Said January’s transactions moving averages showed a 3.58% increase over 2012. He said for the last several months, the increase in transactions moving averages had hovered near that number. Said January’s circulation moving average showed a 6.4% decrease when compared to 2012. This number is also about the same as several previous months. This follows the trend that online resources and computer usage help to keep the transactions number positive. Asked branch managers to take pictures all year long. He asked for pictures of customers using computers or browsing the stacks, pictures of the building inside and out, etc., in addition to pictures of programs. Said the Board recently updated the Sex Offender Policy since someone pointed out that Martin was within 1,000 yards of Pineville Elementary School. The policy now states that reported sex offenders against minors can only visit the Main and Westside locations. Said the staff and the Board would have to complete the Ethics Board training every year. The online session will be updated during the first part of March, and we’d send out an email to the staff at that point to remind them of the training and give them instructions on how to log on, etc. Said the pictorial version of the 2012 Annual Report was finished and would go out shortly. He said the narrative version would be available at the next Board meeting. Said due to a change in the law, library staff would now be considered mandatory reporters in the event of suspected child abuse. He said referred to the handouts that included the forms and the change in the law. He explained that if the staff “looked away” and didn’t report that they suspected child abuse, that could fall back on the Library. Said we had removed some trees from the HDH grounds. Said we had recently reviewed the Code of Ethics and the Wireless Access Policy, but they needed no changes, so the Board renewed them as they were. He said the administrative staff was trying to decide how to spend the $400,000 surplus, and that they were considering a variety of projects. He referred to the handout that included the various projects they had considered thus far. Said we had begun talking about building a new King Branch using the existing design used for the Hineston and McDonald Branches. Said there was some doubt as to the rules to follow on the number of times a person could get on a computer for 30 minutes each day. He said we may need to adjust the wording that posts on the computer screen when someone logs in to one of our computers. Explained that we extend our customers’ computer time when no one else was waiting to use a computer. However, when there’s a line for computers, the first customer needs to get off and get back in line so the next person could have a turn. Said we try to work with our customers when we can, especially if they’re filling out an application, writing a paper etc.—not just so they can play some game they’re addicted to. Said if anyone had issues with following the rule as he explained it, they could speak with him after the meeting concluded. Linda Green said when a new customer came to use the computers, her staff usually explained the rules to that person. That way it wasn’t a surprise if they had to get off the computer. The group agreed that if we post the rules and ask the customers to follow those rules, we shouldn’t have too many problems enforcing this rule. Said yesterday was a nice online workshop that several attended. He heard good things about it from Margie. He also mentioned the thirteen who went to Baton Rouge for the State Library Staff Day Conference. He said he’d like to hear what they learned and what ideas came from those training experiences. He said only about 40% completed the first health quiz associated with his Ripple article. He asked the managers to encourage their staff to complete the quiz if they had not already done so. Carolyn Said she would begin sending out policy reminders every two weeks. This will help all of us to refresh our memories on RPL policies that we may not have reviewed since we were hired. Said branch managers should call her to arrange substitutes while Laura-Ellen is out. Said our next round of new employee training would be held May 13-17, in time for the summer. Tammy Said she loves Gunter’s “Got a Minute?” program. She suggested the Library start their own Pinterest board with the crafts we teach our customers. The Summer Reading Program workshop was held earlier that week. It went fast and seemed to go really well. Laura-Ellen said last year’s end-of-summer workshop is what helped this one to go so well. Said everyone should have their baskets and entry cards for the Easter Basket Read-off. Said Dr. Bill Robison would be at Westside this Sunday at 2 p.m. to present “Anne Boleyn: 100 Years of Film and Television.” Said Best Buy was bringing electronic devices like e-readers, tablets, and laptops to a Tech Petting Zoo at Westside. She said Chester would be there to teach customers how to download Overdrive eBooks and audio books onto their devices. She explained a new program they tried at Westside during Valentine’s Day called “Blind Date with a Book.” She explained that they wrapped 20 adult and 20 teen books in red and white paper. They also included a three-question survey in each book. Customers could pick up a book and unwrap it at the circulation desk and take it home. Other Libraries have done this. It helps customers try a book they perhaps wouldn’t have picked on their own. They had great success with this program. She said she, Karla, and Susan would go to LLA the following week to present a workshop on programming. She said Susan would be publishing a monthly newsletter for customers that consolidated all the outreach programs in one place. The last page of this newsletter would be a community bulletin board, where area current events were listed. Janie Said her staff would be replacing the kid’s PCs at Main, King, McDonald, Gunter, and Johnson. She also said they’d be upgrading Office 2007 to Office 2010 this year. She said there weren’t a lot of changes in this upgrade, so it shouldn’t be hard for us to get used to it. She said Roland is making rounds to upgrade the computers. He has a checklist with software updates to install on the staff and public computers. Gail Said Staff Appreciation Day would be in April, and we’d serve hamburgers and hot dogs as usual. Henry would deliver them to the outlying branches. Laura-Ellen said she wanted a delivery, and Gail agreed we would make this happen. Said LASSAL needed more Library support staff to join their organization, so she encouraged the group to join if they hadn’t already done so. She said LASSAL had another good conference last year, and that one workshop they had at LASSAL would be featured at LLA next week. She said this year, Brenda Manning would be the LASSAL Conference Chair, and she (Gail) would be the Co-Chair. Jana Said January was a slow month for PR, but things picked up in February. Several RPL programs or events were featured on the websites of various local media outlets. McDonald Branch’s Teen Dance Central Competition was featured on KALB on the Tuesday before the meeting. She said the Friends of the Library had recently approved their $11,385 budget, and the 2012 officers would continue in their roles in 2013. She mentioned that the final election campaign reports were filed on February 1, and the campaign committee was officially dissolved that day. Steve Commended Wes for his 20 years of service at the February Board meeting, but since he didn’t receive his plaque, Steve would present it to him at this meeting. Steve praised Wes for his hard work in the diverse areas of his job. Wes thanked him for the opportunity to work at RPL. Said that since Lisa didn’t want to be embarrassed by receiving her 20 Year Service Award at the Board meeting, we would do it here. He thanked Lisa for a job well done in all she did from supervising TS to planning receptions like the one for Karen later that day. Lisa thanked him and sat down.